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    War Diary: 253 Field Company R.E.

    Month and year: July 1944

    The 253 Field Company July 1944 War Diary covers the units actions in Normandy in the area Beuville, Benouville and Troarn.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1606

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    Page 1 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    1stCoy. H.Q. and Nos 1 & 3 Pls. at BEUVILLE. No.2 Pl. at GAZELLE under comd.
    9 Br. Inf. Bde. During night 30 June/1 July, Pls employed with working
    parties from affiliated Bns on the laying of 3 A/T minefields and A/P
    minefields at CAMBES. No.3 Pl. suffered casualties, 2 O.Rs killed and
    7 wounded. Work ceased at dawn and Pls withdrew for rest. Spasmodic
    shelling and mortaring during day in Unit vicinity.
    1600 hrs 'O' Group at Coy H.Q. Pl. Comds briefed by O.C. for further work
    on minefields for night 1/2 July.
    2ndDuring night 1/2 July further work on Minefields by Pls - laying of A/T and A/P
    mines increasing density of mines and wiring. Pls resting during day.
    Worst day so far for persistent shelling and mortaring of Coy. Location.
    3rd,Work on the laying of further minefields durin night 2/. Nos 2 & 3 Pls suffered
    casualties from shelling and mortaring during these operations, 2 ORs
    wounded in No. 2 Pl., 1 O.R wounded in No. 3 Pl, and 3 O.Rs slightly wounded
    but remaining with Coy. A number of O.Rs admitted to hospital at various
    dates through exhaustion. S.O.S. of Unit. Fighting strength of Unit now
    reduced to 7 Officers and 198 O.Rs.
    Total Casualties for month, 2 Killed and 10 wounded and 10 B.C. Sick(NYDN)
    4thDuring night 3/4, Pls again on work on Minefields, density of mines
    increased and wiring completed. Other mineffelds completed with anti-lifting
    devices, Comparatively quiet day.
    5thFurther work on minefields during night 4/5th. Density increased and wiring checked.
    Pls resting during day. Nothing of importance during day. Period of heavy
    shelling at 2000 hrs. 1 O.R. killed, 3 Pl. Sgt wounded, 1 L/Sgt. (Chief Clerk)
    wounded and 1 O.R. wounded. B.C. Sick (NYDN) 2 vehicles damaged by splinters.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    6th2 Pl working on minefields during night 5/6th. Other Pls. resting. Quiet
    day - nothing of importance to report during morning and afternoon.
    1630 hrs, Coy. standing by to move to new location - No.2 Pl. moved to
    BLAINVILLE at 1705 hrs - Coy H.Q. and Nos 1 & 3 Pls moved to St.AUBIND/ARQUERAY
    arriving at 2030 hrs. Digging in and preparing defensive positions.
    7thQuiet night. No. 2 Pl. working on mine clearance during night 6/7th. Pls on
    and overhauling M.T. Some light shelling during evening.
    No.1 Pl. Sgt killed and 1 O.R. wounded. 22 reinforcements arrive. Fighting
    strength of unit now 7 officers; 211 O.Rs. Total casualties for month:
    4 killed, 14 wounded.
    8thQuiet day. Coy preparing for Op. CHARMWOOD. 2200 hrs Coy. "Standing to" ready
    to move at 2 hours notice. Recce party under comd. Lt. Beesley standing by
    for Br. recce of R. ORNE. 2 Pl. under cond 9 Br. Inf. Bde for Route Clearance.
    Lt. T.A. Mackintosh, No.1 Pl. comd. admitted to hospital as result of splinter
    wound, sustained four days previous. Lt. R.D. Crooks takes over comd
    No.1 Pl.
    9thQuiet night at Coy. Location. 0830 hrs company moves BEUVILLE. 2 Pl on
    Route Clearance under comd 9. Br. Inf. Bde. on Op. CHARNWOOD. Coy. digging in
    at new location.
    10thNothing of importance to report during night. Nos 1 & 3 Pls on maintenance
    of routes - BEUVILLE-BIEVILLE, LEBISEY-CAEN. No. 2 Pl. under comd 9 Br. Inf.
    Bde in CAEN on route clearance.
    11thQuiet night. Coy. moves to BENOUVILLE for rest period. Day spent in
    digging in and general administration. 2/Lt. BARNARD joins unit on posting.
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    12thAir activity in vicinity of Coy. location during night, otherwise all quiet.
    Pls on mine clearance during day at CAMBES. 4 O.Rs killed and 2 wounded
    during unloading of faulty mines. Lt. Worgan takes over comd. No.1 Pl.
    Lt. R.D. Crooks returns to Coy. H.Q. as R.O.1.
    13thQuiet day. 2 sections 3 Pl. complete lifting of mines at CAMBES. Remainder
    of Coy resting. Pl. Administration and M.T. maintenance commenced.
    We see our first Buzz Bomb to-day which by some stroke of luck is proceeding
    towards Jerry lines.
    Coy. still on compo rations which are getting monotonous, but the small
    bread ration is greatly appreciated by all ranks.
    14thNothing of importance to report. Pls resting. Overhaul of M.T. prior
    to R.E.M.E. inspection.
    15thA day of days. 155 O.Rs of Coy. visit 3 Br. Inf. Div. Club at LUC-SUR-MER
    and a good time was had by all. on return at 2130 hrs Nos 1 & 3 Pls "stand
    by" to move at short notice to forward area in preparation for operation
    16thQuiet night. 0200 hrs advance parties of Nos 1 & 3 Pls move to ANFREVILLE
    att. 9 Br. Inf. Bde H.Q. Remainder of Nos 1 & 3 Pls with the exception of
    their H.Qs move during the day, "Digging in" and preparing defensive positions.
    17thO.C. moved east of R.ORNE to ANFREVILLE and established an adv H.Q. No.1
    and 3 Pls preparing for Demolition tasks on Operation GOODWOOD. Quiet day
    with nothing of importance to report. Soft vehicles remaining at rear
    H. S. inspected by R.E.M.E. No.2 Pl. standing by for Mine Clearance tasks
    in forming up area for passage of tanks and infantry.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    18th'D' day of operation GOODWOOD. Bombing of enemy positions in TROARN area
    started 0515 and continued until 0630 followed by artillery barrage. 0730
    1 & 3 Pls move forward on foot by sections to join Bns of 9 Br. Inf. Bde at
    their start points. Carriers and 2 track vehicles loaded for demolitions.
    Task followed up. 2 Sections No. 1 Pl. with 1 K.O.S.B. 2 Sections No. 3 Pl
    with 2 R.U.R. , 2 sections of No.3 Pl with 2 Lincs. Remaining 2 sections of
    No.1 Pl behind at ANFREVILLE in reserve. Rear H.Q. remains at BENOUVILLE,
    19thPls with Inf. Bns in area TROARN and standing by for Demolition Tasks on
    Op. Goodwood. Rear parties of Nos 1 & 3 Pls move to ESCOVILLE. Casualties:
    1 O.R. missing.
    20thNothing of importance to report during night 19/20. No.2 Pl. returns to
    Rear H.Q.. Nos 1 and 3 Pls move to ESCOVILLE. Weather deteriorates and
    heavy rain falls. P1 engaged on route maintenance. No. 2 Pl moves to
    21stQuiet night, except for usual shelling. Rain continues. Pls employed on
    Route maintenance. 3 Pl. location heavily shelled during evening. No
    22ndQuiet night, except for slight air activity. Nothing of importance to report
    No.1 Pl. on route maintenance. Nos 2 & 3 Pls on internal administration.
    23rdNo. 1 Pl. moves to rear H.Q. location for rest period. Queit day. Nothing of
    importance to report.
    24thQuiet night. Slight shelling near Coy location. 1400 hrs. Company office and
    'N' Section wireless truck move to forward H.Q. at ESCOVILLE. Platoons on
    Route maintenance. 3 Pl. returns to rear area.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    25thIntense air activity during night. Bombs dropped in Coy. area. No damage.
    Coy "stand to" at 1200 hrs owing to enemy patrol in Coy. vicinity.
    Lt. Strachan carries out recce for Water Point at ESCOVILLE. Pls.on route
    maintenance and construction of trip flares. No. PI moves forward to ESCOVILLE
    26thAnother night of air activity near Coy. location . A/P bombs dropped near
    Coy. location. No. damage. Pls employed on Route maintenance and construction
    of trip flares, construction of Comd. post for 9 Br. Inf. Bde. H.Q. 2 mobile
    sections standing by for "flying" tasks on routes.
    27thUsual air activity. No damage or incidents to report. During the day
    Pls employed on route maintenance. Shell and bomb disposal and erection
    of Water point at ESCOVILLE. 3 Pl engaged on making road in forward areas.
    28thQuiet night. Nothing of importance to report during day. Pls still employed
    on Route Maintenance and shell and bomb disposal. Comd post at H.Q.
    9 Br. Inf. Bde completed. 3 Pl engaged on making road in forward area.
    29thAir activity during night. bombs dropped in Coy. location. No damage or
    casualties. No. Pl engaged on clearing of minefields. No.3 Pl making
    good progress on road in forward area (Officially opened by Cpl. Kemsley
    who named it ST. HELENS - LIVERPOOL ROAD)
    30thQuiet night. Orders received to move to rear area HERMANVILLE for rest
    period. Day spent loading stores and handing over to 17 Fd. Coy. R.E.
    Company moves off by Pls in order: H.Q. 1800 hrs, No.1 Pl 1830 hrs, No.2 Pl
    1900 hrs, No.3 P1 1930 hrs. Company settle down quickly in new location.
    31stQuiet night. Everyone enjoyed peace and quiet, During day general administration
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    31st (contd)on overhaul of M.T. carried out. P.T. and sea bathing organised and
    Coy. settle down to well earned rest. Month ends with Company in good
    spirits and high optimism. The general war news on all parts is followed
    closely by all ranks.
    Total casualties for month: 8 killed, 17 wounded, 1 missing.

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