National Archive Reference: WO 171/838
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1 | Early start in accordance with last night's orders at 0730 hrs. | |||
The Regiment crossed the SOMME (no opposition) just W of AMIENS | ||||
at 1100 hrs. and then diverted on to the left route. First | ||||
opposition met by "B" Sqn. at VIGNACOURT where some Infantry | ||||
and 3 tanks were reported. In this area a lot of horse | ||||
transport was shot up and some P.W. taken. VIGNACOURT was | ||||
cleared and we pushed on to CANAPPLES where "B" Sqn. was pulled | ||||
up by 88 mm A/Tk gun. which was eventually shot up. "B" sqn. | ||||
brewed up one panther, captured one 150 mm horse drawn gun. | ||||
Another Panther brewed itself up on our approach. "B" sqn. | ||||
claims for the day were 5 A/Tk guns, one panther and a lot of | ||||
transport, and "A" sqn. got a S.P. RHQ also had a shot at a | ||||
Mortar and men just through CANAPPLES. Opposition occurred at | ||||
FIENVILLERS which had to be by passed. In the meantime the | ||||
rest of the Brigade pushed on through DOULLENS on the right |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1 Contd. | route of the Bde. Harbour area near REBREVITTE The Regiment | |||
completed their tasks and were all in Harbour by midnight N. of | ||||
DOULLENS with the rest of the Bde. | ||||
2 | O Gp. 0930 hrs. 11 Armd.Div. reported up at BEL | |||
and that we were to continue the move to BRUSSELS. No orders | ||||
for actual move given out. The rest of the day spent by "A" | ||||
and "B" Sqns. in maintenance while "C" Sqn. went out on BOCHE | ||||
killing expedition taking a few prisoners and killing a few | ||||
Boche. The Regiment was now in the midst of the flying bomb | ||||
sites, two not being mo re than 3 miles away at LA BONNIERE and | ||||
3 | The Regiment moved at 0830 hrs. at early notice on route for | |||
ALOST. We passed through ARRAS and LOOS, 8 Armd.Bde being with | ||||
30 Div. and the Regiment leading the Gp. with "A" Sqn. No | ||||
trouble at all was met until a Bridge just E. of LOOS which was |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
3 contd. | found to be blown; a diversion was made. Then opposition in the | |||
form of A/Tk. guns was met at HOUBLIN and "A" sqn. were ordered | ||||
to deal with the trouble crossing a small river obstacle | ||||
through SECLIN to the S. of the Bridge. However, the | ||||
opposition was well covered with some A/Tk. guns and "A" Sqn. | ||||
had a sticky time having 3 tanks knocked out and Major | ||||
J.A.d 'Avigdor Goldsmid and Captain A.C. Hawkins wounded and | ||||
Tpr. Catlow killed. Meanwhile "B" and "C" Sqns. with "A" Coy. | ||||
12 K.R.R.C. were pushing on to LILLE which they liberated | ||||
without opposition. They were completely mobbed by the | ||||
inhabitants of LILLE and dirty and tired tank crews were | ||||
embraced and given a tremendous welcome by the French. They | ||||
were withdrawn to Harbour just W.of SECLIN in the evening, | ||||
"A Sqn. remained out all night with the 9 D.L.I. who were to | ||||
clear up the enemy pocket in the HOUBLIN area. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
4 | O Gp. 0630 hrs. Reported that 11 Armd.Div. had crossed into | |||
BELGIUM. We were to continue advance in the 50 Div. Gp. | ||||
towards BRUSSELS being ready to move by 0830 hrs. though "A" Sqn. | ||||
still had a Troop operating with the D.L.I. These orders were | ||||
later cancelled and no move took place till 1400 hrs. when 8 | ||||
Armd.Bde. were iven the role of blocking the routes running | ||||
S.E. from LILLE to prevent any pockets of the Hun escaping from | ||||
the N. "B" and "C" Sqns. were grouped with the 12 K.R.R.C. and | ||||
8 D.L.I respectively for this purpose. "A" Sqn. remaining with | ||||
RHQ. Sqns. escorting their Bns. to the blocking areas whence | ||||
they pulled back and remained in support. RHQ moved to area | ||||
near Tac Bde. just S.E. of CYSOING. | ||||
5 | No move for anybody and no enemy seen though many wild reports | |||
of even up to 4,000 Huns reported in various places. | ||||
2000 | We received orders for move to area S.W. of BRUSSELS commencing |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
5 contd. | mid-day to-morrow. - Harbour parties to leave early. | |||
6 | Harbour parties left at 0615 hrs. and the Regiment followed | |||
leaving at mid-day, "A" Sqn. leading and crossing the frontier | ||||
into BELGIUM at 1300 hrs. where we went into Harbour at | ||||
7 | O Gp.held 1045 hrs. The Regiment is coming under command of | |||
69 Inf.Bde. and we should move to their location at ALOST by | ||||
1230 hrs. taking A2 Echelon with us as 8 Armd. Bde were to | ||||
remain in their present area near WOLTHAEEM. The Regiment | ||||
moved out at 1130 hrs. "C" sqn. leading going via SLETTIN, 3457, | ||||
KIRKCKEN - ALOST. At ALOST we joined with 69 Inf. Bde. "C" Sqn. | ||||
moving on ahead with the 6 Green Howards. All along the route | ||||
and especially at ALOST civilians gave us a great welcome and | ||||
showered us with apples and tomatoes. | ||||
1600 | Orders were changed and we returned to 8 Armd. Bde command moving |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
7 contd. | on to AARSCHOT going via WILLEBROCK and MECHLIN, harbouring | |||
N.E. of AARSCHOT for the night. The commanding Officer gave | ||||
out orders 2230 hrs. Our intention being to cross over the | ||||
Bridge on the ALBERT CANAL at BEERINGEN (which had been captured | ||||
by the Guards Armd.Div.) turning left and exploiting the | ||||
Bridgehead and getting behind the enemy who are holding the | ||||
crossings over the N.W. thus helping 50 Div. to obtain some | ||||
Bridges. "B" Sqn. to lead with "A" Coy. 12 K.R.R.C. under | ||||
command. Bridgehead at BEERINGEN was only half a mile deep. | ||||
8 | 0700 | The Regiment moved out and halted with our head short of | ||
BEERINGEN at PAIL where we stayed until just after mid-day. | ||||
while going down a steep hill in DIEST, Lieut.J.H.G.Ford's | ||||
Crusader lost its air pressure and crashed into a pylon | ||||
carrying electric cables which caused a great display of sparks | ||||
in the wires and bringing the Pylon to the ground. The tank |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
8 contd. | and its occupants were unhurt. | |||
1110 | o Gp. Information. The Guards Bde. have reached BEVERLOO | |||
Intention. "B" Sqn. will push on through BEVERLOO to OOSTHAM | ||||
and then to OLNEEN and shoot up Germans retiring from the canals | ||||
"A" Sqn. would send a patrol to HEPPEN. RHQ to move behind a | ||||
Coy of the 12 K.R.R.C. deploying at BEVERLOO. | ||||
1345, | Brigadier gave us orders to move on and the Regiment crossed | |||
the Bridge at BEERINGEN- After some opposition had been dealt | ||||
with "B" Sqn. reached GENNEBERG, two miles N. of BEVERLOO and | ||||
there were confused civilian reports as to what was in OOSTHAM. | ||||
However it appeared that there was one S.P. and a lot of German | ||||
Infantry in the village and in the woods round it. "B" Sqn. | ||||
brewed up one S.P. near OOSTHAM and shot up a lot of German Inf. | ||||
in the woods. | ||||
1800. | "B" Sqn. got another S.P. which had, however, knocked out a "B" |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
8 contd. | Sqn. tank. All the crew of this tank became lost including | |||
Sergt. West who had been a Troop Sergt. in "B" sin. and in action | ||||
ever since "D" Day. | ||||
The Hun definitely intended to hold OOSTHAM as in the evening | ||||
3 lorry loads of Infantry were observed coming into the village | ||||
from the EAST. | ||||
2015 | "A" Coy, 12 K.R.R.C. were nearly in the middle of the village after | |||
quite a bit of fighting. By darkness the village was in our | ||||
hands, "B" Sqn. remaining with "A" Coy, 12 K.R.R.C. throughout | ||||
the night in the village. | ||||
9 | Just after it became light a party of Germans consisting of a | |||
Lt-Col. and 40 men of a Suicide Squad to reach and destroy the | ||||
Bridge at BEERINGEN at all costs, attacked the Bde A1 Echelon | ||||
at close quarters which had the previous evening crossed the | ||||
Bridge over the Canal. Some thirty lorries in the Bde. 13 of |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
9 Contd. | them our own and "A" Sqn's Jeep and a 15 cwt. W/T were | |||
destroyed and 2 O.Rs killed, 10 missing including SSM. Knox of | ||||
"C" Sqn. and SSM.Rattenbury of "B" Sqn. a big blow. However, | ||||
the Echelon saved the day and the Bosche attack never reached | ||||
its objective. The Commanding Officer held O GP. at 1000 hrs. | ||||
Information- situation very confused in this area as we have | ||||
succeeded in cutting off a lot of Bosche who were holding the | ||||
Canal, their only line of retreat being due N. past OOSTHAM. | ||||
"B" Sqn. were ordered to remain with the 12 K.R.R.C. and | ||||
establish themselves at OOSTHAM, and "A" and "C" Sqns. and RHQ | ||||
were to send Patrols to watch the road from BEVERLOO - GENNEBERG | - | |||
OOSTHAM ready to shoot up any Bosche trying to get out. "B" | ||||
Squadron had quite a shoot during the day, and 431 Bty. 147 | ||||
Fd.Regt. landed at least 5 shells right in the middle of a | ||||
concentration of about 60 enemy. A lot of snipers in OOSTHAM |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
9 contd. | and occasional shelling and mortaring by the enemy. | |||
1845 | O Gp. Information - warning to evacuate OOSTHAM and not to | |||
attempt to extend the Bridgehead any further in this direction. | ||||
8 Armd.Bde. were now under comd. Gds. Armd.Div. and were to move | ||||
to-morrow to S. of BOURG LEOPOLD covering the left area of the | ||||
Gds.Armd. Div. Intention - We were to move to the area | ||||
BEARMAUS WOOD in the morning, taking up position covering the | ||||
N. edge of that wood and holding an important feature of high | ||||
ground to the S.E. of BOURGLEOPOLD. This town was still in enemy | ||||
hands. "B" sqn. and "A" and "C" Coys of 12 K.R.R.C. withdrew in | ||||
the late evening from OOSTHAM and the enemy quickly followed our | ||||
departure into the village. The Recce Tp. took one prisoner | ||||
during the night - a Cpl. of an A/Tk. Regiment - who strayed | ||||
towards our lines and was knocked down by one of the Recce. | ||||
Tp. N.C.OSs. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
10 | The Regiment moved in accordance with last night's orders to | |||
take up it's new position S. of BOURG LEOPOLD. Conflicting | ||||
reports ere received as to whether or not BOURG LEOPOLD is held. | ||||
This modern town had been occupied by SS Tps. and in May that | ||||
portion of it had been almost totally destroyed by the RAF in | ||||
which raid it is understood nearly all the SS were | ||||
killed numbering over 1,000, and it is also understood there | ||||
had been imprisoned in BOURG LEOPOLD some 300 Belgium political | ||||
prisoners. | ||||
In the evening "C" Sqn. were ordered to send a patrol in from the | ||||
East to find out whether the village was held or not, and if | ||||
not to go in. A Patrol of two Tps. under the Sqn. Ldr. carried | ||||
out this task and when within about 800 yds. of the East end of | ||||
the town, two tanks of "C" sqn. were quickly brewed up and one | ||||
other had it's track knocked off (Lieut.N.S. Wide's tank). by a |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
10 contd. | S.P. gun which we were unable to spot, A considerable amount of | |||
shooting was done into the area where the S.P. was thought to be | ||||
and some Bosche who were seen were shot up. A very high O.P. | ||||
tower which it was thought might contain a Bosche O.P. was shot | ||||
up by "A" squadron and it was later discovered that a Bosche | ||||
O.P. in it had been killed. In the evening "C" coy of the | ||||
12 K.R.R.C. entered the East end of the town from the South | ||||
in an attempt to stalk the S.P. However they found | ||||
nothing at that particular end and withdrew. "C" squadron | ||||
also came back to their Harbour in the late evening. Civilians | ||||
reported that the Bosche was carrying out atrocities against | ||||
women and children in the town and implored us to help them. | ||||
11 | A watching patrol of "A" Sqn. to the East of the town was | |||
posted and 13/18 H were to the West of BOURG LEOPOLD. A | ||||
Belgian Gp. was put under command of 8 Armd.Bde. with the |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
11 Contd. | intention of sapturing BOURG LEOPOLD in the afternoon. | |||
However, there were reports that the Hun had evacuated the town | ||||
during the night, retiring N.W. and the Belgians supported by | ||||
"C" Sqn. entered the town quite unopposed in the afternoon. | ||||
There were enemy, however, to the N.W. of it in the area of | ||||
HEPPEN and their existence was confirmed by an Armd. car Patrols | ||||
"C" Sqn. stayed the night in BOURG LEOPOLD. | ||||
12 | Situation unchanged. 8 Armd.Bde still under command Gds. Armd. | |||
Div. who had by now not only got a crossing (in the nick of | ||||
time) across the ESCAULT CANAL but had also got Patrols across | ||||
DUTCH border. | ||||
13 | "B" Sqn. relieved "C" Sqn. of their duties at BOURGLEOPOLD. | |||
It was reported that the SRY had had a day of heavy fighting | ||||
in GHENT area on the 11th when a large number of enemy | ||||
fanatical SS Tps. attempted to break out. very many were |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
13.Contd. | killed, some even standing up, shouting "I die for the Fuhrer". | |||
The SRY had 11 tanks knocked out in this action, but the Bosche | ||||
attacks all failed. 50 Div. on the left in the GHELL area | ||||
were relieved by 15 Scottish Div. and moved down into our area, | ||||
and 8 Armd.Bde. came under comd. 50 Div. once again. "A" Sqn. carried out a patrol N. from the road running East out of | ||||
BOURG LEOPOLD across the Artillery Range and discovered no | ||||
signs of the enemy, and other reports indicate that he is | ||||
pulling out behind the ESCAULT CANAL. | ||||
14 | The Regiment moved with A1 Echelon into BOURG LEOPOLD itself | |||
for 3 or 4 days maintenance and refit. Most of the men were | ||||
found houses or buildings in which to be billeted. Our only | ||||
operational commitment now was to maintain 24 hrs. watch from | ||||
an O.P. tower N.E. of the village. | ||||
15 | Back to semi peace time rule. Sqns. did maintenance and |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
15.contd. | admin.inspections. | |||
16 | Squadrons at disposal of Sqn.Ldrs. The commanding officer | |||
having attended Corps Commander's conference in the morning | ||||
at which the plan for future operation was outlined, spoke to | ||||
all Officers and NCOs in the afternoon. | ||||
Squadon Leaders conference held at which Commanding Officer | ||||
outlined forthcoming operations. Airborne landings were to be | ||||
made in the area EINDHOVEN - NIJMEGEN - ARNHEM on 17 Sep. | ||||
with the object of securing the Brs. at these places. Gds. | ||||
Armd.Div. followed by 43 div. with the Regiment under comd. | ||||
214 Bde. were to drive through over the ESCAULT Canal through | ||||
EINDHOVEN - NIJMEGEN - ARNHEM, the Gds. having as their | ||||
objective Zuyder Zee. | ||||
17,18,19, | No move yet made. Regiment still remains resting at BOURG | |||
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
20 | Lt.Col. R.G.Byron DSO who had been in comd. of the Regiment since | |||
December 1941, to-day handed over comd. to major G.K.Barker. | ||||
Lt.Col. R.G. Byron DSO who completed his 3 years as Commanding | ||||
Officer on the 19th September had commaded the Regiment during | ||||
possibly one of its most event ful and historical periods, and | ||||
his departure would be much regretted. He took comd. from | ||||
Lt Colonel L.E.Misa DSO during the difficult period of training | ||||
in England after Dunkirk, then the conversion DD, and then | ||||
finally commanding the Regiment in its assault landing on D Day | ||||
and on through the Normandy campaign and up to this date. | ||||
The following changes were to be made on his change of commands- | ||||
2nd in comd - Major W.N.D.Barlow (on posting from F.& F.YEO). | ||||
O.C."A" Sqn. - Major I.G.Gill MC (Major J.A.d'Avigdor Goldsmid | ||||
not having yet recovered from his wound). | ||||
O.C. "B" Sqn. - Majors.R.M.Jenkins (who is acting 2nd-in-Comd. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
20th contd. | until the arrival of Major W.N.D.Barlow), | |||
O.C . *C" Squadron - Captain W.P. Riley. | ||||
Captain D.J.B. Richards was in command of "B" Sqn. while | ||||
Major S.R.M. Jenkins was acting as 2nd-in-Comd. | ||||
Commanding Officer held O 1000 hrs. to tie up our departure | ||||
on Operation MARKET. | ||||
This Operation was part of the Airborne landings made on 17 Sep. | ||||
and the whole consisted of a great drive by 30 Corps across the | ||||
ESCAULT CANAL to GRAVE, across the WAAL at NIJMEGEN and the | ||||
Lower Rhine at ARNHEM. 30 Corps was to be led by the Gds. Armd. | ||||
Div. with 43 Div. following, the Regiment being under comd. | ||||
214 Inf.Bde. (Brigadier Essame DSO). The Gds. Armd.Div. had | ||||
already got through to NIJMEGEN and linked up with the 101 US | ||||
Airborne Troops at EINDHOVEN. If the Bridge over the Rhine was | ||||
blown, i.e. thus proving the failure to force the crossing, |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
20th contd. | 43 div. were to come through, their operation being divided | |||
into 4 Phases as follows:- | ||||
Phase 1. 130 Bde. capture the south bank of the River. | ||||
phase 2. 214 Bde. with the Regiment in support carry out an | ||||
amphibious operation in Duxks crossing west of the Bridge. | ||||
Phase 3. 214 Bde. clearing the houses and down the other side | ||||
of the River. | ||||
Phase 4. Crossing the River at ARNHEM, the two Bdes. and 20 | ||||
tanks of the Regiment were to be put into barges at NIJMEGEN | ||||
sail up the Rhine and then turn North and then west along the | ||||
Lower Rhine to a point of landing on the North bank on some | ||||
concrete landing stages which were known to be in existence | ||||
at ARNHEM. Fire power of the tanks, if necessary, to be used | ||||
during the voyage. | ||||
The Regiment, "A" Squadron leading was scheduled to leave |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
20th.contd. | BOURG LEOPOLD at 1200 hrs. but time of departure was postponed | |||
until we actually moved out about 1700 hrs. Driving all night | ||||
we passed up the only Corps route arriving at a place North of | ||||
EINDHOVEN at day break on the 21st. | ||||
21 | After breakfast the column moved on preceded by Harbour parties | |||
over the Bridge at GRAVE to a Harbour area about 3 miles | ||||
further on where Squadrons went into own areas. | ||||
1430 | Commanding Officer held. O Gp. having attended at 8 Armd.Bde. | |||
for orders. Intention - 30 Corps to liberate the 1st British | ||||
Airborne Div. who landed in the ARHEM area on 17 Sep. This | ||||
Division though still fighting was reported running short of | ||||
supplies and coming under heavy enemy pressure. The guards | ||||
have captured NIJMEGEN and we hold the two Bridges and a small | ||||
Bridgehead to the North of the WAAL about 1 mile deep. The | ||||
504 US Para.Bde. being in possession of this Bridgehead which |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
21st Contd. | the Guards are going to enlarge. There was extremely grim | |||
fighting for the road bridge at NIJMEGEN, but the American | ||||
Paratroops after crossing the River in small boats succeeded | ||||
in capturing the Bridge intact although the enemy had laid | ||||
remote charges the night before, but the fuse wires to these | ||||
had been cut during the night by a sapper party especially | ||||
detailed for the job. We, with the 147 Fd. Regt. all under | ||||
comd. 214 Inf. Bde. were to cross the River by the Railway | ||||
Bridge, turn West after crossing the Bridge and then move | ||||
North skirting ELST to the west making for ARNHEM. The SLI | ||||
with "A" Squadron under command and a Battery of the 147 Fd. | ||||
Regt. and two sections of our Honeys were to form the advance | ||||
guard of the Bde. Next were to come the DCLI Gp. and the | ||||
Worcs.Gp. "B" and "C" Sqns. returning the Regimental command. | ||||
The advance guard will not be allowed across the other side |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
21 Contd. | until sufficient space had been obtained by the Guards and | |||
Americans enlarging the Bridgehead. | ||||
2000 | The Regiment harboured in woods immediately East of the Main | |||
road one mile south of NIJMEGEN. The commanding officer had | ||||
great difficulty in finding 214 Bde. in the dark for an O Gp. | ||||
not getting back until 0130 hrs. morning 22nd September. | ||||
22 | 0630 | O Gp. Yesterday's orders stood with the addition of a barrage. | ||
Bridgehead had been slightly enlarged and yesterday's plan to | ||||
be proceeded with. the SLI crossing at 0730 hrs. and the 130 | ||||
Bde. were to attack due North up the road towards ELST, 214 | ||||
Bde. going West through OOSTERHOUT and then North through | ||||
WAALBURG. "A" Squadron moved out of their location near | ||||
Railway Bridge at 0630 hrs. followed by RHQ 1 hour later, and | ||||
"B" and "C" Squadrons took up position to the South part of | ||||
the town some 4 hours later. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
22 | Contd. | |||
0800 | SLI over the River, "A" Squadron at Southern edge of Bridge | |||
starting to go across. | ||||
Report received that Guards last night contacted elements of | ||||
the 1st British Airborne Div. thus proving that a patrol of | ||||
the Household Cavalry had actually reached the Southern bank of | ||||
the Rhine linking up with the Polish Para.Bde. and meeting some | ||||
of the British Div. who had come across the River. A large | ||||
number of Bosche appeared to be in the area of OOSTERHOUT, and | ||||
it was appreciated that once this crust was broken then an | ||||
armoured drive could successfully be made up to DRIEL on the | ||||
Southern bank of the Lower Rhine. The supply situation of | ||||
Airborne Division was now critical and it was decided that | ||||
once the SLI and "A" Squadron had cleared the Bosche from | ||||
OOSTERHOUT a column consisting of "B" Squadron the the DCLI |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
22 contd. | with supplies in Duxks should make a dash up to DRIEL. "A" | |||
Sqn. battle with the SLI was still going on at 1700 hrs. but by | ||||
now the attack was going very well, a lot of Bosche had been | ||||
killed, and "A" Sqn. had destroyed 2 Mk. IIIs and at least two | ||||
A/Tk. guns. At 1830 hrs. "B" Sqn. were ordered to start | ||||
their drive through. The Worcs. were crossing at this time | ||||
and "C" Squadron and RHQ were to follow after and go into | ||||
harbour the other side of the River. The commanding officer | ||||
stayed the night at the 214 Inf.Bde. HQ just West of NIJMEGEN | ||||
The news of "B" squadron's advance was listened to with much | ||||
excitement and everybody was delighted to hear that they had | ||||
reached DRIEL in darkness late that night although it was not | ||||
known what success the Duxks had had in getting any supplies | ||||
across. Later it turned out that the column was in fact cut | ||||
by two enemy tigers which joined it in the darkness West of |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
22 Contd. | ELST. These Tigers were destroyed by a very gallant Infantry | |||
man who fired a Piat at them at so lose range that he himself | ||||
suffered severe burns. The leading Troop of "B" Squadron | ||||
which led this drive was commanded by Lieut.Simmonds and the | ||||
leading tank by Cpl.Raybould. On reaching DRIEL they linked | ||||
up with the Polish paratroops, but also, unfortunately, shot | ||||
up an armd. car belonging to the Household Cavalry, this | ||||
happening in the failing light, the leading tank not | ||||
expecting to see any friendly AFVs on the road. Thus "B" | ||||
Squadron had completed the attempt to relieve the Airborne | ||||
Forces, but the supplies could not be got across the River. | ||||
23 | "A" and "C" Squadrons were to carry out at attack to-day | |||
against ELST, the attack scheduled to commence in the morning | ||||
"C" Sqn. with the Worcs. "A" Sqn. with the SLI, "A" Sqns. | ||||
party was postponed until 1500 hrs. owing to enemy being in |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
23 Contd. | the axis of their advance. "C" Sqn. started at 1200 hrs. with | |||
the Worcs. | ||||
1300 | 1 Panther reported captured by the Worcs. | |||
1315 | "C" Sqn. reported 3 Panthers ditched and 1 Tiger brewed up, | |||
the ditched Panthers were destroyed by us when we came across | ||||
them. | ||||
1400 | "C" Sqn. still helping the Worcs on to village of LIENDEN | |||
immediately West of ELST. "A" Sqn. still waiting for the | ||||
word go. | ||||
1500 | LIENDEN now clear. "A" Sqn. and the SLI commenced their | |||
attackk, they were going through the Worcs. direct on ELST | ||||
it-self. | ||||
1730 | "A" Squadron attack still going well and they later reached | |||
their objectives with the SLI which were the centre and southern half of the town of ELST. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
23.Contd. | ||||
2100 | "C" Squadron returned to harbour near RHQ whi ch had now moved to | |||
field south of WAALBURG. "B" Squadron remained near DRIEL | ||||
with the DCLI and "A" Squadron stayed out the night with the | ||||
SLI on the West side of ELST. | ||||
Great air supplies were seen to be dropped by parachutes in the | ||||
ARNHEM area, but it was not known how much of these fell into | ||||
our own Troops hands. | ||||
24 | It was proved to-day that yesterday's joint claims of ourselves | |||
and the Infantry in the ELST battle were 6 Tigers and 2 panthers. | ||||
"A" and "C" Squadrons continued their advance in the ELST area | ||||
with the SLI and Worcs. starting at 0800 hrs. The reserve Troop | ||||
of "A" and "C" Squadrons were each committed to support the 129 | ||||
Bde in their advance North along the main road to ELST. 129 Bde. | ||||
advance had been held up completely and had not progressed much |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
24 | further than the perimeter won by the Guards and U.S. Airborne | |||
Troops. | ||||
1000 | Lieut.N.S. Wide (Troop Leader of "C" Squadron Troop with 129 Bde) | |||
reported that he had scuppered five dual purpose 75 mm guns, | ||||
and they had taken a number of Prisoners of War. These two | ||||
Troops returned to the Regiment at 1300 hrs. going into reserve | ||||
again. "A" Squadron Troop co-operated with the 4 SLI and "C" | ||||
Squadron Troop with the 4 Wilts. | ||||
1200 | The Commanding Officer visited "B" Squadron in the DRIEL area | |||
where they were now a coming under some hARRASsing artillery | ||||
fire from the North side of the River Rhine. | ||||
1400 | "B" Squadron escorting DC LI to new position further SE to form | |||
a defence flank facing ELST. This move was made with no enemy | ||||
opposition. The Luftwaffe turned out about fifty planes, all | ||||
fighters, FW 190 and ME 109s though they did not attack our |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
24 Contd. | positions, but were seen machine gunning what appeared to be | |||
the Airborne Div. positions. It was proved later that most of | ||||
their efforts were directed to shooting up a wood which had a | ||||
parachute caught on top of a tree which they evidently thought | ||||
marked the British positions. In actual fact it was in enemy | ||||
ground. A number of these fighters were shot down during the | ||||
day by our Spitfires. | ||||
25 | 0845 | The Commanding Officer held O GP. He recapitulated the events | ||
of the last few days saying that our activities, particularly | ||||
of "B" Squadron in their drive on to DRIEL had been much | ||||
appreciated (account of part played by "B" Squadron is at | ||||
Appx."A"). The first Gds. Ardd.Bde. were to take over this | ||||
area and the Bde and 50 Div. should take over the area from | ||||
ELST to NIJMEGEN BRIDGE. The Regiment would then move about | ||||
4 miles to the West near area of HERVELD. Lieut.J.H.G. Ford was |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
25 Contd. | sentmon recce. | |||
Admin.points were then dealt with. Tech.Adjt. would set up | ||||
recovery point near RHQ where he would base himself with the | ||||
3 ARVs and Fitters half tracks and one LAD recovery vehicle. | ||||
The supply line was continually cut N.of EINDHOVEN and although | ||||
we would never be short waste was to be avoided. RAF were | ||||
landing considerable quantities of supplies near GRAVE by | ||||
Dakotas. Lastly great attempt by 130 Bde to establish small | ||||
Bridgehead over the Lower Rhine (The Leck) would be made to | ||||
enable as many as possible of the 1st British Airborne to be | ||||
evacuated. "A" and "C" Squadrons will still help SLI and | ||||
Worcs in ELST area and in the evening the BOSC he appeared | ||||
definitely to be pulling out of the area, our Troops | ||||
reaching the Railway line. "A" Squadron had a Troop shot up |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
25 Contd. | by a Panther (all three tanks in a row on a road),There | |||
were no personnel casualties. | ||||
26 | Position unchanged. "B" Squadron now back in Regimental | |||
area leaving a Troop with the DC LI and "C" Squadron had one | ||||
Troop out with the Worcs. "A" Squadron remaining in Harbour | ||||
with the exception of one Troop which was sent out in a flap | ||||
to the 12 KRRCs in the West near ORPHEUSDEN where a strong Hun | ||||
patrol had apparently crossed the river from the North and run | ||||
into the 12 KRRC. This flap quietened down and the patrol | ||||
withdrew, some prisoners being taken by the 12 KRRC. At least | ||||
X | 1,500 of the Airborne Div. were evacuated successfully across | |||
the river last night; all these passed through the | ||||
Divisional ADS which was next door to RHQ. There was slight | ||||
enemy air activity in the morning and aftemoon, no attacks | ||||
made on our position. All Squadrons were concentrated in |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
26 Contd. | Harbour near RHQ for the night. | |||
27 | 0800 | Commanding Officer held O Gp. The Regiment was to concentrate | ||
in area OOSTERHOUT, and we would be moving in the afternoon. | ||||
Harbour parties were sent by Squadrons in the morning. Certain | ||||
Admin. points were also dealt with. | ||||
1300 | Flap order received to despatch Squadron to assist 214 Inf.Bde. | |||
in an attack to be put in in the afternoon against some enemy | ||||
who had crossed over from North to South in the area of | ||||
RANDWIJK. "C" Squadron were silected to follow as reserve | ||||
Squadron to work with the Worcs. "A" and "C" Sqns. therefore | ||||
with the usual half of RHQ proceeded to concentration area at | ||||
ANDELST where "A" Sqn. joined up with the SLI, "C" Sqn. with the | ||||
Worcs. The attack started from ZETTEN due North of RANDWIJK | ||||
with the main road as the Axis. The attack went very well. | ||||
We had no casualties and the SLI very few and some two or |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
27 Contd. | to three hundred Bosche were accounted for. "A" and "C" | |||
Squadrons returned to Harbour at HERVELD and half of RHQ also | ||||
stayed out with 214 Inf.Bde. | ||||
28 | 0800 | The Commanding Officer attended Bde O GP. (8 Armd.Bde) and | ||
then briefed O.C. "C" Squadron who would remain out in that | ||||
area under comd. 214 Bde. while the rest of the Regiment | ||||
would return to OOSTERHOUT. RHQ and *A" Squadron were back | ||||
in OOSTERHOUT area by 1100 hrs. | ||||
As a matter of interest the tank state for the three Sabre | ||||
Squadrons to-day was as follows (this was the average state for | ||||
this period) :- | ||||
"A" "B" "C" | ||||
Sherman 75 mm 10 12 11 | ||||
Sherman 17 Pdr. 4 3 4 | ||||
Squadrons were organised on 4 Tp. basis and where possible |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
28 Contd. | four tanks per Troop having one 17 Pdr. in each Troop, and if possible one 17 Pdr. in reserve with SHQ | |||
29 | Major S.R.M. Jenkins went back to 2nd Army via the Forward | |||
Delivery Squadrons The day spent quietly, but there were no | ||||
baths or cinemas possible because a number of the enemy (about 14) | ||||
during the night swam 15 miles down the river and blew a NIJMEGEN | ||||
Bridge. These Bosche apparently had been trained at the one man | ||||
submarine school in VENICE brought and briefed at UTRECHT, equipped | ||||
with rubber swim suits, oxygen apparatus and extensions in water | ||||
proof containers. They swam nearly all the way for 15 miles, then | ||||
placed their charges, and then swam on to turn into the wrong creek. | ||||
Most of them were taken Prisoner of War in the hands of the Recce | ||||
Regiment. | ||||
30 | The Commanding Officer held a conference for Squadron Leaders at | |||
0900 hrs. and issued orders for "A" Squadron to relieve "C" Squadron |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
30 Contd. | of their duties with 214 iNF.Bde. in the HERVELD area at 1700 | |||
hrs. to-day and "B" Squadron was to be prepared to support, in | ||||
case of a flap, the 5 DCL I to the East side of the Island | ||||
towards BEMMEL. Apparently Hitler has given personal orders | ||||
that we are to be kicked out of the Island (i.e. above NIJMEGEN | - | |||
ARNHEM). | ||||
Captaln, Adjutant, 4/7th Royal Dragoon Guards. |