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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles

    Month and year: Febuary 1944

    The 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles February 1944 War diary covers the units time at Hawick and exercise Bridgeland in Melrose

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1384

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    By me a coffee

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    Page 1 of 1
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    HAWICK/Ex TWIST GRIP Bde M/C competition Bde M/C CompetitionWEATHER
    1/2Coys practise 18 set co-operation with ARTY.1-3 Snow
    2Mortar Pl To Div Battle school for three weeks.4-8 Frost
    3/4TRG for OFFRS and Sjts on SHELL REPS9-11 Dry
    3Postings of Offrs to Bn. Capt RS Hall, Lt RA Smith, 2/Lt KA Bradshaw
    2/Lt EC Rapkins, Lt KO Ingham 2/Lt WE Palmer, 2/Lt Kegolsmith
    12/13 Wet
    6BDE INSPECTION By Comd 21 Army GP14-16 Dry
    7Lecture "Battle Discipline" by Bde 2 i/c to all offrs. 2/Lt S.C. Shimmins posted to Bn
    Cloth model discussion "Ex Grab" for all offrs.
    17 Wet
    8Lecture to all offrs on ABCA by Div Education Offr.
    8-10Coys PRACTISE for Ex BRIDGELAND18-21 Dry
    9Bde CARRIER Competition22 Wet
    MELROSE11BN practice for Ex BRIDGLAND28-29 Dry
    14Ex BRIDGELAND object to Practice the BN in street fighting and River crossing
    The lack of water in river reduced the value of this Exercise.
    HAWICK15-19Coys practice laying & Recording of minefields.
    16ALL offers fire 6pr Atk guns
    19Bn Drill Parade
    21COs conference for all offers
    22Trq Films (M/C) for all offrs + drivers
    23MAJ B J FITZG DONLEA MC assumes comb of BN.
    25JEEP TRIAL "FOURDRIVE" BN WON 1.2.3 and 8 place.
    262/Lt M.J.M BETTY posted To BN.
    29LT COL IC HARRIS.....Transcription note: Can't make out text

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