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    War Diary: 253 Field Company R.E.

    Month and year: Febuary 1944

    The 253 Field Company February 1944 War Diary covers their time in the UK while based at Hawick training with 2 Bn. K.O.S.B., 1 Bn Lincolnshires and 2 Bn R.U.R.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1606

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    1stUnit Location - Hawick. 3 day courses on Mines & Booby traps being held
    under Unit arrangements for instruction to Bde. personnel of all arms.
    5thDetachment of 106 Br. Coy. arrive with Assault Br. Eqpt. for training
    purposes. Representative party of 100 on rehearsal at Bde. H.Q. for visit
    of G.O.C. 21 Army GP.
    6thInspection by G.O.C. 21 Army Group at Bde. H.Q. Preparations by Pls to
    move into the field for general training under War conditions.
    7thPls move off by Pls to selected areas. H.Q. Pl. remain Hawick.
    Intensive training on all sapper subjects (less bridging).
    12thPls return to normal location.
    14thNo. 3 Pl. with affiliated Bn. - 2 Bn R.U.R. on Ex. Bridgeland (assault
    16thNo. 1 Pl. with affiliated Bn. - 1 Bn Lincolnshires on Ex. Bridgeland. (assault
    18thNo. 1 Pl. with affiliated Bn. 2 Bn. K.O.S.B. on Ex. Bridgeland. (assault rafting)
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    19thWhole Company on leave, less rear party under command Capt. E.J. Hoadley RE.
    26thCompany rejoin from leave.
    27thPreparations for move to Bog of Shannon Camp, Avoch.
    28thAdvance Party of 25 O.Rs under command Lt. G.J. Beddie, R.E. proceed by
    road to new location. R.V. Staging camp, Perth 28/29.
    29thAdvance Party arrive Avoch.
    Unit location, Hawick.
    Enclosed here with:
    A.F.W. 3008 for W/E.
    5th/12th/19th/26th Feb 44.
    A.F.W. 3009 for W/E.
    5th /12th/19th/26th Feb 44.
    Copy Unit war Diary, January 44.

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    By me a coffee