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    War Diary: 151 Durham Infantry Brigade HQ - Most Secret War Diary

    Month and year: Febuary 1944

    The 151 Durham Infantry Brigade HQ kept two war diaries for the period of February to May 1944, the standard war diary and a "Most Secret" diary containing details of Operation Overlord, this is the most secret diary.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/670

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    CLAREFeb. 13.Bde Comd left Bde HQ for LONDON.
    (Suffolk)50 (N) Div Planning Instr No. 1 issued.
    141100Bde Comd attended conference with GOC at ASHLEY GDNS. Also present were
    Comd 69 Bde. CRA OC Div Sigs. CRASC ADOS PMLO
    " 231 Bde. CRE A/Q ADMS CREME
    " 8 Armd Bde
    Capt Creswell RN
    and was handed a copy of 50 (N) Div outline Plan with appendices.
    16Amendment No. 1 to 50 (N) Div Planning Instr No. 1 issued.
    Conference of C.Os of Bns was held at CLARE on personnel and vehs to be
    carried on assault scale. Recommendations were made and a copy of the
    details sent to 50 (N) Div.
    Page 2 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    LONDON201300Bde I.O. Capt W.W. TEGGIN reported to Adv HQ 50 (N) Div at Ashley Gardens
    Victoria S.W. to set up Adv Bde Planning HQ.
    210930Bde I.O. attended conference at Adv HQ 50 (N) Div called by GSO III (I) who
    explained 50 (N) Div Outline Plan. This envisaged a landing by the
    Division on the coast of enemy occupied FRANCE with its immediate objective
    the capture of the high ground S. SE and SW of BAYEUX by the evening of
    D Day. Points dealt with at the conference were :-
    Order of battle - Own Tps.
    Order of battle - Enemy
    Beach Defences.
    Maps of the assault area were issued, together with defence overprints and
    air photographs. It was agreed that pending the arrival of the
    ,remainder of Adv Bde HQ the I.Os of the four Bdes, 69, 151, 231 and 56 should
    Page 3 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    work with GSO III (I) 50 (N) Div.
    22Detailed study began of Bde task, set up of maps, study of air photographs
    and study of 50 (N) Div Special Intelligence Summary Nos. 10 and 11 and
    defence overprints.
    23Firm shipping allotment issued by 50 (N) Div.
    24Part of I Sec arrived in London and reported to Bde I.O. to assist in
    planning work. Bde I.O. gave details of the plan and laid down what would
    have to be prepared against the arrival of the remainder of the planning

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