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    War Diary: 253 Field Company R.E.

    Month and year: September 1944

    The 253 Field Company September 1944 War Diary covers the units advance from Flers, through Belgium into the Netherlands

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1606

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    Page 1 of 5
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    1stUnit Location - Flers. Change in weather for the better. Preliminary work
    in preparation for move.
    2ndPreparation for move to new location. Water Point dismantled by No.2 Pl.
    O.C. departs for new location at 1600 hrs. 1900 hrs 'O' Group at Coy H.Q.
    for final instructions.
    3rdCoy. under comd. Capt. E. J. Hoadley move off at 0530 hrs from FLERS via
    Arrive at RICHEVILLE 2130 hrs. Only one accident encountered on this journey.
    1 O.R. sustaining injuries through his m/c being involved in an unavoidable
    4thSettling down and re-organisation. Tightening up of discipline.
    5thOfficers and C.S.M. on conducted tour of R. SEINE bridges. No specified
    work committments to date.
    6th2 Sgts detailed as instructors for Div. R.E. Watermanship Course held nr.
    ST. PIERRE. Officers attend C.R.Es discussion on "Bank Control" in a large
    scale river assault crossing. Pls on Route Recce area LYONS LA FORET -
    7thLt. J.B. Bostock, Lt. N.R. Beesley and 10 N.C.Os proceed on Div. Watermanship
    Course. Pls employed on recreational training, route marches etc. Advance
    preparations being made for a prospective move. Unit on 24 hrs notice to move.
    8thWeather changeable. Training continues. Nothing appreciable to record.
    9th2 Officers and 10 N.C.Os return from Watermanship Course and are replaced
    by Lt. Edwards, Lt. C.M. Strachan and a further 10 N.C.Os. Notification
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    9th (contd)Notification received to be prepared to move at 6 hrs notice. Staff and
    personnel recalled from Watermanship Course. Advance preparations made for
    10thUnit ordered to move at 1030 hrs. 'O' Group Coy. office 0930 hrs and officers
    briefed for journey. Lt. R.D. Crooks proceeds in advance of company with
    Divisonal Advance party. Unit more as section of Divisional Engineers.
    BAPAUME to ARRAS - 1930 hrs. After 1 1/2 hrs for main meal, journey continued.
    11thProceeded during night 10/11 though LENS-SECLIN-across border into BELGIUM
    in village of RILLAAR arriving at 1400 hrs. This was the second visit of this
    unit to the LOUVAIN area having previously fought there with the B.E.F. in
    May 1940.
    3rd Divisional Engineers are now detached from the Division.
    12thCompany Parade during morning. O.C. Unit briefs the men in their prospective
    tasks and training committments. This consists of training in Cl.9 Rafting for an
    Assault river crossing. Remainder of day spent in settling down and organisation.
    A grand welcome has been extended to the troops by the civil population.
    13thNormal elementary training. 1800 hrs O.C. attends 'O' Gp at HQRE 3 Div.
    O' Gp called at Unit HQ at 2330 hrs. Officers briefed in training of Pls
    for following day.
    14thCapt. E.J. Hoadley departs to take over comand of CL.9 raft training site
    near Brussels.
    No.3 Pl and part H.Q. Pl proceed to training site. Nos 1 & 2 Pls elementary
    15thNo. 1 Pl. proceeds to Rafting site. No.3 Pl, return to RILLAAR. Notification
    received to discontinue training and dismantle site.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    16thNo.2 Pl and remainder of H.Q. proceed to site. Training stores dismantled
    and loaded by No. 1 Pl. No. 1 Pl. return to RILLAAR. Remainder of these
    days after cessation of training were spent by the men of the unit in
    recreational training in BRUSSELS.
    17th0300 hrs. Unit ordered to standby for move to new location nearer the front
    line. No.2 Pl. H.Q. party and training site staff under Capt. E.J. Hoadley.
    return to Unit. 1115 hrs. Company move off from RILLAAR to Divisional S.P.
    Unit now under Divisional Comd. Proceeded across ALBERT CANAL TO AREA HERENT
    north of PEERS. Unit now in front line on opposite side of ESCAUT CANAL
    held by enemy. 1800hrs O.C. attends 'O' GP at H.Q.R.E. 2030 'O' Gp at Coy HQ.
    18thDuring night 17/18. Lt. Edwards and Lt. Beesley detailed for recce
    on river crossing of ESCAUT CANAL. 0900 hrs. O.C. proceeds to 'O' GP at Bde HQ.
    1230 hrs O.C. returns and calls 'O' Gp at Coy H.Q. 1430 hrs 'O' Gp at Coy HQ
    1430 hrs 'O' GP at Coy HQ of Pl Comds and Pl. Sgts. Task for 18/19
    detailed. Preparations made during remainder of day for night operation
    of ferrying 9 Br Inf Bde across ESCAUT Canal with Cl.5 rafts and assault boats.
    1900 hrs. Capt. E.J. Hoadley moves out with Tactical H.Q.
    19thDuring night 18/19, Nos 1 & 3 Pls assisting 9 Br Inf Bde to cross JUNCTION
    in reserve for the possible task of assisting 17th Field Company R.E. in the
    construction of Cl.40 bridge. Later this taste was not required to be done
    by No. 2 Pl. Nos 1 & 3 Pls each completed 2 Cl.5 rafts and also task of
    ferrying 9 Br Inf Bde over Canal. Together with the Cl.5 Rafts each pl.
    used 24 Assaults Boats each in this task. No.3 Pl. met with opposition and
    suffered casualties of 2 O.Rs wounded.
    1400hrsH.Q. Rear, No. 2 Pl. and rear parties of Nos 1 & 2 Pls moved of from location
    at HERENT new location nearer Canal at HIERANT. arr. 1430 hrs. 1430 hrs. O.C.
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    19th (contd)Tactical H.Q. and No.1 Pl. rejoin Unit at this location. Owing to the
    presencece of enemy snipers in the vicinity, the Unit again moved to another
    location a little further back behind a wood. 1730 hrs Unit settled in
    this location. HIEKANT area. 1830 hrs. No.2 Pl. detailed to stand by
    at 1/2 hrs notice to move to come under comd 8 Br Inf Bde for possible
    clearance of mines on far side of ESCAUT CANAL.
    2000 hrs No. 3 Pl. rejoin Unit in new location.
    20thDuring night 19/20. Lt. C.M. Strachan proceeds on RECCE for any work
    required (mine clearance, route clearance, bridging) by 8 Br Inf Bde.
    No.2 Pl. still standing by. 1900 hrs. O.C. attends 'O' Gp at H.Q.R.E.
    Returns to Unit and calls Coy 'O' Gp.
    No.3 Pl. detailed to proceed with road sweeping equipment (incl Dozer from
    15 Fd Pk. Coy RE) with 3 Recce Reg. in area towards MAARHEEZE over border
    of HOLLAND.
    Nos 1 & 2 Pls ordered to hold themselves in readiness to demolish bridges over
    MAASTRICHT CANAL on Dutch side of border near WEERT.
    21st.During night 20/21 D.4 Dozer arrives from 15 Fd Pk. Coy RE and is taken over
    by No.3 Pl. 1 3 ton Explosives lorry arrives and contents taken over by
    Nos 1 & 2 Pls. Final preparations made for operation.
    0900 hrs. O.C. moves off with roadsweeper party of No.3 Pl. and 2 demolition
    parties from each of Nos 1 & 2 Pls for work with 3 Recce Regt.
    1100 hrs. No1 Pl. move to MAARHEEZE to contact O.C. 3 Recce Regt.
    Tasks detailed for these 2 Pls did not materialize as it was found that
    during the day the enemy had already demolished the bridges.
    1500 hrs. No3 Pl. made crossing over stream for 3 Recce Regt at a position
    near WEERT.
    During these last few days, the unit has been living on captured German rations
    which have proved to be quite appertizing change from the normal compo rations.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    22nd0900Unit H.Q. and remainder of Nos 1, 2 & 3 Pls move off to location nr HAMONT
    1700No.3 Pl. rejoin unit at this location.
    2230O.C. attends 'O' Cp at Coy. H.Q. 2230. Warning order received from 9 Br.
    Inf Bde to be prepared to move at 0900 hrs 23 Sep.
    23rdDuring night 22/23 Lt. C.M. Strachan prepares to move off on recce for new area.
    This order was later cancelled.
    1100H.Q. Nos 2 & 3. Pls ordered to be prepared to move at 1430 hrs.
    H.Q. Nos 2 & 3 Pls moved off to S.P. at 1430 hrs. No 1 Pl. remain in
    location under command 9 Br Inf Bde. Crossed Border into HOLLAND near
    HAMONT, via BUDAL-SOREDUNK-MAARHEEZE to location nr ZOMEREN. Arr. 2000 hrs
    Lt. J.B. Bostock and 2 demolition parties remained at MAARHEEZE with 3 Recee
    Regt H.Q. The task visualized not required.
    241100Lt. J.B. Bostock with demolition parties rejoin unit.. No. 1 pl remain
    with 9. B. I.B.
    25Owing to inclement weather and part of the Unit not being under cover,
    a move was made back into the village OF ZOMEREN where the Company could be
    given shelter. Move completed by 1800 hrs.
    Party from No3 pl employed until darkness on the task or lighting by
    glowworms of slit tranches on road verges west of ZOMEREN.
    26thDuring the day party employed in filling in craters and holes in road
    27thPls felling trees for road blocks. 1800 hrs. Unit ordered to stand by to
    move at 1600 hrs 19 Sep. 2100 hrs. Prospective move cancelled.
    29thNos. 2 & 3 Pls employed on route marches etc.
    30th1100 hrs. Warning order received from 9 Br Inf Bde to be prepared to move
    1 Oct. Training carried out the construction of booms for the protection
    of bridges against floating mines.

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