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    War Diary: 253 Field Company R.E.

    Month and year: November 1944

    The 253 Field Company November 1944 War Diary covers the units time in the Netherlands clearing and laying mines, building bridges and maintaining routes

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1606

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    Page 1 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    1stUnit location OVERLOONSHEVAAK nr OVERLOON. Maintenance work proceeding
    on routes and approaches to crossings. Assistance being given to 246 Fd Coy
    RE in construction of "Corduroy" road, by Nos 1 & 3 Pls. No.2 Pl preparing
    for the laying of minefield night 1/2. This order was cancelled at 1800 hrs
    Unit locality shelled 2130-2230.
    2ndTraining in the laying of mines given by No. 2 Pl to personnel of 2nd Bn.
    RUR and 2nd Lincolns. 40 civilians labourers assisting in the construction
    and maintenance of roads. 15 O.Rs of Canadian Forestry Coy also assisting
    in the felling of trees for this work. Maintenance continues on routes and
    approaches to crossings. Preparations were made during the day for the
    laying of minefields during hours of darkness commencing evening.
    1830 hrs. Under the supervision of Unit Recce Officers and N.C.Os, parties of
    Inf. from 2 RUR and Lincolns commenced the laying of 5 minefields at VENRAIJ.
    Map references of fields, 786284, 790296, 788285, 788299, 791289, Sheet 19
    SW/E 1/25,000. Enemy patrol interrupted work at 786284. No Casualties.
    Total number of mines laid : 947 Mk. V. Work on the minefields was completed
    before midnight. Recording of the completed minefields was done by Unit
    3rdMaintenance of routes and road work from 732324-761318 Sheet 19 SW/E 1/25,000
    continues. Owing to enemy interference on the night of the 2nd with the
    RUR minefield party, 2 minefields were not laid. Minefields completed during
    night 3/4 with assistance of one Sec. from 2 Pl.
    4thMaintenance of routes and road work. Canadian Forestry detachment ceased to
    be attached.
    5ithMaintenance of routes and road work.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    6thLt. J.B. Bostock training Unit personnel (including recent reinforcements)
    Mines and Minelaying, No.1 Pl. training with the attached Dog Pl.
    No. 3 Pl and elements of Nos 1 & 2 Pls on routes and roads. During evening
    and night 6/7, sec. of No.1 Pl assisted 3 Recce Regt in boobytrapping and
    laying A/P mines.
    7thLt. J.B Bostock continues with Mine Training. Preparations were made
    during the day for Schu mine demonstration. Work on routes and roads
    continues, also the almost daily task of burying dead cattle.
    th1500. Demonstration given at Unit location to higher formation and Div. reps
    in the locating of, and devices for clearing a way through a Schumine field.
    Various methods carried out by Units of the formation, including demonstration
    of detecting by the Dog Pl. 253 Field Coy. R.E. method was demonstrated
    by No. 1 Pl experimenting with "Lifebuoy" flamethrower on live mines. This
    method was not successful. Road maintenance continued.
    9thWork on routes and road. Weather very bad, Rain and wind. Preparations
    made during day by No. 3 PI to give assistance to 3 Recce Regt in the
    extension of A/P minefield laid night 6/7. This task was completed during
    hours of darkness night 9/10.
    10thWork on routes and roads.
    11thDuring night 10/11, 2/Lt. Bayliss and 2 O.Rs laid A/P mines to close gaps in
    minefields laid during nights 6/7 and 9/10. 7 Junior N.C.Os proceed for
    Divisional R.E. Cadre Course held at 246 Field Company, R.E. Preparations
    made during day for operation in which Pls personnel act as Infantry in
    patrolling and manning forward areas - VORTUM785376 Sheet 19 SW/E 1/25,000.
    Unit now relieved of route and road tasks.
    12thTac H.Q., No. 1 Pl and 2 Secs No.3 Pl moved at 1100 hrs to take over positions
    in fwd areas from 17 Fd Coy RE. Weather bad - raining. Tac H/Q situated at
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    12th (contd)VORTUM785376 Sht. 19 NW/E.1/25,000. During night 12/13 trip wires and
    20 A/P mines were laid. Enemy patrols were reported to have been seen
    but no contact was made.
    14thNo.2 Pl together with 2 Secs No. 3 Pl replaced No.1 Pl. who returned to
    Coy H.Q. at OVERLOONSHEVAAK 729319 Sht. 19 NW/E 1/25,000.
    15thPatrolling continues. 1 O.R. killed and 1 wounded during evening.
    16th.1100. Tac H.Q. return. No.2 Pl. hand over duties of patrolling to 246
    Fd Coy RE. Dog Platoon of 23 all ranks and 33 dogs depart Unit on
    attachment to 278 Fd Coy RE. A number of Dutch civilians employed in the
    felling of trees for the making of fasc ines.
    17th0900 hrs C.R.E. 3. Br Inf Div. visits unit for inspection and for the
    presentation of Commendation Cards. Recipients were: Major J.P. Asher,
    Sgt. Hepburn, Cpls Taylor, Bishopy Allen, Miller, L/Cpls Grosvenor, Largent
    Johnston, Sprs. Holcombe & Boyd.
    No.2 Pl. employed on the making of fascines and assault stores. Timber
    being felled by civilian labour. No.3 Pl. commenced task of constructing
    tank tracie south of VENRAIJ, area 7624. During evening and night, No. 1 Pl
    thickned A/P minefield for 3 Recce Regt. 795341, Sht. 19 NW/E 1/25,000.
    18thNo. 2 Pl. working on Armco Fascines. No. 3 Pl on tank track. 'O' Gps at
    Coy H.Q. at 1500 hrs and 1830 hrs. Nos 1 & 3 Pls move to new location
    and proceed with work on construction of Tank Track. Recce of road
    carried out by Lt. P. Browne.
    19th0800. Nos 1 & 3 Pls move to location HEIDT nr VENRAIJ. No2. Pl on Armco
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    20thCoy H.Q. and No. 2 Pl prepare to move. 0930. Coy H.Q. move off via OVERLOON
    and VENRAIJ to area HEIPT, 799275 Sh.19 SW/E 1/25,000. Arr. 1030 hrs
    No.2 Pl. follow later and arrive 1130 hrs. Unit now in same location.
    No.1 Pl employed on route maintenance in area of responsibilities. No.2 Pl
    contique with devices. No.3 Pl construction and signing of tank tracks.
    21stNo.3 Pl construct 30 ft S.S. Bailey Bridge over gap 762227 Sht. 19 SW/E 1/25,000.
    Work commenced 0700 hrs and completed 0930. No.2 Pl employed on devices.
    No.1 Pl on routes. No. Pl. completed tank track during day. 1900. 'O' Gp
    at Coy HQ.
    22ndTank track route finally checked. Preparations being made for future
    operational tasks. 1100. Bde 'O' Gp at H.Q. 246 Fd Coy RE, attended by O.C.
    Capt. E.J. Hoadley attended 'O' Gp at HQRE 3 Div. 1400. 'O' Gp at
    Coy H.Q. Pl. commdrs briefed in tasks for operation "PEACOCK".
    Maintenance of routes handed over to 17 Fd Coy R.E. Cadre Class personnel
    return. 1 Reinforcement arrives. Weather changed for the worse and rain
    continued. Unit location shelled (175 mm) spasmodically.
    23rd0500 Coy Tac HQ moves off and reports to Tac HQ 9 Br Inf Bde. Gapping
    parties of Nos 1 & 3 Pls detached to RUR and KOSB Bns for assault clearance,
    of routes and mines. No. 3 PI with 2 LINCOLNS on route clearance and tree
    blocks. No.2 Pl held in reserve. 1900 hrs. Nos 1 & 3 Pls return to HQ
    for night. 2 O.Rs No.3 PI wounded - Sgt Cleaver, Spr. Harding.
    24th0830. No.2 Pl move off to assist 34 Cdn Fd Coy in the erection of 30'
    Bailey Br. at HORST. Sht.Q.1. 842178, 100,000. Task completed
    at 1200 hrs. Unit preparing to move to new location. 1530 hrs. H.Q.
    Nos. 1 & 3 Pls move off via VENRAIJ779266, to area HEIDE 764248 - VOOLEN
    760235 sht. 19 SW/E, 1/25,000 South of VENRAIJ. Tac HQ rejoin at this location
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    24th (Contd)No.2 Pl. rejoin later at new location. Operation "PEACOCK" over.
    25thPls employed on marking off own minefields and lifting enemy mines. Also
    route maintenance to bridge and crossing approaches. Casualties occurred
    during the removal of enemy mines. Major J.P. Asher was wounded in the
    face while assisting in the operation. He was admitted to hospital and
    S.O.S. of Unit. 4 O.Rs of No.1 Pl wounded - Sprs. Garfinkle, Dixon, Burroughs
    N.I., Enemy. Command of Unit devolves on Capt. E.J. Hoadley.
    26thSpasmodic shelling (175mm) of Unit area during morning. No.1 Pl. employed
    checking minefields. No.2 Pl on Corduroy Road. No. 3 Pl. maintenance of
    road 769221 VOELUM - 792236 SCHOOR, Sht. 19 SW/E, 1/25,000. Major E.T.
    Collins joins Unit during evening from 32 R.H.U. and assumes command.
    27thWorks continue. 1330 hrs. Capt. E.J. Hoadley and party moves off for
    recce of proposed new location.
    28thNo, 2 Pl. carried out recce of abandoned Bailey Br. and employed on Route
    M'tce 779266VENRAIJ, Sht. 19 NW/E, 1/25,000 - 842178HORST, Q1. 100,000
    and laterals. No.1 Pl. checking enemy and own minefields area VOOLUM
    and SCHOOR bridge 792236 Sht. 19 SW/E, 1/25,000.
    1400. H.Q. Pl. move off to new location via VENRAIJ779266 - OVERLOON761318 - OPLOO 710360 -
    ST. ANTHONIS 715383 - WANROIJ 675418 to HOOFDBOERDERY 643414, nr. Mill, 650450.
    Pls remain at location HEIDE 764248, Sht. 19 SW/E, 1/25,000.
    29th0730. Work started on 70 ft S/S Bailey at MEERLO 855253 Q/1, 100,000.
    Bridge had to be de launched and concrete & reinforcing bars of old bridge had
    to be removed before bridge could be launched. World finished at 1115 hrs.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    29th contdSpasmodic shelling by 88 mms throughout, no casualties. 1130 hrs. 1 Pl
    moved to new location, 1600 hrs 2 Pl. moved to new location.
    3 Pl. in sp of 2 R.U.R. for attack in area 855253 MEERLO - 850280 WANNSUM
    870220 BLITTERSWYK, sht. Q1, 1/100,000. Employed during night in clearance
    of rds and tracks in fwd area and in gapping enemy wire which was bodby
    trapped. Shell and mortar fire heavy throughout. One O.R. wounded on booby
    30th3 Pl. location shelled during this period. No casualties to personnel, two
    3 ton lorries hit. Pl. remained with 2 R.U.R. and detailed for gapping and
    clearance tasks during the night. Inf attack heavily opposed, and only
    slight progress. R.E. parties not used and withdrawn to MEERLO. 1 & 2 Pls
    employed in road maintenance in area rd ST. HUBERT - HAPS - OEFFELT and
    south to rd ST. ANTHONIS - BOXMEER.
    Unit location: HOOFDBOERDERY.
    Total Casualties for month: 1 O.R. killed, 1 Officer and 8 O.Rs wounded.
    Appended here with.
    A.F.W. 3008 for W.E. Nov 44.
    A.F.W. 3009 for W.E. Nov 44.

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