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    War Diary: 1st Battalion The East Lancashire Regiment

    Month and year: October 1944

    The 1st Battalion The East Lancashire Regiment October 1944 War Diary covers the units time in Belgium including patrolling and attack on s'HERTOGENBOSCH and move in to the Netherlands.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1330

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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    KOEVERING1Enemy activity seen was engaged by arty with good results. Patrols were
    out at night but gained no information of note.
    2The day passed quietly. Slight shelling by an 88mm firing air burst was
    experienced in the morning, but after a heated reply by our arty, the
    remainder of the day was uneventful.
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    3There was nothing of note during the day. Patrols went out during the night
    but had nothing to report. Mines were laid after dark in front of 'A' &
    'C' Coys.
    4Again a quiet day. More mines were laid. 'A' Coys patrol in the evening
    found three enemy examining some mines just in front of the Coys posn.
    The patrol retired to the Coy posn and fired at the enemy and though
    believed to have hit one, no man was left behind.
    5In order that some men should be allowed to go to the cinema in the after-
    noon, 20 men of the Brigade Defence platoon were sent up and took over
    the position thus vacated. They had a novel if quiet time. 'C' Coys mine
    lay-out was completed in the evening and their defences now included an
    almost complete ring of A.P. Mines and booby traps. Contact was made with
    1/5 Welch on the left and MMG and Arty harassing shoots were fired during
    the night.
    6During the day our posns were extended northwards over the rly line which
    ran across our front as far as 441373 where we linked with 7 RWF who had
    taken over from the Americans. The extension to our line was
    achieved by using a pl of 'D' Coy (reserve coy) and attaching a carr sec
    to 'A' Coy putting both under comd of that Coy. At 0700 hrs that day 7 RWF
    on the right were attacked by a patrol of 20 enemy. In consequence a
    patrol from 'B' Coy was sent out to discover whether the enemy was
    contemplating a similar raid on our front but they found nothing. 'A' Coy
    patrolled to the sand dumes to their front known enemy trenches unoccupied.
    The usual patrols had nothing of note to report during the night.
    7At 0930 hrs a few enemy were seen for a short while at the river crossing
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    7433369 but apart from that the enemy was very much under cover. 'C' Coy sent
    a patrol out after dark with the object of replacing trip flares which had
    been set off by visitors and animals. The AP mines laid in front of this coy
    had been found very effective when judged by the results of their effect on
    some unfortunate cattle that pulled the trip wires. It was found that the mines
    had been laid to close to the coys posn and that in setting off these mines,
    the cattle had made the area quite unhealthy, through metal flying over the
    heads of the men in the trenches. After this all mines were laid 100 yds from
    the coy posn. A standing patrol from 'A' Coy which had been established on
    the sand dunes, was relieved at 1900 hrs by a battle patrol from 'B' Coy.
    From there a patrol of one offr and 3 was sent out to see if the houses at
    427375 were occupied. They located some enemy posns at 433372.
    8As a result of the previous night's recce patrol B Coy sent out a fighting
    patrol from the firm base on the sand dunes to 'scupper' these posns. The
    patrol suddenly saw enemy ahead coming out of the wood, and 'froze'. The
    next thing they knew was a shower of hand grenades exploding amongst them,
    as a result of which two men were seriously wounded and five were slightly
    wounded. The total strength of the enemy was estimated to be about 30 strong.
    Arty fire was brought down on their area, The one missing casualty from
    the patrol came in at 0109 hrs and was brought in from the sand-dunes by
    stretcher bearers. Trip flares went up 1237 hrs and coughing was heard at
    0127 hrs. Both areas were shelled.
    9At 0800 hrs the sand dunes were shelled, our own men having been withdrawn
    during the night since they were not over strong. Immediately afterwards
    a sniper posn was established there, followed later by a standing patrol
    from 'A' Coy. During the afternoon some shelling by the enerry in 'A' Coys
    area, while on the left enemy movement was seen and shelled at 2330 hrs.
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    9D' Coy heard grenades being thrown around in the woods at 433372 and as no
    British troops were there, the enemy must have been a little jumpy and might
    possibly have been throwing them at his own troops.
    10Dawn patrol sent out to small wood in front of the Bn posn to ensure that no
    enemy were close to our lines. They found no enemy. The day was very quiet.
    The sand dune standing patrol was again within posn before midnight. At this
    time they left trip flares and AP mines behind them should the enemy wish to
    occupy this old posn of theirs.
    11A' Coys patrol returned at 0630 hrs and reported enemy posn at 432369 occupied.
    together with a couple of others. Arty fire was put down on these posns,
    Again during the day enemy movements were seen but were so slight that no
    action other than the passing of information was taken.
    12The nights patrol brought in no infm of the enemy and the day passed quietly.
    13Spandau fire was heard at 0240 hrs on the right flank but did not. appear to
    be coming anywhere near our posns. At 0530 hrs an enemy post with MG was
    reported at 433364 as a result of a 'B' Coy patrol. The morning patrol to
    'Woodchopper Wood' found no enemy. At 0645 hrs the CO., IO., Adjt and B.C.
    left for recce of the Mijmegen area where the Bn together with the rest of
    the Bde was going to rejoin the Div and be employed in a counter attack role
    should enemy penetration of the eastern side of the salient north of Nijmegen
    be attempted. The journey took 1 1/2 hrs and touch was made with both 1 HLT and
    1 Oxf Bucks in the morning, in whose areas the counter-attack would be made
    if necessary. After the recce being completed, a message was recd that the Bde
    was being attacked and return at once. The journey took 2 hrs and on arrival
    everything appeared. normal. Enemy had penetrated our FDLs and then retired.
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    KOEVERING140030D Coy patrol returned. Two enemy were seen but could not be taken
    prisoner since other enemy posns were in the vicinity. C Coy continued
    wiring in their posn after dusk. Enemy movement seen and heard in area
    North of the railway line was engaged by mortars and arty.
    15A Coy's dawn patrol was fired on from Wood Chopper Wood before it got
    there, but nothing transpired in the shape of an enemy raid.
    16Lt. Smith's patrol returned. They had tried to get a prisoner but the
    posns investigated were found to be empty although there were signs of
    very recent occupation. The patrol was mortared during its return, but
    had no casualties. Enemy Spandau fire brought down arty upon them in the
    area 432368. B Coy's dawn patrol to wood 438361 heard men, but later
    patrols reported wood clear. During the day plans were made to induce
    deserters to come in, and this involved a large harrassing fire programe
    during the night 16/17, after which loud speakers would be used.
    17Normal harrassing fire was laid down till 1200 hrs. After that heavy
    H.F. was sent over, rising to a crescendo between 1530 and 1600 hrs,
    600 H.E. bombs were allotted for this purpose. Then after a 15 mins
    silence, the loud speaker van, operating from 7 RWF on our right, gave
    two talks and a smoke screen was laid, under cover of which it was hoped
    that the enemy deserters would come in, Absolutely nothing happened as
    a result of this programme. Patrols during the night had nothing to report.
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    KOEVERING18There was a certain amount of firing by the enemy and Verey lights were put
    up from the area 425368 and 431368 during the early hours of the morning.
    Patrols investigating enemy tranches found them unoccupied. 2IC, Major Burgh, went off during the morning to reconnoitre bn harbour area
    around BERCHEM, S.W. of NIJMEGEN. In accordance with Div Comds instrs, (51 Div)
    1400 all mines were lifted at 1400 hrs. 2030 hrs: contact made with 1/5
    2030Welch on our left.
    19Noise of Spandau and grenades was heard from Wood Chopper Wood. Arty fire
    0300was brought down at 0300 hrs and firing ceased. The morning patrols in
    1100front of our F.D.L. had nothing to report. At 1100 hrs 7 Black Watch
    1340marched in and relieved us. Relief completed by 1340 hrs. Some slight
    shelling occurred during this relief but caused no casualties. Bn moved
    1520off in M.T. at 1520 hrs via UDEN and NISTELRODE, arriving 1700 hrs. The
    bn settled down to rest, everyone being under cover.
    BERCHEM20Some adm was carried out. C.O. attended conf in afternoon when the
    warning was given that the bn would have to take part in an offensive
    directed against s'Hertogenbosch very shortly.
    21An 'O' Gp for Coy Comds was held in the morning giving the general plans
    for the attack mentioned above. The bn was to advance along a road
    running from OSS to s'HERTOGENBOSCH keeping between the railway line to
    the N and the main direct road to the S in Kangaroos. These Kangaroos
    1100arrived at 0800 hrs and at 1100 hrs the bn embussed in them to practice
    loads and to become accustomed to them. Since the attack was being made
    on a one bn front, a tremendous amount of detail had to be arranged
    directly between the bn comd and his sp arms, which incl San Recce,
    Sgn Tks, Tp Flails, Tp A/IK Guns. We were supposed to know whether the
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    BERCHEM21attack in Kangaroos would be launched or not by 1300 hrs 22nd. By that
    time, bns of the other two bdes were to have reached a certain report
    line, thereby breaking the crust of the enemy resistance
    after which we could be launched. Should this line not be reached, the
    bn was to be pushed fwd in a normal inf attack. Meanwhile we were to be
    at 1/2 hrs notice to move from 0900 hrs.
    22Bn was ready to move off at 0900 hrs but no word came through except small
    items of infm. It was not till 1300 hrs that we knew that we were to be
    launched in our Kangaroos although progress by fwd tps had not been as
    good as expected. An account of the attack is attached as Appendix A
    Appx A
    KRUISSTRAAT28The bn withdrew through ROSMELEN to the area KRUISSTRAAT. Again a rest
    was promised though this time the area was very poor. The bn were able
    to bath and have the canteen up.
    29Church Services for all denominations were held, the remainder of the day
    being spent in resting.
    30In the morning orders were received to move to the area of BREE. Col
    Burden and the I.O. (Lt. Cottrill) went on a recce at midday but did not
    return, and the bn was moved under the 2IC, starting at 1800 hrs, via
    BEEK31Bn arrived in BEEK North of BREE at approx 0300 hrs. In this area the bn
    task was to hold the canal line to counter any penetration by the Germans
    who at this time were making a thrust West from the areas of VENLO and
    WESSEM. "D" and "A" were fwd, "B" and "C" being in res. However, in the
    afternoon orders were received from bde to move fwd and take over posns
    from 4 Armd Bde, our bn being allotted the area around ZWARTBROEK.

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