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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion The Cheshire Regiment

    Month and year: Febuary 1944

    The 2nd Battalion Cheshire Regiments February 1944 war diary covers the units time in the UK based at Brandon Suffolk training and receiving reinforcements

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1276

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    Page 1 of 10
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Original A.F. C 2118
    of the 2nd Battalion The Cheshire Regt
    Commanded by Lieut Colonel S.V. Kelling D.S.O.
    for the month of February 1944
    During the whole of this period the Bn was under
    Command of 50th (Northumbrian Division)
    Page 2 of 10
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Suffolk.0930Major.P.J.Gold leaves for Divisional Headquarters to work under A/O before
    proceeding to a Staff College.
    1030Conference of Group Adjutants and L.O's from each Group with the Adjutant
    and Capt Shimild of the Army Selection Board Team, re interviewing of all
    personnel for rating and testing.
    1130Conference ends.
    1400Sports Meeting 2/i/c and all Sports Officers attend.
    1500Sports Meeting ends.
    Quiet Day. N.T.R.
    Quiet Day. N.T.R. 11 new officers arrive. 2/Lieuts posted to us straight
    from O.C.T.U. 2/Lts. White, Parry-Jones, Edwards, Brooke, Grieve, Hooper,
    Lemon, Forster, Barnett, Rendle and Stratton.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Suffolk,0830Army Selection Board arrives at Brandon to test "C" Group and Bn H.Q.
    1400Q.M. to Divisional H.Q.
    1630Q.M. returns.
    P.T Team arrives tomorrow.
    0830Army Selection Team still testing the remainder of "C" Group and Bn HQ.
    Quiet Day. N.T.R.
    1000Cloth Model Mortar Range Exercise. Lieut. Benyon attends from 74th Field
    Regt. Capt Shimild O.C. Army Selection Team departs.
    7th.0700Reveille. Quiet Day. N.T.R. Day
    0900Commanding Officer attends "B" Group Field Firing Exercise on the Thetford
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brandon.8th09452/i/c to Division re New War Establishment - Assault Scales, etc.
    Suffolk.12302/i/c returns.
    1530Commanding Officer returns.
    0900Commanding Officer attends "C" Group Exercise at Swaffham in Stanford Battle
    1300Commanding Officer returns.
    10th.0700Reveille, Quiet Day. N.T.R.
    11th0700Reveille. Major.C.H. Harrington reports for duty. Quiet Day. N.T.R.
    0900R.S.M's Parade at Brandon Camp.
    1030R.S.M's Parade at Freckenham. Quiet Day. N.T.R.
    1000Conference re Assault and Light Scales of Transport. Major. Moon, Major.
    Harrington, Langrishe and Mellor.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brandon.13th1300Major P.J.Gold attached to Division H.Q. and Camp Commandant - Capt. J.
    Suffolk.Sharpley both of the Cheshire Regiment have lunch in the Officers Mess.
    1430Major. Harrington off to recce Stanford Battle Area for M.M.G. Shoot on the
    19th February.
    1600Major. Harrington returns.
    2120Air Raid Warning Sound. Sound of A/A fire in the distance.
    2230All Clear.
    14th.0700Reveille. Commanding Officer goes on leave.
    0900QMSI White starts P.T Instructors Course in Brandon Camp. 30 N.CO's attend.
    1000Regimental Selection Board assembles for potential OCTU candidates.
    President: Major.H.R.Moon. Members: Capt.L.J.Cutler, Major. Mellor and
    Lieut Kershaw. 5 Candidates interviewed.
    1130Selection Boards ends.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brandon.15th0715Personnel move off to Shadwell Court 70th Infantry Brigade HQ to meet
    Suffolk,General Sir. B. Montgomery,
    0930General arrives gathers all the men round his jeep. He mentions the
    2nd Cheshires several times during the course of his speech.
    1130Parade returns.
    1150The Adjutant and Major Pickering to Div HQ re Assault Scales and new W/E.
    1500Adjutant and Major Pickering return.
    Commanding Officer recalled from leave to attend a Conference at Divisional HQ.
    0900C.O. and 2/i/c busy working Assault and Light scales of transport.
    Quiet Day and N.T.R.
    1300Commanding Officer to Division to attend a Conference re new W/E and Assault
    1630Commanding Officer returns.
    Page 7 of 10
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brandon.17th2000Commanding Officer, Major Mellor, Capt Martin and The Adjutant attend a
    Suffolk.Conference re new W/E and assault scales.
    2330Conference ends.
    Commanding Officer is going to London tomorrow for an interview re new W/E and Assault
    Scales etc.
    MEANEE DAY. All ranks have been given a day's holiday. Sgts and W.O's hold
    a Meanee Dance.
    0730Commanding Officer leaves to attend a Conference in London.
    1100P.T. demonstration for all Officers and N.C.O's. New type of P.T. shown.
    Use of rifle etc.
    1400Training Films and Entertainment film in the afternoon.
    1930Commanding Officer returns from London
    2030Conference re new W/E and assault scales.
    2345Conference ends.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brandon.18thFifth war establishment received today. All are different. No one has
    Suffolk,the slightest idea which one we shall eventually work on and no one can
    tell us.
    0900Major Moon to Stanford Battle Area for MMG Coys and Mortar Coy's Field Firing
    10.3D.C.A. visits Adjutant.
    1130Commanding Officer visits Stanford Battle Area to see progress of exercise.
    1600Commanding Officer returns.
    16302/i/c returns.
    Commanding Officer goes on leave.
    09002/i/c to Stanford Battle Area to see Field Firing Exercise.
    0930Church of England Church Service in Camp.
    16302/i/c returns. Quiet Day. N.T.R.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brandon.21st.0700Reveille, Quiet Day. N.T.R.
    1400Adjutant, Q.M. and the I.O. to Div. I.O. to collect maps. Adjutant to see
    G.11 re W/E. Q.M. to see ADOS.
    1700Adjutant, Q.M. and I.O. return.
    Quiet Day. N.T.R.
    0830Bn moves for inspection by H.M. The King at Long Melford.
    1300Major Offer arrives to learn what he can about the administration of a
    machine gun battalion.
    1500Battalion returns.
    Quiet day.
    1430Major Moon to Division re proposed moving of 80 O.R's into Brandon Camp.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brandon.24th1730Major Moon returns. Quiet Day.
    0900Major Moon to Stanford Battle Area to attend TEWT+
    1700Major Moon returns. Quiet Day.
    26th0700Reveille. Quiet Day. N.T.R.
    27th0700Reveille. Quiet Day. N.T.R.
    0945Church Parade with the Regimental Band to Brandon Old Church.
    1100Church Parade returns. Quiet Day.
    1400Major-General Graham Divisional Commander visits Freckenham Camp.
    1500Divisional Commander visits Brandon Camp sees the training etc.
    1630Divisional Commander leaves.
    Quiet Day.

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