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    War Diary: 4 Coldstream Guards

    Month and year: October 1944

    The 4 Coldstream Guards October 1944 war diary covers the units actions in The Netherlands in the areas around Overloon and Tilburg

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1251

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    Page 1 of 5
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    1At last we seem to be getting more operational again and today we came
    under command of 3 Div. whom we had not seen since FLERS. We are the only
    Bn. in the Bde to come to this area, the other two being kept back in the
    Eindhoven area. Our role is by no means certain but it appears some
    offensive operation is being planned.
    The whole Bn again moved at 1800hrs, crossing the MAAS at GRAVE and the
    MAAS-WAAL canal at Heumen (wheels). The tanks crossed the MAAS-WAAL canal
    on the main GRAVE-NIMEGEN road and had to go through NIMEGEN and turn
    South again in order to get to new area. The Bn harboured in woods a mile
    North of MOOK. The area is typical of Firbright- heather, sand and pine trees
    2There are no definite orders yet but out immediate task is to provide a
    counter attack force for 185 and 8 Bdes who are taking over from 325 Glider
    Regt. of 82 U.S. Airborne Div. This Regt had attacked this morning in a S.E.
    direction. By nightfall it had reached its objectives on right and left
    i.e. Middelaar and Brethorst but had been held up in centre at Katerbosch.
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    cont 2As it seemed we might have to assist 8 Bde, who were relieving 325 Regt, to
    complete the attack Sqn Comdrs and Offrs made recces of the area.
    Lt. Mointezhagen was killed by a mortar burst whilst out on a recce.
    3No 1 Sqn moved out to be in immediate support of 185 Bde who had taken over
    area of wood between Biethorst and Knapheide. A fwd Bn HQ was established
    between No 1 Sqn and remainder of Bn.
    4Still no definite orders but recce went on and Commanding Officer paid
    several visits to Div. It appears we are to support 3 Div in an attack onto
    the Reichwald Forest and it is hoped we will be amongst the first British
    Tps to enter Germany. During night 3/4 a small number of shells fell in HQ
    and 3 Div areas causing no casualties to personnel and very minor damage
    to one or two vehs.
    2ndLts ................................. and ................................... joined the Bn.
    5We are still waiting definite orders for our attack which gradually seems
    to be getting into shape. A great many people have made themselves really
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    5comfortable in dugouts. It has now become apparent that summer is really over as the night temperature is
    noticably low and "stand to" at 0645 is a very different matter from when we last did it at Flers.
    6The situation is still uncertain but preperations still go on. A complete mosaic of the Reighwald Forest was
    set up.
    7In the late afternoon it was learnt that the Reichwald attack was off and that we would probably be moving
    South again with 3rd Div.
    8There is no news of our next role but 3rd Div started moving during afternoon and we got orders to move
    9The Bn moved during afternoon to conc area 1 ml north of MILL going back over the MAAS by way of the GRAVE br.
    10F Ech moved to conc area woods 7334 at 1400 hrs followed by F 2 at 1330 hrs and were in harbour by 1700 hrs
    Commanding Offrs and sqn commanders met 8 Inf Bde Commander (Brig Cass) at 1000 hrs for recce and orders.
    Later tp commanders met their coy commanders. a most unpleasant day with continuous heavy rain which left
    all the tracks almost impassable to wheeled vehicles.
    11The operation planned for today was postponed for 24 hrs by higher authority, the exact reason was never
    made known. A day of sunshine enabled everyone to dry themselves out.
    12Full details of the operation planned are given in Appendix "A"Appendix A Operation Order "B" Map.
    1200The attack started, and Nos 1 & 3 Sqns gained their objectives respectively, the factory and ............ The
    Infantry went into OVERLOON, but withdrew to the north for the night. No 2 Sqn later attacked KAMPHOEF and
    gained northern edge of wood,
    131100The attack started at 1100 hrs No 1 Sqn in support of the Warwicks gained their objective i.e. Track 755300 to
    X rds 767305. No 3 Sqn on their left also reached this track. Several tanks got mined.
    14No 1 were not seriously engaged. No 2 in their attack towards the Molen beek lost six tanks by A.P. fire from
    S.P. guns and 1 Panther well concealed in poplar trees and hedge just in front of the Beek. The Panther
    appeared no from the southern edge of wood on their left rear flank, and although 3 hits were scored by 6 Pdr,
    no penetration was made. No 3 Sqn were withdrawn into Div reserve.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    OVERLOON15Nos 1 & 2 Sqns were withdrawn north of OVERLOON in area of triangle wood to re-arm and reform.
    VENRAY16The Infantry made two bridgeheads over the Molenbeek at first light. Nos 1 & 2 Sqns ordered to cross the beek
    with the assistance of Bdes Churchill bridge-layers. No 2 using the OVERLOON - VENRAY road, where the bridge
    had been blown. No 1 using the track to their right.
    No 2 held up by collapse of bridge-layer, inspite of strenuous attempts by the commanding officer to relay on
    two occasions. No 1 got two tps across their bridge, which also showed signs of becoming unusable. Strenuous
    efforts were made to repair with logs and eventually all were across. No 3 Sqn were then ordered to cross by
    this bridge and assist the Warwicks to advance, with their final objective V wood at N.E. VENRAY. Both Sqns
    reached outskirts of VENRAY that evening after stiff opposition had been overcome. Major Tollemache o/c No 3
    Sqn was wounded by mortar bomb.
    17No 1 Sqn supporting 2 Warwicks continued attack on BRABANDER which was captured after hard fighting.
    No 3 supporting K.S.L.I. attacked across the north of VENRAY to area of wood and reservoir ................ also
    after fairly stiff opposition. Typhoons gave excellent support in poor weather in attacks on targets in VENRAY
    especially the Church Tower which was thought to be used as O.P. for shell and mortar fire which all along
    had been fairly heavy. The Infantry entered VENRAY during the night.
    VERNAY18No 2 in reserve, No 3 in reserve N.E. of BRABANDER. No 1 in suport of Warwicks in attack on ST. SERVATIUS
    which WO.S reached without serious opposition.
    VERNAY19No 2 Sqn took over from No 1 Sqn, who came back to area of brick factory S.W. of OVERLOON.
    No 2 sent two tps forward in support of Warwicks, remainder of Sqn in reserve just north of VENRAY.
    No 3 Sqn did not move.
    20Bn moved to area north of Bakel to rest, refit, and complete maintenance. Moved at 0800 hrs. Route OVERLOON -
    BAKEL21 - 23These days were spent in thorough maintenance and exchange and replacement of personel from F.D.S. Recreation
    and baths were had in Helmond. On 23rd Sqn commanders liaised with respective Bn Comdrs of 227 Bde 15 (S) Div
    conference was held.
    24The Bn less B Ech moved to area near DONDERDONK. A Ech to ST OEDENRODE a few miles north.Map Sheet 18SW OIRSCHOT
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    BEST25The Enemy were holding fwd positions of woods west of DONDERDONK in the centre of which lies de NACHTEGAAL.
    They were not thought to be in any great strength. 227 Bde were ordered to clear these woods with tanks in
    support. An elaborate operational plan was evolved but owing to withdrawel of enemy, did not take place in
    detail. The 227 Bde walked through woods to line of rly N. of BEST. Only opposition being mines and booby traps
    on felled trees on main road. 1 Prisoner only was taken. The Bn remained in conc area.
    STOKSKE26During the late evening 44 Bde with 4 G.G. passed through 227 Bde who conc in MOERGESTEL. The Bn moved to area
    of STOKSKE 2331 during the morning and spent the rest of the day liaising with Infantry and making reconnaissance.
    27The operational plan was to follow 44 Bde in an attack on TILBURG. Civilian information was that it was lightly
    held on outskirts and a few snipers were in the town. Both Bdes were to cross WILHALMINA Canal over BIEST br,
    made by R.E.s during night. 44 Bde were then to advance north to take eastern half of TILBURG, while 227 Bde
    advanced to GOIRLE 1527 and then turned north through BOSCHKENS to take western half TILBURG. This plan did
    not materialize, owing to two facts. 44 Armd Bde had advanced to outskirts of GOIRLE and reported mines in
    quantity and very bad tank country in the vicinity. Also it was not thought necessary to involve the whole
    Bde for the purpose of taking GOIRLE.
    TILBURGcontThe Seaforths and K.O.S.B. were carried in Kangaroos, the H.L.I. marching in rear. The Bn followed in the
    following order 2,3,1,H.Q.
    0900No 2 crossed the S.P. at MOERGESTEL at 0900hrs. The march was extremely slow and by the time VOORT was reached
    via HILVARENBEEK the column was held up altogether. This was due to the 44 Bde meeting stiff and determined
    opposition on the outskirts of TILBURG near BROEKHOVEN. At approx 1400 hrs No 2 advanced with the Seaforths and
    after experiencing difficulty crossing damaged bridges at BROEKHOVEN, eventually entered the town about 1600hrs.
    They harboured in the area of cemetary 156318. Owing to the state of bridges and approaching darkness the
    remainder of Bn stood fast in present locations. No 3 at 183289, H.Q. & No 1 at VOORT195255
    TILBURG280830The remainder of 227 Bde and Bn were ordered to complete entry of TILBURG, crossing the now repaired bridges
    at BROEKHOVEN between 0700 hrs and 0900 hrs. The Bn followed in rear together with A Ech which had followed
    on the previous day. One of the bridges caused trouble and some delay, but all were across and into TILBURG
    by 0930 hrs. The streets were lined with vast crowds of cheering Dutch, which gave us our first glimpse
    of a reception given by a liberated town. The whole Bn soon found billets in the area of cemetery and
    settled down to an evening of gaiety and hospitality, which was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by everyone.

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