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    War Diary: 4 Coldstream Guards

    Month and year: August 1944

    The 4 Coldstream Guards August 1944 war diary covers the units actions in Normandy in the area around the Vire, Tinchebray area.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1251

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    Page 1 of 27
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    1 AugFor exerts and coninuation of operations see Appendix of WarAppendix A
    Diary for July.
    Lt R.J.D.E. Buckland wounded in knee by shell splinter.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    2 Aug 44Bn remained in area of pt 309. The battle having moved onAppendix A.
    no further enemy shelling nor mortaring was experienced.
    The day was devoted to maintenance.
    The Brigadier visited the Bn at about 1400hrs and spoke to
    each sqn in turn congratulating them on their fine performance
    and saying pt 309 would in future be known as Coldstream Hill
    He also told the Bn that the Germans had nicknamed us
    "Churchills Butchers"
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    3 Aug 44The tanks moved during the afternoon from area of pt 309 toAppendix A.
    bottom of hill about one mile NE of St Martin des Besaces
    During afternoon Lt Col Sir W de S Barttellet left the bn to
    take over command 6 Guards Tank Brigade
    Maj A.W.A. Smith look over command of bn and assumed rank of
    Maj A.C. Pilkington became second in command and Capt G.T. Morton
    took over command of H.Q. Sqn.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    4 Aug 44The tasks moved to a new harbour area one mile SE ofAppendix A.
    St Pierre Tarentaine where it was joined by A Echelon.
    Harbour area in pleasant surroundings - small grass fields
    enclosed by high hedges
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    5 Aug 44The bn remained in yesterdays location.Appendix A.
    The day was spent in maintenance.
    No 2 Sqn (Maj M.V.Milbank) came under command of 3(Tk)S.G
    who had been reduced to two sqns. This sqn supported 2 Gordons
    in an attack on the X rds at La Caverie, They reached their
    objective without much difficulty or opposite and stayed there
    until nightful when the sqn withdrew into a leager! No
    casualties were suffered inspite of being machine gunned and
    mortared fairly heavily throughout the day.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    6 Aug 44The Bn carried out an attack with 46 Bde of 15(S) Div.Appendix A.
    The object of to-days operation was for 15(S) Div and 6 Gds (Tk)
    Bde to advance South to Vassy in order to protect left flank
    of a further armoured advance by the formations on our right.
    The attack by the Bn and 6 Gds was to be carried out
    in four phases.
    Phase I - 9 Cameronians to advance to Bois du Monde and
    push on to pt 232 - 3/4 mile sw of Gournay.
    The start line was the Au Cornu - La Caverie road. The time
    across start line 0730 hrs.
    No 2 Sqn. who had been harbouring night 5/6 Aug in area of
    Le Hamel, were to come back under command of bn and support
    this phase.
    Phase II - 2 Glos H to take over from the one company of 9
    Cameronians which had been left in the Bois du Morde
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    6 Aug 44Phase III - On completion of Phase II 227 Bde were to move downAppendix A.
    round La Caverie - Vassy. At the same time 7 Seaforths supported by
    No 1 Sqb (Maj T.O. Hambro) were to advance to Vassy in the form of
    an advance to contact. A detachment of 15 (S) Div Recce Regt was
    to precede the advance.
    Phase IV - 2 Glas H and 7 Seaforths to move down main road to
    La Rocque with 2 Glas H leading. A detachment of the Div Recce
    Regt to be in front. The order for this phase to begin to be
    given by Brigadier. No 3 Sqn (Maj J.E.H. Tollemache M.C) to support
    2 Glas H.
    Artillery - Div Arty Regt, one Med Regt and one AGRA to support
    attack. One Regt available to each Bn.
    Artillery Programme - from first to second objective at call of 9
    Cameronians; Place II Nil ; Phase III at call of 7 Seaforths; Phase IV
    at call of 2 Glas H
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    6 Aug 44At 0836 No 2 Sqn reported they were over the start line. They atAppendix A.
    once found themselves in very thick country and the going therefore
    hard. The first objective was reached without meeting opposition
    (Recce patrols having been there throughout the night) By 0950
    two troops were across the river which turned out to be a
    fairly difficult obstacle owing to marshy state of banks and the
    bridge being partially demolished. As soon as the infantry
    appeared they came under heavy machine gun fire from four
    or five guns and were held up. Soon after heavy mortar fire
    began. Maj Milbank got in touch with the commanding officer of
    9 Cameronians and said he was prepared to assist in any
    way, consequently a sqn shoot was carried out on the suspected
    MG posts with the idea of making it possible for the infantry
    to get forward. However sustained and heavy mortar and shell
    fire made the impossible. A plan was made for a two company
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    6 Aug 44attack supported by the sqn to start at 1330. Luckily this wasAppendix A.
    abandoned as the tanks were finding it extremely difficult to get
    to their start line owing to sunken roads.
    No further progress being possible by 9 Cameronians the Brigadier
    decided to push 7 Seaforths straight on to Lassy
    No 1 Sqn supported the 7 Seaforths in this attack. They followed 7
    Seaforths, who took track instead of main road. As soon as
    leading tp came over crest it was show at by an 8.8cm,
    Lt Dokozi (No2 Tp) tank was hit and later completely destroyed
    The attack was on a lined programme and should have
    been protected by a smoke screen. The arty however laid
    the smoke screen before the inf were ready, consequently
    when inf did advance down forward slope they were
    is full view of enemy who machine-gunned and mortared
    them severly. Two Tps were sent forward to sp the
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    6 Aug 44attack with Besa fire but the enemy mortar and MG
    fire was causing very heavy casualties among 7 Seaforth
    and as further progress was made. At 1800 hrs the inf
    were ordered back and later the sqn withdrew to top
    of the hill. Thinning??? out from 2000 hrs.
    No 3 Sqn moved to their forward rally start six??? way???
    cross tracks, one mile SE of Au Cornu at about 0900 hrs. Two
    troops were sent forward to look south, troop movements
    were but owing to fog it was not possible to see
    who they were. As morning went on mortaring and shelling
    increased and casualties amongst inf were heavy. At 1200 hrs
    o/c 2 GH asked Maj Tollermache (No 3 Sqn) to deal with a
    German attack coming up road from Lassy. Two Tps were
    used and they had a good shoot on to a farm which the
    enemy had reached; he was seen retiring at the double.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    6 AugAt that moment 8.8cm guns opened up on tks which had
    to withdraw under cover of smoke. The guns were very
    well concealed and could not be located exactly. Three tks
    were knocked out but without casualties to crews. One of these
    was later recovered under fire by Sgt Tectifill??? who drove it
    back in 1st gear. The remainder of Lt Coates troops and Capt
    Gaseoigne were left forward in a watching role. Arty having
    failed to silence the 8.8cm Capt Gaseoigne and Lt Coates
    decided to stick with them in a 95mm tank as both
    their own had been knocked out. Unfortunately the 88's were
    further towards 1 mile south than was thought and the tank
    in which Capt Gaseoigne and Lt Coates was riding
    received a direct hit all blew up with the loss of the
    whole crew. The sqn remained in posn until 2100 hrs then
    it withdrew.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Aug 6The Bn withdrew at 2100 hrs to harbour area betweenAppendix A
    la Bruyere and el Hamel and remained at 1/2 hr notice
    to move.
    As may be seen the day's fighting was not successful and
    it was considered the strength and determination of
    the enemy had not been to appreciated.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    7 Aug 44The Bn remained in its harbour area spending the day on maintenanceAppendix A.
    Owing to the loss of tanks it was decided to return Sqns to
    four troops.
    All sqns were at half an hours notice to move to support 46
    Bde in the event of a counter attack.
    At 2030 orders were received to move to a new harbour
    area, it having been decided to withdraw 46 Bde to the
    line of road Coudraies - la Caverie.
    The Bn, including all stragglers were in their new area by
    0130 hrs 8 Aug one mile West of Montcharivel.
    Capt Hunt rejoined Bn from FDS as 2 i/c No 3 Sqn.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    8 Aug 44No further change.Appendix A.
    No 2 Sqn were sent to a point a mile North of Montchamp
    to be in readiness to assist the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
    of 227 Bde in the event of a possible counter attack on pt
    208 where they were now dug in. No counter attack developed
    and at last light the sqn recalled to the Bn harbour
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    9 Aug 44Owing to the strength of the enemy position, the continuousAppendix A.
    mortar and shell fire, the exhaustion and depletion of the 15 Div
    it was decided to stabalise the line on the main road North
    of Estry - pt 208 - La Caverie - Au Cornu.
    The task of the Bn was to provide a counter attack force
    for 227 and 46 Bdes in the event of a counter attack by
    the enemy.
    The Bde were disposed as follows. 46 Bde - 7 - Seaforths in
    area La Caverie cross roads, 2 Glas H south of Au Cornu,
    9 Cameronians about two miles NW of La Lamerie.
    227 Bde - Argyll and
    Sutherland Highlanders about pt 208, Gordons one mile
    East of Montchamp, Highland Light Infantry west Les Clos
    At a conference with Brigadier of 227 Bde who was using
    Gordons and HLI as his counter attack force, it was decided
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    9 Aug 44is have one sqn in immediate sp and another on the highAppendix A.
    ground about pt 287, the remaining sqn to stay in its present
    At 2000 hrs No 1 Sqn moved to a posn North of road Coudraies -
    Montcharivel about 1/2 miles West of Coudraies
    the final dispositions of the second sqn was not decided upon
    so No 2 and 3 remained it their harbours.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    10 Aug 44The final plan for a counter attack in the event of the enemyAppendix A.
    re-taking Estry cross roads or penetrating the area occupied by
    46 Bde was made
    No 1 Sqn were to remain in their present position in immediate
    support of 46 Bde. No 3 were to take up a position along the
    high ground running East from Montchamp. No 2 Sqn were to go
    to immediate support of 227 Bde who were using 10 HLI and
    2 Gordons as their counter attack force.
    Late in the evening the commanding officer was called away
    to a conference with General Whitter commanding 3 Div. On
    his return it was learnt that the Bn was leaving 15 Div
    front and was going to relieve 4 Armd Bde (Shermans)
    who had been supporting 3 Div.
    The Be remained in support of 46 and 227 Bde for the night
    of but no counter attack developed.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    11 Aug 44The Bn left its harbour area at 0800 hrs and proceeded byAppendix A.
    road march to its new area. By 2000 hrs the taking over from
    4 Armd Bde was under way and the sqns were harboured in
    the following places - No 1 Sqn just off the Vire - Tinchebray
    road three miles SE of Vire, No 2 Sqn, 1/2 mile West of Yaudry
    on the Vire-Vassy road; No 3 Sqn, 1/4 mile North of Yaudry HQ and
    HQ Sqn on the reserve slope North of pt 232.
    Each Sqn had taken the place of an armd regt of 4 Armd Bde.
    No 1 Sqn came under command of 8 Bde; No 2 Sqn under command
    of 185 Bde; No 3 and 9 Bde remained in reserve with the sqn
    under the direct command of Div Commander.
    During the afternoon sqn commanders met their Brigadiers for orders
    and by midnight the taking over from 4 Armd Bde and the
    "merrying up" with the infantry Bdes was completed.
    The attack by 8 Corps in a SE direction started at 0900 hrs
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    11 Aug 443 Div was to advance with 8 Bde right on centre lineAppendix A.
    road Vire - Tinchetray and 185 Bde left on centre line
    Roullours - pt 312 - Le Chene - Anfernel - La Masure - La Provotiere
    GA.D. on right of 3 Div was directed on Flers. American forces on
    right of 3 Div were also advancing in an Easterly direction.
    The attack had not progressed rapidly and the leading
    very the of 8 and 185 Bde had only reached their first objectives
    inspite of not very severe opposition.
    No 3 Troop (Lt C.C. Schofield) supported a two company attack by
    South Lancs on pt 247 which began at 2130. There was very little
    time for liason and the troop was not certain what was expected
    of them. No contact being made with infantry the troop withdrew
    to sqn laeger at night fall.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    12 Aug 44The advance continued to-day with No 2 sqn supporting twoAppendix A.
    forward companies of 185 Bde and No 1 Sqn the leading bns of
    8 Bde No 3 Sqn made no move.
    The two objectives pt 272 and pt 312 were taken without
    meeting opposition.
    No 2 Sqn drove four tanks through a scattered minefield
    the last of which only was damaged by loss of a track and
    two boggies.
    A shell fell in No 3 Sqn area injuring one guardsman.
    Maj J.O. Hambro was wounded whilst at an O Group at 8 Bde
    HQ on the outskirts of Vire.
    Lt R.F. Norman and Lt M Page-Wood joined the Bn, the former
    to take over B Echelon.
    Capt C.C.C. Bridge took over command 1 No 1 Sqn, Capt C.G.
    Tennant became 2 i/c and Lt C.C. Scholfield Recce offr with rank of captain.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    13 Aug 44During the day a further limited advance was planned onAppendix A.
    8 and 185 Bdes fronts.
    8 Bde objectives were pt 247 and high ground NE of it with
    a limit of exploitation to pt 251 and cross roads at Rufandiere.
    185 objectives were track junction at la Montrie with
    exploitation to Creuley.
    The attack was timed to begin at 2000 hrs after whole Div
    Artillery had fired a barrage, later Div Artillery was at call of
    the Bdes onto selected targets
    No 2 Sqn supported the warcs of 185 Bde. Owing to heavy shell
    and mortar fire the Warcs suffered heavy casualties and were
    unable to get on. No 6 Troop (Lt Meinertzhagen) and No 8 Troop R.C.
    Carr-Gomm did valuable work in bringing in wounded on their
    tanks. Then two troops remained with the infantry all night.
    On 8 Bde front No 1 Sqn was supporting the Suffolks and
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    13 Aug 44No 3 Sqn the East Yorks, the former on the right and the latter onAppendix A.
    the left.
    The start line was crossed at 2000 hrs. By 2115 No 3 Sqn and
    East Yorks were or their objectives having met little opposition.
    At 2155 No 1 and South Lancs (who had relieved Suffolks) were on
    their objective. The tks remained on obj until 2215 when they
    withdrew to forward rally 1000 in rear. Some shelling was
    experienced but no casualties.
    No 1 Sqn did successful attack and inflicted hvy
    casualties on enemy with Besa fire, They came back to forward
    rally at night fall.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    14 Aug 44No further move took place except that No 2 Sqn rejoined the
    Bn having been relieved from 185 Bde by arrival of 3 Scots Guards
    They harboured 1/4 mile South of l'Aubesniere near the main road
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    15 Aug 44Contact having been lost with the enemy and liason with theAppendix A
    Americans on and right being almost entirely unsuccessful plans were
    made and countermanded with great rapidity. Eventually No 3 Sqn
    supported East Yorks is an advance to Anfernel; whilst this was in
    progress fresh orders arrived for the whole Bde to move to area
    North West Tinchebray and secure the high ground between pt
    247 and pt 203. The Inf??? of the Bde were enbussed and moved down
    main road followed by the Bn. The Bn harboured just North of
    la Provotiere of the banks of River Vautige.
    Lt R.C. Carr. Gomm was wounded in the face by a shell splinter
    during the march.
    During the night 8 Bde pushed on to East of Tinchebray - Conde road.
    No 3 encountered some mines during their operation and had
    some shelling from East of Tinchebray. An attack by Typhoons was
    prevented by use of yellow smoke.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    16 Aug44The situation was still ver hazy. Div Recce Regt had failed toAppendix A
    find any enemy West of Flers and had pushed 1 mile to North and
    East of it.
    Exact location and lines of advance of U.S forces could not be
    obtained with any accuracy.
    The Brigadier decided to move the Bde across the main road
    Tinchebray - Conde and during the afternoon the Bn moved to a
    new area 1/2 mile North of La Riviere off main road
    Vire - Tinchebray
    Lt Palliser rejoined the Bn from hospital.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    17 Aug 44The Bn remained in its new area without any change.Appendix A.
    The advance SE of 12 Corps on our left and the Americans
    progress East on our right have squeezed 8 Corps out of the
    line and it now appears the whole of 8 Corps will be placed
    in reserve for the time being.
    A report came in that 300 enemy were still in the large wood
    Bois de Messei four miles South of Flers. No 2 Sqn was to help
    the Lincolns of 9 Bde to get them out in the morning if the
    Div Recce Regt and loud speakers had failed to persuade them
    of the hopelessness of their position.
    Lts Anson, Bell and Milne joined the Bn.
    The AA Troop was disbanded the personnel (including Lt O.M. Litchfield)
    going to F.O.S to train as Churchill crews.
    Page 27 of 27
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    18 Aug 44B Echelon joined the Be in its harbour area.
    19 Aug 44The Bn carried out maintenance on it, tanks and vehicles.
    20 Aug 44Church parade at 1000 hrs.
    21 Aug 44Maintenance
    22 Aug 44The whole Bn moved to a new harbour area one mile South
    of Flers just off the main Flers - Domfront main road.
    23 Aug 44The Bn carried out practice in river crossing by bridging
    task and pontoon in anticipation of future operations.
    24 Aug 44Normal routine. The Major-General visited the Bn in the morning.
    25-26 Aug 44Maintenance
    27 Aug 44Church parade 1000hrs. Bn reports in afternoon.
    28-31 AugInf - task : cooperation training with 3 Div.
    29 AugThe Corps Commander (Maj: Gen O'Connor) visited the Bn in the morning.

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