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    War Diary: 151 Durham Infantry Brigade HQ - Most Secret War Diary

    Month and year: March 1944

    The 151 Durham Infantry Brigade HQ kept two war diaries for the period of February to May 1944, the standard war diary and a "Most Secret" diary containing details of Operation Overlord, this is the most secret diary.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/670

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    Page 1 of 5
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    March 2Adv Bde HQ took over additional accommodation in Ashley Gardens, Victoria,
    31400BM, Major the Viscount Long, SC Capt R.H. Randolph and Bde Sig Offr Capt
    J.R. English arrived to join Adv Bde HQ.
    Capt Steele and Capt Winfield AMLO's joined Bde HQ for planning purposes.
    1730BM and SC attended conference held by GSO (III) 50 (N) Div who outlined
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    the Div plan and sequence of planning work. 50 (N) Div Planning Instr
    No. 2 received.
    41000Bde Comd arrived in London and attended conference with GOC.
    10BM attended a conference held by GSO (I) on shipping situation and the
    phasing back of vehs from tide 1 to tide 2 and later.
    11Combined Plan for Exercise "SMASH" issued by 50 (N) Div and received at
    Bde HQ
    12Main Bde HQ left Clare for DARSHAM (877875) SUFFOLK.
    Bns were located as follows :- 6 DLILOWESTOFT (978099) 8 DLISOUTHWOLD
    (964941) 9 DLISOUTHWOLD (960942). Trng to concentrate on Dryshod Assault
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Trng. Co-operation with 79 Armd Div. Battle shooting.
    13Bde Comd left Adv HQ for Main HQ DARSHAM.
    14Bde Comd returned to Adv HQ from Main HQ. PMLO 50 (N) Div Planning Instr
    No 2 received.
    15151 (Durham) Inf Bde Adm Planning Instr No. 1 issuedAppendix "A".
    16Bde Comd and Bde Sigs Offr Capt J.R. ENGLISH left Adv HQ for main HQ
    18SC Capt R.H. Randplph left Adv HQ and held conference with Adjts and
    QMs of Bns at main Bde HQ. Details sent to 50 (N) Div of residues of
    personnel and vehs of 151 Bde to be landed on D + 11 and D + 17 onwards
    19SC returned to adv HQ from main HQ
    50 (N) Div O.O. No. 1 re Exercise SMASH received at Bde HQ
    20Bde Comd returned to adv HQ from main HQ
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    21Bde comd left adv HQ for Main HQ
    221600Bde Comd left Main Bde HQ and returned to Adv HQ
    24151 (Durham) Inf Bde Adm Planning Instr No. 2 issued.Appx "A".
    250800Adv Bde HQ closed its location in London.
    1600Adv Bde HQ opened at ROYAL HOTEL, WEYMOUTH.
    26Bde Comd returned to Main HQ
    27151 (Durham) Inf Bde Adm Planning Instr No. 3 issuedAppx "A"
    151 (Durham) Inf Bde Instr No. 1 on 50 (N) Div Exercise SMASH III issued
    containing preliminary inf on the Exercise and Intelligence Summary No. 1.Appx "B"
    NEWMARKET281430Bde Comd and BM attended demonstration illustrating method of calling for
    Air Support at HQ 30 Corps.
    1700SC, Bde I.O. and Bde Sig Offr reported to Trinity College, CAMBRIDGE from
    WEYMOUTH to attend Exercise CONQUEROR under the direction of 30 Corps.
    Bde Comd and BM joined after the demonstration at NEWMARKET.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    30-do- SC left Cambridge for Main Bde HQ

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