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    War Diary: 211 Field Park Company RE

    Month and year: July 1944

    The July 1944 War Diary for 211 Field Park Company covers their time in the area around Bayeux and creating advanced stores further inland.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1591

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE. BAYEUX STA1-Routine works. Nothing to report.
    7907922-12 E & M Section rear party arrived and joined unit at present location. 211 Rear party still
    not yet disembarked.
    3-4-Nothing to report.
    5-Traffic congestion in bridge head. Great difficulty in transporting stores to operational units.
    O.C. and 2 i/o proceeded on recce of possible new site at LE PONT ROC. Site provisionally
    reserved for Corps Fd Pk.
    6-Informed that Bye-pass road being constructed through unit lines. Field Stores Section would
    there by be cut off from main road. O.C. Mech Eqpt Section volunteered to 'bulldoze' exit from
    Fd Stores Sect. to main road. 211 Rear party arrived and joined unit at present location. Whole
    unit now concentrated.
    7-RAF Bd Squad deloused 2 unexploded bombs in TILLY area.
    8-Nothing to report. We ather still very dull.
    9-Unit visited by Corps Commander Lt. Gen BUCKNALL who carried out inspection of works. 1 Sgt.
    attached this unit from Corps Camouflage Branch in charge of Corps Camouflage Stores.
    10-Quiet day. Nothing exceptional to report. Routine Works. Heavy air raids in neighbouring
    areas at night. Considerable A.A. fire. No incidents in this area.
    11-12-Decision by CE Corps that plant in Corps be passed through 211 Corps Fd Pk and all plant and
    Mech Eqpt movements within Corps be reported daily in Unit Sitreps. All plant in Corps to be
    recorded and reported on by 211 Corps Fd Pk Coy. R.E. Mech Eqpt to be recorded and reported
    on by unit holding G.1098 establishment. Close liason maintained with C.R.E. Corps Tps on this
    matter and machinery set up within existing framework of this unit for controlling and accurate
    recording of plant and mech egpt handled by this unit (See Appendix A)
    13-Some confusion has arisen with regard to reponsibilities in connection with Engineer Stores.
    Outline of new responsibilities given in Appendix 'B'.
    14-15-16Routine Works. Nothing to report. Considerable enemy air activity at night over this area.
    17Following dealt with by RAF, BD squad today - 1 UXB at JERUSALEM Cross roads. 3 UX A.A. shells
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE. BAYEUX STA. 79079217 same area. 2 i/c's conference (attended by Chief Clerks) held at H.Q. 30 Corps Troops Engrs.
    Reviewed admin position and ironed out many outstanding difficulties and queries. Plant
    inspection carried out by 2 i/c.
    18Further plant recces and inspections at working sites.
    191830Approx 15 shells landed in field adjoining Coy Area. Shellrep sent to H.Q. 30 Corps Troops Engrs.
    Further plant inspections carried out.
    20Plant inspections. All plant on charge now inspected and index completed giving information
    required in 21 A.G. Works Directorate Instruction No. 6. Application made for Theatre Nos.
    as therein instructed.
    21-22Little to report. Rain. Further air activity at night.
    23Tarmac and Stone Factory at present working at this location moved to TILLY - LINGEVRES road
    (one Section at TILLY second section at LINGEVRES). 2 Stone Crushers, 1 Concrete Mixer and
    crews moved. Rubble obtained from property destroyed by war. Property broken up by Mech
    Equpt and transported to stone crushing site, where converted into tarmac for collection by Field
    24-26Nothing to report. Weather slightly improved. 2 i/c Capt. SMITH posted to 210 Fd Coy. Replaced
    by Capt. HARRIS H.Q. 30 Corps Tps. Engrs.
    27New site being prepared for tarmac factory. One extra stone crusher sent forward to new site.
    28-29Routine works. Sawmill at LINGEVRES put into operation under S/Sgt. FORD cutting up timber for
    use in Corps. This became necessary owing to extreme difficulty experienced in obtaining timber
    from Army resources. Machinery serviced and sawnill operated by personnel of this unit.
    302 UX shells dealt with by RAF. BD Squad. Field Stores ordered to prepare advanced dump 771701
    Moved 1400 hours.
    31New tarmac site at TILLY taken into use. Sections at TILLY and LINGEVRES amalgamate. Daily
    output of sawmill increasing, at present approx 2000 F.R. per day.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    E & M and Workshops Section. These two sections now under control of Lt. WHITE (12 E & M Section)
    and during this month carried out (inter alia) the following work. :-
    Painting of upwards of 300 signs, sawing timber approx 30,000 F.R. Converted 3 tonner to Office
    Truck for F/S Section. Modified C.E's caravan. Numerous other tasks included paint spraying,
    modifications, repairs to pent houses, construction of wooden latrines, folding stools, filing
    trays, cabinets, map boards, notice boards, packing cases, meat safe, sundry canvas work, and
    fitting out stores truck. On instructions of Comd 21 A. Gp. Gen MONTGOMERY, following were
    constructed:- table (in oak) and sundry furniture.
    E & M work carried out included following:- Construction of sheeps foot roller. Maintenance
    of electric generators at Corps Rest Camp and Cinema BAYEUX. Maintenance and repair of Stellar
    Water Purification Trailers. Maintenance and repair of items of plant becoming U/S. Numerous
    welding and brazing work was done for M.T. and Other work included :- Sharpening picks
    and chisels, making up brackets, hooks, repairs to compressor tools, construction of frames for
    Canvas, and maintenance of tools.
    M.D.R.S. During the month 114 detectors were repaired, B.L.R'd - 2. Since arrival in FRANCE,
    201 detectors have been repaired. B.L.R'd 25. Five Coys have been instructed in Detector repairs
    on courses of 1 weeks duration. Total number of units served - 30.
    M.E.O.S. Units holdings of 1 X cl.I tractor, 1 X cl II tractor 2 X cl III tractors, 1 autopatrol
    and 1 pull grader have been continuously employed during whole period under review. Tasks carried
    out were of infinite variety, and included digging in guns, breaking down damaged property for
    rubble and road maintenance. Assistance to 11 Fd Coy in constructing new road called "WATLING
    FIELD STORES. This section has been exceptionally active as a result of increased operational
    activity by Corps and Div. R.E. Dump at BAYEUX STATION has now assumed substantial proportions.
    Adv. Dump. also established during month at 771709. In connection with Eng. Stores considerable
    difficulty is always experienced in moving stores and in establishing new dumps due to lack of
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    SUMMARY contd.
    transport. Again this was the case and it was necessary to employ 12 G.T. and 18 Tipper lorries
    to establish forward dump. This difficulty was NOT experienced in SICILY where a G.T. and
    Tipper Pl. RASC were permanently attached this unit.

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