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    War Diary: 1st Battalion Hampshire Regiment

    Month and year: June 1944

    The 1st Battalion Hampshire Regiments June 1944 war diary covers the units landing in Normandy at Jig Green Beach east of Le Hamel and their fight inland

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1305

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    Page 1 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    BEAULIEU1Bn briefed for the pending operations.
    SOUTHAMPTON2Bn embarked as per operational orders
    "3 - 5Spent on the sea
    LE HAMEL6Two assault coys and two reserve coys landed, as per operational
    orders, on the Jig Green Beach east of the village of LE HAMEL.
    The aerial bombardment did not seem to have been as effective
    as expected. Enemy machine-gun nests survived the aerial,
    naval and arty bombardment and made the fullest use of
    their underground, well-concealed and well-built positions.
    The narrowness of the beach and the presence of mines
    added to the difficulties of Bn's task. In spite of heavy
    casualties, however, the Bn drove the enemy from the beach and
    captured the villages of LE HAMEL and ASNELLES-SUR-MER, inflicting
    heavy casualties on the enemy
    Lt. Col. H.D. NELSON-SMITH M.C., O.C. Bn., became a casualty &
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    LE HAMEL6was removed to the R.A.P.
    ARROMANCHES-LES-BAINS was then stormed. Enemy 88mm guns
    and Spandau teams, which put up a determined resistance, were
    ultimately wiped out. Bn reorganised and attacked TRACY-SUR-MER
    where enemy resistance was stubborn. The nature of the country,
    infested with woods orchards gave the enemy snipers good cover.
    Bn. HQ. was established at ST. COME DE FRESNE.
    ST. COME DE FRESNE.7LT. CoL. C.H.R. HOWIE took over the command of the Bn. The enemy
    resistance at TRACY-SUR-MER was overcome and MANVIEUX was
    entered without opposition.
    After having cleared the LE HAMEL-ASNELLES SUR MER-ARROMANCHES
    LES BAINS-TRACY SUR MER-MANVIEUX perimeter, the Bn. moved to
    RUBERSY and arrived there at about 1830 has.
    A number of snipers were reported to be in the area of the
    village of BUHOT. A patrol of 4 Jeeps was sent to winkle them out. Two
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    RUBERSY7carrier patrols under capt. HAMMOND were also sent out to mop
    up the area of BAZIRVILLE. One patrol did not make contact; the
    other shot up several enemy gunners and captured three prisoners.
    "8Bn. reorganised the Coys which were placed in a tight box on
    arrival at RUBERSY were now spread out. Two Coys. were sent
    to assist the 2 DEVON.
    BAYEUX9Bn moved forward to S.W. of BAYEUX and took over positions
    held by 2 ESSEX. Fighting and Recce patrols were sent out
    to harass the enemy and gauge the strength of the Hun's defences
    in the area. A few prisoners were taken.
    ST. PAUL DU VERNAY10Bn launched a mopping up operation, moving by bounds, with the
    general line of 69 northings (SHEET 7F/1) as the ultimate objective.
    However, the wooded country + high-hedged orchards made cross-country
    movement difficult for our troops and tanks, while the nature of the
    country afforded the enemy spandau teams and snipers good concealment
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    ST. PAUL DU VERNAY10The Bn reached its objective, however, and dug in in area of St. PAUL
    DU VERNAY Bn. HQ. being established at 749698. The 2 DEVON on our
    left were counter-attacked at 18.30 hrs and a comp Coy u/c Capt THOMAS
    was sent to help. The counter-attack was driven off + the comp. Coy returned
    under command the following day.
    BERNIERES BOCAGE11Bn. left the area of St. PAUL DU VERNAY to mop up the enemy in the
    area east the 2 DEVON who were now established south of TRUNGY.
    Arriving at the start-line, N.W. of the village of BERNIERES BOCAGE, the
    Bn launched an attack on the enemy pocket resistance S.W. of the village
    where our supporting tanks were held up by a well-camouflaged 88mm gun
    firing point-blank at the sharp bend in the wood about 500 yds south
    of the village. The enemy spandau teams, securely placed behind
    the natural cover of high-hedges in the orchards and the woods
    commanded the road, the tracks and the fields. The enemy mortars,
    from the security of their natural concealment bombed the village,
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    BERNIERES BOCAGE11the road, the tracks and the fields via which our mopping up coys
    had to advance. In spite of these natural advantages of the enemy
    our rifle coys gained ground and dug in in a defensive arc
    S.W. of the village.APPX A
    Bn held on to its new positions in face of fierce enemy counter-attacks
    which were successfully repelled with considerable number of
    casualties to the enemy. Good use was made by the enemy of OPs established in trees
    "12Bn. with sp arms tried to mop up enemy resistance and reach objective
    of Pt 110 at 778684 The Sp. arms, consisting flails and AVRES, moved
    too far forward of the infantry, got knocked out and provided little
    help to the Bn. The start-line fwd. of the village was dominated by
    ridges from the enemy side and a counter-attack was launched when
    the Bn was lined up on the road ready to mop up. The counter-attack
    was driven off and the Bn. regained its posn. SW. of BERNIERES
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    BERNIERES BOCAGE12The Arty barrage missed an important ridge on the left from which
    considerable opposition came.
    LA SENAUDIERE13At 1000 hrs the RAF bombarded LA SENAUDIERE, the Bn having to
    move back to the northern end of BERNIERES BOCAGE for safety purposes.
    Arty barrage covering 100 yds in three minutes was laid on. Spting arms
    consisted of a troop of Crocodiles and a troop of M10's of the N.H. The Bn
    moved off already deployed and opposition was met N. of LA SENAUDIERE,
    showing the enemy had occupied same ground which we had given up
    when the air attack began. The Crocodiles went ahead of the infantry
    into the village and although doing considerable damage all except
    one were knocked out and again provided no immediate assistance
    to the Bn. A composite force consisting of a sec. of carriers, a sec. of A/TK
    guns and a section of mortars under LT. JACKSON + SGT CURLEY moved
    round on the left, protecting our left flank, mopping up resistance on the
    ridge and capturing one prisoner. After fierce fighting and a counter attack
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    LA SENAUDIERE13by a PANTHER at LA SENAUDIERE cross-roads, the Bn reorganised around
    the Crossroads.
    "14-18Defence Routine. Recce patrols sent out to the area between LINGEVRES and
    LONGRAYE. On the 14th the Bn "I" Sec. started sending in shellreps
    taken on bearings of enemy fire. These proved very successful, the
    Bde being one of the first Bdes. in the Div. to do this. Bn. went in
    Divisional reserve for 48 hrs and the Bde arranged baths for personnel
    in BAYEUX
    LINGEVRES19"I" sec., a sec. of Carriers, one sec. A/TK guns, mortar pl. + pioneer pl. left
    LA SENAUDIERE at 1030 for LINGEVRES. "I" Sec. laid the start-line for the
    Bn. about 600 yds south of the LINGEVRES-TILLY road and established
    mortar OP's. The sec. carriers + A/TK guns provided a firm base for
    the start line.
    The rest of Bn left LA SENAUDIERE at 1300 hrs and arrived at the
    start-line about 1400 hrs with a view to mopping up the area S.E. of
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    LINGEVRES19LINGEVRES and taking up positions in HOTTOT. Enemy mortar + 88 mm
    guns shelled the area of the start-line mercilessly. The Bn advanced
    in spite of the enemy shelling and stiff resistance of the opposing PGR
    supported by tanks and dug in north of HOTTOT. Enemy lost three
    HOTTOT AREA 20-23A policy of continuous punching the enemy at various points in his defences
    was put in force and maintained relentlessly. Aggressive fightingAPPX A
    patrols penetrated the enemy lines by day and by night and engaged
    the enemy with all arms at their disposal. Recce patrols procured valuable
    information about the strength and precise dispositions of the enemy. "I"sec
    mortar O.P.s proved to be of great value and were instrumental
    in the location and destruction of one enemy gun.
    "24-26A patrol consisting of 1 officer, 2 N-CO.'s and 12 men, under LT. BLACKMORE,
    was sent out under protective fire to destroy enemy front edge of orchard
    813664 (Sheet 7F/1) and to continue to harass enemy on Bn front. Details inAPPX A
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    HOTTOT AREA27-28(a) A patrol under 2 LT J.M. B. BENNET, consisting of 1 N.C.O and 5 ORS, left
    at 2330 has 27th June via hedge & road Junc. 813668 (Sheet7F/1) to ascertain
    (1) Field 812666 contained enemy tanksAPPX A
    (2) To deal with such tanks by P.I.A.T.
    The patrol returned via same route at 2400 hrs and reported no
    tanks in patrol area but a tank on fire, amn. exploding inside at 804665
    (b) Bn reorganised and relieved the fwd. posns. of 8DLI who reverted
    to 151 Bde.
    "29-30A Patrol under LT RICKETTS, consisting of 1 officer and 1 man, ascertained theAPPX A
    presence and strength of the enemy at hedge junc.. 811668 (Sheet 7F/1)
    A recce patrol under 2 /LT W.R. DUGMORE reconnoitered the area of CHATEAU
    de CORDILLON at 808604 ( Sheet 7F/1) and brought back valuable
    information Details inAPPX A

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