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    War Diary: 253 Field Company R.E.

    Month and year: August 1944

    The 253 Field Company August 1944 War Diary covers the units actions in Normandy advancing inland to area around Flers, building bridges, clearing mines and training the Division in assault river crossings

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1606

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    Page 1 of 7
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    1stMonth opens in a very cheerful spirit with complete Company located at
    Hermanville for rest period. General overhaul of M.T. and administration
    continues. At 1000 hrs, Orders are received to prepare to move at 2 hours
    notice. Loading of stores and preparation for move under way. O.C.
    proceeds to H.Q.R.E. for conference. Lt. C.M. Strachan proceeds to recce
    for temporary Coy. area at BIEVILLE. at 1700 hrs, orders for move to-day
    are cancelled but Coy, stands by for early move to-morrow. 1830, Lt. Strachan
    returns from recce.
    2ndFairly quiet night. Some shells land near Coy Area. Slight air activity.
    0700 hrs. - Company moves to temporary location at BIEVILLE and stands by
    for further move at 1500 hrs. 2 ABCA lectures are given to part of
    company by Lt. Strachan.
    1550 hrs which Company moves off to new location arriving at LONGRAYE at 2020
    hrs. Company settles down for the night. Roads were extremely dusty and
    reminded one of the desert.
    2030 hrs. O.C. proceeds to HQRE for 'O' Group returns at 2200 hrs and
    calls 'O' Group of all Pl. Comds. Orders are issued for work to-morrow.
    No. 1 Pl. to work on repair route LE BISSON - GRANVILLE, No.2 Pl. on
    routes CAUMONT - ST. MARTIN, and CAUMONT - Le LANDE SUR DROME, No. 3 pl.
    on route VILLENUVE - ST. MARTIN.
    3rdQuiet night. Pls move out on route repairs at 0800 hrs leaving small rear
    parties with Coy. H.Q. 0830 hrs. Lt. R.D. Crooks departs on recce for
    Coy. area forward. Coy. H.Q. and rear parties of Pls stand by to move at
    1100 hrs. Lt. Strachan departs on recce of Quarry near St. Martin.
    1230 hrs. Coy. H.Q. and Pls rear parties move to forward location at
    LA LANDE SUR DROME arriving at 1335 hrs. Pls join Coy. HQ after
    completion of day's work. O.C. proceeds to HQRE for 'O' Group at 1600 hrs,
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    3rd (contd)Day ends quietly with nothing of importance to report. Pls make good
    progress on route repairs.
    4thQuiet night. Everyone enjoyed a good night's sleep. Pls move out on
    route repairs at 0830 hrs and day passes quietly. Shower baths are
    erected and Canteen goods are in good supply.
    5thAnother quiet night is enjoyed by all. Pls move out on route repairs
    at 0830 hrs. Lt. R.D. Crooks proceeds on recce at 1130 hrs for forward
    Coy. location. Coy. H.Q. and rear parties of Pls move to area FORET
    L'EVEQUE at 1405 hrs and arrive at 1500 hrs.
    O.C. calls 'O' Group at 1830 hrs. No.1 pl. ordered to stand by ready to
    move out in support of 4 Armd. Bde. No2 Pl to stand by to make track
    route south of Beny Bocage. No 3 Pl to stand by ready to move out in
    support of 9. Br Inf Bde, Coy. standing. by ready to move to area
    LA DIABLERE at 0800 hrs. 2115 hrs, C.S.M. in Scout Car proceeds on
    recce for Coy. area near LA DIABLERE.
    6thNo. 2. Pl moves out at 0515 in support of 4 Armd Bde.
    0800 hrs - Coy move to LA DIABLERE commences in stages. Move completed
    by 1330 hrs. 9 Br Inf Bde operation commences at 1030 hrs and 3 Pl
    move out in support for mineclearance. During operation, No1 Pl is
    ordered to build Bailey Bridge over river ALIERE near VIRE and No 3 Pl
    to make a ford over the same river.
    No.2 Pl. ordered to report to 9 Br Inf Bde for night work. No.3 Pl
    task completed. No.1 Pls task on Bailey bridge held up by enemy action.
    7th0800 hrs. No1 Pl started work on 60' Bailey Bridge. The site was
    overlooked by an enemy. O.P. and mortar and shell fire was continuous.
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    7th (contd)Owing to the unhealthy situation, only 3 men were allowed to
    work on the abutments with the compressor at a time.
    No.2 Pl resting after night work. Two sections of 3 pl advancing with
    infantry employed on mineclearance. During the evening, the recce carrier
    of No 1 pl is struck by a shell and heavy casualties are suffered. Pl.
    officer wounded, 1 Sgt wounded, 1 L/Sgt Killed, 4 O.Rs killed and
    7 O.Rs wounded. Two sections of No 3 Pl advancing with infantry suffer two
    casualties - 2 O.Rs wounded. This is quite the blackest day of the
    campaign. Work on Baily Bridge ceases. Seven reinforcements received
    8thQuiet night with slight enemy shelling. No 2 pl build three ramp crossings
    near River ALIERE for wheels and tracks. No 1 Pl employed on route
    maintenance and maintaining crossings on River ALIERE. No. 3 Pl still
    under comd. 9 Br Inf Bde as follows - No. 9 Section- 1 KOSB, No.10 Section
    2 Lincoln, No 11 Section - 2 RUR with No 12 section in reserve. Day
    passed quietly with nothing of importance to report.
    9thAnother quiet night - No. 2 Pl is ordered to complete 60' Bailey bridge
    started by No. 1 Pl The time table of construction was as follows:-
    Excavation commenced 0900 hrs. Nearbank seat completed 1400 hrs. Far
    Bank seat completed 1615 hrs. Construction commenced 1430 hrs. Construction
    completed 1700 hrs. Bridge open 1730 hrs. Finally completed 1830 hrs
    No.1 Pl employed on route maintenance and maintaining river crossings.
    No.3 Pl under comd 9 Br Inf Bde as day previous. Day ends quietly with
    nothing further to report.
    10thA quiet day is spent by the company. No. 2 Pl employed on maintenance
    of Bailey Bridge. Remainder of company employed on route clearance, -
    Route LE PONTE DE VAUDRY. Nothing of importance to report to-day.
    11thNothing of importance to report, during night. Company moves to area
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    11th (contd)LA PLANCHE at 1015 hrs (less No. 2 Pl who are under comd. 9 Br Inf Bde
    for operation "WALLOP") Company, less No. 2 Pl. in reserve under CRE
    with road sweeper parties from No.1 & No 3 Pls standing by to assist
    3 Recce Regt if required.
    12thA quiet night and day is spent by the company. Nos 1 & 3 Pls are employed
    on maintenance of routes and No2 PI on erection of Water Point. Nothing
    else of importance to report.
    13thAll Pls employed on route maintenance. 1800 hrs - Lt R.D. Crooks and Lt.
    Dickson depart with 246 and 17 F'd Coys on Operation WALLOP to recce any
    obstacles encountered. Lt. Dickson wounded by shell splinter while on
    this recce. Lt. EDWARDS joins unit on posti ng. and takes over comd
    No. 1 Pl. Lt. Strachan replaces Lt. Dickson as recce officer.
    14thQuiet night with nothing of importance to report. Pls standing by at
    1 hrs notice to move forward. During the afternoon, 50 O.Rs go to an
    ENSA concert given by George Formby.
    15thNight and morning passes quietly with Pls standing by at 1 hrs notice to
    move forward. 1315 hrs. 2 Recce parties ordered forward with 17 Fd Coy RE
    Orders received to build S.S. Bailey Bridge in TINCHEBRAY area. No 3 Pl
    move out under comd 9. Br Inf Bde for route clearance at 2230 hrs.
    No. 2 Pl advance party for bridging operations move out at 2000 hrs.
    Delay was caused at the site owing to the confused tactical situation and
    our infantry refused to allow a compressor to work because of the noise.
    This meant the use of long ramps. The bridge was however, completed by
    down. Coy. standing by to move early next day.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    16thCoy H.Q. move to ST. QUENTIN LE CHARDONNETS at 0900 hrs. No.3 Pl still
    under comd 9 Br Inf Bde. for route clearance. Nothing of importance to
    report. Company standing by for another move to-morrow.
    17thCoy. H.Q. and No. 1 & 2 Pls move to area FRENES at 0900 hrs arriving at
    1130 hrs. No2 Pl on route clearance LANDISACQ area.. No. 1 Pl constructing
    tank track, TINCHEBRAY - FLERS and clearing air landing strip on airfield
    at FLERS. No.3 Pl with 9 Br Inf Bde. All work proceeds smoothly and
    day passes quietly.
    18thWe are now some way behind the front line and the peace and quiet is enjoyed
    by all. No 3 Pl rejoins unit from 9 Br Inf Bde. No.2 Pl. clear route
    BICHE. No.1 Pl. continues on tank track and maintenance and surfacing
    Bailey Bridge in TINCHEBRAY area.
    19thPls employed as previous day. Day passes quietly and the company settle
    down to a static period. We have a good allotment of cinema and ENSA
    concert seats and a good time is had by all. 1500 hrs Coy moves to area
    20thQuiet day with Pls on works as previous day. Nothing of importance to
    report. 11 Reinforcements received to-day making our fighting strength
    7 Officers and 239 O.Rs the nearest we have been to W.E. since 'D' Day.
    21stNothing of importance to report.
    22ndIt is learnt to-day that we are to train the Division in assault river
    crossings and for this training period, the company moves to LA CHAPELLE
    BICHE. The day is spent on the construction of Class 9 Assault rafts and
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    22nd (contd)Class 40 Bailey Rafts. A Bde. Water Point is also erected during the day.
    23rd.Training in Assault River Crossings commences, which includes night
    crossings. Tanks are ferried across on Class 40 Bailey rafts and infantry
    on Class 9 Assault Raft and storm boats.
    24thThe Company is inspected by Divisonal Comdr., Major General L.G. Whistler,
    D.S.O. Remainder of day is spent in general overhaul of M.T. and
    administration. During night 24/25 assault river crossings continue.
    25th - 26thAssault river crossing is our main job and we complete it with only a few
    slight mishaps and no. casualties. The Company. Surveyor takes a detailed
    survey of FLERS airfield, and odd jobs of route repairs are still carried
    on. Two old members of the company rejoin us to day.
    27thCompany moves to area FLERS at 1900 hrs after completion of Assault River
    28thNormal day.
    29thH.Q. Pl. Sgt proceeds to Div H.Q. to supervise mine training course for other
    arms. Change in weather - raining. No.2 Pl. loading storm boats and stores
    on training site and filling bomb craters in FLERS. No.1 Pl road repairs
    FLERS - ARGENTAN. No.3 PI on recce and preparation of FLERS drome for
    demonstration of CONGER.
    30thPl. tasks continue. Demonstration by No.3 Pl. of CONGER.
    31st.Warning order received at 0045 hrs to prepare to move. Lt. R.D. Crooks
    moves off at 1200 hrs to recce area for new location. Month ends in a very
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    31st (contd)cheerful note with Company well rested.
    Total casualties for month.
    Killed 5 O.Rs.
    Wounded 1 Officer, 10 O.Rs.

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