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    War Diary: 3rd Bn Royal Tank Regiment

    Month and year: September 1944

    The 3rd Bn Royal Tank Regiment September 1944 war diary covers the units advance from Servins, France to Overloon in the Netherlands.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/866

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    Page 1 of 14
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    0730Bn moves fwd on CL - in reserve- Order of March B, RHQ, C,A G Coy. A1.
    1400G Coy send patrol to wood to investigate whether it was V1 site of not -
    2816 (MR) - Rpt unfinished site possibly V1, probably V 2. BSO takes 50 PWs.
    1800Bn moves through AUBIGNY 3407.
    Servins1830RHQ in area SERVINS 3814.C Sqn in observation area N & NE of HERSIN 3919.
    2030COs conference - General idea to continue adv tomorrow EAST - further orders
    2215IO to Bde for maps.
    20305Orders for adv received.
    0630COs conference. Adv to continue on three routes. 23H - right 3 R Tks -
    centre - 2 FF Yeo - left.
    0730Cross SL X-rds in SERVINS 3814. Order of March;- B, Recce. RHQ, C,A,G Coy
    & A1. Raining heavily throughout morning. Visibility low.
    1000Progress held at LENS on left route as bridges blown. In particular the main
    bridge was blown in 1940 and has never been repaired. This necessitates recce
    for crosssing to the N & S - all bridges blown or not strong enough to take
    1100Ordered to cross on CL bridge and to follow Tac Bde over.
    1130Cross river and go to area 5622. Ordered received that we are to be responsible
    for crossing at 5519 and keep observation to N & NE.
    1200C Sqn area of bridge 5519.
    1300Tp of B Sqn push North and report BAUVIN (5624) clear also rpts from French
    that PROVIN 5923 clear. Some PW taken.
    1430Enemy rpted in LA BASSEE 5037 SECLIN rptd in enemy hands.
    2000COs conference.
    0700Bn move on left route.
    1600Bn cross BELGIUM border - resistance NIL.
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    31930Halt with head 290560. Column attacked - tank brewed up.
    2000Move fwd and leaguer at
    Apart from incident at 290560 opposition slight. Many horse drawn transport
    and MT retreating on road destroyed during day and night.
    0630Bn moves continuing adv on ANTWERP . Orders being to enter ANTWERP with all
    speed and proceed straight to harbour area with the object of preventing
    demolitions, 3 R Tks move on left route. Routes taken direct from LO's maps.
    1200Reach BOOM 6481 and make successful crossing of bridge against certain amount
    of opposition including mined crossing.
    1600Reach outskirts of ANTWERP and within 15 minutes have entered the town.
    Resistance from snipers and machine gun fire increases as the centre of the
    town is reached.
    1630Bridge across canal rptd mined and under hvy fire.
    1645Bridge successfully crossed by Lt. Stubbs, who had already been first across
    at BOOM.
    1700Orders received that only 1 Sqn plus pln of Inf should stay in ANTWERP. By
    this time whole of Bn was across and a troop down in harbour area - Order
    therefore cancelled.
    1800Resistance in centre of town fairly consistent, but being dealt with.
    1930Bn ordered to area 858962 less 1 Sqn remaining in dock area.
    2030In leaguer.
    0900CO to C Sqn in ANTWERP where they are observing and holding dock area.
    1100Orders received from Bde. 11 Armd Div to clear ANTWERP. 29 Armd Bde to
    liquidate enery pockets. Probable stay 2 days . Units to conc on maintnenance.
    1130Div Comd. Major-General G.P.B. Roberts, DSO, MC pays personal visit to CO to
    congratulate the Bn on its magnificent performance during the last two days.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    85896251200Bn moves to new area - Chateau 633878.
    1300Arrive in new area.
    1330COs conference.
    18005 3tonners to ANTWERP for evening.
    1000COs conference. No news of further move received. Full maintenance to be
    carried out.
    140050% of Bn to ANTWERP for afternoon. Raining heavily throughout afternoon and
    1800COs conference. No further details of move available.
    1900Warning Order. - move tomorrow, not likely before 0800hrs.
    1930Rpt Germans in area HEMIXEN - SCHELLE - NIEL.
    2000G Coy send patrol to HEMIXEN 6288 - all clear. SCHELLE & NIEL rpt all clear
    as well, although possibly German infiltration recognised.
    2100Order expected in 3 hours - does not arrive. Order of March for tomorrow
    B, G Coy, RHQ with Recce, A,C,.
    064029 Armd Bde OO No. 18 received.
    0715Bn moves to ANTWERP. Head halted at bridge. 690992
    1100Bde ordered to return to orignal area pending change of plan, due to
    MERXEM 6998 being strongly held.
    1300Bn arrives at area 633878.
    1330COs conference.
    1800COs conference. No further news re move- anticipated it may be tomorrow
    first light.
    1900Warning Order from Bde. Prepare to move first light tomorrow Sept 8 in SE
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    0900Bde Move. Order No.3 Bde to concentrate area DIEST 1169.
    1030Bn moves. Order of March RHQ, A, B,C, G Coy, A1.
    1216631730Bn arrives at new area.
    1745Cos conference. A Sqn to recce psn. Recce to recce.
    2000CO to Bde.
    2100Conference. Routine tomorrow Rev. 0615 Net 0630.
    0730Bde Order arrives.
    0740COs conference. Bn to move to 2 FF Yeo area N & NE of BEERINGEN 2475.
    Order of March G Coy, B Sqn RHQ, A,C; A1.
    1200CO receives orders direct from Maj-General G.P.B. Roberts DSO, MC (11 Armd Div)
    and in consequence Bn is ordered to clear energy resistance in area NW & N of
    BEERINGEN up to railway line. A Sqn take main rd running North from town
    B Sqn take rd running north just over canal. C Sqn recce TERUANT 2176.
    1300Contact made with Belgium Bde and in consequence it comes under command of
    29 Armd Bde and ordered to clear up the area.
    1700The whole of the area lying NW between the ALBERT CANAL and main rd running
    NORTH from BEERINGEN cleared. Opposition was slight and PWs up to 80 or so
    came in during the afternoon.
    1930Bn HQ 239752 . Squadrons leaguer in town.
    2030COs conference. Bn coming under 159 Bde wef tomorrow to continue doing
    right flank protection to Guards Armd Div.
    063029 Armd Bde OO No.20 arrives for information with 159 Inf Bde Op In.
    Intention - to protect right flank of 30 Corps. 159 Bde Gp have under
    command 15/19 H. 3 R Tks & R Dutch Regt. 159 Bde will provide right flank
    protection initially from all incl BEERINGEN 2475 to X Rds 2871.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    239752101030Bn with 3 Mons ordered to clear woods and area WEST of X-Rds 3574.
    1130Plans made for B & C with sub sub-unit of 3 Mons each to sweep NE through
    woods. C to move only to area of main crossing 3574
    1600Out of touch with Bde. Send LO to keep communication. Woods all clear.
    No opposition.
    1700Orders received to clear village of LAAK 3474 - then sweep NE through woods
    and return to area of X 3475.
    1800Opposition from LAAK considered too strong for possiblity of clearing
    village before last light. "A" Sqn observing area 3575 South - East.
    C area 3475 - B area 3575 NE.
    2030Bn leaguers area 348758.
    2130COs conference. Plan tomorrow to clear village of LAAK 3474. B to support
    coy of Mons from the WEST. A & C to return to areas 3575 and 3475 and give
    fire support when required.
    2300B & C OCs to 3 Mons Order Group.
    0715Bn moves fwd to co-operate with 3 Mons clearing village of LAAK 3474.
    Plan changed - attack to go in from EAST instead of WEST.
    0800Attack commences.
    0900Village clear-little oppostition.
    1000Wooded country to EAST of LAAK as far as Powder Magazine (3873) to be cleared
    1030B & C Sqns with a coy each of 3 Mons commence the task of sweeping through
    the country.
    1330Wooded area EAST of LAAK reported clear.
    1400Ordered to clear wooded area WEST of LAAK. Again same two squadrons sweep
    this area supporting two coys of Mons.
    1700Area reported clear.
    1800RHQ , B, C in leaguer 348758
    1930A Sqn who had been observing NORTH of LAAK all day come into leaguer.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    348758112015COs conference. 3 R Tks with 3 Mons to be prepared to move to HECHTEL 3483
    at 0800 hrs tomorrow. Order of March Recce, A, B carrying Mons, RHQ,
    C carrying Mons, A1.
    0800Bn moves in order of march as given at conference 2015hrs 11 Sept 44.
    Guards attack on village commences. (HECHTEL 3483)
    0930A Sqn area 347827. B Sqn area 340825, RHQ 344823.
    1000Guards reach EAST & WEST of main X-rds in villages. SP on tank rpt
    50 yds NORTH of main Xrds firing due SOUTH.
    1100Recce detour around SOUTH to EAST to contact 2 FF Yeo at 378837.
    1200B Sqn have tank hit from gun on X Rds.
    1400HECHTEL clear. RHQ move 341827.
    1430A Sqn move tp EAST to contact 2FFYeo and return to X Rds along main rd
    brassing up a number of infantry
    1500Rptd that still at least 50 Inf holding out in area 5583.
    1600Coy of Mons and A Sqn commence mopping them up. Provisional notice of award
    of DSO to Lt.Col. D.A.H. Silvertop, MC is received.
    1915COs conference. Every likelihood of a pause for 3 - 4 days in order to
    clear up left flank and reorganise. Time to be spent on maintenance.
    Operational. 3 R Tks to revert to command of 29 Armd Bde.
    200029 Armd Bde OO No.21. Copy No. 2. received. 3 R Tks will maintain present posn
    and be prepared to sp 3 Mons in this area. One Sqn (B Sqn HQ & 3 tps )
    to be at 30 mins notice - remainder at 24hrs. Enemy- estimated approx
    300 PWs and 60 dead from HECHTEL 3483
    1100Ordered to assist 3 Mons in clearing up woods to NE of HECHTEL and village
    EXCEL. B Sqn liaise direct with Coy commanders of 3 Mons. Party of 50 to
    showers at 312732.
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    341827131200Brigadier C.B. Harvey, DSO and BM visit Bn.
    1400COs conference. As soon as maintenance is satisfactory, sport to take
    1500CO to Bde re trade tests. Mobile baths - rations etc.
    1600Woods and village EXCEL clear.
    0920CO, 2IC, Major Dunlop, Capt. Stubbs and Lt. Brookshaw to meet Corps Comd in
    140050% of Bn to showers at factory 312732. COs conference - maintenance ppts
    - promotions -likelyhood of Bn moving tomorrow to new area.
    1500Harbour party under 2IC leave to recce new area EAST of 369838.
    1700Bn definitely moving tomorrow. Order of March and timings - RHQ 0900hrs
    A -0920 C - 0940, B 1000, A1 - 1020.
    1900RC service. C of E Holy Communion. C. of E Service. 4 parties of 70 each to Mobile Bath Unit.
    1400Bn moves to new area 369839
    1600All in new location.
    1730Party of 70 to ENSA show at PEER 4084.
    2000Party of 70 to ENSA show as above.
    1430Football match. 3 R Tks v. 2 FF Yeo. Result 0 - 2.
    1500Party of 120 to Cinema Show in PEER.
    0800RC Service. C of E Holy Communion.
    1000C. of E Service. 4 parties of 70 each to Mobile Bath Unit.
    1130CO to Bde.
    1400COs conference.
    0800 - 1200- 330 to Mobile Baths.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    18140075 ORs to Cinema Show in PEER.
    1030Warning Order - ready to move at 1200hrs.
    1100Last order cancelled.
    1200Come under command of 159 Inf Bde.
    1600Ready to move - although no move anticipated before first light tomorrow.
    1800CO to 159 Bde. 159 Inf Bde OO No.8. received.
    Div Intention ;- Will establish itself on the line of rd LEENDE 479073 -
    MAARHEEZE 578035 with a view to adv NORTHEAST. 29 Armd Bde adv on Right route
    159 Inf Bde Gp adv on left route.
    0900COs conference. Order of March C, Recce, CO's tk, B carrying Mons, RHQ
    A carrying Mons, 3 Mons less 2 coys, A1.
    1130Bn moves.
    1150Cross S P X rds 427961.
    1400Reach HAMONT 4797.
    1530Reach BUDEL 4999. Opposition which had been slight increases. Bazookas
    encountered and large numbers of enemy seen moving in woods NE of CLat 5001.
    1730Efforts made to clear these woods, but it was decided to push on for
    SOERENDUNK 4902 before dark.
    1930SOERENDUNK held firmly.
    2000COs conference. RHQ 492027. Tomorrow MAARHEEZE to be captured. Move as
    follows;- 0730 hrs A Sqn with sub sub-unit of recce, and A Coy of Mons to
    work to SE. 0800 hrs C Sqn with C Coy of Mons move to loop road NORTH of
    MAARHEEZE. 0730hrs B Sqn move direct down CL.
    0700Bn moves as ordered at last nights conference.
    0900MAARHEEZE 5203 entered and rptd clear.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    211030Process of going in MAARHEEZE completed.
    1100New order received. Revert to 29 Armd Bde immediately and push on to
    GELDROP 4816.
    1200CO to Bde.
    1345Bn móves to GELDROP. Order of March B, Recce, RHQ, C, A, A1. 3 Mons.
    1445GELDROP clear and patrols pushed NORTH to level of railway and EAST to
    MIERLOO 5219.
    1500Enemy tks rptd in MIERLOO. Two sub-units sent. One from NORTH. and one from
    1630Village of MIERLOO cleared.
    1700Orders received to push these two squadrons north across canal to cut rd
    from HELMOND at 541216.
    1800Opposition experienced at crossings of canal but "C" Sqn cross main bridge at
    536191 and later "A" Sqn at 532190.
    1900"B" Sqn ordered to move EAST along line of railway to 523207. Opposition at
    crossing still continues; AP and LMG fire.
    20001 coy of Mons fwd holding bridge; "B" having encountered opposition and
    being seperated from main party. of 3 Mons, leaguers 1,800 yds short of
    2100COs conference. Tomorrow push on to objective - cutting rd at 541216.
    RHQ 532183.
    0615C Sqn crosses bridges and pushes on for railway crossing.
    0830Opposition met at railway crossing. AP fire, bazookas and LMG's. RHQ At 541203
    0930Opposition continues but is steadily broken down. RHQ comes under Nebelwerfer
    1130C across railway and pushing for Y Junc 541216.
    1200Leading sub-unit reaches "blue" at 544217.
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    221230"B" Sqn clearing up buildings at 544217.
    1400"B" Sqn pushing NORTH and meeting opposition - LMGs, snipers and bazookas
    "C" Sqn still facing opposition this side of canal on crossings to
    HELMOND 5622.
    1500All bridges reported blown and impassable.
    1700Still clearing up pockets of resistance both NORTH & SOUTH of railway.
    1900RHQ 542218.
    1930Bn moves into close leaguer area 540219.
    0745Bn moves across canal at ASTEN 6113, via GELDROP, HEEZE.
    29 Armd Bde Gp leading,object to seize DEURNE 6520. Raining heavily all
    100023H beyond ASTEN held up.
    1200RHQ. at 567119.
    1300Ordered to send 1 Sqn and 1 coy of 3 Mons through ASTEN then EAST. Object
    to seize and hold LEISEL 6714 prior to pushing NORTH again on DEURNE.
    1500Further Sqn may move for LEISEL.
    1600"A" Sqn leading, held up by a/tk fire from 656167.
    1730Bn 2,000yds short of LIESEL - owing to failing light and size of LIESEL
    Thought that we cannot push on for DEURNE tonight as LIESTEL itself cannot
    be cleared before last light.
    1800Attack on LIESEL - 2 Coys and 2 Sqns. Opposition slight, but MG fire
    19003 Mons holding 300 yds NORTH and 300 yds SOUTH of main crossing.
    2000Bn leaguers. RHQ 669145. A & B in town. C just off CL at, 664146.
    2200COs conference. Tomorrow push on for DEURNE.
    0545Net & Stand to.
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    240600Recce move out towards DEURNE with the intention of recce routes to the
    EAST and then NORTH to find crossing over railway to take them to
    ZIJLBERG and thence coming into DEURNE from the EAST.
    0645Bn & 3 Mons move on CL. Order of March A, RHQ, B, C, A1.
    0800B Sqn move around to EAST on route rptd OK by recce. A Sqn continue direct
    on to DEURNE.
    0830RHQ move to area ZIJLBERG opposition consisting of mortar fire & nebelwerfer.
    & m mgs continue.
    13003 Mons have coy on CL crossing at 652191 and A Sqn have moved fwd of the crossing
    1600Opposition still persisting, but PWs coming in.
    1700Contact made with 23H in centre of DEURNE- which is now clear to the centre
    up from the SOUTH. Brigadier visits colonel. Orders are to go fwd on Y fork
    at 259209 while 159 Bde Gp pass through to BAKEL.
    1800,Resistance to the NORTH EAST at 259209 very strong and it is definite that it
    will not be possible to go fwd at that point before last light. B Sqn shoot
    up a Chateau
    1900RHQ at 652196.
    2030COs conference. Tomorrow C Sqn observe East and South as today. B Sqn
    to be prepared to support Mons coy on Y fork. Approx 200 PW - 60-80 dead.
    1300Bn move. Order of March C Sqn (+D Coy Mons.) COs tk, B Sqn + B Coy,
    RHQ , A, & A1.
    1400Leading elements beyond RIPS.
    1500Leading Squadron passes through OPLOO.
    1600Leading squadron covering approaches from WEST, NORTH & NORTHEAST beyond
    1630Brigadier visits colonel in ST. ANTHONIS. Lt. Col. D. A. H. Silvertop, DSO,MC
    killed by armd car which came through village. 2 armd cars + 2 half-tracks K.O
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    251630Major N.H. Bourne, DSO takes command.
    1700RHQ in STANTHONIS and in process of covering all approaches.
    1800Bn & 3 Mons firmly in ST. ANTHONIS.
    2130COs conference. Form for tomorrow;- to push on for crossing of RIVER MEUSE
    at 770460. Heavy rain throughout afternoon made visibility poor.
    RHQ at 715382.
    0700Signal received no move likely before 1000hrs.
    1030Brigadier visits CO. Responsible for area incl rd and junc 712364 -
    incl rd 693359 - excl rd and river crossing at 687332.
    7023321400Bn move to area 702332.
    1630Bn less "B" Sqn remaining in OPLOO area in posn.
    1730Memorial service by Father Ryan for Lt.Col. D.A.H. Silvertop, DSO,MC in
    ST ANTHONIS RC Church. Various civilian rpts concerning enemy throughout
    the day - most unfounded but some confirmed. - Infantry and tanks in wood
    732342- these were engaged by RA.
    1800Line laid. Form tomorrow;- the same as today, protection right flank and
    area given - posible Bn will hold this area with 3 Mons for further 24hrs.
    B Sqn remains at OPLOO area, A & C close leaguer in RHQ area.
    270545Reveille. B Sqn remains observing area SE & W of OPLOO. C Sqn at 1/2 hrs
    notice with D Coy of Mons. A Sqn at 24hrs notice occupied with maintenance.
    0900Party of 180 to Mobile Bath Unit.
    1030Signal received to call up "A" Ech.
    1200Signal received - probably likely to be in this area for 3 days.
    0700COs conference - Administration.
    1800Memorial Service for Rev. J. Taylor at Bde HQ.
    0600Net and Recce do patrol to ST ANTHONIS rpt all clear.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    280900Ordered to send one tp and one pl of Mons to recce area 7235.
    1000Ordered to send similar recce to OVERLOON 7631
    10301st patrol has tank shot up, & OP tank brewed up in area 7135.
    11002nd patrol which consists of 2 tps and 2 plns of 3 Mons remain in area
    713346. Party of 180 to Mobile Bath Unit at HELMOND.
    1330A Sqn at 713346 brew up Mk IV.
    1400Ordered to patrol with inf leading, rd OPLOO - OVERLOON with the intention
    of finding the enemy's line of defence.
    1500Both 3 Mons and 3 R Tks. not prepared to recce direct down the rd.
    Plan suggested by the OC that Inf should lead supported by 1 Tp of Tks area
    713352 and 1 Tp area 712356 agreed on.
    1630Party commences.
    1700Inf come under shell bursts.
    1800Memorial service in church at WESTERBEEK for Lt.Col.D.A.H. Silvertop, DSO,MC
    and Lt. Col. Orr and fallen comrades.
    1830Patrols kill some Germans.
    1900Patrol return having established presence of enemy in woods, area 721334.
    0900Recce in force consisting of A Sqn + 1 Tp from B Sqn + 1 Coy of 33 Mons
    move out to area 712309 - 712348 - 710332 -713352 - with object of recce
    N of wood 730330 and then to NE edge of large wood area 7434 completing this
    to continue recce along main rd OPLOO - OVERLOON 7631. As anticipated troops
    got no further than psn above observing enemy movement throughout day.
    RA fire brought to bear continually throughout day on targets by direct and
    indirect fire.
    1100100 to Mobile Bath Unit.
    11301 88 mm KO.
    16001 tk (Mk IV ? ) brewed up
    1700A Sqn have tank brewed up.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Westerbeek291730CO to Bde for conference.
    1900Squadron pulls in.
    2045CO's conference. Tomorrow same form as today until 1200hrs or perhaps
    1500hrs. Recce out to see if Boche are still in places encountered today.
    7 US Div coming up to take over area with a view to pushing SOUTH. Our
    role to ensure that there are no Boche in area they are taking over. After
    that possibly 5 - 6 days refitting.
    0600C Squadron send two troops out to do local protection as well as "B"
    07007 US Armd Div commence take over of area prior to their attack expected to take
    place at 1200hrs.
    0900100 to Mobile Baths at HELMOND.
    1530Americans put in attack.
    1800LO with 7 US Armd Div returns, but has no definite information.

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