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    War Diary: 1st Assault Brigade HQ

    Month and year: July 1944

    The 1st Assault Brigade HQ June 1944 war diary covers the units time around Eastbourne and a Conger demonstration at Hankley Common.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1797

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    EASTBOURNE2IO to residues. Interdenominational Church Parade of HQ, Pk Sqn,
    6 Aslt Regt RE (Rear) and 1 Bde Wksp REME. Bde Comd took march past.
    3Bde Comd to residues.
    4IO returns.
    5Capt LONNON promoted Maj on appointment as BM.
    9Bde Comd to War Office. Bde Comds caravan leaves to proceed overseas
    with 5 Aslt Regt residues.
    10A tp of Pk Sqn placed UC 42 Aslt Regt at WORTHING.
    11Bde Comd returns.
    13Bde Comd to FRANCE.
    15BM to 42 Aslt Regt and residues.
    16Voluntary Church Parade for all personnel of Bde in EASTBOURNE.
    19IO LO 3 and Maj HALL to residues to alter personnel going overseas.
    20Bde Comd to this HQ. IO to A Gp (Rear) to attend WE committee for
    WE for Aslt Bde and Regt.
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    EASTBOURNE22Bde Comd and Maj EWBANK to A Gp (Rear) to attend WE committee for now
    WE for Aslt Sqn Aslt Trg Regt RE.
    23Maj EWBANK returns.
    24Bde Comd returns. BM on recce for area for Trg Regt.
    25Bde Comd to Richmond Pk with GOC 79 Armd Div to demonstration.
    26Bde Comd to CE 21 A Gp.
    28Bde Comd BM G 3 IO LO 1 OC Pk Sqn to Conger demonstration
    29Lt-Col ANDERSON arrives to comd Aslt Trg Regt.
    30Bde HQ and Pk Sqn on 24 hrs notice to move to Marshalling Area.
    31Bde receives instrs to proceed to Marshalling Area.

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