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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion Essex Regiment

    Month and year: July 1944

    The July 1944 War Diary for 2nd Battalion Essex Regiment covers their advance deeper into Normandy from Les Orailles to Launay.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1295

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    Page 1 of 17
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Les Orailles156 Bde were informed that 7 armd. Div were to
    be relieved by the 2 US Armd Div by 0600 hrs 2nd
    July and 56 Bde, with 8th Hussars 3rd R.H.A. and
    2 Btys a/Tk under command would be under the
    operational command of 50(N) Div
    It was proposed that A. Coy officers and selected
    N.C.O's should liase with 1 R.T.R. for tank inf
    trg. To facilitate this, it was arranged for A & D
    Coys to exchange Coy localities. This was completed
    by 0900 hrs 1 July 1944.
    There was some shelling on B Coy during the
    evening. no casualties
    During the late evening an ambulance dvr
    and orderly of 13 F.D.S. entered D Coy lines and
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Les Oraillesreported that they had lost their way and had
    driven their ambulance through enemy lines and
    had been finally shot up. Their passenger, a sgt,
    had been wounded and was still lying up in
    the fields. 2 i/c major Lance organised a patrol
    and rescued the sjt.
    2 Essex Op. Instr No 1. Issued
    Lt Caimeross accidentally shot with revolver.
    2Brig E.C. Pepper announced that he was taking
    command of 131 Bde and that Brig. M Ekins would
    relieve him.
    Little operational activity
    30900 hrs. Bde Comd visited Bn active patrolling
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Les Orailles3A Coy 762664B Coy 766661
    C Coy 764656D Coy 760657
    S Coy 762666
    The HQ 760658
    3-6Quite operationally with active patrolling and
    snipers constantly out in no mans land. Granville Rd
    - Bois de St Germaine
    60136'H' Hr Exercise "Panther". See operation inst. To
    capture & kill enemy in amed FM HO 773649
    to cause destruction in general area Bois de St Germain - St
    Germain D'Ectot
    . By 0200 hrs patrol
    were on way back having reported that enemy
    had withdrawn.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LA BUTTE7a day of preparation for big battle stream of visitors
    of various sp arms all day as attack was laid
    on at very short notice . Orders to sp arms 1200 hrs
    O.O. att and trace (3) & (4)
    1800Final orders to Coy. Cmdrs. Reville fixed for
    0400 hrs
    The Bn prepared cheerfully for battle and all
    appeared very calm and normal at eventide.
    11a rest day at conclusion of battle. Bn gets
    breath back - Bn. HQ back to cottage. 'C' Coy
    comd of 6th Green Howards for day.
    Bde cmdr congratulates Bn on Tac and Strategical
    info given by prisoners. Reports 276 Div very
    badly shaken. P.W. reports "our offr told our
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    general it was terrible and we will not attack
    La Butte12Change of location with GLOSTERS Bn moved to
    PONT MULOT (745635) a quieter slot . The enemy
    facing across valley chiefly arty fighting. Move
    2035Bn HQ. established
    PONT MULOT122100Village between Bn HQ and Coys and still has
    cafe open in spite of enemy fire. a period of
    vigorous patrolling about to start for Bn. attacks
    and counter attacks unlikely. Major M. St G. PALLOT
    reported to Bn as 2 IC. Our opponents now are 2nd Pz Div
    PONT MULOT120300D Coy in position
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    PONT MULOT13Quiet day. Little activity either side. Contact made
    with III/41. The american Bn on our right. L.O. calls
    daily and a joint allied Post has been formed
    on Bn boundaries.
    PONT MULOT141300a salutary warning on our right. 2 German deserters
    were calling KAMERAD, but when two sentries
    went to bring them in, they were killed by egg
    PONT MULOT15130014493515 Pte HARLEY. J. "C" Coy killed by shellfire. The
    enemy are sending over a very high percentage of
    dud shells and their fire is very distributed , but
    their fire seems drowned under anglo-american
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    PONT MULOT16Patrol activity as usual. Recce ptls infrm. very
    flexible N of ST GERMAIN D'ECTOT RD. Padre held
    service 1200 hrs in small front room in village.
    French choir, Essex congregation.
    1900S.W.B. report 6 Essex dead area BOIS ST GERMAIN.
    17Indications enemy are pulling out, and patrolling is
    more vigorous.
    1600Rev T Thomas S.J. decorated with M.C. by Gen.
    Montgomery for outstanding gallantry in battle of
    Gloucesters take over sector from III/41 U.S.A.
    PONT MULOT185 A.G.R.A. have barrage on ST GERMAIN D'ECTOT
    concentration of tanks and tps there.
    1500BDE order vigorous patrolling, indications of enemy pull-out
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    PONT MULOT181500fighting patrol under LT MILLER sent out but met
    2 SPANDAUS cleverly concealed and difficult to detect
    in close Norman country. Patrol achieved purpose
    but suffered 7 casualties. Killed St Miller 2 ORs
    wounded c/e 10.R. 2 Pts.
    1800Wounded and back with patrol. L/C clark who
    had bad flesh wound in stomach, but refused to
    be evacuated from R.A.P. until interrogated, and
    though in pain insisted on waiting until all
    questions had been asked.

    One sniper missing from snipers patrol. These
    snipers discounted another fully occupied and signposted
    German position - which led to the fighting patrol
    being sent out.
    PONT MULOT191230Quiet day for Bn usual lunch time arty on
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    PONT MULOT191230 (cont)our positions. They shell nearly every day at meal
    times. a nebelwerfer appeared on scene by night
    but did no damage in Bn area.
    "C" Coy have me 110 over their positions.
    PONT MULOT202100"A" Cot report Parachute mines on Coy front two
    come down. Probably from falling bomber. In
    "C" Coy area, 6032624 L/C Isaac and a carrier
    driver Pte Rose were killed by shellfire, also 2
    O.R's wounded.
    PONT MULOT211000Possible move in process owing to S.W.B. advance
    A.B. and C Coys at 2 hrs notice. "D" Coy (reserve) at
    1 hrs notice.
    Pig set off trip wire in front of coys.
    PONT MULOT22Quiet day. Patrolling and Shelling.
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    PONT MULOT230900Padre holds service in village.
    1100Div and Bde comdrs visited Bn.
    2300H.2 mortars on LA PERELLE by nights
    PONT MULOT24Friendly aircraft dropped pamphlets entitled "Eine Kleine
    Clique" over German lines. Several M.E. 109's came
    over and machine gunned at lunch time and one
    aircraft was brought down.
    1500The afternoon with U.S. A.A. Bty offrs all trying
    to claim plane brought down. On evening 14
    TYPHOONS assisted by arty target indicator smoke,
    flew over to attack Enemy Bde position.
    2300Patrols report Horse Tpt on ST GERMAIN D'ECTOT RD.
    Possibly inf div receiving 2 Pz div.
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    PONT MULOT250900Bde Cmdr visited Bn. more horse tpt reported by
    patrols. Loudspeaker on Div front. Deserters addressing
    German tps and especially Polish Tps. Full
    propaganda value being got out of the Hitler
    assassination plot of July 20th.
    PONT MULOT260500Bn warned to be ready for counter attack, as
    "anything might happen". 6 D.L.I. said to have
    been counter attacked. Whole A.G.R.A. came down,
    but turned out to be only a pln. fighting patrol.
    news arrived the 2nd Pz Div is being replaced by
    326 Inf Div. previously on coastal defense in CALAIS -
    BOULOGNE area.
    Fighting patrol sp by arty went out and 2 IC
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    PONT MULOT261930(MAJOR PALLOT) spotted German S.P. gun through
    field glasses. Bty fire from 465 Reg R.A. came down
    for five minutes and finished gun.
    PONT MULOT271300Some shells landed in the Bn HQ area and knocked
    out M14 which was replaced within the hour.
    Patrolling still continuing.
    PONT MULOT28Patrols return with info of 2 enemy seen to our
    front. Regimental shoots of arty brought down.
    Ordered to take over positions of 2 coys of GLOUCESTERS
    and spread out our line. Repercussions of the
    great american thrust on our right. Move to take
    effect tomorrow. All plans changed. Large air
    activity as well as shelling.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    PONT MULOT290730A&C Coys move positions
    1315Move completed
    13304 snipers sent out on patrol
    2 captured. A joint patrol with S.W.B.
    1520Snipers report bound man, woman and child (French)
    in stable 75906315
    22002IC takes over HQ in Glos area to command
    2 Coys there owing to Bn line being extended
    for Glosters & S.W.B. attacking 0600 hrs Essex in reserve
    objectives on Trace attd.
    PONT MULOT30The day was spent in reserve of an attack by
    3008002 deserters from 751 Reg reported to 'C' Coy
    301225'Stand by' to Coys
    301600'C' Coy HQ at LA PERELLE
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    PONT MULOT301727'B' Coy report spandaus 758618
    301730BN HQ 749639
    301900B Coy held up by enemy fire from farm
    3021206 Typhoons to attack 767609
    31Affx attd describes battle
    0605Patrol leader reports booby trapped slit trench 756614
    0647Bulldozer arrives
    0750Bde orders active patrolling, Small enemy pockets
    must be destroyed.
    0835Sharp counter attack on 231 Bde
    1135Attack fizzles out
    1156Enemy gun fire. R.A. unable to image.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    PONT MULOT LAUNAY311207Enemy post at 755615. Sniper report
    13501 P.W. 9 Coy 751 GR.R. reported
    1432Bn O.P. established in C Coy area.
    1455Bn to be prepared to attack at 1800 hrs
    "O" Sp 1545
    1700Tanks reported 788617. Str unknown
    1705"O" Sp
    1855Bde Cmdr visited H.Q.
    2000attack begins
    2004"A" Coy reports SAAR. HQ established 755625
    2030"A" Coy reports 'PIG'
    2124'Thames' shot
    2128Bn H.Q. moving
    2136"B" Coy passes SAAR
    2138fire falling W. of OUSE.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LAUNAY312141"a" coy 50' from objective
    2145"A" coy on objective
    2155mortars fire M.7 5 mins
    2205'B' Coy meet spandaus fire on left flank, require
    2215Mortars fire M7 & M8 for 5 mins
    2218R.A.P. est BURNT FM.
    2225B Coy consolidated
    2226Bn HQ 764615
    2230Mortars fire M& & M9 5 mins
    2245'D' Coy First point
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LAUNAY312030"B" & "D" coys called fwd
    2042"A" coy report 'COW'
    2043"B" report 'PIG'
    2045"A" coy report 'DOG'
    2049"A" coy ordered to return to "COW"
    2050"A" coy ordered to remain at DOG
    2052"C" & "D" coys are 100 x N of SAAR
    2059Enemy opposition slight
    2100"C" & "D" to move. Barrage re-opens
    2105"A" & "B" to move when barrage reopens
    2106"B" coy report 'COW'
    21083" Mortars to fire KENTUCKY II & 374' for 5 mins
    2110amended THAMES fired
    2111Bn HQ Prepare to move
    21147 P.W. have so far been captured

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