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    War Diary: 253 Field Company R.E.

    Month and year: April 1944

    The 253 Field Company April 1944 War Diary covers their time in the UK while based at Avoch and relocating to Grenville Hall Camp, Droxford

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1606

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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    1stUnit location, Bog of Shannon Camp, Avoch.
    2ndAdv. Party under comd. Lt. R.D. Crooks, R.E. depart for new location.
    5thAdv. Party arrive new location, - Grenville Hall Camp, Droxford - 1730 hrs.
    7thGeneral loading of stores and preparation to move to Grenville Hall Camp
    8thRoad Party depart Bog of Shannon Camp, 0630 hrs under command Capt. E.J. Hoadley.
    Night 8/9thStaging at Dundee,
    9/10thStaging at Dumfries.
    10/11thStaging at Preston.
    11thRail Party depart Bog of Shannon Camp 1600 hrs, under comd. Lt.J.B.Bostock
    11/12thStaging at Lutterworth.
    12thRoad Party arrive Grenville Hall Camp, Droxford, 1530 hrs.
    Rail party arrive Grenville Hall Camp, Droxford, 1900 hrs.
    13th - 22nd.Unloading of stotes and General Camp Works. Elementary training period.
    24thLoading and preparation to move out on Ex. FABIUS.
    25thCompany - less rear party - under comd. Maj. J.P. Asher, R.E., move out on
    Ex. FABIUS.
    30thCoy. in embarkation areas in readiness for Ex. FABIUS. Coy H.Q. (Static)
    Grenville Hall Camp, Droxford.

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