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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment

    Month and year: June 1944

    The June 1944 2nd Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment war diary covers the unit arriving in Normandy in the area Hable de Heurtot before concentrating at area Buhot and spending the month fighting south of Bayeux.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1298

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    Page 1 of 10
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    3 Jun1930Marching tps left Camp B7 ready for war in TCVs under control
    of Movement Control. Refreshments were given on the way and
    Embarkation took place at LYMINGTON. The Bn was split up on three
    LCIs as follows:-
    LCI 2906 A & B Coys. LCI 2907 part Bn HQ, D and S Coys
    LCI 2908 Bal Bn HQ. C Coy.
    2100LCI's sailed to Southampton Docks.
    SOTON NEW DOCK.4/5Tps were allowed to disembark on quayside for recreation and meals.
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    51930LCI's sailed from SOTON DOCKS to join convoy to FRANCE without
    6 D DAYCrossing to the FRENCH COAST went well in a rather rough sea.
    Some ranks were sea sick but this passed off before the time for
    landing. All ranks have shown great interest the assaulting
    Bdes (231 Bde Right - 69 Bde left) going in; also the naval
    bombardment on 50 (N) Div beachhead, and everyone was in good
    spirits and keen to get on with the job.
    2 Glosters were reserve Bn of 56 Inf Bde Gp acting as reserve
    Bde to 50 Div.
    1158Three LCI's touched down on the NORMANY COAST at area HABLE
    DE HEURTOT 9807 map sheet 7 E/5. Each Gp quickly cleared KING
    RED beach area and began to advance along coast rd towards
    Bn conc area at BUHOT. Some mortar fire was encountered along
    this rd and pockets of enemy resistance were still holding out
    in area BUHOT and high ground to SW of this village. BUHOT was
    finally cleared by marine Commandos and the Bn. arrived at conc
    area as arranged.
    1607Bn. HQ arrived conc area and Rifle Coys arrived complete except
    for two cas.
    1735RYES was reported clear of enemy by Right assault Bde (231 Bde)
    BUHOT19002 Glosters conc was completed.
    1940Bde decided firm base for the night, 2 Glosters were still res
    Bn and advanced Southwards as follows :-
    B Coy Gp. A Coy. Bn. HQ. D and C Coys.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    PW taken 31. Cas 4 O.Rs wounded.
    MAGNY. 81827 D plus 100262 Glosters reached conc area and dug in. Extensive patrolling
    was carried out. 1 tp 10.5 cm guns was captured intact.
    Enemy snipers were active but no cas were inflicted on own tps.
    0830Bn. moved Southwards with object of clearing BAYEUX with 2
    Essex and was held up on outskirts of town while 2 Essex
    cleared area of rly sta.
    1130Adv continued.
    BAYEUX1220Bn. entered BAYEUX. Civilian population very pleased to see
    Br tps. Fighting continued throughout the afternoon and
    the high ground SW of town was gained. Bn. occupied and
    dug in posns as follows:-
    Bn. HQ. 783790. A Coy 783788. B Coy 779787. C Coy 780795.
    D Coy 784793. Recce patrols were sent out to contact enemy
    night 7/8 Jun. PW taken 9. Cas 1 Offr wounded 2 O.Rs
    8 D plus 2The task of 56 Bde was now to contact the Americans on our
    right flank, and 2 SWB were given the task of clearing SULLY
    West of BAYEUX. 2 Glosters altered posns slightly and
    covered the western approaches to BAYEUX. 2 Essex remained
    covering Southern approaches. Carrier Pl patrolled well
    South and returned intact with valuable infm that no enemy
    were contacted for approx. 6 to 8 miles South of BAYEUX.
    1135First German aircraft seen over BAYEUX.
    1830Bn. HQ WGS est in school buildings 784802. PW taken 12.
    Cas. 1 OR missing believed killed. 1 OR wounded.
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    BAYEUX9 D plus 31100Contact with US 26 RCT was est.
    2200Posns were handed over to 2 Devons and Bn moved to same conc
    area as for 7 Jun. PW taken 50. Cas. 1 OR killed.
    10 D plus 456 Inf Bde became under Comd 7 Armd Div, working with 22 Armd
    Bde. Plan was to adv Southwards towards TILLY-SUR-SEULLES,
    2 Glosters were adv Bn with 2 Essex Right and 2 SWB in Res.
    0857The adv behind the armr began, order of march B Coy Gp under
    comd 2 i/c, A Coy, Bn. HQ C and D Coys.
    BAYEUX- TILLY Rd.Progress was very slow owing to close country, which aided the
    small enemy pockets of resistance, who were engaged by the
    fwd elements 7 Armd Div.
    1910Bn. was given the task of clearing woods area JERUSALEM 8172.
    Method - 1 Coy each side of the main BAYEUX - TILLY rd, A Coy
    Right C Coy Left, B and D Coys remained firm base. Enemy
    opposition was slight and the woods were cleared successfully,
    several prisoners being taken.
    Bn. occupied firm base this area night 10/11 Jun. Bn. est
    818727. PW taken 4. Active patrolling carried out during
    the night B Coy moved fwd to occupy posns area ST BAZIRE 8270.
    JERUSALEM11 D plus 5Recce patrols est the fact that the enemy were in BUCEELLS,
    MARCEL WOOD 8269 and PONT DE LA GUILLETTE. Plans were made
    for 2 Glosters to clear the village of BUCEELLS in order that
    the tanks could adv. The op was delayed owing to the difficulty
    of getting tks across the river.
    1250Assault finally went in and the high ground South of village
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    1715Bn then pushed on to assault TILLY. This attack went in on
    two Coy front, right A Coy - left C Coy. B and D sp and
    mopping up. Arty sp was provided by 86 Fd Regt. Fighting
    within the village became very close and confused, street and
    house fighting developed. Enemy snipers were everywhere,
    incl the Church and Infirmary which was later burnt out.
    the Posn became so obscure that it was decided to withdraw
    out of the village and to occupy the high ground to the NORTH,
    the intention being to pass 131 Inf Bde through our posns at
    first light 12 Jun to complete the occupying on TILLY.
    2200-2230Bn. withdrew out of TILLY inflicting Cas on the enemy and
    occupied the high ground area 8369. Following incidents
    occurred during the attack and withdrawal which warrant
    One of the Pl Comds of A Coy who captured an enemy DR on the
    rd leading South into TILLY, rode pillion behind the German
    and escorted him back to Bn. HQ. The M/C then became the
    property of A Bn. DR whose bike had been run over by a carrier.
    During the withdrawal the left fwd Pl. Comd of A Coy Lt. J.O.
    Levine (Canloan) was cut off with one Bren gp of his pl and
    two Bren gps of another pl while covering the withdrawal of the
    Coy. The total number was 14 men, one of whom was wounded.
    They lay concealed and returned to our lines seven hours
    afterwards bringing with them the wounded man.
    An unarmed private of A Coy who got lost in the wood and cut
    off during the withdrawal was confronted with a German armed with
    a crowbar. The German hit him and broke his nose. He got
    away from the German and hid in the wood. Later rejoining his
    Coy at 0730 hrs 12 Jun 44.
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    14 Pl. C Coy were nearly surrounded during the fighting in TILLY,
    the enemy counter attacked again and again with grenades but the
    Pl remained intact and inflicted many cas before withdrawing.
    The Germans holding TILLY were identified as elements Pz LEHR
    Div. PW taken 23. Cas Lt. J.B. Evans killed. 3 O.Rs killed.
    Lt.R.H. Bentley wounded. 21 O.Rs wounded.
    5 O.Rs. missing.
    OUTSKIRTS TILLY.112330Bn posns were strengthened by one Coy 2 SWB which provided patrols.
    No further incidents occurred during the night.
    12 D plus 60500131 Bde passed through Bn. front with tank sp to take TILLY.
    Heavy fighting took place throughout the day. Little progress
    was made and the situation again became very confused.
    1700Bn. HQ moved to an orchard on the reverse slope owing to enemy
    mortar activity.
    Queens posn became untenable and they were ordered to withdraw
    back through our lines. 2 Glosters were also ordered to
    withdraw after covering the withdrawal of the Queens. This op
    was carried out successfully. The only enemy interference
    was a fighting patrol which followed up our withdrawal, but
    contact with enemy was successfully broken.
    Bn. occupied posns ST BAZIRE 8270 and dug in. Patrols were
    sent out. Str increase :- 46 O.Rs joined Bn this date.
    ST BAZIRE13 D plus 7Bn. posns were strengthed during the day and Brit Arty was very
    active. Enemy tks were reported in wooded areas LINGEVRES and
    VERRIERES. Patrolling was again very active during night 13/14
    Jun in order to pin point enemy posns. Cas. 1 OR wounded.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    14 D plus 82 Glosters came under Comd 151 Inf Bde as res bn for attack on
    LINGEVRES - VERRIERES the attack was preceeded by RAF bombing
    and intense Arty barrage. Strong enemy resistance was
    encountered but in the late afternoon it became apparent that
    9 DLI were in danger of being surrounded by a counter attack
    of 20 Panthers in the village of LINGEVRES. 2 Glosters
    were therefore ordered to relieve enemy pressure and assist in
    the mopping up of the village. 9 DLI were very successful
    in dealing with the Panthers knocking six of them out, but lost
    heavy cas.
    LINGEVRES2110Village was finally cleared A and D Coys took up covering posns
    SE and ST of village. C and B Coys firm based in the rear.
    2125Bn. HQ est 806689.
    2225PW. 1 Pl of 352 Pz GREN REGT, Pz LEHR DIV surrendered to B Coy
    from their half-tracked Vehs. Total PW taken 1 Offr. 44 ORs.
    Cas 1 O.R wounded.
    Patrolling was carried out during the night. No enemy were
    15 D plus 9Brit Arty was active along Bn. front. A Coy accounted for an
    enemy DR during the morning. Every effort was made to est
    a Bn. OP but observation was NIL owing to thick trees and
    1400Posns were handed over to 8 DLI and the Bn together with
    remainder 56 Inf Bde less 2 Essex moved into res and Bn. conc
    rest area 799743.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    ELLON.15Str. Increase. 12 O.Rs joined Bn.
    16A.H.R. Promotions - Offrs. Capt. A.H.R. CHALMERS to acting major vice
    Major for F.D Goode. Major Chalmers now becomes O.C. D Coy.
    16/18Bn. equipment overhauled and renewed. All ranks bathed at
    18/19Night2 Glosters carried out a night exercise to practice and tie
    up all difficulties of a night attack.
    19Bn. had 40 vacancies for concert at BAYEUX "STARS IN BATTLE
    19/20.Planning began for a proposed attack by 56 Inf Bde through 1/6
    Queens posns to capture BRIQUESSARD and high ground area
    BOUSSIGNY 7357 and to capture CAHAGNES. Bn O Gp recced the
    area in co-op with Queens Bns in 131 Bde.
    20Str Increase. Lt. E.P. Cockeram. Lt. E.V. Moulder. Lt. H.F.McAuley.
    joined Bn on this date.
    21All plans for the BRIQUESSARD attack were cancelled. Bde. is now
    in 30 Corps res.
    23Planning began for 56 Inf Bde attack to capture ST GERMAIN D'ECTOT
    provide firm base for future deployment 7 Armd Div.
    Str Increase. 10 O.Rs. joined Bn.
    24Recces for ST GERMAIN battle were continued. New conc area
    for Bn was recced by OC HARBOUR PARTY in area SE of LA BUTTE
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    25930Preliminary orders for ST GERMAIN battle were given by the CO
    on cloth model to Bn O Gp. Coy Comds spent rest of day
    rec for lines of approach.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    ELLON. REST AREA.June. 26Preparations for battle of St Germain D'Ectot continued and was
    codenamed "Ocean Swell". 2 Glosters Operation Order was issued.
    56 Bde remained in 30 Corps res.
    Strength Increase. Capt.F.H. Burnaby (Cdn Forces) joined the Bn.
    Strength Decrease. 2/Lieut Jones was posted to 205 Reception Camp.
    See Appx A 26.6.44.
    280800Bn left rest area and moved to 56 Bde Conc area. Intention was to
    relieve 1 R.B. area LARFOURU L'ECLIN 7463. Change over took place
    after dark without incident.
    2300Bn HQ est 748633, all posns were fully occupied by 2359 hrs.
    PARFOURU L'ECLIN. 7463290001- 0400.Extensive patrolling. Brit arty active 0230 hrs.
    29/30Contact with enemy maintained by patrols.
    30Cas. 2 wounded.

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