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    War Diary: 4 Coldstream Guards

    Month and year: July 1944

    The 4 Coldstream Guards July 1944 war diary covers the units arrival in Normandy and setting up the HQ at a farm 2 miles East of Bayeux and their advance to inland to Caumont

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1251

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    Page 1 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    CHARING1-10Conversions of one Tank per Tp back to 6PDR consequent
    upon the arrival of new ammunition.
    Shooting at Thornecliffe
    Leave stopped beyond 10 mile radius.
    Sand-table exercise for offrs and Tk commanders in
    view of information brought back by Capt Farrell
    from Normandy.
    The A.A tp was enlarged by arrival of two more Tanks
    The two American air-borne Tks "Locusts" which had been
    given to Recce Tp to experiment with were sent away
    having been found not up to requirements. About this
    time the Recce Tp also were given one Stuart VI
    which was considered excellent Tanks for
    its job.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    CHARING9th-10thNo2 Sqn did an exercise in Eastwell Park
    10thThe Bn. was warned to prepare to move to the Portsmouth
    area by the end of the week prior to going to
    11thBn signal exercise
    12th-14thEveryone worked very hard making final preparations
    for the move.
    14thAll ranks of the BN were paid 200 francs
    15th-16thThe tank trains left Charing for Portsmouth area.
    MARSHALLING AREA17D+41The road party moved to Camp A11 in the
    marshalling area north of Portsmouth arriving about
    1730 hours. All vehicles were then immediately
    marshalled. 6 L.S.Ts were earmarked for the Bn one
    of which was shared with an E.N.S.A party
    containing George Formby.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    19thThe first 3 L.S.Ts left England
    20thThe remainder of the Bn left England the E.N.S.A
    party having been given priority over at least one
    shipload of the Bn!!!!. The chief point which
    stuck in the minds all ranks was the lack
    NORMANDYof urgency displayed by the permanent staff
    who loaded the ships especially as of urgency
    had impressed upon them the great need for
    speed in turning round craft.
    81979820th - 22ndThe Bn landed on beaches near Courseulles and
    Arromanches and by midday 22nd had concentrated
    in some fields 2 miles east of Bayeux Bn H.Q.
    was in a farm M.R. 819798 a plentiful supply
    camembert cheese was immediately obtained
    81979824th D+48The Commanding officer and Int. Officer visited the 5th
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Gds Armd Bde H.Q. and the 1st Bn ColdStream to learn about
    the recent Tank action south east of Caen
    81979825th D+49The Commander in Chief talked to all officers in the
    Bde down to Sqn Commanders at his Headquarters
    about the whole campaign including present
    81979826th D+50The commanding officer held a conference for all
    officers to co-ordinate the large number of divergent
    views on tactical points which various officers
    had brought back from their visits to the 31st
    and 34th Tank Brigades. A large number of
    modifications were decided upon including
    the addition a large number of Track links
    as placed almost all around the tanks.
    27th D+51The BN carried out normal activities of maintenance
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    28th D+52A warning order was received at 1700 hrs to the effect
    that Bn would be ready to move at 2000 hrs. The
    Bn moved at 2130 hrs to an area North of Caumont
    a difficult night drive was well carried out by
    soft vehicles and Tanks the latter drove
    throughout the night. For the fire time the
    Bn was within range of enemy guns.
    29th D+53The morning and afternoon were spent inAppendix B.
    reconnaissance and liasion with 15th (S) Div. During
    the afternoon F echelon moved to an F.O.P. West
    of the Caumont ridge and Caumont itself
    arriving by past light. Here the final orders
    were given out by the Commanding Officer
    for the attack the following morning.
    30-31 Aug.See Appendix A for full account of battle byAppendix A and B
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Lt Col Sir W de S Barttelot Bart.
    31st D+55Lt A.M. Palliser Wounded.Appendix A and B

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