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War Diary: 1st Battalion South Lancashire Regiment

Month and year: August 1944

1st Battalion South Lancashire Regiment August 1944 War Diary covers the units advance deeper into France to the Flers area. Including detailed information on unit positions, training in bridging and target practice against a captured Panther Tank.

National Archive Reference: WO 171/1332

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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
BENVILLE. 1297, Map Sheet 7.F. 1 1130 Warning Order for advance party to R.V.N.E. of BAYEUX at 1400 hrs.
1210 Press representative from Liverpool Post visited Battalion.
1400 E.N.S.A. Concert.
2000 Movement Orders No. 7. give route to CAHAGNOLLES
2 0750 Movement Order No. 8. Fresh route to Bde D.P.
0930 Battalion "O" Group, Orders for transport move.
1155 Head of Bn Column passed Bn. S.P.
1203 Head of Bn Column passed Brigade S.P.
1615 Battalion in position in area ST HONORINE-DE-DUCY. (St.Lo.6F/2 - 7365) -
ST. HONORINE-DE-DUCY. 3 1000 C.O. to Brigade for conference with Brigadier on situation and new role
of 3rd Division. 3rd Division now in 8 Corps.
M.S. St. Lo. 1625 Warning Order for Brigade move on August, 5th, to area FORET-L'EVIQUE 6549.
6F/2.1/50000 1700 "O" Group to discuss routine for take over of defence positions.
7465 Bn on section training during morning. Rest in afternoon. Games and
recreation in evening.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
4 0040 Fresh warning order from Brigade. Recce party to be standing by from
0800 hrs. New area previously indicated now changed.
1110 Recce party R.V. BN.H.Q. to report to GRANVILLE (665507) Map Sheet 7F
1/100,000 for 1230 hrs.
1800 C.O. with Company Commanders on T.E.W.T. in "Bocage"
1935 Two complete platoons from 5th Kings Regt as reinforcements.
Companies on training as day previous.
2300 "O" Group orders for move August, 5th,
2400 T.C.V's not arrived at Div.S.B
5 0300 T.C.V's still not arrived.
0800 Bn transport marshalled.
0900 T.C.V's arrived.
0915 Head of column passed S.P.
1145 Battalion reached new position, west of LA-BENY BOCAGE Reference
6443 - Sheet 6F/4 - 1/50,000.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
5 1255 All companies in position.
1640 Shelling to S.E. about 2,000 yds distance, continuing spasmodically.
1800 Signal Exercise "PRIME"
6 0300 Signal Officer to collect T.C.V's.
0730 Bn on one hour's notice to move,
1000 2 i/c to Brigade. Recce party to LA-BISTIERE to take over from R.U.R.
1100 L.O. from Brigade with SITREP.
1130 Recce party moved off.
1700 "O" Group. Orders for move.
1805 Head of column passed S.P.
2000 Bn in position LA-BISTIERE.
2100 In contact XIX. U.S. Corps.
2200 Heavy Arty Barrage (own) continuing through night.
7 0700 Bn on immediate orders to move.
0857 One shell short of "B" Company area from direction of VIRE.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
7 0917 Member of French resistance movement from VIRE made contact. Despatched to
1003 10 shells, left forward of Bn area,
1010 6 shells forward of "D" Coy's area, Heavy calibre.
1100 C.O. called to E.Yorks HQ.
1130 Brigadier gave orders for Battalion to follow up exploitation of R.U.R
1200 "O" Group warning orders.
1230 C.O. cantacts R.U.R. on recce.
1330 Company Comanders recce area.
1350 Lincs. held up on line of railway, 6632.
1600 "A" Coy, R.U.R. to move forward - postponed.
1645 Move II ditto. Our "B" Coy on move but halted at LA-RAIRIE.
1700 Major. E.F. Johnson rejoined unit.
1740 Lincs. obliged to pull back NORTH of railway. R.U.R. not moving on
original axis.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
7 1800 C.O. rejoins Bn.
1830 C.O. to Brigadiers "O" Group.
1930 Message from Brigade - no move before 0300 hrs. Same role as previous.
2045 Bn. "O" Group.
2225 Messages from Brigade - no relief of R.U.R. until further orders. Back to
Casualty - Lieut. Sharples, wounded.
8 1225-1245. Heavy bombers returning from S.E. Arty barrage engaging German A/A
1805 Representatives arrive from 25th Field Regt who are now in support to
replace 76 Fd. Regt. (Temporarily).
1810 Info. from Brigade that E.Yorks are to relieve LINCS by 090200B.
1905 Bde order for 2 Coy's to step up on R.U.R's.
1915 Bn. "O" Group. Orders for B & C Coys to move to MONTISWOER.
2200 "B" Coy left Bn. area. "O" Coy ready to follow.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
8 2230 R.U.R. commenced to move out to area preparatory to Ex "WALTER"
"B" and "C" Coy's move up to fill gap.
By 2400 Both companies in new position.
9 0600 "H" hour EX "WALTER"
0815 9 1B. report themselves on first three objectives. pr.223. 651358.
Ringed contour 655313. X Rds 664316.
1030 Bn. "O" Group. C.O. gives probable role and general plan for Bn.
1115 C.O. called to Brigade for orders.
8 1B. to advance down VIRE - TINCHEBRAY Rd with U.S. Forces in contact on
right. Bn. on 2 hours notice to move.
1630 Adjutant called to Brigade for fresh orders.
1640 Message from G 3. No. move, orders on way.
1712 12 shells in "B" Coy's area. SSE. Medium calibre. No damage.
1745 Ad jutant returned with orders. 8 1B to move to concentration area S.E.
VIRE 101000 - 101800 hrs. B.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
9 2030 Bn. "O" Group, Company Commanders informed of future plans.
10 0130 Movement orders from Brigade - to VIRE. S.Pt. 1000 hrs.
200 U.S. report 30-40 enemy tanks N. area 7217 - 7123 Map ref.1/25,000 37/12.W
0755 Recce party for VIRE left under 2 i/c - Major Waller.
0815 Bn. "O" Group Orders issued for move to concentration area S.E of VIRE
1/25000 34/12 N.E.
0850 Exceptionally heavy British Arty fire supporting LINCOLNS fighting patrol
pt. 670294 Map. 34/12 N.E VIRE.
1000 Marching personnel en-route - VIRE. Transport following 2 hrs later.
1230 Bn in position S.E. VIRE - digging in.
1323 Shells land S.E. of forward positions. Distance 1000 yds. Odd shells up
to 2200 hrs.
1430 - 2000 Brigade "O" Group for operation on VIRE - TINCHEBRAY axis.
2200 C.O. briefs Company Commanders, Tank-and Artillery reps.
8 British Inf Brigade in order - Sth Lanes - East Yorks - Suffolks.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
VIRE 10 to advance from VIRE to TINCHEBRAY on main road. 185 Brigade to conform
by movement on left flank on railway line axis. 9 Brigade in reserve
E. of VIRE. Americans to move on right flank.
Bn plan - "A" and "B" Coy's forward - "C" and "D" Coy's to "leapfrog"
through with tanks in support (City of London Yeomanry)
11 0200 "B" Coy report three heavy calibre shells from S.S.E. in coy area,
0245 Arty and bombing charts reach Bn. H Q.
0630 Patrols report area LEFAY and 664310 unoccupied) Map reference.
---- do ---- 66831 occupied by enemy. ) 1/25,000 - 34/12.N.E.
---- do ---- Building 649304 unoccupied. )
0850 1 LINCOLNS REGT form firm base at 652306 and 649303. This cancels Arty "stonk"
on first objectives.
0900 "H" hour. Heavy Artillery support Battalion during advance.
0920 American elements not now moving on right flank
0925 "A" Coy held up by enemy mortar fire area 653303 (1/25000-34/12) -NE-VIRE
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11 "B" Company reach 652309,
"D" Company ordered to move forward,
0937 "A" and "B" Company continue advance.
0945 "A" and "B" Coys report no opposition at 653306 and 658306 (1/25,000 - 34/12
1005 "A" Coy at 658301.
1040 "A" Coy at 660247, LA-VILIONNTERE (Map of GATHEMO-1/25,000-34/12.SE
"B" Coy at 667298.
1055 Brigadier "If little or no opposition, advance main axis rapidly"
1102 Enemy gun position reported 678275 (34/12 SE.
1123 Enemy reported LE-BOIS 655294
1130 "C" Coy now passing through "A" Coy at LA-VILLONSTERE.
2. E.Yorks Regt start to move forward.
1210 Main axis under shell fire. One Sherman tank hit 670293.
1312 "D" Coy reach LA-VILLONIERE advancing.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
11 1315 "A" Coy take prisoners (Infantry 95 G.G.R - attached to 13 A/TK,
1405 On left 185 Brigade reach 251405 - pt 262.
1406 Wounded Sgt states "C" Coy pinned down 300 yds short of pt 272 - 676289
by heavy mortar and M.G. fire. About 15 casualties.
1420 "A" Coy reach 665296. Bn. H.Q. established at LA-VILLONIERE
1500 Major Chance slightly wounded at pt 247 - 670293.
1515 C.O. holds "O" Group for new plan of attack on pt 272.
"A" and "D" Coy's right flank - pt 272 with arty support.
"B" Company continue up main axis when "A" and "D" complete movement.
1530 "C" Coy contacted by Int. Sgt in position 670293 pt 247.
1620 E. Yorks reach 672293 on main axis (1/25000 34/12 S.E. )
1630 "A" Coy capture 2 prisoners from 959 G.R. Regt at 664295.
1640 R.A.P. established at LA-VILLONIERE.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
11 1700 "A" Coy reported at 667287 - under small arms fire.
1727 "A" & "D" Coy's crossed start line.
"A" Coy, East Yorks in position main road at pt247.
1728 "B" Company at 668921.
1734 "D" Coy 667287 under small arms fire,
1753 "D" Coy ordered to secure ob jective including bridge 681285 and to patrol as
1825 "A" Coy trying to move round right flank, hold up by fire.
1830 "D" Coy request Tank support, forward troops at 674288.
1840 "A" Coy under accurate artillery fire and mortar fire.
1850 Carriers pinned down 677291,
1855 "A" Coy at 667285.
1930 8 I.B. now at 637314
1943 Enemy M.G. post located at ridge 672287.
2030 Coy's stand fast.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
11 2000-2100. Organising fire plan to assist attack on 272.
2130 Artillery Barrage failed to materialise.
2230 Coy's stand fast and patrol forward from present localities.
City of London Yeomanry relieved during night by Goldstream Guards.
12 0530 Patrols report no contact with enemy during night.
0600 Brigade "O" Group - same plan of attack on pt 272 as night of 11th.
0730 Bn "O" Group with Company Commanders.
0900 "H" Hour "Stonk" commenced on pt 272 and area.
2 East Yorks Coy's on left of wood LA-SALIERE 676294 (1/25000 34/12 S.E.)
0905 "B" Company report own medium Artillery falling in company area.
0920 "A" "B" and "C" Coy's moving.
0927 "A" and "B" Coy's held up by Mediums falling short,
0928 "B" Coy ordered to wait until "lift"
0942 "A" Coy moving forward as far as Arty permits approx 300 yds.
"B" Coy ---------- do --------- 200 yds.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
12 0955 East Yorks report being shot up by own tanks.
1000 Tanks report signs of hasty enemy withdrawal,
"C" Coy ordered to push on as hard as possible,
1014 "A" Coy reach objective.
1018 Tanks now forward of pt 272.
1020 "C" Coy on objective.
1023 Brigadier orders exploitation of objective and forward to 684294
1100 "A" Coy at 674281 bridge intact.
1125 "B" Coy capture prisoner - Medical Orderly, 5th Para, (Fritz Hope)
"A" Coy find packages containing despatches. Passed on to Division for
1135 Brigadier and R.V. Pt.247.670273.
1150 Bridge at 681285 reported by "C" Coy "Intact"
1214 Americans make contact and are exploiting forward in collaboration with us.
1335 East Yorks holding orchard 679291 - patrols to AUBESNIERE 6828.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
12 Suffolks stepped up behind East Yorks and S.Lancs,
U.S. Forces "K" Coy and another not known of XXIII Regt, 2 Div in area
RATURDIERE 6627. Plan to attack I'AUBENIERE 6726 and LE-BOSA 6825.
1715 Bn. H.Q. established 674288.
1810 Officer of R. E's brings in prisoner from 680286.
1930 20th A/Tank Regt report mines at Track 677293. Pioneers to clear.
2145 Carrier Pln takes four prisoners at X roads 693275.
3rd Recce also patrol 200 yds short of X roads.
2245 1 Suffolks pass through to X roads 693275 taking 27 O.R's and 3 Officers
13 0600 Fairly quiet night and occasional shelling
0845 2 East Yorks pass through to X roads 693275.
1000 East Yorks and Suffolks now thoroughly established in area of X roads.
1030 C. O's "O" Group with Company Commanders.
1645 Brigade "O" Group.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
13 1900 Bn "O" Group. East Yorks and Suffolks to advance to 707277-699270-
693266. Bn. to move to 693275 at 2100 hrs.
2045 Heavy barrage on all forward known enemy localities.
2210 East Yorks and Suffolks on objectives.
2225 22 Prisoners passed through to P.O.W. cage.
14 0050 Bn ordered to move to 694270-689278-696275-689280.Map ref 1/25000 37/12.SW,
Suffolks exploiting further forward.
0120 Bn moving now.
0210 Brigadier orders "stop everything"
Enemy message intercepted - position overrun send group III.
0330 Companies move to new locations and await orders.
0730 Bn. H.Q. at 689279. Bn deployed - area X roads 692275.
1130 3rd Recce move out along main axis.
1405 "C" Coy patrol contacts K.S.L.I. (185 Bde) at 700282. 7/25000.37/12.S.W
1715 Brigade "O" Group.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
14 1830 Bn "O" Group. Coy's to advance to X rds 719258-pt 251 - 706253. A
Squadron of Churchill Tanks with each company.
1930 Coy's move to F.U.P.
1950 Operation cancelled. Coy's return to area 693275. 1/25000.34/12.S.E
2000 Americans moving to area 702258 now.
2100 Contact patrols arranged with East Yorks and Suffolks,
2230 Brigade order patrols to WOOD 6828 and TRACK 696284.1/25000.34/12.S.E
15 0600 Quiet night - normal shelling.
0615 Patrols report area's allocated as being clear.
0900 Americans now at LE-BOSA 6825 - TRUTTIMER-IE-PETTT 6824. Map ref.1/25000. 34/12. S. E.
1020 Brigade order "Carry out last night's operation"
1035 Orders issued to Tank Cmdrs, Arty Reps, Coy Cmdrs. "H" Hour 1130.
1110 "H" Hour put back to 1215 hrs.
1155 Americans state 706253 (1"25000 37/12 S.W. clear of enemy,
1200 Stand fast "Plan off"
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
15 1210 Suffolks moving to Pt.251 - 704261 now.
1215 Special B.B.C. Announcement - Further Allied Landings in South of France.
1330 Coy's return to old locations with supporting arms.
1500 Zero hour - Propare to move 1600 hrs.
1515 Area 743285. Area clear. Suffolks.
1600 Bn moving rapidly to ne area 739244 (1/25000 37/12 S.W. )
1745 Track Junction 737248 - clear.
1800 No enemy in locality.
1830 All companies in position area 736248.
1845 Patrols report forward areas clear of enemy. Several P of W surrendered
during Bn advance, had been waiting all day for our arrival "Very
1900 Casual shelling - S.E. No casualties.
2030 "O" Group for forming of bridgehead 776223 (1/25000 37/12 S.W) and
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
15 "C" & "D" Companies forward.
2200 "C" & "D" Companies on move now.
East Yorks moving to area 787263.
2335 "C" Company cross main road at MARTIGNY 764245. (1/25000 37/12 S.W.)
2352 "D" Coy cross river at 756236 (1/25000 37/12 S.W.)
Bridge blown, river crossed by marching personnel. R.E's required to
repair bridge.
2355 "C" Coy cross river at 765244 Bridge intact.
16 0020 Difficult transport movement, alternative route made, Very heavy
thunderstorm. Rain bogs tracks.
0111 "C" Coy reached second objective 763249 (1/25000 37/12 S.W.)
0114 "B" Coy contact "D" Coy at 756236 without incident.
0118 "D" Coy in Orchard 763235 - consolidating
0205 Railway level crossing 764244 clear, Contact made with 30 Inf Regt,
3rd Bn. U.S. V Divn who pulled out to allow our advance & deployment.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
16 0253 Bn H.Q. established at 763239.
0300 "A" & "B" Coy's reach final objectives at 776237 - 769233. LA-RIVIERE,
0530 Transport moves to advanced area 763239,
0730 Contact made with East Yorks at FRENES 782250 who have established firm
0830 "D" Coy take two prisoners. One artillery - one A/Tk Regt. Gdr.
0900 "A" Company runner captures sleeping "Boche" in barn, left behind by his
unit 253 Inf Regt.
1235 Contact completed with U.S. Forces - bridgehead secured - U.S. Recce
forces push further south of TINGHEBRAY.
1237 3rd Reace and Suffolk Regt push on east towards FLERS - no contact with enerry.
1240 3 Recce patrols enter FLERS and still no contact with enemy.
1400 Coldstream Armour passes through en route for FLERS.
1600 9th Br. Inf. Bde pass through to LANDISACQ 8021 (1/25000.37/12 S.W. )
1900 Member of "Macquis" contacts Bn H.Q. complete with Sten Gun and 36 grenade
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
16 dropped by parachute. Claims to have already killed 3 Boche and wanted to
be as close to enemy as possible with Free French Forces. Passed on to Bde.
2000 Bde H.Q. now established at Track Jn -764255. (1/25000 37/12 - S.W.)
2155 Single low flying enemy plane drops three bombs S.E. LA-RIVIERE (1/25000 37/12 SW)
17 0600 Patrols report no troops in areas allocated either enemy or friendly at
770223 & 766224 (1/25000 37/12 S.W. )
0900 Bn H.Q. Platoon Commanders and Sergeants discuss minor tactics on recent
operations. Coy's on individual training.
0945 Second-in-Command called to Brigade
1145 Bn ordered to clear area CHANN 783188 (1/25000 37/10 N.W.)
1330 "C" Coy Mortar and Carrier Platoons search area as above for enemy weapons
ammunition and installations,
2000 Task carried out by Mobile Carriers and Embussed Infantry,
Area between points 765200 - 839194 - 818168 - 775175. (1/2500 37/10 N.W.).
18 0900 Coy's on "Patro. Training".
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
18 0930 C.O. organises scheme for 3" Mortars.
1130 Wireless exercise "Bulldog"
1400 Recreational training - soccer and swimming.
1730 Second-in-Command called to Brigade re Divisional move to area S.E.
of FLERS (1/25000 37/10 N.E.)
1900 3" Mortars carry out short exercise area 776241 (1/25000 37/12 S.W.).
19 0800 Advance Party leave for new location LA-CHAPELLE-AU-MOINE. (1/25000 37/10
2045 I.O. called to Brigade - detailed plan for move to new location.
2100 "B" Coy area. Many refugees return without food, Arrangements made with
civil affairs TINCHEBRAY for this relief.
LA-RIVIERE. 20 0930 Transport passes Bn S.P. for new location - route - LA-RIVIERE - CHANU-
LARCHAMP - LA-CHAPPELLE-AU-MOINE. Map refs.1/50000 7G/1 783188-779150-852168.
0954 Bn passes Brigade S.P.
1000 Marching troops en route via LANDISACQ ) FLERS - LA-CHAPPELLE - MOINE.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
LA-CHAPPELLE-AU-MOINE. 20 1210 Transport arrives new location area 852168 N.E.(Ref 1/25000 37/10 N.E.)
1350 Marching personnel arrive area LA-CHAPPELLE-AU-MOINE.
1355 Senior officers of Bn attend Boating and Bridging demonstration - Lake
843166 (1/25000 37/10 N )
1715 C.O. attends Brigade "O" Group,
1925 Bn Order Group - Future training.
21 0800 Heavy and persistent rain throughout day.
0900 Coy's on individual training.
1400 Recce of local recreational area (LA-CHAPPELLE-AU-MOINE. )
22 0730 to Vehicles training-river crossing by day on (C1. G FBE Bridge) Area 843165
1130 Lake - (1/25000 LARCHANY)
1000 I.O's course at Division - Lt. Jones attended.
1430 C.O recce's training areas for companies FORET MALOUZE - BOIS DE MISSEL
1600-200. Rifle companies train in use of storm boats - area lake 843165 (1/25000 LARCHANY.)
A/Tk guns and Jeeps on same training.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
22 2200-2400 Vehicles training - river crossing by night on C1.G. FBE Bridge,
area 843165 Lake (1/25000 LARCHAMP).
23 0200-0400. Rifle companies train in use of Storm Boats - river crossing by night
Area Lake - 843165 (1/25000 LARCHAMP.)
1130 C.O. recce's area for combined Inf and Tk training Square 8416 (1/25000
LARCHAMP) 37/10 N.W.
1245 Paris liberated - B.B.C.
1400 Demonstration by "A" Coy Inf platoon and Tank troop.
Remainder of Coy's recreational training.
24 0800-1200 Rifle Coy's Training - patrols, stalking
Medical inspection for all OR's.
1400 Recreational training - soccer.
25 0800-2000. Mortar Pln and Int. Section search area NORREY-EN-AYGE for destroyed
and abandoned enemy equipment. Map ref 40/12 N.E. 1/25000 255400-278360 -
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
25 1400-1600. Rifle Coy's train with Churchill Tanks, Infantry advance with Tak
support in BOCAGE. Map ref 37/10 N. W. 1/2500.847165.
1500 Party visited FLERS to see film
1615 Recreational training - swimming.
Bn Soccer trial match.
26 1000 C.O. recce's area for training Exercise SNIPE "I" August, 28/29.
1000 Bn provide Brigade H.Q. Guard. Mobile baths with unit the whole day,
27 1000 C.O's church parade.
1400 Safety officers and N.C.O's recce area for Exercise SNIPE I.
1500 Bn Soccer team play K.O.S.B. XI.
28 0700 Exercise "SNIPE I" all Pls exercised in attack against an unlocated enerty
-2000 Mortar Pl in support Field firing Area 791151 - 784163. 1/25000 37/10 N.W.
1430 First Details of Formation of "R" Coy issued.
1430 Stalking "Crusader" Tank concealed in Square 8118 (1/25000, 37/10 N.W.)
"D" Coy patrol under Capt Shirtt.
Use of PIAT and smoke.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
28 1445 C.O's discussion at Brigade "Infantry and Tank co-operation"
1800 Bn Athletic Meeting and Assualt at Arms. First Committe meeting.
29 0700-1445 Remainder of Bn complete Field Tiring Exercise SNIPE I
0900 Sports Committe recce proposed course and area for Bn Athletic Meeting
to be held 2/3 September, 44.
0930-1200. "A" and "B" Coy's firing of PIAT - live ammunition against captured
PANTHER TANK Map ref:-1/25000 37/10 N.E 865173.
1400 Film entertainment at FLERS.
1800 Bn played 1 K.O.S.B. at soccer, Result;- 1 S.Lan.R. 7 - KOSB. 3.
1900 Theatre entertainment at FLERS.
30 0830 "D" Coy carried out recapitulation of Exercise Snipe I, walking over the
ground and bringing out points of battle proceedure,
2" Mortar practice proceeded concurrently with above.
Similar training for A,B,C Coy's cancelled owing to inclement weather.
Coy's carried out W.T. and interior economy in Coy areas.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
30 1130-1230. Sig. Exercise "TURKEY" Part I.
1400 Selected personnel of Bn attended CONGER demonstration at FLERS.
1430-1530 Sig Exercise "TURKEY" Part II.
2230 Warning Order for Advance Party to stand by on August, 31st
31 1100-1120. One platoon of "B" Company carried out Exercise SNIPE I with
cooperation of 1 Tp of tanks from COLDM GDS (152)
1100 Advance party moved off to LAIGLE (7843).
1125-1245. One platoon of "D" Company carried out Exercise SNIPE I with
cooperation of I Tp of tanks from COLDIN GDS.
Vehicles prepared for Bde Cmdrs inspection of September, 1st.

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