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    War Diary: 1st Assault Brigade HQ

    Month and year: August 1944

    The 1st Assault Brigade HQ August 1944 war diary mentions disembarking at Arromanches in Normandy, inspecting bridges, rafts and training

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1797

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    EASTBOURNE10100Bde HQ Pk Sqn and Sigs proceed by rd to Marshalling Area Camp T 5,
    2Bde Comd and IO fly to FRANCE.
    LONDON3Bde HQ embarks 1200 hrs on US LST 138 at VICTORIA DOCK.
    60700Bde disembarks ARROMANCHES-LES-BAINS.
    ST GABRIEL1300Move to ST GABRIEL T 8979.
    7Bde Comd to watch operation TOTALISE S of CAEN.
    8Bde Comd visits Regts, Sqns and 50 Div HQ.
    9Bde Comd to 5 & 6 Regts.
    llBde Comd, BM visit CE First Cdn Army. Recced rafting site on R ORNE for trg.
    Conference with CE Second Army ref pending operation. Visited 5 & 6 Regts
    at COURSEULLES rafting camp.
    12Bde Comd visited SNO OUISTREHAM, made arrangements to use a pt of CAEN
    canal for rafting trg. Saw 5 & 6 Regts carrying out trg in close sp raft
    at COURSEULLES br camp and inspected CL 40 raft site near BENOUVILLE with
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    ST GABRIEL12CRE 5 Regt. Capt Martin-Siegfried FFL att this formation.
    13Bde Comd visited 5 Regt ref pending operation. Visited CE 2 Cdn Corps,
    discussed employment of A R E sqns in pending operation. Saw Comd
    30 Armd Bde ref same matter.
    15Bde Comd visited Br sites on ORNE and SEULLES.
    16Recced possible trg area N of CAEN. Visited 26 San and CRE 53 Div.
    CRE agreed to take steps to release 26 Sqn.
    17DAA & QMG attended 21 A.Gp Bidding Conference.
    New War Diary forms arrive will use next month
    181300Bde HQ, Pk Sqn and Sigs move to new location on R ORNE 7F/1/085714 -
    LONGUEVALLONGUEVAL. Bde Comd holds conference of CREs and Staff.
    20GOC 79 Armd Div visits regiments with Bde Comd.
    22Conference of CREs with Bde Comd.
    231000Visit of CE 21 Army GP.
    2642 Regt put at short notice to join 2 Cdn Corps for operation. Bde Comd
    saw CE 2 Cdn Corps who did not now want Regt as opposition on R SEINE
    was not sufficient.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LONGUEVAL27Lt Green (LO 2) wounded by S mine - to hospital and subsequently to UK.
    28Bde Comd to UK to discuss policy for Armd RE.Appx J
    29BM and reps from Regts to recce new location Nr LOUVIERS.
    31Lt W. Russell from 557 Aslt Trg Regt RE appointed LO 3.
    2300Bde Comd returns from UK.

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