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    War Diary: 151 Durham Infantry Brigade HQ - Most Secret War Diary

    Month and year: May 1944

    The 151 Durham Infantry Brigade HQ kept two war diaries for the period of February to May 1944, the standard war diary and a "Most Secret" diary containing details of Operation Overlord, this is the most secret diary.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/670

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    May 1Bde I.O. with Bde Sigs Offr left Bde HQ for marshalling area for
    Exercise FABIUS.
    21500Bde Comd, Bde I.O. Sigs Offr and Signal party embarked on HMS ALBRIGHTON
    for Exercise FABIUS.
    3D Day Exercise FABIUS postponed 24 hours.
    4D Day Exercise FABIUS.
    1400Bde HQ established at LEIGH PARK158294 Bns 689 DLI concentrated area
    1528, 1529.
    61800Bde HQ returned to TOOTHILL CAMP from LEIGH PARK. Bns also returned to
    previous locations.
    71430Bde Comd attended an A and Q planning conference at Army HQ PORTSMOUTH.
    81030Bde Comd attended conference with GOC at HQ 50 (N) Div.
    91000Bde Comd visited HQ 50 (N) Div and discussed D/F plan with BM RA.
    1500Comd 69 Bde Brig KNOX DSO visited Bde HQ and discussed his plan for
    forthcoming operation with the Bde Comd, also deciding upon the composition
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    and command of the group to form a joint post between the two Bdes on their
    final objective. BM and Bde I.O. also attended.
    1800Comd 56 Bde Brig PEPPER visited Bde HQ and discussed his plan for
    operation OVERLORD with the Bde Comd. It was decided that the composition
    of the group forming the joint post between the two Bns on their final
    objective on D Day should be similar to the post established with 69 Bde.
    190050 (N) Div O.O. No. 1 for Operation OVERLORD issued.
    50 (N) Div Adm Order No. 1 for Operation OVERLORD issued.
    111030Bde Comd attended a demonstration carried out by troops of 6 DLI at LEPE
    (884186) to practice the disembarkation of personnel from LCI by means of
    I.O. 69 Inf Bde called at Bde HQ to see Bde I.O. who supplied him with a
    trace of the proposed Bn positions on the final objective on D Day.
    NIGHTINGALE121400Bde H.Q. closed at TOOTHILL Camp and reopened at NIGHTINGALE Camp.
    CAMP.1830Bde Comd held a conference in the Briefing Centre. C.Os of Bns 2 i/cs BM
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    and Bde I.O. attended. The Bde Comd presented the outline plan of
    50 (N) Div for operation OVERLORD and dealt in detail with the Bde plan
    for the operation. He also explained the policy of 50 (N) Div re "briefing"
    of junior officers which would take place at a later date on "bogus" maps.
    131000The Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in the European Theatre,
    General Dwight D. Eisenhower U.S. Army visited the Bde and inspected all
    units of the Bde group.
    1500Bde Comd visited HQ 50 (N) Div and subsequently proceeded to LEPE (884186)
    to attend a conference with Force G.3 when the naval plan for operation
    OVERLORD was discussed. BM also attended this conference.
    15Bde Comd held a conference at Bde HQ at which questions of signal
    communications with the mobile column of 6 and 9 DLI on operation OVERLORD
    was discussed. C.Os of Bns attended together with BM GSO (III) Bde I.O.
    and Bde Sig Offr.
    1730Bde Comd saw C.O. 4/7 DG reference an R.V. on D Day for his squadron comd
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    to meet C.O. 6 DLI.
    Bde instr issued re Exercise on 16th practising the unloading of LCI by LCM.Appx J
    16Bde Comd accompanied by GSO III attended the Exercise carried out by Bns
    and Bde HQ personnel to practice the unloading of tps and equipment from
    LCI by LCM.
    17151 (Durham) Inf Bde O.O. No. 101 for operation OVERLORD issued.Appx H
    151 (Durham) Inf Bde Intelligence Summary No. 101 issued.Appx. I
    191000GSO III attended conference at 69 Bde at which certain aspects of
    operation OVERLORD was discussed.
    1430Bde Comd conferred with C.Os of each 689 DLI on their draft plans for
    operation OVERLORD.
    200930Bde I.O. attended Force G.3 HQ to attend Exercise for stand by assault
    plan for HMS ALBRIGHTON.
    Bde Comd attended a conference at which Gen. Montgomery addressed Senior
    Commanders on the subject of the OVERLORD Operation.

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