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    War Diary: 1st Battalion The East Lancashire Regiment

    Month and year: June 1944

    Covers the waterproofing of vehicles for wading at Milsted and their arrival in Normandy on the 25th June before moving to concentration area further inland.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1330

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Milsted2ndBn. commenced Waterproofing "A" Vehicles for wading
    4thCommenced waterproofing "B" Vehs for wading.
    6thBn. at 6 hrs notice to move.
    7thLt. R. Windle and Lt. J.E. Harling proceeded to 47 R.H.U.
    Messages received from Supreme Comd, and C-in-C 21 Army Group
    Attached as Appendices "A" and "B" respectively
    8thBn. Sniper team formed in accordance with W.E. changes
    15thAdv Party under Capt A.T. Bain for move overseas departs.
    Vehs loaded ready to move,
    16thTracked vehicles entrain at Sittingbourne Station at night for move
    17thWheeled Vehicle Party moved off at 0530 hrs to Marshalling Area (Camp T.2)
    Marching Party (Main Body) of Bn. entrained at Sittingbourne Station
    leaving 1200 hrs, arriving Camp J.10 in Marshalling Area.
    Lt. W. Wyatt and 14 O.Rs. remain as Bn. Residues. Bn, Strength at time
    of move, 36 Officers and 804 other ranks.
    18thCoy training carried out in Marshalling Area.
    19thCoy training carried out in Marshalling Area.
    20thCoy training carried out in Marshalling Area. Strength decrease 1 O.R.
    Veh Party (Wheels & Tracks) embarked S.S. Ocean Vigil at East India Docks.
    21stAll moves from Camp J.10 postponed owing to gale in channel.
    22ndAll moves from Camp J.10 again postponed.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    23rdMarching party received orders to move the following day.
    Strength decrease: 2 O.Rs. absent.
    24thFirst Marching Party (A & B Coys) leaves Marshalling Area 0800 hrs
    arriving at Newhaven and embarking on L.S.I. S.S. "Longford".
    Second Marching Party (C & D Coys) leaves Marshalling Area 1300 hrs
    arriving at Newhaven and embarking on L.S.I. S.S. "Ben My Chree".
    Veh Party left Thames anchorage.
    25thMoved from Newhaven anchorage at 0300 hrs, anchoring off JUNO beach
    (NORMANDY). Marching Parties transferred to L.C.Is (Small) and first men
    were landed on beaches at 1535 hrs. Parties marched through Transit Area
    to Assembly area South of BANVILLE, D Coy moved off to BENY-SUR-MER at
    1900 hrs on cycles. Bn. embussed in T.C.Vs. at 2345 hrs moving through
    TIERCEVILLE and REVIERES to Bn. Conc. Area square 9980. Bde under direct
    comd of 1st Corps for operations. Vehicle party anchored off Normandy
    26thC.O. recces defensive posn South and East of ANGUERNY (0177)/with available
    Coy Comds. C Coy right, B Centre, A left, D in reserve - 17 pr A tk Bty
    under command, Reverse slope position adopted,
    27thBn digs reconnoitred defensive position - "Firm Base" role, Strength
    decrease: 1 O.R. - Pte. L. Evans wounded in leg as result of booby trap
    explosion in conc area, Vehicles unloaded from S.S. Ocean Vigil and join
    Bn in conc area 2330 hrs. 3 Carden Loyds "drowned" and kept in Drowned
    Vehicle Park on beach.
    28thBn put at 2 hours notice to move to new conc area.
    29thGerman map of conc area found, and included as Appx "C". Strength
    decrease: 2 O.Rs. evacuated sick. Bn. complete in personnel and vehs.
    Appendix "C"
    Page 3 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field30thBn relieved from defensive role by 4. Bn S. Staffs. Strength decrease:
    1 O.R. evacuated sick. Lt. H. Carter recced new concentration area at
    COULOMBS 8875. Bde rejoins 53 (W) Div, the whole coming under comd
    8th Corps, Extract from Lancashire Daily Post received and copy attached
    as Appendix D

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