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    War Diary: 1st Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment

    Month and year: July 1944

    The 1st Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment July 1944 war diary covers the units advance and fighting from Lingevres to Les Landes.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1284

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    Page 1 of 30
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LINGEVRESJuly 1stThe Battalion, under comd of Lt-Col J.E.F. WILLOUGHBY, consisted of
    36 officers and 796 O.R.'s. officers as under:-

    2 i/c Major A.E.C. BREDIN
    A / Adj Capt. E. HANNAH (S.Coy.Comd)
    I.O. Lt. L.T. MORRIS
    Sig. Officer : Lt. D.W. MACROW.
    M.O. Capt. L.P. LASSMAN (R.A.M.C.? ?).
    Padre. Rev. R. WATT (R.A.Cl.D.).
    11 Pln Comd G.L.F. CASE.
    2 Pln Comd Lt. W.F. SCOTT.
    3 Pln Comd. Lt. J.B. FORBES (Cdn Army)
    4 Pln Comd. LL. B.I.C. WEEKES.
    2 i/c 4 Pl. Lt. G.H.D. WALSH.
    14 Pln Comd Lt. N.W. HACK
    5 Pln Comd Capt. D.J. GRIMSDELL
    2 i/c 5 Pl. Lt. E.G. NEAL
    2 i/c Lt H.D. FOSTER (Cdn Army)

    Other Officers: Major R.M. NICOLL (Hospital)
    Lt. B.I. FORSTER (O.I/C Residue)
    Lt. W.J. PALLISTER (A.ech).

    A. Coy Comd: Major P.H.W. BRIND
    2 i/c Capt. E.N. LUSHINGTON
    7 Pln Comd. Lt. B.M. Mitchell
    8 Pln Comd Lt. D.BIRD
    9 Pln Lt. W.J.COLL.
    B. Coy. Comd. Capt. A.L. HARRIS
    10 Pln Comd. Lt T.C. BRADLEY
    12 Pln Comd G.H QUIGLEY.
    C. Coy Comd: Major L.S. THOMAS
    2 i/c Capt. R.U. MACNAMARA
    13 Pln Comd Lt P.H. LUFFMAN
    15 Pln Comd Lt.G. GILLHOOLEY (Cdn Army).
    D.Coy. Comd Major K.E. MEREDITH
    16 Pln Comd: 2/Lt. E.J.WILLIS
    17 Pln Comd 2/Lt R.G.SMITH
    18 Pln Comd. G. PATRICK (Cdn Army)

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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LINGEVRESJuly 1stEnemy mortaring slight during morning.
    1530Area shelled by heavy gun, believed 155 mm.
    1900Movement observed in "bombed house" 799665. A Coy fire P.I.A.T.
    at house and then go in to investigate. No sign of enemy.
    1900Own arty. shelled "O.p. house" 803666.
    2300D.Coy patrol shoots up M.G. post at 805666.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LINGEVRESJULY 2ndConsiderable enemy activity and M.G. fire in LA TAILLE area
    during night. Patrols have nothing else to report.
    1200Own arty. shelled house 803666 scoring direct hit. It has now
    been established definitely that this house is used by the enemy as an
    O.P. for mortars probably sited SOUTH of the CHAU de CORDILLON.
    1230Own arty. engaged located enemy mortar posns. Whilst these
    were in action and effectively silenced them. Bearing 185° from
    Bn. H.Q.
    1430A. Coy reported enemy o.p. in tree at 803661
    15003" mortars fire on tree, ranging with smoke and following
    up with 175 rounds H.E. German in o.p. seen to clamber
    hastly down tree. Enemy mortar fired a few bombs and stopped.
    2115Enemy mortar bearing 160° from C. Coy HQ. - again silenced
    by own arty. Co-operation with gunners, who act on our
    sound bearings from Coys. to enemy mortars, is beginning to
    be very effective.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LINGEVRESJuly 3rdPatrols during night have nothing unusual to report beyond
    vehicle movement from west to east across our front.
    1200Quiet morning, but C. Coy have a few mortar bombs in
    their area.
    1400Enemy o.p. again reported using tree, but left before our
    mortars could engage.
    1430C. Coy area subjected to shelling from what is believed to
    be a PANTHER tank, bearing given by them as 170°.
    1830B. Coy area mortared and own arty active in reply.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LINGEVRESJuly 4thPatrols during night ordered by Bde. to investigate house
    799665 fwd no enemy and report house clear and not booby-
    Very little mortaring of Bn. area during day.
    21003 Poles gave themselves up to D. Coy standing patrol at
    805667. Identification Fus. Bn. 276 Div. marched from LE
    MANS, arrived in our area 3 nights ago.
    2110X tracks 80306605 shelled by our arty. from information given by
    2210Bn. fwd. area mortared from suspected enemy posn. at 803660,
    and own arty replies. Mortaring ceases as soon as our
    guns open up. It has been found during the preceeding period
    that the high trees that run along our southern Bn boundary
    are a great hindrance to arty shooting, the ground
    immediately in front of A. Coy. being impossible to cover - owing
    to the danger of our shells busting in the tree tops if our guns
    fire at short range.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LINGEVRESJULY 5thB. Coy patrol, with Pioneer detachment, searched area house 803666
    and report house not booby-trapped but full of odds and ends of German
    equipment. Mines and booby-traps in hedges located east of house,
    some are neutralised by Pioneers. Patrol withdrawn at 0015 hrs
    to allow our mortars to fire on suspected enemy reliefs and
    located posns. of 4. Coy Fus.Bn. 276 Div. Above patrol also
    reports the use by the enemy for the first time - of rifle grenades.
    For speciman patrol order and reports for nights 4/5 July and 13/14 July, see App. A.
    1200Mortaring slight on Bn. front during morning - only 10 to 20 bombs
    W/Comd. JUDD, D.F.C. , A.F.C., of 2. T.A.F. accompanied Bde. Comd.
    on visit to Bn. HQ.
    1300Fwd. Coys heavily mortared but no cas.
    1730Enemy M.G. located at 800664 by snipers of 7 Green Howards.
    1930A. Coy send out fighting patrol to engage enemy at 800664.
    2000Patrol engaged by 2 M.G.'s from east of track at 800664. Patrol
    leader was wounded but withdrew with the patrol. 876989 Cpl. DAVIDSON A,
    patrol leader sustained wounds from WOODEN bullets. There are
    believed to be used by the enemy for A.A. practice, and are the
    only time they have so far been used against the Bn.
    2245Position at 800664 engined by our 3" Mortars.
    Cas. this day 5. O.R's. wounded.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LINGEVRESJULY 6th0015A. Coy. area subjected to considerable M.G. and mortar
    0200Cap t. E.H. LUSHINGTON 2 i/c A.Coy reported missing. After a search had been
    made, he was found dead, having been killed by mortar fire as
    he went round the Plns. He was another of the "Old Guard"
    having seen service with the Bn. in MALTA and SICILY.
    The whole night is very noisy, due to 56 Bde attach on our
    right, and retaliatory fire coming down in our area.
    Several shells fell is Bn. H.Q. area, and an enemy counter
    attack is susspected, in front of A. Coy area.
    1200N.T.R. during day.
    2300Broadcasting equipment (Designed to lure p.w. into our line) is
    tried out on 1 HAMPS front with no results. It had been hoped
    that numerous p.w. would give themselves up. This was later tried
    with more success.
    Cas. this day 1 officer, 1.O.R. killed, 3 O.R.'s wounded.
    Officer cas. Capt. E.N. LUSHINGTON killed.
    Lt-Col J.E.F. WILLOUGHBY went to hospital. Major BREDIN (2 i/c)
    took over comd of the Bn.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LINGEVRESJULY 7Patrols during night report all quiet nothing seen or heard
    1200NTR except slight mortaring on whole front
    Preperations are made for hand-over of Bn. area to 6.D.L.I.
    (O.C. Lt-Col. GREEN).
    For order for relief see App. "B"
    2230Location Bn. H.Q. moves to new location 820681. The old location
    had become rather a target, two vales., incl. amn. truck, had been "brewedup" and the R.S.M. wounded.
    LES LE-GALLOISJULY 80200Relief of Bn. by 6 DLI complete Bn. HQ now at 820687
    A Coy 820681
    B 820680
    C 818682
    D 819680.
    Sp. 821681.
    The relief had as its object the relief of 1 HAMPS by, 1
    DORSET in the area NORTH EAST of the Chau de CORDILLON, while 157
    Bde tool over the sector to the WEST incl. the area occupied by
    1 DORSET. 1 HAMPS when relieved were to go in to reserve and to be in
    a posn to rest and cany out a certain amount of training in
    preparation for a coming Bde. attack.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LES LE GALLOISJULY 8 (cont)Day spent in above area prior to taking over 1 HAMPS area.
    Recce parties went fwd. in afternoon to recce new area.
    1930Adv. parties leave.
    2045Main Bn. WQ. move.
    2359Take-over proceeding. B. Coy incure two cas. from enemy
    Cas. this day 1 O.R. killed 1 OR wounded
    Major BREDIN was informed this day that he had been
    confirmed in comd of the Bn. and promoted Lt-Col. (authy
    MS/21/1070 of 10 July). Once again a DORSET officer is in comd.
    of the 1st Bn. - the first since Lt.-Col. W.H.B. RAY, D.S.O.
    816677July 90110Bn. in new location Bn.HQ. 816677
    A 821671 B 820668
    C 814669 D 816673
    O.P. established by C. Coy at FERME DE LA BRIAJERE814665
    ("Brigadier's Farm")
    Mortar Pln at 817672. A/Tank guns and carriers with coys.
    Enemy mortaring intermittent.
    C. Coy push out a standing patrol to hole in CHAU de
    CORDILLON wall at 813665. The post includes an L.M.G. which
    in posn to shoot along the inner of western side of the
    CHATEAU enclosure.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    816677July 90407Above patrol returns having neither seen or heard anything .
    1245Enemy mortaring heavy in Bn. area for 15 minutes, but Bn . area mostly quiet
    during the day.
    Cas this day 1 O.R. wounded.
    July 10Patrols during night by A , B, C Coys to locate enemy posns. C.Coy locate enemy
    811660, who fired on our patrol causing no cas. B. Coy patrol fired on from 821663
    by at M.G. No cas. A Coy found no enemy.
    Patrolling contuned during day to establish enemy positions as for an possible,
    prior to scheduled Bde. attack on July 11.
    1500B. Coy patrol under 5723973 Sgt STEVENSON, E., returns Patrol Leader found and neutralised
    booby trap in hedge and found enemy o.p. of two men in slit trench at 818663. Patrol
    leader reported killing both Germans with 36 grenade. Also. heard tanks at 815662,
    and saw camouflaged vehicles at 818663. The information obtained by this excellent
    patrol was late proved to be substantially correct.
    1600D Coy patrol returned with 2 O.R's . missing, having encountered enemy M.G.
    fire from area previously believed clear.
    1710Area 813662 engaged by 3" mortars.
    2330Second D-Coy patrol sent out to find two missing men, found them - both had
    been killed.
    2335Own arty. fired on located enemy posns, between 815662 and 817663.
    Cas. this Day 2.O.R's killed 1 O.R. wounded.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    816677July 11-BDE operation MAORI , carried out by 1 HAMPS and 2 DEVON on HOTTOT, with
    1 DORSET acting as firm base and right flank protection, scheduled to commence
    with arty barrage at 0700 hrs.
    For detailed account of Bn's part in this action see Appx "C"
    0615Patrol reports indicate the re-occupation by the enemy of south end of orchard south
    of C.Coy's posn. at Brigadiers Farm and the presence of another o.p. at 818664
    (the previous one having been wiped out by B. Coy patrol).
    0700PH. I of Op. MAORI starts with arty barage Sherwood Rangers who are supporting
    the DEVONS and HAMPS move up a specially prepared tank track. (These are now
    to become a regular feature of all attacks in the Bocage country, the hedges being
    blown in advance of the tanks by Bn. pioneers and assault R.E. detachments.)
    The DEVONS and HAMPS move fwd. under heavy enemy mortar fire - DEVONS left,
    HAMPS right (going through our fwd posns, Between Bregadier's Farm and 82 Easting)
    07301. HAMPS clear orchard S. of "BRIGADIER'S FARM" O.P. est. by I.Sec. personel at
    0830PH-II of attack commences with further arty. Barrage. D Coy under Major K.E. MEREDITH
    start to move fwd. Designed to guards HAMPS right flank.
    0815CROCODILES (flame-throwing tanks) move up. These are intended for use in HOTTOT
    0850Enemy mortar fire directed at our tanks as they move up tank track.
    0910Two enemy tanks reported in HOTTOT area.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    816677July 110915C. Coy send party with L.M.G. and P.I.A.T. to southend of orchard 813664
    0924Lull in barage used for Regimental shoot by 90 Fd. on located enemy mortar
    position at 795646. Air O.P. reports succesful shoot mortaring continues
    from other localities.
    1000D. Coy waiting to move to posn at approx 813662 to cover right flank. But Bde.
    orders move fwd not to take place yet. DEVONS attack on left going well and
    BN. nearly in HOTTOT. HAMPS on right going more slowly and meeting heavy
    mortar and small arms fire.
    1000-1100Re-organisation of fwd. Bns. prior to continuation of advance.
    1120D. Coy ordered to move fwd. to occupy ln junc and area 813662.
    1132Sherwood Rangers engage and destroy two enemy tanks area 820663.
    1200P.W. sent back by HAMPS (Fusilier Bn. 276 Div) state they have about 12 tanks
    in sp. along whole front (HOTTOT area).
    1300D. Coy now in posn. area ln. junc. 813662.
    1305HAMPS moving slowly fwd. to western end of HOTTOT, still under heavy mortar fire.
    1400HAMPS report counter attack brewing-up on right flank, S. of CHAU De CORDILLON.
    D. Coy establish Pln. posn at X tracks 814658 and an anti-tank gun is also
    got fwd. to there. This Coy is in a very exposed posn. in the CHAU. area is still
    not cleared of the enemy.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    816677July 111430Tp. concentration and enemy tanks observed S. and W. of D. Coy's posn. These are
    heavily engaged by own arty and 3" mortars. As a result, this counter
    attack was NOT pressed home and in fact failed to get under way, almost
    certainly due to own shelling and mortaring.
    1500Partrol of B. Coy now. established at tr junc 817663 and rem. of Coy. move fwd.
    to occupy area east of this tr. junc.
    D. Coy send patrol to contact 1 HAMPS.
    Reports come in from 6 D.L.I. operating in old Bn. area on our right.
    They have been unable to move fwd but are later going to send fighting
    patrols through CHAU de CORDILLON enclosure.
    1600Own fighters attack enemy objectives, firing rockets, some of which land in
    D. Coy's area. No Cas. Sherwood Rangers report 7-8 tanks K.O.D for the
    loss of 1 SHERMAN.
    1630Bn. is ordered to mop up any enemy in area 821662 whilst DEVONS continue
    advance. B. Coy sends party to do this, which finds no enemy, but confirms the
    presence of two enemy tanks both K.O'd) at 820661.
    170570 Bde of 49 Div. move up on our left flank.
    Enemy mortaring of Bn. area continues and D. Coy are under enemy small arms
    fire from between South east corners of chateau encloses and X tracks 814658. D
    Coy were then heavily counter-attacked and the fwd. pl. nearly ceased to
    exist. The remainder of the Coy, however, was rallied and held the ground well.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    816677July 111920A Coy patrols to area 818663 and find, several enemy tanks K.O.'d in this area.
    2040Enemy inf and tanks active in area just S.E. of CHAU causing cas. in D.Coy
    from gun and mortar fire.
    2230C Coy reports enemy still in some strength south of CHAU. These are engaged
    by are own arty.
    -The only changes in Bn. disposition this day were D. Coy , who moved to area tr.
    junc. 813662 - immidiately in front of C Coy - and B Coy, who moved to area incl. and
    west of junc. 817663. 1 Sec. Carriers strengthen the latter Coy's posn by the tr. junc.
    Bde Comd. decided to withdraw 1 HAMPS into Bde. reserve, owing to their heavy
    cas. This was done at last light and during the early part of the night 11/12 June,
    1 HAMPS withdrawing through D.Coy, 1 DORSET then become entirly responsible
    for the western half of the Bde. sector.
    Cas. this day:- 1 Officer and 7 O.R's. killed, 1 officer and 44 O.R's wounded
    Officer cas. Major K.E. MEREDITH killed
    2/Lt. R.G. SMITH wounded.

    2/Lt. A. FRASER joined the unit.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    816677July 12.Night 11/12 July spent re-organising and digging-in in new B and D Coy
    posns. B and D. Coys were constantly on the alert and there were some exchanges of
    0915Heavy enemy mortaring and shelling of "Brigadier Farm" area.
    1045B. Coy fwd. Plns. report enemy force of about 30 men area 817663, moving west.
    These are engaged and dispursed by Sherwood RANGERS (who have remained in sp.)
    1200Bn. locations Bn.HQ. 816677.
    A . Coy HQ 820668
    B 820666
    C 814667
    D 814662
    B and D Coys are in close contact with the enemy all day
    1315B. Coy fwd. pln. is forced temporarily to occupy alternative posns. due to enemy
    fire, but return soon afterwoods to their original posns.
    14006 D.L.I. are to send a patrol down east side of CHAU enclosure prior to
    establishing a pln locality inside the enclosure.
    1450Pioneers spend most of the morning and afternoon clearing the track between tr.
    junc. 822672 and tr. junc. 817663, which was found to be extensively mined.
    15006 D.L.I. patrol badly shot up by enemy located at south earthern end of enclosure.
    1500-1800B and D.Coys still exchanging small arms fire with the enemy who appear to be digging
    in only 150-200 yds in front of our posns. D Coy's 2" mortar successfully employed.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    816677July 121840A. Coy is ordered to be prepared to relieve D. Coy, who are to move to area 818665,
    2000D. Coy succesfully engage enemy on their flank, inflicting many cas. The A/Coy. Comd
    Lieut FOSTER (Cdn. Army) and A/C.S.M. 5728242 Sqn. HORTHAM, L, did particularly good
    work in keeping the Coy in fighting order.
    2005Section of carriers just north of tr junc. 817663 engage enemy approaching up track
    for south east and inflict casualties.
    2330Same section of carriers again engaged enemy approaching up track and inflict
    further Cas.
    Cas. this day:- 5 O.R's. killed, 31 O.R's. wounded.
    July130110Inter-coy relief of D Coy by A Coy completed.
    0125C. Coy patrol to area 814663 (with object of obtaining identifications) could find no
    enemy dead, But reported enemy digging in at aabout 814662
    0630Carriers section patrol from tr. Junc. 817663 brought in a prisoner found asleep in a
    slit trench at 818662 (Identification Fus. Bn. 276 Div). Patrol also captured one
    M.G. and rifle. cup??? discharger??? and grenades found in trench.
    mortaring fairly quite on front Slight mortaring.
    1200 -1400A. Coy troubled by intermittent enemy M.G. fire
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    816677July 1315309 D.L.I. (Comd. Lt-Col MOGG) send recce partie to Bn HQ. to recce Bn area prior to
    reliving Bn.
    2045Pioneer truck in Bn HQ. area loaded with explosives, backs or a Hawkings Grenade and
    catches fire. The Pioneers under comd Lt. SCOTT, manage to remove 5 cas. caused by the
    original explosion, before the ammunition and explosives on the truck (incl. 30 Bangalore
    torpedoes) blows up, completely destroying the truck.
    2250A. Coy report one enemy tank heard moving in front of them.
    Cas. this day :- 3 O.R's. wounded.
    Major W.N.HAYES rejoined the unit - to comd. D. Coy. (his original company).
    LES LE-GALLOISJuly 140230Bn. relief by 9 D.L.I. completed and Bn now located in same area as on July 8th.
    8216810500C. Coy patrol under Lieut P.LUFFMAN returns. Their task was to destroy a disabled
    enemy tank located at 815661. A section of pioneers accompanied the patrol . The tank was
    located and completely destroyed by the pioneer section. Patrol sufferes no cas. The
    tank in question was almosts certainly the one bady damaged by P.I.A.T. manned by. 5728242 C.S.N.
    NORTHAM L. on 11 July.
    Bn spent day in concentration area LES LE GALLOTS in Bde. reserve.
    Cas. this day: 2 O.R's. wounded.
    Lt H.R.A. DARTNELL and 2/Lt. A.G. SMITH rejoined the unit.
    Capt. R.W. JACKSON joined the unit, taking over duties as Adjutant, from Capt E. HANNAH, who
    resumed Comd of S. Coy.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LES LE-GALLOISJuly 15-Bn. remains in above area. Preparations are made for the relief of 2. DEVON by the
    2100Bn H.Q. established at 821672. Considerable enemy mortaring is encountered during
    relief and cas. are suffered
    Cas.this day 6 O.R's. wounded
    Capt J.P. LUFF re-joined the unit, took over his old duties as M.T.O.
    821672July 160145Relief of 2 DELON completed. Coy posns.
    A 823666 C 824665
    B 821669 D 820668
    Nothing to report during day, except continual light mortaring and shelling of the
    whole Bn area;

    Following promotions took effect this day:-
    Capt. A.L. HARRIS to Major, O.C. B. Coy.
    Lt. L.T. MORRIS to Capt I.O.
    Lt J.B. FORBES to Capt, O.C. 3 Pln.
    Lt. B.C. WEEKES to Capt, O.C. 4 Pln.
    Lt. H.D. FOSTER to Capt, 2 i/c D. Coy.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    821672July 17Active patrolling by all Coys tool place during night 16/17 July, to locate enemy
    posns. Little infmn about these was passed on by 2. DEVON on relief (the latter Bn.
    had reached these posns after the attach on 11 June, had suffered considerable
    cas. and had NOT done much patrolling).

    Our patrols were very successful and enemy posns are located all along north side
    of houses on north of HOTTOT road, with M.Gs sited, as always, at hedge junctions
    and mortars in the yards of the houses. LA MARMONNIERE house at 828664 is
    held by the enemy and is his nearest posn. to our line. An attempt was made
    by A Coy patrol to lay mines on the HOTTOT road, but patrol could not reach
    this road.
    For patrol orders and reports for night 16/17 July, see App "D".
    -Enemy mortaring and shelling is severe during the day, mostly along line
    of trench 818663 to 823673 and 200 yards each side of it.
    1400The only five remaining members of the Bn. to win awards go to Div HQ
    for presentation of awards by the C-in-C. General Sir Bernard MONTGOMERY:-
    M.C. 49794 Lt. COL A.E.C. BREDIN
    M.C. 62624 Major R.H. NICOLL.
    M.C. 95488 Major W.N. HAYES
    M.C. 5722842 Sgt. A.W. TALBOT
    M.M. 5725371 L/Cpl H.J. BARNES
    M.M. 5727062 Pte. R. GOODARD

    The following also won awards, but could not be
    present for the presentaion:-

    DSO 52007 Lt.-Col.E.A.M. HORIE.
    M.C. p/41527 Capt C.R. WHITTINGTON
    D.C.M. 5724115 Cpl.S. THOMPSON, M.M.
    M.M. 5728237 Cpl. W. HAWKINS.
    M.M. 6087919 Cpl.V.CARTER.
    M.M. 5727321 Cpl.J.REDPATH
    MM 5730229 L/Cpl. G. HOCKLEY
    MM 6092620 L/Cpl J. MILLER.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    821672July 17Enemy a/c active over wide local area dropping flares and bombs.
    Enemy mortars still active.
    Cas. this day:- 1 officer, 20 O.R's. killed, 4 O.R.'s wounded
    Officer cas . this day:- Lieut W.J.COLL killed.
    821672July 180430-0500Broadcasting equipment in use on 11. D.L.I. from on our left. This could be plainly
    heard this time, and is believed to have caused numerous desertions from the enemy
    forces opposite us.
    -C and D Coys. patrol during night 17/18 July - C Coy to recce area LA
    MARMONNIERE, found enemy positions located, but booby traps left in area, one
    of which slightly wounded the patrol comd. D Coy patrol further east found no
    enemy in the located posns. but heard voices and one or two tanks on the main rd.
    The policy at this time was to follow up and have any enemy withdrawal
    but not at the momment to make any set piece attack. As a result of infmn
    incl. that gained by our problem, it is decided to pass 1 HAMPS through us to
    beyond HOTTOT. We are to cover this advance by further patrolling.
    1200Patrolling continued throughout day and reports indicate an enemy withdrawal
    from the HOTTOT area. Many recently occupied enemy posns found and much
    equipment, but no enemy.
    1500BN H.Q. area shelled by 155 mm guns.
    1630A Coy take two p.w. of I/986 G.R. 276 Div.
    170011 D.L.I of 70 Bde. On our left, cross the HOTTOT road.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    821672July 1821001 HAMPS, with tank sp, pass through our fwd Coys., cross the HOTTOT road, and
    establish Pln posns. 1000 yds south of the main east-west road without
    2230All Coys. report no enemy activity in HOTTOT area
    Cas this day 2 O.R.'s wounded.
    821672July 19th0030Standing patrols established at 828663 and 826662.
    0700D. Coy establish contact with 9 D.L.I. on our right.
    -No enemy activity to report during night 18/19/ July.
    -1 HAMPS consoledate their posns. south of the road and 9 D.L.I on our
    right also push fwd. over the main road with slight enemy opposition.
    1300 - 2000Enemy shelling and mortaring of all Bn. posns. north of HOTTOT road severe
    all afternoon causing cas.
    2000Bn. moved during course of the evening to new concentration area just south
    of LES LE - GALLORS???. Posns. Bn. H.Q. 818677 A. Coy 823675 C. Coy 828674
    B. 812881 D. 817679
    2300Move complete.
    Bn. patrol activity During 17,18, 19 July was very successful firstly in locating
    and engaging enemy posns. and secondly in establishing the fact that the enemy
    had withdrawn from the HOTTOT area.
    Cas. this day:- 1 officer killed 4 O.R's. wounded
    Officer cas LIEUT P.H. LUFFMAN, killed.
    Lt L.G. PATRICK went to hospital. Major R.M.NICOLL, having returned and carried on duries as
    2 i/c for a short period, again goes to hospital with malaria.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    818677July 20-Heavy rain during night 19/20 July, and enemy shelling of TILLY-LINGEVRES
    road behind us.
    Day spent in concentration area. Occasional shells in Bn. area and a
    few at x roads 815683.
    July 21-Bn. in same area. Heavy rain all day interupted training by Coys.
    Cas. this day 1 O.R. wounded.
    July 221600Bn moved by march route to rest area South of LES FIETEES at 768728
    Posns. as follow :- Bn.H.Q. 768728
    A. Coy 768727 C Coy 768731 S Coy 766728
    B Coy 771727 D Coy 766729
    7687281900Bn. in posns as above for rest period for first time since D.Day (Bde. is in
    Div reserve)
    768728July 23Bn. commenced training for Bocage warfare weapon and recreational training
    July 24Bn. continued training. Div. Comd. visited unit.
    July 25H.T.R. Capt. L.P. LASSMAN R.A.M.C. posted to 200 Fd Amb. Capt. J.P. NEIL, R.A.M.C. joined
    unit as R.M.O. Capt LASSMAN had been R.M.O. with the Bn. in MALTA and SICILY as well as
    at home since then, and in NORMANDY. We were sorry to lose him.
    July 26N.T.R. Cas. this day 1.O.R. wounded
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    768728July 271800Preparations being made for relief by Bn. of 6 GREEN HOWARDS (O.C. Lt.-Col EXHAM)
    as part of the relief of 69 Bde by 231 Bde, in the area LE LION VERT - LES CROIX DES
    2230Relief of 6 GREEN HOWARDS completed Cas suffered by C. Coy. during relief due to
    enemy shelling. Posns as follow. Bn.H.Q. 780645 C Coy 783643 (with one Pln at rd junc 779640)
    A Coy 787643 D. Coy 789643
    B 785641 S. Coy 3 Pl 785649
    4}Pl sub-alloted to Coys

    On our right with fwd. elements just in LES CROIX DES
    LANDES are the 2. S.W.B. of 56 Bde.
    Cas. this day 6 O.R's wounded.
    780645July 28Night 27/28 July quite, apart from a few shells along line of road LE LION VERT -
    Re-adjustments of Coy. posns. tool place during the evening, D. Coy at 789640
    being relieived by C.Coy 2. DEVON and moving to area LA CROIX DES LANDES, and C
    Coy pushing fwd slightly from 783643 across road to 782638 without opposition.
    A Coy moved into reserve in area 782646.
    2335D. Coy in posn having relieved C. Coy 2 S.W.B.
    2. DEVON took over our original commitments (D. and A. Coys) in area MAUPERTHAIS
    CHAU. 788642, So that we in one turn could relief 2 S.W.B. (one Coy) in area LES
    CROIX DES LANDES and the south east edge of the BOIS DE ST. GERMAINE - 56 BDE front was
    by now somewhat extended.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    780645July 29-Patrolling by A and B Coys during night 28/29 July to recce enemy
    localities, estalished the fact that enemy on outpost line still was roughly along
    line of road from tr. junc. 783633 to house at 790635. 50mm mortar fire and
    M.G. fire was encountered by B. Coy patrol No cas. suffered.
    1400B. Coy Comd. (Major A.L. HARRIS) reports seeing, 3 enemy in area 785635
    running back to their own lines.
    -Shelling of Bn. area continues throughout the day and numerous shellreps.
    are sent to Bde.; our gunners are active in replying, with some success.
    1900Preparations made for attack on 30 July by Bde. on a two Bn front - DORSETS
    left. HAMPS right, DEVONS firm base on left flank, prepared to follow-up
    leading Bns. 1 HAMPS move to concentration area approx. 778644 during
    night 29/30 July. D. Coy are released by two secs. of carriers and more into
    area between B.Coy and Bn.H.Q., ready for the assault.
    July30-Patrolling by A and D. Coys during night 29/30 July establishes the
    fact that the enemy is still in occupation of the area LES LANDES 7863.
    0515Arty. barrage for attack commences. B. Coy fwd platoon were drawn back
    into area of Coy. H.Q. for safety reason.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    780645July 300600A Coy left and D. Coy right, each with one tp 13/18 HUSSARS in sp (A.Coy also
    have one tp CROCODILES in sp) and one sec. of carriers under comd., cross start
    line which recce from rd. at 777635 to Xds. 785643
    See App. "E" for detailed account of ops. 30 July - 2 Aug 44 Also Bde and Bn Op orders.
    -Infm. from A.Coy very scanty during first part of operation.
    0635D. Coy reach track at 784634.
    0712D. Coy report track through LES LANDES passed. Heavy mortar fire being encountered
    and P.W. being taken. Later reports indicate that our own M.M.G. fire at this stage
    was very effective in keeping the enemy pinned down.
    -A. Coy are adv. parallel with D.Coy. at this time and encountering more
    0740HALIFAXES and STIRLINGS pass over, in cloudy weather, at "nought feet"
    to VILLERS BOCAGE area.
    0805D. Coy report that they are held up by M.G. fire at 786633. This in overcome
    and the adv. continues.
    0820D. Coy report they are on their way to the objective "TAME" and are at 785630,
    encountering stubborn enemy resistance.
    0840A and D. Coy. report their positions as 789630 and 786630 respectively.
    0845A. Coy report Lt. MITCHELL killed, about the same time as Coy. Comd. Capt MC'NAMARA
    led a bayonet change against an every M.G. posn in area LES LANDES.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    780645July 300920A and D. Coys send back 17 P.W. taken between LES LANDES and LA AIGNERIE
    ("The Piggery") - identification 5. Coy. II Bn: 987 Regt 726, D.W.
    Transcription note: pencil correction to 276
    0930C Coy ordered to move up to area LES LANDES B. Coy to remain present posn.
    784640 B & C Coys are ordered to patrol fwd to line LES LANDES - tr. junc
    787634 and build up on these patrols as firm base behind A and D Coys.
    1020R.A.P. reports 37 cas to now.
    C.O. moves fwd to area LES LANDES and on to LA PIGNERIE.
    1100D Coy. reaches buildings 786626 and captures 81mm mortar posn there.
    1125Bde. orders fwd. coys of 1. HAMPS and 1 DORSET to dig in on present line
    D Coy. at 785625 A-Coy at 789625.
    1200Tac. HQ. formed at LES LANDES I.O. and O.C. 3 Pln move up, and join
    C.O. and carrier pln comd.
    LES LANDES1220Coy posns now A. Coy 789625
    B Coy 788631 (having been moved up behind A.Coy)
    C Coy 784632
    D Coy 786626
    7846341320Further 4 P.W. sent back by A . Coy. identification 6. Coy. 987 Regt. 726 Div.
    1300D. and A. Coys under constant shell and mortar fire.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LES LANDESJuly 301400C.O. orders A. Coy to draw back one Pln. to 791626 to link up with B.Coy and
    watch one open left flank (A and D.Coys were by now each reduced to two Plns).
    1700Major A.L. HARRIS and his Batman both wounded by a mine and the
    Adjutant, Capt R.W. JACKSON, assumes comd. B. Coy.
    1900Bde. Comd. orders an inf patrol, accompanied by FLAILS and CROCODILES to recce
    area SOUTH of ORBOIS WOOD in direction of ORBOIS village and a Coy. to be sent
    to take control with 9 D.L.I. on our left at ORBOIS CHAU. 801637.
    1930C. Coy less 13 Pln., accompanied by FLAILS, on their way to contact 9 DLI at
    ORBOIS CHAU. ran into enemy M.G. posts and captured two of them and 4 P.W.
    2000A. Coy fwd. Pln. at 790625 and our open left flank is counter-attacked by
    reserve Bn. of 726 Div. Attack is held by A. Coy fwd Pln under 2/Lt. WILLIS (they
    had to withdraw after being partly overrun) by B. Coy at 790628 and by the fwd.
    elements of 2. DEVON, who were passing through as to continue the attack
    Capt. M-NAMARA, O.C. A.Coy. was wounded, but was brought safely back by 5768423
    C. Coy effected contact with 9 D.L.I. and searched ORBOIS CHAU area.
    8. Officer cas reported by R.A.P. up to now.
    Main Bn. H.Q. moves up to LES LANDES and is established at 785636
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LES LANDESJuly 302030C. Coy, with FLAILS in sp., attack further enemy M.G. posns located at 799638 and
    caused the enemy to withdraw. The Coy then occupied the ORBOIS CHAU area for
    the night and was late joined by 13 Pln.
    210013, Pl. C. Coy , which had been ordered by the C.O. to recce the S.W. corner of
    ORBOIS WOOD, suffer cas. from mines, and the accompanying flails being unable to
    operate owing to the nature of the ground (bomb craters),this patrol returned at
    about 0200 hrs and was then able to rejoin the remaineder of the Coy.
    2115The C.O. goes fwd. to re-organise A and D. Coys., putting the remnants of
    A. Coy under Lt. DARTNELL under O.C. D. Coy. By the time 2. DEVON adv. had
    been halted and the area of the buildings at 786626, and round to the east
    as far as 789627 is being held by one Coy. of 2 Devon, one D.Coy and one
    ptn. of A.Coy. B.Coy continue the position to 784628 - 790628 - 790631.
    2330D. Coy and remaining Ptn. of A-Coy ordered to take up posns in area pt.136. 791636
    to cover all northern exits from ORBOIS WOOD. (2 DEVON took over whole of area
    then vocated). B. Coy. remains in original posn east of the wood at 787633.
    Cas. this Day 3 officers and 9 O.Rs killed, 5 officers and 70 O.R's wounded
    officer cas:-
    Lts. D.BIRD
    2/Lt. A. FRASER killed

    Major R. HARRIS
    Lt. R.G. SMITH
    Capt. R.U. McNAMARA
    Lt F. SCOTT
    Lt G.L.F. Case, wounded
    Capt H.D. Foster
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LES LANDESJuly 310500D. and A. Coy in new posns., having encountered booby traps, which delayed
    their move.
    0930B Coy patrols report north half of ORBOIS WOOD clean of enemy, but mined.
    Pioneers spend all day removing all type of mines from paths, woods, hedges and houses in
    ORBOIS WOOD area under Cpl. Gibson. A "minerep" - the first - was sent to
    Bde this day.
    See. App "F" for copy of "MINEREP"
    1030C. Coy patrol has no contact with enemy in ORBOIS village 800630 is in
    woods 799633
    mortaring of Bn. area which had been heavy in the early morning, dies down
    towards mid-day
    1100B. Coy send further patrol through wood to ORBOIS church.
    1120A. Coy send patrol south of ORBOIS and report bridge at 802628 clear. This area is
    subsequently taken over by 6 D.L.I. and A. Coy which had been established in ORBOIS
    with standing patrol at bridge, were withdrawn at 1800 hrs. to area of buildings 795636
    1200Patrolling in area of wood by B. and C. Coys continues. A section of carriers is
    established at X tracks 793634 as standing patrol.
    1800B. and C. Coys. report enemy in area 793626 and C. Coy comd. Major THOMAS, carrying
    out recce, is fired on. This recce was being carried out before the occupation of
    that area by C. Coy. This was ordered to link up with 6.D.L.I., who had
    repalced us in ORBOIS and to stop finally infiltration into ORBOIS wood.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LES LANDESJuly 311900C Coy ordered to clean houses 793627 and orchard 792637, passing through B.Coy
    and taking pioneers with them to clear mines.
    1950Area to be cleared by C. Coy engaged by 3" mortars.
    2000C. Coy attack, but run into 4. M.G. posts and accurate and intense mortar
    fire, which halts Coy. adv. Owing to casualties; the Coy was finally
    withdrawn to 786634, behind B-Coy. The Coy suffer 20 cas. and the Coy.
    Comd., Major L.S. THOMAS, is wounded whist recuing his Batsman but carries
    on his duties.
    2300Patrolling fwd. of their Coy. areas is carried out by B. Coy without
    encountering the enemy. All very quiet along whole front.
    Cas. this day: 1 officer and 29 O.R's wounded
    Officer cas: Lieut H.W. HACK wounded.
    See App. G. for maps covering area operated in during July

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