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    War Diary: 1st Battalion The East Lancashire Regiment

    Month and year: August 1944

    The 1st Battalion The East Lancashire Regiment August 1944 War Diary covers their time pushing deeper into France from Gavrus, Normandy across the Seine to Bosquetin.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1330

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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    GAVRUS1Quiet morning, but frequent mortaring in the afternoon causing casualties,
    2000Unexploded rocket projectiles landed in 'A' Coy area. Bde informed. Shell
    had blackened base with holes, presumably for ejection of gases, and
    percussion cap. Bottom 6" of base was threaded on to remainder. All found
    were open at top showing explosive. Size 18" long. 2 1/4" dia.
    2200At conference told enemy likely to be withdrawing - energetic patrolling
    2330Patrol under Capt. Jeavons set out to recce enemy positions.Appx 'A'
    20100Patrol under Sjt Swain set out to recce enemy posns,Appx 'B'
    0100An espionage agent was arrested in 'A' Ech by Ptes Graham & Cfn Butler. He
    was later found to have come from Paris with the obj of finding Div Bdys.
    0400 Above patrols carried out well, and useful infm obtained.
    0530L.O. brought Bde Op Inst No.1 dated 2 Aug.attd as Appx 'D'
    1300Daylight patrols sent out to see if enemy was withdrawing.
    16002 Frenchmen brought in trying to get to EVRECY - sent to Bde though they
    seemed genuine.
    1830Orders given for Ex 'Bayonet', followed by recce.Orders shown as Appx 'D'
    (Raid by 'C' Coy with tank, arty, MMG, Mor & Crocodile sp)
    2100 - 2300Heavy enemy mortaring while 4 Welch make a raid on left flank towards ESQUAY.
    30400Both Patrols returned with valuable infm of enemy localities.
    0900Ex 'Bayonet' cancelled.
    1345It is thought enemy in front have withdrawn.
    Daylight OPs ordered to be sent fwd from 'D' Coy & adv Carrier Secs.
    Ex 'Bayonet' now merely postponed.
    1600Op Instr No.2 received. No.1 cancelled. Deals with advance to line ofAPPX. E
    R.Orne at Amaye sur Orne. Not to be implemented till ordered.
    During the night, three patrols were sent out. One patrol from 'D', oneAPPX 'F'
    from 'B', and one from 'A', with the object of discovering whether the energy
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    GAVRUS3was withdrawing.
    4The information received was illuminating. By 0500 hrs it was apparent that
    the enemy was withdrawing from his known positions along the road NE from
    EVRECY to LE BON REPOS and NNW from EVRECY to GAVRUS. Daylight patrols sent
    out to these roads & established there confirmed this, particularly oneAPPX 'G'
    patrol under L/Sjt Chapman of 'B' Coy (Killed in action). An enemy mine-
    field was located along the latter road. This infm was passed back quicklyAppx 'H'
    and produced in due course a congratulatory message from the Div Comd.
    During the morning, we were waiting for Op Order No.2 to be implemented
    i.e. the pursuit of the retreating enemy, but it was considered by Higher
    Formation apparently, that we were so thin on the ground as to make pursuit
    without ample reconnaissance, a dangerous proceeding. Moreover, away on
    our left flank recce patrols had encountered enemy tanks in LE BON REPOS at
    about 0600 hrs. Armoured recce patrols penetrated some 10 miles almost to
    the banks of the ORNE and found only two coys of enemy who, thinking they
    were secure, had halted for tea. All other enemy had gone.
    1800C' Coy sent Battle Patrol to hold Evrecy Br.
    A Carrier Patrol was sent out in the evening to the SW and though it made
    a detour of some 8 miles, no enemy was seen. Taking advantage of the
    enemy's withdrawal, the Bn assumed new dispositions during the evening
    and night of 4 Aug. 'B' Coy left, SW of Evrecy at 9259, 'C' Coy on their
    left extending to the Evrecy bridge 931593, while 'A' Coy moved fwd to
    N side of Evrecy923599, 'Dr Coy moving to Pt.113 as counter-attack force.
    Nothing further happened that day. Evrecy itself was a shambles, with
    roads navigable only by Jeeps, with 90% demolished buildings, and the remainder allLog sheet Appx 'I'
    5In the morning we were ordered to concentrate the Bn. and this was done
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    EVRECY,5by 1400 hrs around Bn. H.Q, which was still in the old location. Almost
    immediately afterwards, we were told that the Bn would join 158 Inf Bde
    replacing 7 RWF, and recce parties were despatched to FEUGUEROLLES SUR
    ORNE, to contact opposite numbers of 7 RWF, whose posns we were ordered
    to occupy. The move was ordered to commence at 1700 hrs, and the first
    coy actually moved off at 1730 hrs. The 4 RWF were met on the road, and
    the congestion caused some delay, with the result that the Bn having
    marched some 7 miles, were only reported in at 2200 hrs that night. PartLAYOUT OF POSNS AT APP 'J'
    of the road had not been checked for mines, which caused further delay,
    although no mines, were in fact, encountered. During the night, short
    patrols were sent forward to the bank of the ORNE, but no enemy were
    met. Some signs of enemy defensive preparations were seen and heard on
    the far bank.
    FEUGUEROLLES SUR ORNE.Apart from a few occasional shells and mortaring on a fwd OP., there was no
    enemy activity directed against us. It was anticipated that the Bde would
    be asked to cross the ORNE in this sector, and consequently, patrols were
    ordered to cross the river at night. This they succeeded in doing.Reports Appx 'K'.
    7At 2330 hrs the Bde was warned to move to area of LE HOMME928574, South of
    EVRECY, It was considered essential to get the tpt away before daylight
    Certain adjustments had therefore to be made to the patrols mentioned above
    to get them back by 0500 hrs, The tpt had to start getting book at 0530
    hrs. This involved continuous organising work during the night i.e. calling
    up tpt from 'A' Ech, loading up trucks with stores dumped on the ground,
    preparations of breakfasts and cutting of haversack rations for dinner
    meal, All this had to be done before the tpt moved offs. The morning was
    misty, and the early move of tpt did in fact become unnecessary, but was
    nevertheless carried out. The Bn commenced marching at 0930 hrs and
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    7arrived in the rest area at 1200 hrs. On the way some war reporters were
    met who were dealt with by the 2IC. The day was very hot and dusty and the
    stench of decaying bodies unbearable in places. The Bn was at 6 hrs notice
    to move, the idea being that we should cross the ORNE where a bridgehead
    had already been made by 156 Bde which included 5 E.Lan.R. at GOUPILLIERES
    8The day was spent in adm by the Bn. CO and Coy Comds were called fwd today
    to recce posns for an attack EAST of the bridge over the ORNE
    Instead of taking over from the N.Staffs, as was expected, the Royal
    Warwicks were found to be in those positions and they knew nothing of our
    impending move, therefore alternative posns were reconnoitred to be
    occupied if they were still in position when we eventually arrived.
    9The Bn moved off on a reduced scale of tpt at 1830 hrs. Due to heavy
    traffic on the roads there were numerous hold-ups, and the Bn was not in
    its posn on the EAST side of the ORNE until dark. The Royal Warwicks were
    found to have moved forward and the Coys occupied their posns. Tpt was
    sent forward to arrive about midnight. Congestion on the bridge was very
    great; a continual stream of traffic was passing over the Bailey bridge
    and was being halted only for maintenance of the bridge, and on occasions
    when the fwd area reached saturation point. It was obvious that everything
    was being pushed Lwd with the greatest possible speed from artillery
    to field ambulances.
    10The Bn made no move this day, but orders were given for an advance, expected
    to begin at 0600 hrs on the following morning, together with 147 RAC
    (Churchill Tank Bn) and the plan was made to capture pt 205 and the DONNAY
    X-rds, sending 'C' Coy to one Plank to capture BOIS HALBOUT
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    110430As ordered the Bn left the area of the bridge over the ORNE and marched
    0600about three miles EAST on to the main road running N & S through LES MOUTIERS
    EN-CINGLAIS 153 RAC was already there and 'A', 'B' & 'C' Coys practised getting on and
    off the tanks which were to carry them into action ('B', 'A' & 'C' Sqns
    respectively). The plan was that the two fwd coys should take the Donnay
    X-rds (MR994444) 'C' Coy being pushed north to BOIS HALBOUT to seize and
    hold it till relieved by the 1/5 Welch, advancing on our left. The Bn was
    then to reassemble and capture point 210 (MR 025409 ). Units to the South
    reported, however, heavier opposition than was expected, particularly at
    ESPINS and this advance was cancelled. In the evening the Bn was warned
    for an attack on BOIS HALBOUT, This was later cancelled as obviously
    insufficient time was available to prepare the attack properly.
    1500Tanks withdrawn for another operation and participation in attack by 7 RWF
    on FRESNEY LE VIEUX in the evening.
    1700Bn concentrated for the night in area 984516 and was warned for attack on
    BOIS HALBOUT the following day. Attempted recces proved it impossible, to see
    the ground for the attack.
    12Attack on BOIS HALBOUT. (This action is described on attached sheet).Appx 'L'
    Weather throughout the day was fine, Tank casualties were 2 Tanks,
    Patrols sent out SW to 009462 and W to 004467 reported no enemy seen.
    Casualties sustained were:- 39 wounded. 11 Killed.
    13After many postponments 1 Oxf Bucks commenced passing through at 0130 hrs,
    followed after daybreak by 1 HLI.
    1200Enemy tanks were reported at 000460 during the day and there were numerous
    other alarms but nothing except shellfire actually came down on our posns.
    Meanwhile, 147 Fd Amb est itself almost on Bn.HQ and material of every
    description was passed through.
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    14No enemy action was experienced throughout the day.
    0930C' & 'D' Coys were ordered fwd to clear pockets of resistance and snipers
    from around the area of CLINCHAMPS 0145.
    1050These coys moved off to this area and found no signs of mines or enemy.
    Instead the area was occupied by recce patrols from various units and a
    complete inf bn.
    1510Both Coys were ordered to return.
    150700The Bde was put at 2 hrs notice to move from 0700 hrs. The Bn stayed in its
    present location all morning and listened to reports of other units who by
    this time were in LEFFARD. Here, 2 Mons were experiencing trouble with
    small determined bodies of the enemy.
    1200The Bn embussed and moved fwd some 7 miles in 3 tonners to a conc area at
    MR............., Here we waited till 1745 hrs when we moved on down the road
    to LEFFARD. Signs of recent battle were very obvious and the Bn coln came
    under some Mortar and Nebelwerfer fire. The leading coy ('D' coy) came into
    contact with enemy in LEFFARD at 1850 hrs which, together with 2 Mons, they
    cleared. From then on, small bodies of enemy were reported at various
    places along the road until at 2055 hrs fairly stiff opposition was
    reported from X-rds 087377. In view of the nearness of darkness, Bde was
    asked whether the Bn should push on and they said "Yes". At 2200 hrs, this
    order was countermanded by Div. This meant the cancellation of the attack
    on the 'Leffard X-rds' It was now almost completely dark, and the chaos and
    confusion resulting from turning the coln round, was matched only by the utter
    chaos which ensued in Leffard, where 2 inf bns and the recce regt had tpt
    on the road at the same time as well as troops. However, the bn managed to
    double up with 2 Mons who were thin on the ground and held Leffard as a firm
    base until daylight. Rain poured down throughout the night.
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    16The Bn moved out from LEFFARD in the same order as yesterday, i.e. 'D', 'C'
    B', 'A'. Only a few rifle shots were encountered before X-rds were reached.
    1030The Sig Offr (Lieut. Hawlins) reported that he had got 15.PWs including 2
    Oberleutants. They reported enemy in woods on our left flank were
    dispersing in all directions. The SO was travelling with 'HQ' Coy near the
    rear of the coln.
    1045The CO went forward, as reports had been coming in of fairly strong enemy
    resistance from NORAN L'ABBAYE and the bldgs North of it. 'D' Coy was
    pinned to the ground North of the bridge at 105364, 'C' Coy was at
    this time by the X-rds 104360 The sq of tanks was unable to help
    us owing to the nature of the ground. An attack was therefore laid on,
    C' Coy being directed at the little group of bldgs 103368 after whose
    capture, 'D' Coy were to advance over the stream and capture NORAN L'ABBAYE
    in three successive bounds, the configuration of the village lending itself
    to this method. In sp they had the div arty, plus one med regt, firing
    concentrations on to the village, and the sqn of tanks. H hour was fixed
    at 1320 hrs. Account of attack is given in Appx. MAppendix 'M'
    2100At this time, 'A' & 'B' Coys were ordered to withdraw from their fwd posns
    in MIETTE, as the posn was untenable against a determined night attack.
    Both coys were very thin on the ground, 'B' Coy had lost its A, Coy Comd -
    Capt. Jeavons, and Lieut, Bromfield - both wounded, and Major Griffin, OC 'A'
    Coy, now commanded both Coys as a composite force of 3 platoons.
    2050This move was cancelled, and both coys, together with the sq of tks, were
    ordered to remain out till 0140 hrs the following morning, since at 0200 hrs
    an attack would push on through METTE and to the South. This was done, and
    the Bn concentrated in NORAN L'ABBAYE holding it as a firm base, the posns
    having been reconnoitred early in the evening .
    17There was no enemy activity in our area, 71 Bde having pushed the enemy well
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    17back, One stray bomb from an Allied fighter-bomber fell in 'D' Coy's area
    but caused no casualties. During the day an unfortunate accident occurred
    whereby Lieut. H. Taylor received injuries from which he later died, and 4 men
    were killed and 5 injured. A total of approx 60 prisoners was taken during the
    The Bn was ordered to move fwd in the evening to the area SQ 1132.
    2140at this time (10 mins late) the Bn moved off, the delay being caused by the
    amount of arty on the road, which was being pushed fwd as far as possible to harrass
    the retreating enemy. The route was found to be cratered in one place and
    further delay was caused by having to find a diversion. At the same time
    a heavy air-raid was observed to be taking place East of FALAISE. Take
    over from 4 RWF lasted from midnight to 0400 hrs.
    18During the day, adjustments were made to the somewhat scattered posns and
    the resulting posns were: 'D' Coy right fwd at, 'C' Coy left fwd
    at ....... , 'B' Coy right rear at ..........., 'A' Coy left rear at ..........,
    Only slight mortaring and shelling occurred during the day. Some enemy
    were seen and were shot up. 2 German offrs and some OR PWs were taken, The
    Bn made its first contact with a member of the MAQUIS. Patrols were sent
    out during the night to find locations of the enemy. Reports are attached.-Appendix 'N'
    190900Commencing at 0900 and finishing at 1300 hrs, the Bn was relieved by 7 Sea-
    forths. At 1200 hrs, Bofors guns were brought into 'D' Coys posn to
    complete a shoot directed against CORDEY, the village immediately to our
    front. This was the first time we had seen AA guns used in harassing role.
    Enemy response was meagre. The Bn started off to occupy new defensive posns
    at pt 183 in the FORET ST ANDRE at 1500 hrs, arriving there some 4 hrs later.
    Destination was eventually changed and the Bn finally arrived in an area west
    of NECY map ref so 1921, and found itself more in a conc area than a def
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    19posn, since the enemy had apparently withdrawn completely by this time, HeavyLetter of congratulation received from Bde comd Appx 'O'
    rain fell during the night, when an attempt was made by the enemy to break
    out of the FALAISE pocket by tanks. A tk guns were therefore despatched to
    Boiscoys as a precaution, although the enemy were some 9,000 yds away.
    20A Carrier patrol was sent out during the day to make contact with friendly
    tps in NECY and LE MESNIL GUERRARD, No enemy were seen but reports of great .
    STdevastation on the roads were brought back.
    21The Bn continued to rest and to maintain arms, egpt, and vehs. Mobile Bath
    Unit was allotted to the Bn. Heavy rain fell for the major portion of the day.
    ANDRE22Bn was visited by the Bde Armrs team to inspect all coy wpns, A number of
    men were able to see an ENSA show. Capt.Nicoll joined the Bn from 1/5
    Welch together with a draft of 50. ORs.
    23Major Bremner and 35 ORs (specialists) joined the Bn from 5 E. Lan, R.
    24Again visited by Mobile Bath Unit.
    251700Bn started marching via NECY to BAILLEUL. MT going by separate route leaving
    at 1625 hrs. All along the roads the signs of the enemy rout of a week
    previous were evident. Burnt out motor vehs, lined the roads by the score
    together with huddled heaps of lifeless humanity in some places. Bn got in
    late in the evening and settled down for the night.
    BAILLEUL26The Bn remained on tenderhooks throughout the day waiting for a move. Orders
    were finally given for a move at 0630 hrs the following morning after the
    same pattern as yesterday, Some adn was carried out during the day, the
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    26mobile bath unit also being available, Draft of 2 ORs (Maj Tomlinson &
    Capt.Douglas) and 143 ORs from L/Fs., and Capt. Carter joined the Bn late
    the same evening. All were attached pending absorbtion in WE.
    0630Bn passed Bde SP East of BAILLEUL by march route. Tpt sent round by better
    road starting at 0730 hrs.
    0630Bicycle Coy sent off independently.
    Bn moved through CHAMBOIS seeing signs of heavy damage and men and vehs and
    horses of the enemy - and smelling the stench was terrific.
    1430Bn conc in area MARDILLY (MRSQ 5453) Some adm was carried out and many able
    to get their first swim in France in the R Touges,
    0631Bn passed SP., South of MARDILLY in TCVs, less bicycle coy which started
    riding at 0730 hrs. Bn had 18 TCVs for this move. Movement was very fast
    and Bn was conc in new area (MR 7854) NE of GLOS LA FERRIERE by 0830 hrs
    All the way, the coln was cheered by local population, Damage to this
    part of the country was neglible, and all the people seemed well fed. Two
    ENSA shows were provided later in the day which some men were able to see.
    29Orders were received in the morning to move to the Div conc area North of
    EVREUX. TCVs were provided (26) but arrived half-hour after we were due
    to pass the SP, which timing was consequently put back till 1642,
    Many convoys were on the road, often getting jumbled up, largely due to
    bad march discipline of some colns and the narrowness of many roads.
    2215Time of arrival was about 1 1/2hrs later, therefore than it should have been.
    Distance travelled was 40 miles.
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    BROSVILLE292300Bn reported in conc area centred on BROSVILLE 178773, some 8 miles North of
    EVREUX. Weather was poor with heavy rain and a few bright intervals.
    30The Bn was put at one hour's notice to move from 0900 hrs. Due to congestion
    on the 2 bridges over the SEINE, which had been established, the move was
    delayed and the route finally altered until the Bn eventually set off at
    1842 hrs. The route lay through GAILLON, over the SEINE at 375831 by
    LE MESNILa CL. IX bridge and thence East along the North bank of the SEINE, later
    striking North to ECQUIS, Bn finally harbouring in LE MESNIL VERE LIVES at
    VIRELIVES0630 hrs 31 Aug. The delays en route (1 hr was spent in GAILLON) were caused
    by the heavy traffic being passed over the river, and the necessity for
    maintenance of the bridges. The Bn actually crossed the SEINE at 0230 hrs.
    The morning was spent in resting.
    31The Bn was again ordered to move and left its harbour area at 1709 hrs
    BOSQUENTINarriving at BOSQUENTIN an hour later and again harbouring for the night. The
    rest of the Bde meanwhile was clearing the woods in the FORET DE LYONS area,
    the Bn, being in reserve, was not called upon for this duty and in fact, only
    two prisoners were taken by the Bde.

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