National Archive Reference: WO 171/716
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
FRANCE | Aug 4 | 1 O.R. killed & 1 O.R. wounded by mine when on Rec job. | ||
6 | Warning order to move received. | A | ||
8 | Warning order to move received. | |||
9 | Moved to locn. MR 787558 | |||
16 | Moved to locn. MR 811512 | |||
18 | Rec Sec under cmd 231 Inf. Bde. | |||
Following units under command this unit:- 47 FDS:48 FDS: 50 (N) Div OFP: 310 MBLU: 265 Fwd Del Sqn: 8Armd Bde Wksp: 8Armd Bde OFP:Elts 8 Armd Bde: 50(N)Div Entertainment Unit. | ||||
19 | 1 O.R. granted 10 days' Comp. Leave. Concert by Divn Concert Party. | |||
20 | Warning order to move received. Concert by Divn Concert Party. | |||
21 | Show given by ENSA party | |||
22 | Moved to locn. MR 930285. Above units leave command. | |||
23 | Moved to locn. MR 5849. | |||
24 | Moved to locn. MR 824422. | |||
27 | Warning order to move received. Rec Sec moved to MR 4474. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
FRANCE | 28 | Moved to locn. MR 354658 | ||
30 | Moved to locn. MR 556795 | |||
31 | 6 X 3-ton vehicles stand by for R.A.S.C. duties. | |||
NOTES | ||||
1. WORKSHOPS.- Production has been hampered this month by the need for | ||||
constant movement. | ||||
2. STORES - This month, Stores Sec have been able to supply a very high pro- | ||||
portion of all demanded stores. In view of the movements and distances involved to 3 line, this has been a very | ||||
creditable performance. | ||||
It is worth mentioning that in this unit, the success of | ||||
Stores Sec has always varied in proportion to the good and bad relations between unit R.A.O.C. & R.E.M.E. In this | ||||
unit, there has been no real difficulty, but the two Corps tend to get at cross purposes, and it would be easier to | ||||
maintain a smooth relationship, if Wksps & Stores were of the same Corps. | ||||
3. RECOVERY SECTION - This section has been detached all month, and a | ||||
report on its doings will be included in the next War Diary. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
4. GENERAL | ||||
The constant moving this month has meant hard work for everyone. The by-passing of enemy pockets has involved strong guards, and patrols to | ||||
search woods etc. | ||||
The very bad weather has made makeshift tentage most unsatisfactory, and if bivouacs are not issued shortly, it will be necessary to use billets. | ||||
Many unit vehicles have been ditched in convoy, due to night running on narrow and cambered roads. The general driving standard, however, has been high. | ||||
Early in the month, sites had to be swept for mines, but more recently, no mines have been seen. | ||||
The Div moves have often necessitated the 3 wksps being located in one small area, for ease of communication and administration. This necess- | ||||
ity is fully understood, but in practise it has rarely been possible to find 3 satisfactory sites in one small area, and this unit has had its | ||||
share of poor sites. The difficulty has been to find an adequate site which does not become bog in bad weather. | ||||
W/T has been in use, but has not been satisfactory. Under the conditions | ||||
when it has been required, i.e. when Div H.Q. or Rec Sec have been at some distance from this unit, the range has been too great for our 22 set. | ||||
It is felt that if REME W/T is to be of any value, high powered sets must be used. | ||||
The French people have become increasingly friendly as we have moved Eastward, and the unit has received a great welcome everywhere, | ||||
It has only been possible to carry all equipment and assemblies by the use of captured enemy vehs. |