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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment

    Month and year: December 1944

    The 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment December 1944 War Diary covers the units time in the Netherlands in the area around Geijsteren and Horst.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1334

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    HOLLAND1Coy recce parties visited the 2nd Bn East Yorks Regt in the Smakt area
    preparatory to the move the following day.
    2The relief was carried out without incident and Bn HQ established at
    799314 with Coys at A.799316 - B.812318 - C.819317 - D.802317 - S.800324Transcription note: 819317 was 319317, believed to be a mistake
    with 2 secs Carriers at Den Bosch.
    3One Platoon of "D" Coy was sent on detachment to GEIJSTEREN and came under
    Command of 1st Bn Kings Own Scottish Borderers.
    4The Platoon which had been sent on detachment to GEIJSTEREN returned to
    "D" Coy.
    5Very quite to-day, no incidents.
    6Changeover between "A" and "C" Coy. Notification was received to-day of a
    new list of Awards. The Commanding Officer Lt-col C.L. Firbank received
    the D.S.O.
    Maj S.J. LARKIN received the MC
    Maj G.C.A. GILBERT received the MC
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    HOLLAND6Lt J. PACEY received the MC
    Pte W. EVERETT received the MM
    Pte C. WOOLLEY received the MM
    Pte J. BRSITOW received the MM
    7During the night 7/8 six civilians crossed the MAAS and were taken
    prisoners by "D" Coy. On interrogation it was discovered that one of the
    six was a deserter from the German Army.
    8To-day we had the assistance of No. 1 Dog Platoon R.E. and they cleared
    a number of Schu mines in our area.
    9More Schu mines were discovered by our own Mortar Platoon,
    10To-day the Battalion was visited by the Brigadier,
    11Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery presented medal ribbons to the
    Officers and men mentioned on the 6th. Each recipient was presented with
    a photograph of the C-in-Chief pinning on the medal ribbon.
    12"D" Coy relieved "A" Coy at MAASHEE.
    Page 3 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    HOLLAND13)Two quite days
    15To-day "C" Coy moved to 811332 and "B" Coy moved to 799316
    16"A" Coy relieved "D" Coy in MAASHEES.
    17Another quite day. "D" Coy carried out a recce of VIERLINGSBEEK
    18"D" Coy relieved a Coy of South Lancs Regt in VIELINGSBEEK A number of
    shells fell in MAASHEES and three fell near Bn HQ in SMAKT.
    19Again a few shells fell near Bn HQ.
    20Recce partys under Maj L.H.B. COLVIN MC visited the 2nd Bn East Yorks
    Regt in HORST preparatory to the change over.
    21Battalion was relieved by East Yorks Regt and concentrated in HORST 8318
    22To-day spent in re-organisation and cleaning arms and equipment.
    23The Battalion was visited by the Divisional Commander who spoke to all
    Officers Warrant Officers and Sjts.
    24Commanding Officer visited 2nd K.S.L.I. Regt at 896205.
    Page 4 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    HOLLAND25Christmas Day and celebrated in the traditional manner as far as possible.
    26Recce Party under the Commanding Officer visited the new area.
    27Coy Recce Parties visited new area.
    28No incident
    29To-day the Battalion relieved the 2nd K.S.L.I. with Bn HQ at 896205 -
    A. Coy 896211 - B.Coy 905205 - C.Coy 905195 - D.Coy 908222 - S. Coy 898192
    30Patrols were sent out covering the whole area and a very high standard of
    patrolling maintained. We closed the Old Year by using our Guns and mortars
    very offensively against the enemy.

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