National Archive Reference: WO 171/838
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
1 | The Regiment spent a quite day at LES HAUTS VENTS being at 10 minutes notice to move throughout the day to support, if necessary, SRY and 24L in RAURAY area. 24L and the Infantry of the 70 Bde knocked out 22 panthers, one Tiger and one S.P. when the enemy made attacks upon a Company scale throughout the day. During the night there was moderate enemy shelling activity in our area through nothing too close, some six barrelled mortars being used. Our artillery put up a big barrage in reply. | ||
2-3 | The Regiment still in reserve at LES HAUTS VENTS. Numerous recces made but no move. | ||
4 | The Regiment left LES HAUTS VENTS at 0900 hrs. and moved back to an area behind B Echelon for a rest, two miles N of CHOUAIN. The Commanding Officer held a Sqn.Ldrs. conference in the afternoon at which routine matters were settled. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
5 | First fine day for some time. "A" Sqn held a best turn out parade in the morning on which all ranks appeared once again with Regtly. collar dogs and lanyards which was good to see. The Regiment is a 24 hours notice and Sqns. are doing 100 hrs. maintenance duties on their tanks. Parties from Sqns. had baths at CHOUAIN, and a number attended a cinema at BAYEUX. | ||
6 | Maintenance continued. Commanding Officer attended conference at Bde at 1000 hrs. and held Sqn.Ldrs conference at 1400 hrs. issuing preparator orders for forthcoming operations with 50 (N) Div. Summary as follows:- (a) The regiment os to move over to 50 Div area near BERNIERS BOCAGE 1300 hrs. 7th July coming under command 50 Div 1000 hrs. 6th July for Operations only. (b) Intention, To support an attack on Saturday 8th July by 56 Bde. Objective being road running E-W by LA CROIX DES LANDES. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
6 Contd | The Regiment less "C" Sqn. is under command 50 Div. in this Operation. "C" Sqn. being in reserve. "A" and "B" Sqn.Ldrs. to go and contact C.Os of 2 Essex and 2 S.W.B. respectively to make recce to-day. Portion of Recce and A/A Tps. and A1 Echelon to remain in present harbour North of CONDE SUR SOULLES as holding party. Regiment to be prepared to move 1300 hrs. 7 July. "B" and "C" Sqns. to be on Regtl. net, "A" Sqn. on Sqn net, third set in C.Os tank on "A" Sqn. frequency. The remaining portion of the Regiment completed baths to-day. | ||
7 | "A" and "B" and RHQ move to BERNIERS BOCAGE, "C" Sqn. remaining in reserve, "A" and "B" Sqns. joining the Essex and S.W.B. respectively. | ||
8 | H hour 0800 for "A" and "B". Very slow attack but objective reached by "B" Sqns.Inf. near GRANVILLE, but who were shelled out and had to retire. RHQ remained with 56 Bde.HQ i.e. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
8 Contd | C.Os and Sergt.Porter's tanks. 2 I/C. and I/C and I.O. with "C" Sqn. Sqns. had formed rally for the night. | ||
9 | "A" and "B" Sqns. still with their Battalions. A counter attack by the enemy was held, "B" Sqn. doing good work. Owing to 56 Bde. Operations being captured BdeHQ moved a mile away to avoid enemy reaction. | ||
10 | The Regiment was released at 1600 hrs. having had little to do except to be under mortar fire, but "B" Sqn. stayed out until 0200 hrs. 11 July, and then moved back to Harbour at CANCAGNY North of CONDE SUR SEULLES. | ||
11 | Rest day in Camp. Squadrons had baths and entertainment at BAYEUX. | ||
12 | 0345 hrs. Orders received to send one Sqn. ("C") to move at First Light to area WEST of TILLY to be in support of 70 Bde (49 Div). 2 i/c and Major T.M.Bell had to be sent to an |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
12 Cont | early hour to contact Bn. Comdrs. of 10 D.L.I. at Bn. HQs. Though originally at 24 hrs. notice, the Sqn. moved out at 0700 hrs. and took up positions with 10 D.L.I. The Regiment less "C" Squadron moved out to relieve 24L in area LES HAUT VENTS in the early afternoon. the Regiment's role being an offensive one to operate on RAURAY or ST.PIERRE in case of an enemy counter attack. 23H of the 11th Armd.Div were on our left and contact was made with them. A few shells fell within 200 yds of the Regiment in the evening otherwise all quite. "C" Sqn. were released at 2100 hrs. and returned to harbour at CONDE SUR SEULLES. | ||
13 | Quite day. Brig.G.E.Prior Palmer, Col.M.Aird, Capt.E.H.Frank and Capt.V.Jillard, also out former Padre, Revd.Farther Murphy of 27th Armd.Bde. paid us a very welcome visit in the afternoon. The DDRegts of 27th Armd.Bde swam on D-Day successfully and |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
13 Contd | have been operating in the area N.of.CAEN. Strangely enough they have not encountered any panthers in that area, on Mk.IVs. | ||
14 | Our own brigadier called in the morning and the Commanding Officer attended demonstration at 12 K.R.R.C. in the afternoon on the use of PIAT which was very encouraging. Nothing else to report except slight enemy air activity when three out of four Messerschidts were shot down at one time during the afternoon. Our own A/ATp. claimed a share in one ME. Lt. Col.P.Harding DSC (C.O.23H) called in the afternoon. | ||
15 | quite at. Nothing to record except the great news of the immediate awards by the of :- DSO Lt. Col.R.G.Byron. Major J.A.d'Avigdor Goldsmid. MC Major S.R.M.Jenkins. Lieut.N.S.Wide. Lieut.T.E.Apps. DCM No.404143 Sergt.Harris W. MM No.404491 Sergt.Fry C.No.7955283 Trp.Draper D.F. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
15 Contd | "C" Sqn relieved "B" Sqn. in the forward area by LES HAUTS VENTS, "B" Sqn. returning to harbour near CONDE SUR SEULLES. | ||
16 | The Commanding Officer made a recce of our new area N.E. of CAUMONT where we are to move with 8th Armd.Bde. on 17-7-44. Big attack by 12 Corps away to our left at approx 0130 hrs. followed by 49 Div. attack on line VENDES-BARBEE farm commencing 0500 hrs. also with the object of clearing the JUIRGNY woods on the SEULLES River. A tremendous artillery barrage was put up by our guns continuously from 0530hrs. to 0730 hrs. and intermittently throughout the day. 4 alleged Tigers were reported by 147 Bde. to be in area three quarter of a mile to the East of VENDES at 1530 hrs.2 I/C and O.C. "C" Sqn. proceeded immediately to 147 BdeHQ to get details and orders. Major C.B.R.Pollock RAMC who had been M.C. since the unfortunate death of Capt.S.C.H. Hood left the Regiment to-day on posting. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
16 Contd | His departure was much regretted by all. | ||
17 | The Regiment moved to an area NE of CAUMONT and took over portion of the line from Unit of the 2nd U.S. Armd.Div. we ourselves being in immediate support of 12 K.R.R.C. Move completed without incident. RHQ situated half a mile NORTH of ST.HONORINE DE DUCY. | ||
18 | All quite except for an occasional shell in our area. The Commanding Officer went to Bde. to take over temporary comd. of the Bde. during the absence of Brigadier H.J.B.Cracroft DSO who is sick. Major G.K.Barker undertook command of the Regiment. Squadron Leaders conference held in the morning and in the afternoon. Commanding Officer, Sqn.Ldrs. and Adjt. visited 12 K.R.R.C. whom we are supporting to tie up plan for their support. | ||
19 | "A" Squadron supplied 1 Troop in support of 2 Glos. who planned |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
10 Contd | to push on a bit further if the Bosche had retired as he had done in HOTTOT area. Patrol of the 2 Glos however met a little opposition and no advance was made by the Glos. The "A" Squadron Troop was not committed and returned in the evening. | ||
20 | "A" Squadron had again to supply a Troop in support of the 56 Bde this time with the 2 S.W.B. in the GRANVILLE area. | ||
21 | Nothing to report. Two Officers from HQ,AFV School, Bovington and the Gunnery Wing at Lulworth called in the afternoon and discussed with Squadron Representatives various problems dealing with the Sherman D.&M. and Gunnery. A very wet day during the course of which the Signal trench became waterlogged with disastrous results. | ||
22 | Nothing to report | ||
23 | The Adjutant attended short conference on personnel situation at |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
23 Contd | Bde.H.Q. in the morning. Brigadier G.E.Prior Palmer took over command of 8th Armd.Bde. to replace Brigadier H.J.B.Cracroft who is sick. | ||
24 | Nothing to report. | ||
25 | At 0500 hrs. Warning order received of enemy tracked vehicles in area BREQUET just SOUTH of left flank on the 12 K.R.R.C. line. "B" Squadron warned - no further action taken as nothing developed. Major G.K.Barker and the Adjutant visited No.2.A.R.G. HQ near BAYEUX in an effort to get reinforcements - actually only 6 men were chosen, and these will join the Regiment in a day or two. | ||
26 | Major G.K.Barker attended Bde conference in the morning which concerned many matters of policy, e.g. Courses, future of A/A and Recce Troops, Formation and Unit numbers etc. Lt. Col.D.Silvertop called; he now and has for some time commanded |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
26 Contd | The 3rd R.T.R. and was with the Regiment in France in 1940. in in "A" Squadron, his own Regiment being the 14/20th. Major G.K.Barker and Squadron Leaders made a Recce of Regimental concentration area near LA BUTTE due NORTH of our present position where we may have to go in the near future. A/A Troop personnel commenced Sherman D.&M abd Gunnery classes with a view to making them suitable as Sabre Squadron tank crews if required. | ||
27 | Nothing to report. Major G.K.Barker held a short Squadron Leader conference. | ||
28 | At 2300 hrs. Boche aeroplane dropped a very large number of Anti Personnel bombs over the area occupied by RHQ. Captain W.Davies and Trp.Monks were killed and 2/Lt. J.P.Jones and 13 O.Rs were wounded. | ||
29 | Major G.K.Barker and the Adjutant attended Brigadier G.E.Prior Palmer's |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
29 Contd | O Group in the morning for orders for Operation through CAHAGNES to secure BOIS des HOMMES feature. Summary of Orders are as follows:- Information: Hun pulling back and we are to attack and secure ground which might be used by him as a pivot for the defence and 30 Corps on the left, 43 Div, 50 Div, 7 Armd.Div, 8 Armd.Bde 11 Hussars and 8 Corps on the right are to assist the exploitation of the U.S. Forces who are sweeping so successfully through into Brittany. We are under comd. 43 Div. Method: 3 Phases: Phase 1. Capture of CAHAGNES feature to be done by 131 Bde. with 4 Som. and S.R.Y. in support. Phase 2. Capture of Pt.762 and LA BUISSON and mopping up of LE HOIS. 4/7 DG with 214 Bde and 12 K.R.R.C. with two Troops Flails and 2 17 Pdr. Anti-Tank Batteries under comd. Phase 3. Capture of BOIS des HOMMES to be done by 219 Bde with |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
29 Contd | S.R.Y. in support. | ||
1300 | Major G.K.Barker and Lt.Col. Oxley (Commanding Officer, 12 K.R.R.C.) contacted Brigadier Esame Commanding 214 Bde. Lt.Col. R.G.Byron DSO came back in the evening and re-assumed command. | ||
30 | Initial operation in the CAHAGNES attack mis-fired. Commanding Officer's and Sergt.Porter's tanks spent the day a mile NORTH of the Regimental harbour awaiting developments. | ||
31 | RHQ moved down to area about a mile N.E. CAUMONT with 214 Bde, the Regiment coming down under comd. Major.G.K.Barker. Move forward by the Infantry supported by "A" Squadron and "B" Squadron, ("A" on the right, "C" on the left) with the Som. and Worcs. respectively commenced late that night to try and get to the start line near CAHAGNES. Traffic on the road was impossible and a long delay ensued. |