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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion Devonshire Regiment

    Month and year: June 1944

    The 2nd Battalion Devonshire Regiment June 1944 covers the unit landing in Normandy in area Le Hamel, the capturing of Longues-sur-Mer Battery and their fighting inland to La Marmoniere

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1278

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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    England.31 MayThe Battalion left PENNERLEY CAMP at approximately 1030 hrs and was
    taken by transport to be enbarked on the L.C.I. GLENROY at SOUTHAMPTON
    DOCKS, and later in the afternoon we sailed into SOUTHAMPTON WATER where we the Bn
    remained until the 5th JUNE.
    June 1st.2nd.3rd.These days passed with lectures and Briefing and much speculation as
    to where we should land on the much talked of 'D' Day.
    June 4thWe were informed that 'D' Day would be on the 5th and everyone seemed in high
    spirits, this, however, was later postponed for 24 hrs, and the day was filled
    in with a "Spelling Bee" arranged and conducted by "HOWARD MARSHALL" B.B.C. reporter,
    he also commentated on a Darts match held in the Ward-room, between Officers
    and O.Rs. This was followed by a concert relayed from the word-room.
    June5th.The final arrangements were made for the great day, maps were issued and the
    final briefing took place, giving the actual places, and with the best wishes
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    English Channel.5thfor a successful campaign from Captain D. Barry, R.N. Captain of the
    L.C.I. GLENROY we left SOUTHAMPTON WATER at 1900 hrs with our course
    directed to the Pas de Calais area, at midnight we altered course
    to the Coast of NORMANDY .
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    At Sea5Messages from General Eishenower, Supreme Allied Commander,
    General B.L. Montgomery, C-in-C, 21 Army Group, and Major General Graham,
    50 (N) Div Comd were read to all troops.
    60515H.M.S. Glenroy containing Bn Assault Group dropped anchor approx 10 milesBn was Res Bn of
    NORTH of Le HAMEL, a village on the Normancy Coast.231 Bde Assault Group and
    0705Bn Group in L.C.A's headed for the shore. Sea was extremely rough, andtimed to land at H + 40 min.
    there were many cases of sea-sickness on the run in.
    FRANCE.0810Fwd Coys of the Bn landed well to the the WEST of Le HAMEL. Landing wasSee Map
    extremely difficult and hazardous due to the rough seas. It was duringSheet 7/5 Creully 1/50,000.
    their landings that Major Howard MC, O/C "B" Coy was injured being run over
    by an L.C.A. and his ribs crushed. The Landing was rendered more difficult
    by the presence of Enemy Beach Obstacles.
    0820Bn HQ., followed by "C" & "D" Coy s landed.
    The beach was under fire from snipers and spasmodic gunfire and mortarfire.
    It was found that the Right Assault Bn, 1, Hamps, had failed to clean the
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    France.60820/Cont.immediate beach defences and thus the Bn was held up on the Beach
    unable to go forward to the pre-arranged assembley area.
    0915 By 0915 "C" & "D" Coys had got clear of the beach, and were approaching
    Le HAMEL from the EAST.
    0955 "A" & "B" Coys started to move in land from the beach. During all this
    time communications with Coys had been scanty and the Commanding Officer
    had great difficulty in getting his orders for a change of plan to the Coys
    concerned. The change of plan was necessitated since the pre-arranged
    Assembley Area was still in enemy hands. The new plan was that the Bn
    should by-pass the Assembley Area Asnelles-Sur- Mer and push on to the
    first objective, the Capture of RYES. By this time it was found that "C"
    Coy had become Committed on the outskirts of Le HAMEL, and could not
    dis-engage. However "D" Coy was withdrawn
    1120from Le HAMEL and pushed in land from Les Rocquettes followed by "A" & "B"
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    France.61130During the move inland the Coys were harassed by mortarfire, and
    Major Parlby, O.C. "D" Coy was wounded in the leg, together with some of his
    Coy. S.EAST of ASNELLES-Sur-MER, "A" Coy took the lead and started to adv
    along the GRONDE RIVIERE towards RYES followed by "D" Coy. This was stage
    two of the original plan.
    1202"C" Coy reported pinned down by enemy snipers on the outskirts of Le HAMEL.
    Major Duke, MC., was killed here by a sniper; the coy suffered many other
    Meanwhile "A" & "D" were pushing forward along the axis of the River but
    were held up by well concealed MG's & Snipers 1000 yds from Ryes,
    The country here was extremely close and it was quite impossiable to locate the enemy
    MG's & Snipers though they held their fire to short ranges. In trying to
    adv in face of this opposition "A" & "D" Coys suffered many casualties incl
    Capt Crawley LT Bull LT Morris LT Foy Wounded & LT Smith Killed. LT Foy was
    later seem to be taken prisoner. Capt Dupont RA who was FOB att
    to the BN was also wounded. In view of the nature of the Country and since
    no support could be obtained from either our own mortars or Gunners Sp
    due to lack of Communications, the C.O. decided to leave "A" Coy to
    Contain the opposition and guard our left flank whilst "B" & "D" Coys
    by-passed the enemy and pushed into RYES.
    1625"B" Coy reached RYES and occupied it with only slight opposition.
    1630The C.O. with 2 Sections of "D" Coy pushed on to high ground N.West of
    RYES. which was found to be unoccupied. Later "C" Coy and remainder
    of "D" Coy moved up to this Area.
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    France.61630"A" Coy reported a counter attack which they held. Later they rejoined
    the Bn N.WEST of RYES.
    1900Bn was in position on high ground N.W. of RYES, with "B" Coy in Ryes; and
    Bn HQ., in a railway cutting. In view of the rather disorganised state
    of the Bn., the C.O.decided to hold his present position for the night
    and push on to the LONGUES Bty in the morning. Later it was decided to
    send "C" Coy fwd to occupy MASSE-de-CRADALLE that night. This "C" Coy
    were unable to do being held up at La ROSIERE a mile short of the objective.
    At the end of the day it was found that the Bn had sustained rather
    severe casualties.
    Officers, Killed. 2. Wounded 6. this includes 3 Coy Comds.
    O.R's. Killed. 20. Wounded 60.
    During the landing much equipment had been lost, and most of what little
    tpt the Bn was allowed to land on "D" Day.
    Many prisoners were taken by the Bn and valuable information was obtained
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    France.6by the Bn from maps and P.O.W's. the maps sent back were of great importance
    to Division and were the subject of a special para in the first Div Int
    Summary issued. The Bn has been up against Elemants of 716 Div and
    352 Div.
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    France70530Bn moved off to take Masse de Cradalle and Longues Bty. "B" Coy leading
    followed be "A" & "D". No opposition encountered and the feature was
    0700occupied by "B" Coy at approx 0700 hrs. "A" & "D" Coys were left to
    0852consolidate with "B" Coy whilst "C" Coy went on to capture Longues Bty.
    The attack was preceeded by Air attack, Arty and MG fire.
    1053"C" Coy reported capture of the Bty Posn, there was little opposition, but
    same 90 P.O.W's were taken, The Bty Posn contained 4 X 155mm Coastal Guns
    in case mates and 1 X 7.62 Field Gun, It was a very strong position.
    The Bn suffered only one casualty 140100, Capt P.E.Clark, the Bn Mortar
    Officer, who was killed during the mopping up of the Bty posn.
    1200Bn H.Q., established at 823855 and Bn took up positions with "C" Coy at Map 7E/5 1/50,000.
    Longues, "B" Masse de Cradalle 8184. "A" covering rear of Bn position
    and "D" area Fontenailles. The rest of the day was spent quietly.
    Casualties for the day:- 1. (ONE) Officer Killed.
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    France.80400Bn received orders to attack WESTWARDS to Port-en-Bessin, clearing up
    enemy strong points on Coast North of Le Mesnil and Bouffay.
    Port en Bessin had been attacked by 47, Royal Marine Commando on the previous
    day but they had failed to take it completely though they had succeeded in
    entering the town. Thus the posn was rather obscure.
    1320Posn NORTH of Le Mesnil following an Arty and MG barrage surrendered to "B" Coy
    who took 2 Officers, and 36 O.Rs. P.O.W's.
    1400It was learned that the posn NORTH of BOUFFAY no longer existed and thatMap 7E/5 1/50,000.
    Port en Bessin was in our hands. Thus the Commanding Officer decided to
    push on Southwards to Area Pt 72 (758855) where the enemy were known to be.
    "B" Coy returned to Masse de Cradalle., the adv continued with "C" Coy leading
    followed by "A" & "D" with tanks in support.
    1800"A" and "D" with Arty, MG and tank support attacked a Chateau at 750844.
    1910Chateau captured with approx 40, P.O.W's. At this time a Counter attack
    from the south appeared imminent and the Commanding Officer decided to take
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    PlaceDate HourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    France.81910up a 3 Coy posn on Pt 72.
    2130 hrsContact made with 1. U.S.Div in the Village of Escures.
    2300M in Bn H.Q., moved from Planet 7886 to 768859
    Casualties for day 1. (ONE) O.R. Killed. 8 (eight) O.Rs Wounded
    9The day was spent largely in resting.
    1600Bn received orders to relieve 2nd ESSEX who were holding the WEST approaches
    of BAYEUX.
    2000Bn marched from Area Pt 72 to BAYEUX, and relieved 2nd ESSEX.
    2140Bn. H.Q. established at School 785801.
    2230Relief complete. Re-inforcements of Lt J.G.Y. BALDWIN, (247003)
    AND '8' O.Rs.
    Casualties for Day 1. O.R. Wounded.
    10The Commanding Officer appreciated that the Bn could not perform its task from the
    posns it had taken over from the ESSEX. Thus the Commanding Officer decided to
    move the Bn out of BAYEUX, and take up posns astride the main approaches from
    1030WEST and S about 1,000 yards from the town. Coys moving into now positions.
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    France101115Bn. H.Q. established at 782799
    141514. O.Rs as re-inforcements arrived.Ref Map
    1600Bn received orders to move.CAEN 1/50,000
    1630Ptes 1808841 BUCKLEY, P. and 14557295 STEVENS, P. of "A" Coy rejoined7.F.1.
    the Bn having escaped from the Gemans.
    1800Bn moved off SOUTH with "B" Coy loading, objective Xrds 7875
    where elements of 6 Recce were held up by an enemy strong Pt.
    1930Bn arrived on objective and took up posns covering the Cross Roads.
    Bn. H.Q., established in farm, 787758 for the night.
    Casualties for the day NIL.
    110610Bn moved off with intention of capturing village of TRUNGY and Cross roads
    at La Belle EPINE. Axis of advance main road with "C" Coy right flank guard
    "B" Coy leading.
    0715Village of TRUNGY reported clear, advance continued.
    0830Ford Coys nearing objective of La Belle Epine.
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    France.110832Xrds at La Belle Epine reported clear, but 3 enemy tanks seen away to left
    flank. These were engaged by our guns and mortars but withoutReference Map.
    success, however they withdrew. "B" Coy tried to push on futher SOUTH from1/50,000 CAEN
    La Belle Epine, but were held up and suffered casualties by fire from an7F/1.
    Armoured Car.
    It was then decided to hold the Area of the Cross roads and Coys were
    disposed to hold the position, with "C" Coy WEST "B" Coy SOUTH, "D" EAST A to the NORTH
    "A" Coy later took over the defence of the bridge 780699.
    Bn. H.Q., in Orchard at 769698.
    1327"D" Coy who were holding the EAST approach reported being attacked.
    1350"D" Coy reported tanks attacking them. It was later confirmed that these
    were our own, but not before there had been a considerable exchange of fire
    between "D" Coy and the tanks.
    1520La Belle Epine and rear of Bn area being mortared.
    1730 to 19102 Enemy tanks penetrated through to "B" Coy area, they were engaged by
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    France.111730 to 1910one of the Bn guns and one hit scored, both Bn guns were then knocked out.
    "B" Coy had been caught quite unprepared by the tanks and had no trenches or
    positions to man, The Coy became disorganised and fell back, their carrier
    was knocked out by a direct hit. By this time it appeared that there were
    between 6 and 8 tanks operating in "B" Coy area. The Commanding Officer
    rushed all available guns up to hold the Cross roads.
    1943An attack by infantry developed from the EAST and SOUTH. "D" Coy fell back
    their position having become untenable due to infiltration by the enemy. The
    cross roads Belle Epine were thus lost. Bn. H.Q., area was then made the
    centre of resistance for the Bn and a square was formed with personnel of
    Bn H.Q., Support Coy and stragglers from "D" & "B" Coys. The Bn Mortars
    were brought into action in rear of Bn.H.Q., firing as a Bty with the X rds
    as the target area.
    2110After approaching to within 150 yds of Bn.H.Q., the enemy withdrew in face of
    heavy fire from the Bn.
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    France.1121127 tanks arrived to support the Bn. The Commanding Officers decided to
    counter attack and recapture La Belle Epine with tank support and with what
    men could be mustered.
    2220The attack started tanks leading the infantry and captured La Belle Epine
    by 2230 hrs without opposition. The c/attack was pressed further south to
    about 300 yds SOUTH of the Cross rds. By this time it was dusk and our tanks withdrew.
    The position was then consolidated with approx one platoon on each of the
    E, S, & W, roads of the cross roads.
    All during the battle "C" Coy had been out of contact with Bn and had
    no knowledge of what was happening, being well west of La Belle Epine, earlier
    however they had been warned to support "D" Coy if the need arose, and to this end
    has dispatched a Pl under 299743 Lieut RIORDAN, D.F. to area of La Belle Epine.
    It is thought that Lt RIORDAN and most of his Pl were taken prisoners when
    the enemy took the village.
    "A" Coy during the battle were engaged in their own area and could not
    render support to the remainder of the Bn.
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    France11As the day ended with the Bn still in possession of La Belle Epine Cross
    Casualties during the battle had been exceptionally light, the Commanding
    Officer was slightly wounded but he remained in Command of the Bn.
    Casualties for the day O.Rs killed 10. wounded 9.
    Re-inforcements 1 Officer (188183) Lieut HAYNES, J.M., and 27 O.Rs.
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    La Belle Epine120531Barrage in support of "A" Coy started. "A" Coy had to take a bridge at
    0630"A" Coy with aid of AVREs took bridge with little opposition.
    0930"D" Coy who were in a week state after the battle of the evening reported
    infiltration of the Enemy through their front. "D" Coy were too weak to
    do anything about it. Nothing further developed.
    Throughout the day and night forward Coys were troubled by persistant attempts
    at infiltration on the part of the Enemy, and by the sound of Enemy tanks in
    the vacinity. However nothing came of it.
    130825.A Carrier Patrol sent out to recce cross roads at La SENAUDIERE was shot
    up by it is believed tanks, two Carriers were knocked out and of the crews
    three killed and two wounded.
    131515Bn advanced South on the right of the Bde. Axis of Advance La Belle Epine-
    Les Orailles with "C" Coy leading. The adv was to be in conjunction with
    an adv by the 1 Hampshires Regt on to Pt 110 a feature to the left of the Bn.
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    La Belle Epine.131545Leading Coy under machine gun and mortar fire and the adv temporarily
    1550The Commanding Officer called for Arty fire to be brought down prior to
    resumption of the Bn adv, At the same time Bde Comd ordered the withdrawal
    of the Bn to its original position. This was considered necessary since the
    Bn on the left had not adv according to plan. The leading Coy was disengaged
    with the aid of Arty and smoke and the Bn withdrew into former positions.
    In this brief encounter "C" Coy carrier was knocked out and three men were
    1825The Bn had completed its withdrawal and were ONCE again in its old position
    in area La Belle Epine.
    Apart from a little sniping in "A" Coy area the night passed quietly.
    141000Bn moved back about 1,000 yds from forward positions to permit Air Attack
    by R.A.F. in area Le SENAUDIERE and Pt 110, which were to our left and forward.
    1100Bn moved back into positions. The Air attack was followed by a heavy bombardment
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    Le Belle Epine.Corps Artillery.
    1300Bn was held in readiness to Advance SOUTH should the attack by the Dorsets and
    Hampshires on our left prove very successful. However, the Bn did not move that
    day. During that day the Bn had the experience of being shelled by our own guns.
    Casualties for the day:- 1. O.R. wounded.
    Re-inforcements arrived 5 Officers and 52 O.Rs.
    15The attack of the day before by Dorsets and Hampshires having had limited
    success it was decided that the Bn should send forward a strong fighting
    patrol to the area of Les ORAILLES and beyond.
    1100"C" Coy was despatched as a strong fighting patrol to Les ORAILLES 7666.
    1320"C" Coy report Les ORAILLES clear but that there were tanks further south
    along the road. The Coy established itself on the Road junction, and sent
    forward recce patrols to get more information of the Enemy positions.
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    151708"C" Coy now properly in position on the Road Junction, with a task of holding
    it as a base for an attack by 69 Bde who were to pass through them early the
    next morning. Meanwhile they were to find out what they could about the Enemy
    1900"C" Coy was in a rather isolated position being same 2,000 yards forward of the
    Bn main positions. Thus the Commanding Officer pushed "B" Coy who were
    astride the road SOUTH of La Belle Epine, forward a further 300-400 yards, and
    they had to be preparded to counter attack in "C" Coy area. The move forward by
    "B" Coy necessitated a slight re-organisation by "D" Coy. "A" Coy took over
    "C" Coy Area.
    The night passed with only active patrolling on the part of the forward Coys.
    160600Elements of 69 Bde passed through Bn positions and "C" Coy area.
    The day passed quietly except for spasmodic shelling and mortaring of the
    Bn Positions.
    1758P/No. 284967. Lt MURPHY R. W. was wounded, together with 9 O.Rs of the Cheshire Regt
    who were in support of the Bn by shell fire.
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    La Belle Epine161800"C" Coy was withdrawn from Area 7666 to Bn main positions.
    Casualties. for the day 1. Officer and 1.OR. wounded.
    170925Three M.E.109's flow low over the Bn Area. To be followed by four more at
    1105 hrs. These were the first German Aircraft seen operation over the Bn
    since arrival in France on "D" day.
    1200Bn received orders to move back to BERNIERE BOCAGE to cover Corps Artillery
    it was also to be considered a rest area.
    1812Bn arrived in area 7970 with Bn.H.Q., in an Orchard at 795702.
    18Bn rested in Area of BERNIERE BOCAGE 7970
    Re-inforcements of 5 Officers and 99 O.Rs.
    190830Commanding Officers' "O" Group. The Bn was to take part in a Bde attack with
    1 Hampshires right and the Bn left. The Objective village of HOTTOT.
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    BERNIERE BOCAGES190830The village was quite strongly held by two Companies of 902 Pz GR.
    1030"A" Coy moved off to secure Bn forming up line which was to be the main roadRef Map
    TILLY-Sur-SEULES - LINGREVES at Bridge 7167 During the attack "A" Coy was toCAEN
    remain in the F.U.P. and provide a firm base from which the Bn could advance.1/50,000 7/F1
    1230Attacking Coys "C" right "B" left moved up to F.U.P. "D" Coy mopping up Coy
    1400Arty barrage started on Bde objective. Coys moved up to start line which ran
    EAST to WEST and some 700 yards SOUTH of the road and was indicated by a white
    1420The right hand Coy "C" Coy came under MG fire about 200 yards short of the
    start line.
    1430Barrage stopped and "B" Coy on left moved to Start line but immediately came
    under heavy M.G. fire. So now both forward Coys were under rather heavy
    but inaccurate M.G. fire from about 300 yards range. The country was
    extremely close with high standing corn and grass, and very thich hedges. The
    weather to was appalling it rained hard all day.
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    1996867 Major WARWICK H.G.H. Commanding "C" Coy was wounded almost immediately in the
    leg, he had joined the Bn only the day before. Both Coys returned the Enemy
    fire and tried to out flank the enemy positions.
    148196 Major Eteson A.D. Commanding "B" Coy and 5615190 C.S.M. F.GEE were both killed
    when "B" Coy attempted to push forward. For a while it seemed that the Bn
    was to be held up on this line, and the Commanding Officer called for "D" Coy
    but only to find that it did not exist as a Coy. In the close country the Coy
    had become split up and platoons and sections had lost contact. Thus the
    Commanding Officer called for "A" Coy, who were at this time in the F.U.P.
    prividing the firm base.
    "A" Coy came up on the left and with the extra support from "A" Coy and
    flanking move by "C" Coy the enemy withdrew hastily, leaving many dead
    and many MGs.
    The Bn now pushed on and reached a line running EAST-WEST
    through COEURVILLE. "A" Coy was now acting as left flank guard.
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    19Proceeded by a short Arty barrage "B" & "C" Coys pushed towards HOTTOT. 7265
    "A" Coy was ordered to cut the road to the EAST of HOTTOT. All three Coys
    1820gained their objective, by 1820 hours. Meanwhile two German S.P. 75 guns
    mounted on Mk III chassis had came in on the Bn left flank as "A" Coy had pushed
    forward to cut the road. Fortunately, these were quickly knocked out by an M.10
    troop of 288 Bty R.A.NH. who were in support of the Bn.
    During the final push on HOTTOT "D" Coy now once again re-orgonised were
    brought up and established in the area of farm at COEURVILLE
    Position was now that the Bn had three Coys forward an the line of Main Road
    HOTTOT and one some 1,000 yards back.
    The right flank of the Bn was guarded by 1 Hamps who were advancing on a parallel axis, but the
    left flank was open, as had already been demonstrated by the apperance of the two enemy S.P. guns.
    Thus the Commanding Officer recalled "A" Coy to take up a position on the Bn left flank.
    Darkness fell with "A" & "D" Coys in Area 724513 with "B" & "C" Coys in HOTTOT
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    19On the Bn right the Hampshires had failed to reach HOTTOT, so "B" & "C" Coys
    were left in an isolated position, with enemy operating on three sides of them.
    Their plight was more precarius since no guns could be sent up to them and
    tanks were actually in the village at the same time.
    "C" Coy did attack one Mk V Tiger with a PIAT but without doing any visable
    2330In view of this the Commanding Officer decided to recall both Coys to positions
    1,000 yards NORTH of HOTTOT, but owing to the state of communications which
    had been exceptionally bad throughout the day, only "C" Coy received the order
    200130to withdraw, which they did at approx 0130 hrs.
    "B" Coy remained the night at HOTTOT returning next morning.
    It had been a hard days fighting for the Bn under extremely bad weather
    conditions and it was a very tired Bn that settled down that night.
    Casualties for the day were light as regards numbers, but serious in that the
    Bn lost three Coy Commanders and one Coy Sjt Major. Casualites:- 8 ORs.
    wounded and 8 Killed.
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    20The day was spent in re-organising and resting in the positions occupied
    the previous night.
    1750Bn H.Q. Area shelled by enemy SP. Guns.
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    France.20Bn settled down in new positions gained the previous day.Ref Map
    1350Tanks and Infantry were seen by "D" Coy who were holding farm 820668.CAEN.
    No attack develpood.1/50.000. 7/F/1.
    1750Bn.H.Q., area shelled by 88mm SP Guns
    211050Shelling of Bn Area by 105 mm and 88 mm started and continued spasmodically
    throughout the day.
    We carried out active patrolling of "No Man's Land".
    22Bn in same positions and again subjected to spasmodic shelling and mortaring.
    Although the Bn was well dug in many casualities were caused by this shelling
    mainly due to the shells hitting trees giving the shell the effect of an Air burst.
    At night our patrol dominated "No man's land".
    Casualties for the day 1 Officer wounded 1 O.R. Killed 2 O.Rs wounded.
    23Same positions, occasional shelling by enemy. Patrols again active.
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    France.24Mortaring and shelling continued by day at night enemy brought tanks up to
    within 600 yards of our forward positions and appeared to fire at random with
    guns and M.G.
    Casualties for the day:- 1 O.R. killed, 2 O.R.S wounded.
    25Shelling and mortaring continued. Our patrols continued to dominate "No Man's Land".
    Enemy repeated his act of previous night, that blazing away at random in
    direction of our lines.
    Major J.C.P.ROWE 56655 took command of "A" Coy.
    Casualties for the day 2 Officers wounded, 1 O.R. killed, 10 O.Rs wounded.
    261000A raid by a Platoon of "B" Coy under Lt DUFF on La MARMONIERE
    was unsuccessful in that the Enemy had evacuated the place, and thus no prisoners
    could be taken.
    1100Booby traps and "S" Mines and trip wires were encountered by this patrol.
    Fortunately only casualty was incurred.
    Page 28 of 29
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    FRANCE.262100A Platoon of "C" Coy was sent out to area La MARMONIERE with orders to drive
    in any enemy patrols encountered.
    Casualties for the day:- 10.O.R.S. wounded.
    Re-inforcements arrived: 26 O.Rs.
    270130Platoon of "C" Coy returned. Tanks and MGs had moved into the area they were holding
    and made their position untenable.
    1400Platoon was sent out again but could not take up the position entered
    due to enemy counter action.
    It took up a position along the stream to W of La MARMONIERE.
    It was later withdrawn,
    Shelling of Bn area continued.
    2100Re-adjustment of Coy Areas was made.
    2200Bn.H.Q., moved to 817633 Major J.H. FAULKNER 63695 and 66098
    Major P.RCLARKE assumed command of "C" & "B" Coy respectively.
    Casualties for the day. 3 O.Rs wounded.
    Page 29 of 29
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    FRANCE.280900Bn H.Q., moved to 820678. Slight shelling of Forward positions.
    Our patrols active.
    Casualties for the day 4 O.Rs. wounded.
    Re-inforcements arrived:- 2. Majors and 42 O.R.S.
    29Bn in same positions, apart from patrol activity , nothing to record.
    Casualties for the day NIL.
    Re-inforcements arrived 13 O.Rs.
    30Shelling mainly in "A" Coy area, who suffered same casualties.
    Our patrols again active.
    Casualites for the day 1. O.R. Killed 4, O.Rs. wounded.
    Re-inforcements arrived 21 O.Rs.
    Thus the month ended with the Bn up to strength once again, but having
    suffered a total of 308 casualties.
    Officers. Killed 5. Wounded 12. Missing. 2.
    Other Ranks. Killed 48. Wounded 153. Missing. 88.

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