National Archive Reference: WO 171/716
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1. GENERAL | ||||
The biggest factor affecting this unit, has been the handing in of all 50(N) Div. equipment, and therefore the ending of this unit's normal | ||||
role. | ||||
Until 13 December, the unit was in Ypres with excellent billets, rations, fuel allotments etc. On that date, a short move was made to | ||||
Tourcoing in France, which was chiefly notable for a very large factory which it was possible to obtain as a wksp., with accommodation for about | ||||
200 vehs. | ||||
On 16 December, the unit came under command 1 Cdn. Army, and finally moved to Byckeworsel, near the Dutch border, on 27 Dec 44. | ||||
Accommodation here for men and wksps. was very poor. | ||||
The Christmas weekend was spent in Tourcoing. Christmas fare and NAAFI rations were first class, and it was possible to make a very good party | ||||
for the unit. The local French were extremely kind, and every man was | ||||
asked to some home or other for an additional Christmas dinner. (Perhaps 50 further offers of hospitality had to be refused. The hospitality | ||||
shown by these French people, and their wish to share their own scanty rations, greatly impressed all ranks. Most men agree that they have never | ||||
been so well received at any Christmas anywhere. | ||||
2. WORKSHOPS The wksp. problem has been to inspect, repair, and make fit for | ||||
issue (in conjunction with the other Bde. Wksps.),every piece of equipment handed in by 50(N) Div. For this purpose, Armt. Inst., Tels. and |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
S.A. sections were attached to 151 Inf. Bde. Wksp. | ||||
After some experiment, the veh. problem was dealt with as follows:- | ||||
(a) A squad on veh. pk. rough-inspected each veh., and the better vehs. were put on one side for wksps. | ||||
(b) These vehs. were ferried to wksps., the driver noting any faults on a card. | ||||
(c) Vehs. were in-inspected and passed to M.T. and other sections. Jobs done included body repair, canopy repair, minor painting including painting | (Analysis attached at Appx. J(Folio | |||
out signs. | ||||
(d) Vehs. were washed, using fire hoses and brushes. Cabs and bodies | ||||
were cleaned out. | ||||
(e) Vehs. were greased using the trailer servicing light and civilian pressure | ||||
plant. All oils were drained and refilled. Batteries, master cylinder, etc. were topped up. | ||||
(f) A.B. 412 was completed, or supplied if necessary. (g) Vehs. were passed out and ferried to park. | ||||
After many teething troubles, this system worked admirably and the finished vehs. would be appreciated by any receiving unit. Washing | ||||
and servicing after repair, is undesirable, but due to layout it was found unsatisfactory to reverse the process. | ||||
The problem under 1 Cdn. Army is to run a similar system on a larger scale for all equipment reaching 1 Cdn. Army. This system is not | ||||
yet operating, and it will be described in the War Diary for January. |