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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment

    Month and year: July 1944

    The 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment July 1944 War Diary covers the units time in Normandy taking part in operation Goodwood and Charnwood

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1334

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    Page 1 of 11
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE1Bn. in area LE MESNIL near GAZELLE. Slight enemy shelling.
    2Normal activity. Bn. supplied mine laying parties to work with R.E.
    1600Bde. Comd. visited C.O.
    2/3Recce patrol from 'D' Coy. encountered enemy patrol. Suffered one casualty.
    Two Germans believed hit but no confirmation.
    3A Coy HQ hit by salvo from multi-barrelled mortar. Maj. S.J.Larkin,
    Capt. E.G.Hill wounded. Capt. J.Boys slightly wounded (not evacuated)
    3 O.Rs killed and 3 wounded.
    5Bn. relieved by 5 South Staffs and moved by march route to BLAINVILLE.
    60430Bn. complete in new area.
    0730C.O. received preliminary orders for operation CHARNWOOD for which 2 Lincolns
    came under comd 185 Inf. Bde.
    7Early morning Lt. G. R Canner was wounded on patrol to HEROUVILLE.
    Day spent preparing for CHARNWOOD - a 1 Corps operation for the capture of
    Caen. Role of 2 LINCOLNS to protect left flank of 185 Inf. Bde. on West
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE7bank of River ORNE.
    2330Bn. advanced to Assembly Area at BEAUREGARD ready for attack on HEROUVILLE.
    One O.R. killed 3 wounded.
    80430H' hour. 'B' Coy crossed S.L. and succeeded in reaching HEROUVILLE
    suffering casualties from A.P. mines and M.G. fire. Enemy shelled
    concentration area causing casualties. 'A' Coy and Bn. Comd group followed
    B' Coy. Enemy inf counter-attacked but were beaten off. During the
    attack Lt. Lodedale's pl was cut off by enemy fire and would not be
    relieved until evening, by which time all but seven of the pl were casualties.
    0900Consolidation complete, 'C' Coy having moved up and 'D' Coy left as firm base
    on S. Line. S.P. A/Tk guns and Bn. 6 pdrs did not arrive for a further two
    hours. Comd. 185 Inf. Bde. ordered Bn. to remain in present location.
    During the day the enemy shelled and mortared the position very heavily and
    during the morning a formation of our own aircraft dropped bombs on our
    posns causing casualties in 'C' Coy.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE8At about 2000 hrs the enemy counter-attacked with tanks and inf. 'C' Coy
    knocked out one tank with a PIAT and scored three hits on a second causing
    it to withdraw. S.P. A/TK gunners claimed 2 tanks hit. Attack then
    petered out.
    2100Bde. Comd. visited C.O. and ordered Bn. to hold posn. Battle on other
    sectors reported as progressing very well. At last light enemy inf.
    again approached the posn but did not press attack and contented themselves
    with harassing M.G. fire. During the day about 30 prisoners were taken
    identified as G.A.F. personnel with men from 192 Panzer Grenadier Regt.
    Casualties :- Killed :- Capt. J.C.Roll. Lt. E.J. Richardson. Lt.G.C.Brown.
    wounded :- Capt. J.H. Ebbutt. Lt. A.H. Barney. Lt. P.N. Bowskill.
    Capt. J. Pawlett. Lt. H.Logsdale (Since died) Capt. P.Cliffe.
    Maj. W.H.B. Colvin and Capt. Kidney (both remained at duty).
    O.Rs. 22 killed and 113 wounded.
    8/9A very quiet night except for occasional enemy M.G. harassing fire.
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    FRANCE9Bn. was heavily shelled and mortared during the morning but owing to
    advances by the remainder of the Corps this subsided during the afternoon.
    2100Bde. Comd. visited C.O. and ordered advance to original objective next day.
    13 O.R. killed and 13 O.Rs. wounded.
    100430Bn. advanced on a one coy. front ('D' Coy). Objective was occupied without
    opposition and Bn. consolidated. Two prisoners were taken and a quantity of
    enemy equipment inc. a 2 cm A.A/N/Tk gun complete.
    1500K.S.L.I. advancing from CAEN contacted forward coys and reported no
    opposition. Bde. Comd. visited Bn. and stated that relief would be made
    next day. 4 O.Rs. killed, 18 wounded by shelling. The following Offrs
    joined the Bn. to-day :- Capt. F.D.Gates. Capt. W.H.B.Berrir. Lt. J.M.Wheelock.
    Lt. A.D. Pinnington.
    10/11Night quiet except for occasional shelling from E. bank of River ORNE.
    11Bn. moved back in M. T. to rest area at LION SUR-MER, reverting to Comd 9
    Br. Inf. Bde. 3 O.Rs wounded.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE12/14Period of rest and training - baths - NAAFI supplies and cinema shows
    15A.M.C.O. received orders to move to concentration area at AMFREVILLE by night.
    16A.M.C.O. called to Bde to receive preliminary orders for operation GOODWOOD.
    This information was passed to Coy. Comds only.
    17C.O. received full orders for operation GOODWOOD which was planned to be a
    general offensive by Second Army involving the passing of three armoured
    divs to the E. of the River ORNE. Role of 3 Br. Inf. Div. to secure left
    flank of advance and 9 Br. Inf. Bde. to secure and hold TROARN.
    2000Bn. O Gp. Bn. to be at 1/2 hours notice from H hr(0815 hrs 18 July).
    and to move to preliminary area at HEROUVILLETTE and await orders to move
    in 9 Br. Inf. Bde. reserve to attack on TROARN.
    180600Preliminary air bombardment started and Bn. moved forward at 0915 hrs to
    HEROUVILLETTE where they remained util 1700 hrs. Reports received at
    intervals indicated that the battle was progressing well.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE1700Advance to area West of SANNERVILLE. Bn. advanced with tracked vehs in
    order. 'D' Coy. Comd. Gp. 'C' Coy. Carrier pl. 'A' Coy. Bn. HQ. 'B' Coy.
    Mortar Pl. tp. 45 A/T Bty. Regt. HQ E.R.Y. Just before dark Bn. Gp.
    moved off through SANNERVILLE to take up posn in orchard 143680 on left
    flank of 1 K.O.S.B.
    19Bn. remained in posn, sending patrols forward from 'D' Coy to contact
    enemy posns. At 1700 hrs orders were received to advance and attempt to
    work forward towards TROARN. 'D' Coy. supported by tanks commenced
    advance but were held by very heavy The enemy then shelled
    the area very heavily and a salvo from a Nebelwerfer wounded the C.O. and
    Bde. I.O. Lt. Bucknall. Maj. D.R Wilson assumed command. Bn. then
    received orders to consolidate in previous posn where they spent the night.
    Harassing fire, M.G. and gun, was intermittent during the night.
    The Bn. was now rather tired and food could not be broght up before 0300 hrs.
    20Bn. was ordered to move forward during the day to orchard 147675. This was
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE20done by Coys moving up at intervals and move was complete by 1630 hrs.
    At 1700 hrs M.G. fire broke out and SUFFOLKS, on Bn. right flank,
    reported enemy approaching their psn. This did not develop into an
    attack and enemy withdrew.
    1900Very heavy shelling of Bn. area for two hours causing considerable
    casualties. There was intermittent shelling throughout the night.
    During the shelling, Capt. Chambers, the Adjt., was wounded.
    Casualties :- Offrs. wounded :- Maj. F.J.M. Burghes. Maj. R.S. Hunter.
    Capt. J. Boys. Capt. W. R. Chambers. Capt. D.J. Kidney. Capt. W.W.J.Berrie.
    Lt. A.F. Henry. Et. W. Walker. Lt. R. Thornhill. Lt. M.J. Whellock.
    O.Rs. 18 killed and 211 wounded.
    210800Bde. Comd. visited area and said that E. Yorks would be relieving Bn.
    Capt. Harrod returned from Bde. to become Adjt. Relief by E.Yorks was
    cancelled during the day and arrangements made for S. Lancs to relieve
    Bn. the next day. Recce parties were sent to ESCOVILLE to new area.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE22By 1015 hrs relief was complete and Bn. established in new area by
    1230 hrs.
    22/24Bn. reorganised in new area. Men obtained baths and visits to 3 Div. Club
    at LUC-SUR-MER were organised. Recce parties visited E. Yorks posn in
    brickworks 146688 preparatory to taking over on 25.
    Capt. R.L. Griffiths. Capt. W.J.Parsons and 2 Lt. M. J. Ives joined the Bn.
    250800Bn. commenced to move to new area. Relief complete by 1200 hrs. Day
    quiet except for slight shelling and Coys settled in new posns.
    Capt. J.L. Iremonger, Lt. R.H.Mercer. Lt. J.C.R. Welch and 2 Lt. F.H.Plaistowe
    joined the Bn.
    25/26Recce patrols made contact with flanking units (R.U.R. K.O.S.B.)
    and 'B' coy sent fighting patrol to church 156694 (known as Piccadilly
    Circus). This patrol was unable to find any enemy.
    26During day area was mortared, shelled and nebelwerfered, with little effect.
    Snipers established posts fwd of our posn, but made no contact.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE26Lt. E. C. Turner and Lt. M.J. Ives interviewed by Bde. Comd. Reported on
    A.F. 194 as unsuitable as Inf. Offrs. Sent to 104 C.R.C. pending
    posting. Three O.Rs. wounded.
    26/27Contact patrols to flank units, and fighting patrol to Piccadilly Circus
    which again failed to contact enemy. Considerable enemy air activity
    during night. Enemy dropped flares and bombs but none hit Bn. area.
    To-night and on previous occasions, Germans have fired green verey lights,
    presumably to indicate their fwd tps to their own aircraft.
    27Day quiet. Bn. received visit from Capt. J.H.Boys (I.O. 70 Bde. )
    Normal patrols at night. At first light 28 July 'C' Coy. and 'B' Coy.
    changed over positions.
    28Comd. 185 Bde. visited area. 'C' Coy sent recce patrols to Piccadilly
    Circus during day which brought back useful information.
    Enemy aircraft dropped A/P bombs at last light but none fell in Bn. area.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE28/29Normal contact patrols. 'C' Coy patrol with detachment from 3 Recce
    unable to proceed beyond Picadilly Circus.
    29Maj. R.D.Williams , a former member of the Bn. now 49 Recce visited C.O.
    C.O. Norfolks and Coy. Comds. visited area to recce posns before taking
    over next day. This take-over was later postponed to 31 July.
    During the day 'C' Coy kept a recce patrol in Piccadilly Circus area to
    observe enemy, who had infiltrated during the previous night. Efforts
    to obtain a prisoner were not successful. It. A.Hempsall and Lt. D.D
    Queskey joined Bn.
    29/30Normal recce and contact patrols during the night.
    30A very quiet morning. During the afternoon a captured Nebelwerfer was
    fired from ESCOVILLE. Germans retaliated by firing two Nebelwerfer salvos
    into Bn. area. During the evening information was received that a
    different formation would be relieving Bn and that adv parties would
    arrive 0800 hrs 31 July. 4 O.R. killed and 6 wounded.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FRANCE310530Bn. advance parties set off to recce conc area at BIEVILLE. Adv. parties
    of relieving Bn. arrived. Relieving Bn. was 4 LINCOLNS and many old
    friendships were renewed among members of the two Bns.
    The body of an East Riding Yoemanry Officer (240871 - Moreton) which had
    been recovered the previous evening from Piccadilly Circus, was buried.
    1400Relief now complete and Coys marched to new area at BIEVILLE.
    1800Bn. established in new area. Information received from Brig. that Bn.
    was now in Army Reserve (3rd Div. and 51st (H) Div) and was at 4 1/2 hrs
    notice to move.

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