National Archive Reference: WO 171/565
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
FRY. | 1944. Aug.31. | Regiment moved to area FRY M5122 | ||
WARLUS | Sep. 1. | Regt with 340 (SP) A/Tk Bty under command moved greatest distance yet in one | ||
day from area FRY M5122 to WARLUS M8564 - a distance of about 55 miles via route - FORGES LES EAUX M5432 - BEAUFRESNE M6442 - across R.BRESLE at | ||||
BEAUCAMPS LE VIEUX M6855 - LIOMER M7556 - WARLUS M8564 Casualty - Lieut. Deans wounded. | ||||
Sep. 2. | During the night 1/2 Sep 44 orders were received for the move across R.SOMME. | |||
Commanding Officer left at 0200hrs for Div.HQ in the area HORNOY 8155. Regt was ordered to be ready to move at 0500hrs. Commanding Officer | ||||
returned at 0600hrs and start time was postponed until 0900hrs. It was later postponed again until 1200hrs when the Regt. moved across R.SOMME | ||||
at Br. PICQUINGY M9965 with orders to proceed to conc. area nr ERGNIES 9382. The enemy situation north of R.SOMME was extremely vague, and it was not | ||||
known if the Div. conc area was clear of enemy. Under comd of the Regt. were One Coy 1 MANCH (M.G.) and 340 (S.P.) A/Tk Bty. The Regt crossed the | ||||
Bridge at approx 1500hrs and turning west B Sqn who were leading, met opposition immediately west of FLIXECOURT M9573. The opposition consisted | ||||
of an unknown number of 88 mm guns supported by Infantry. An Armd Car Tp was sent to work round the S. flank of the enemy position, and with the | ||||
assistance of hy Mortar and MG fire the enemy was induced to abandon his position after about 2 hours delay. The Comanding Officer then decided | ||||
to attempt to clear as far as possible the Div. conc. area; A Sqn given the right of the area north of DOMART M9979 completed their task and | ||||
harboured for the night, B Sqn found thenselves at last light completely held up by craters caused by RAF boming of a flying bomb site at | ||||
GORENFLOS M9382. The Sqn. had to harbour on the spot. C Sgn followed by RHQ advanced to AILLY LE HAUT CLOCHER M8980 and thence to ST.RIQUIR M8786. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1944 Sep.2 | (continued). C Sqn entered the latter town at dusk and immediately engaged | |||
in confused fighting with a considerable number of enemy in the houses. Some enemy horse drawn transport and a 75 mm gun in the Market Square were | ||||
destroyed and numbers of enemy shot up. Eventually the majority of the Sqn with the exception of No. 5 Carrier Tp led by Lieut TE Miller succeeded in | ||||
extricating itself and went into close laager for the night one mile south of the town. RHQ and 340 Bty harboured immediately north of YAUCOURT M8883. | ||||
During the night the Carrier Tp of C Sqn succeeded in joining its Sqn, and it was found that considerable casualties had been inflicted on the enemy for the loss of only two carriers. | ||||
YAUCOURT. | During the night the Commanding Officer accompanied by the I.O. went into the Village of YAUCOURT and had a | |||
narrow escape when they were fired on at close range by a party of about 20 enemy who had came back into the Village. | ||||
Casualties - Tprs Cook E (A),Tpr Hoadley (A),Tpr Baxter G (C) and Tpr Williams CM (A) Killed, and 2 ORs wounded. | ||||
HERLIN LE SEC. | 3 | Before first light RHQ moved back to a new harbour area immediately north | ||
of AILLY 8980. The Commanding Officer left to meet the Div. Commander for orders at midday. Orders were received from the Commanding Officer for | ||||
the Regt to RV at rd junc NO286. From this area the Regt. moved at 1500hrs to HERLIN LE SEC N1508 and went into tight harbour. During the | ||||
evening stiff fighting took place in the town of SF POL N1612 - 2 miles to the north and by midnight the 6 RMF succeeded in clearing the town. Orders | ||||
were given out by the Comanding Officer in the evening for A and B Sqns to carry out reconnaissance to the West with the object of protecting the left | ||||
flank of the Corps Axis. Casualties - 4 ORS wounded. | ||||
4 | RHQ remained in harbour at HERLIN. A & B Sqns advanced to the west shortly after first light. A Sqn advancing with considerable vigour by mid-day had |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
BAILLEUL. | 1944. Sep. 4. | (continued). reached the bridge at BLANGY H0517 to find it blown and held by a considerable number of enemy on the other side. A Sqn remained overlooking the opposite bank of the river until 1600hrs and obtained several good shoots and fought several successful troop actions. Small pockets of enemy were encountered on the East side of the river and a large number of casualties were inflicted on the enemy. The progress of B Sqn directed on HESDIN G9613 was considerably slower owing to isolated guns, road blocks and small pockets of infantry which the enemy had left behind apparently with no other purpose than to delay our advance. In order to keep the Corps Axis secure it was of vital importance to know whether the communication centre of HESDIN was held by the enemy in any strength. At 1400hrs the Commanding Officer ordered C Sqn to move along A Sqn's route in order to come down on to HESDIN from the North-East, This move was successful and immediately before last light C Sqn succeeded in reaching the outskirts of HESDIN and reported only small podicets of enemy there. A number of casualties were inflicted on the enemy. Squadrons were withdrawn an hour before last light and the Regt advancing through ST, POL went into harbour in the area BAILLEUL N2410. Casualty - TPr Bright S - killed. | ||
5 | No orders were received until shortly after mid-day when the Regt was | |||
ordered to go forward and hold the city of LILLIE. The City had only been entered by patrols of an Armd. Car Regt. and it Was feared that the enemy | ||||
might try to re-enter it. The Regt. was also ordered to patrol from LILLE as far as TOURCOING and ROUBAIX to see if they held any enemy. In order to | ||||
reach LILLE before last light Sqns were rushed off with all possible speed and B Sqn moved at about 1430hrs - 3/4 hrafter receipt of the order, The | ||||
Regt moved at high speed along the route AUBIGNY H3406 - HOUDAIN H3119 - NOEUX LES MINES N4020 - CARVIN H6121 - SECLIN H6627 - reaching the City in | ||||
LILLE | daylight. RHQ harboured in the City centre at last light and the Sqns formed a defence round the city blocking the main entrance, B Sqn patrols succeeded |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1944 Sep.5. | (continued). in reaching ROUBAX H7742 and TOURCOING H7646 and reported then | |||
clear, thus completing the task which was anticipated would require the whole Division. During the whole of this move the Regt. was greeted with | ||||
tremendeous enthusiasm by the local population | ||||
6 | A & B Sqns were sent out to carry out recce NW of LILLE as far as the Canal running NE from ARMENTIERES H5743 along the Belgian frontier. A few stragglers | |||
were taken prisoner and Sqn's spent most of the day following up unconfirmed reports. During the afternoon a report was received from Div. that a Geman | ||||
General with 500 soldiers was at YPRES H5962 willing to surrender. Regt. was ordered to send off a patrol and Lieut AA Pounder of C Sqn with 3 Hy Armd | ||||
Cars set off at 1500hrs for the City. Nothing has been seen or heard of this Patrol since. Regt, returned to LILLE in the evening, | ||||
Casualties - Lieut AA Pounder, Sgt Williams K, L/C McWilliams CG, L/C Mercer C, Cpl Alexander A and Troopers Barker JC, Pennington H, & Rush E, MISSING. | ||||
7 | Rest moved out at first light with orders to conc at DADIZEELE H7461. The | |||
Belgian frontier was crossed at 1030hrs and the advance continued through LAUWE H7954. B Sqn who were leading ran into a considerable number of enemy | ||||
in the Village of MOORSEELE H7858, and RHQ following inmediately behind halted in the southern outskirts of the Village. Heavy fighting continued | ||||
during the next three hours with enemy infantry about 200 strong who were occupying the whole of the northern part of the village. B Sqn were at a | ||||
disadvantage since they were unable to extricate their vehicles from the centre of the village. A troop of 340 (SP) A/Tk Bty was sent forward to | ||||
MOORSEELE | give them support in clearing the houses, but in the narrow streets two of their M 10s ditched themselves and coming under heavy small arms fire from | |||
the windows of the houses, the crews suffered casualties. The Mortar Tp under Lieut BR Grey-Jones was also sent to the assistance of B Sqn who found |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1944 Sep. 7. | (continued). themselves with insufficient men on foot to clear the houses, | |||
and a further set back was received when their Assault Tp leader was wounded. The Assuit Tp of A Sqn under Lt. PJ Nolan was sent forward and the enemy soon | ||||
began to show signs of clearing out. The Mortar Its employed itself by firing without secondaries over the top of a row of houses and into the gardens on | ||||
the other side. Apart from the first salvo which landed on the top of the houses, this was done with considerable effect. The remainder of A Sqn | ||||
were sent round the left flank of the village where two Armd Car Tps got in good positions to fire on the enemy as he withdrew At about 1600hrs as | ||||
a result of the efforts of the combined assault tps of A & B Sqns, supported by the SP A T/k Troop and covering fire by the Carrier Tps of B Sqn, the enemy | ||||
began to clear out in haste. As he did so A Sqn had a very successful shoot on parties of enemy escaping across the fields to the North of the village. | ||||
The village was finally cleared. About 20 PWs were taken and an estimated 50 casualties inflicted on the enemy. Our losses were surprisingly slight, | ||||
The Regt harbouned for the night at ROLLEGHENCAPPELLE H7763. Cas- CPI Gunn WS, Trps Evans J & Myles JA - killed and 6 ORs wounded. It. Chapelhow & Lt.Woolston - wounded | ||||
8 | Regt came under command of 15 (S) Div. since the 53 Div had been ordered to advance along the 30 Corps Axis to the North, B Sqn patrolled across the | |||
Canal at ROULERS H7570 to GHENT. Small disorganised pockets of enemy were encountered, but the Sqn reached the outskirts of GHENT without meeting | ||||
serious opposition, although the town was not occupied by Canadian tps until some weeks later. C Sqn held the bridges at ISEGHAM H8367. At this place | ||||
they fought a brief battle with the same enemy with whom had been fought the battle of MOORSEELE two days earlier. Apparently they had by this time | ||||
changed their intention about fighting and C Sqn took over 120 prisoners. | ||||
9 | Under orders of 15 (S) Div. A Sqn set out to do the same job as had been done the previous day by B Sqn. At mid-day however the Regt. reverted to command |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1944 Sep.9. | (continued). of 53 Div. and was ordered to move forward to SINAY J4392. This | |||
order was received over the air. At 1100hrs the Regt moved by the following route - LAUWE H7954 - MOUSCRON H8248 - crossing the ESCAUT at ESTAIMBOURG H9041 | ||||
TERMONDE | POTTES H9545 - AUDENARDE -J0957 - ALOST J4066 -TERMONDE J4576. As RHQ reached TERMONDE a message was received which made it clear that the Rent was proceeding on | |||
incorrect orders and that it was intended that we should move to the ANTERP area. As it was by this time dark, it was too late to turn to bring A & C | ||||
Sqns back. These two Squadrons proceeded on their original orders and spent the night at SINAY in front of the 11 Hussars forward patrols. The | ||||
OPDORP. | remainder of the Regt including 340 (SP) Bty harboured at OPDORP J5376. Orders were sent to A & B Sqns during the night by means of L.O. | |||
10, | At first light the Regt moved with B Sqn leading to conc. area at VREMDE J7591. | |||
VREMDE. | A & C Sqns arrived later in the day. Route - OPDORP - WILLEBROECK J6279 - BOOM J6482 - CONTICH J6986 - VREME. | |||
11 | Day sent in rest and maintenance. | |||
12 | The position on the right of the Div. Eastern boundery which ran from the | |||
ESCAUT CANAL (which the Div was holding) to LIERRE J7885 was extremely vague as there was no formation immediately on our right. The Regt was therefore | ||||
ordered to send one Sqn daily into the area between NYLEN J8589 - BOUWEL J9090 to carry out patrols in order to see that the enemy did not attempt to come | ||||
across the Canal in strength. In this area was found the HQ of a T.A.F. Gp. which was practically umprotected. On this day A Sqn carried out these | ||||
patrols, and exchanged shots with some enemy on the opposite bank. | ||||
13 | C Sqn carried out the same patrols as A Sqn had done the day before, without incident. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1944 Sep. 14 | B Sqn carried out the same patrols as had been carried out the previous day. | |||
BOUNED. | 15 | A Sqn patrolling in the area of BOUWEL J9090 had a minor brush with an enemy | ||
patrol on the south side of the Canal when they were called to the assistance of an RASC convoy which had been fired on, Cas - Tpr Woods eounded. | ||||
16 | Regt with 340 (SP) A/Tk Bty still under comd moved by route LIERRE J7885 - HARSSELT I0076 - WESTERLOO I0381 to VORST I1079. | |||
VORST | 17 | During the afternoon the beginning of the Allied air landing operations in | ||
Holland was seen as hundreds of gliders and transport planes passed overhead going North. | ||||
18 | At mid-day the Regt moved across the Albert Canal at BEERINGEL I2475 - BOURG LEOPOLD I2633 to KERKHOVEM I2787. Although the distance covered was only 15 miles, | |||
the Regt did not reach harbour until about 2000hrs owing to considerable delay at bridges over the Albert Canal. The Commanding Officer who had | ||||
gone ahead for orders held an O Gp at 2200hrs. The situation was that the 15 (S) Div. having failed to establish a bridgebead at MOLL I1791, it was | ||||
intended that the 53 (W) Div. should make a bridgehead across the Junction de MEUSE Canal in the area LOMMEL I3095. 158 Inf Bde were to do an assault crossing | ||||
during the night and it was hoped to construct a class 9 bridge by morning. The 4 Welch and 1 E.Lancs succeeded in crossing the river but enemy | ||||
resistance on the North bank held them up and delayed the construction of the bridge. A Sqn eventually crossed the Canal at 1600hrs. They succeeded | ||||
in reaching WILREIT E2704 by darkness, Lt.Nolan's assault tp was engaged in very confused fighting in the woods to the SW of the village with enemy | ||||
infantry, 3 PWs were taken and about 20 casualties inflicted on the enemy before the Tp withdrew in darkness to their Sqn harbour area at WILRETE. | ||||
19 | The remainder of the Regt. remained at KERKHOVEN. Cas - 2 ORs wounded, The Regt came under comd 160 Inf. Bde. At 0300hrs the Regt less A Sqn ?? Gates missing - believed killed |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1944 Sep.19 | (continued). moved -out to cross the Junction Canal, crossing the bridge at | |||
0400hrs. By first light RFQ had reached LUYKSGESTEL E3101. C Sqn passed through A Sqn who were holding the road from WILREIT to rd junc E290058 with orders | ||||
to patrol in the direction of EERSEL, E3109 and BLADEL E2410. B Sqn patrolled to the West with the object of seizing the bridge site at E183053. | ||||
A considerable number of enemy in the area of X rds E262037 consisting of 6 Parachute Regt fighting as a Battle Gp completely prevented A & B. Sqns making | ||||
progress. An infantry attack was planned on these X rds by 158 Bde but the attack was first delayed and then unsuccessful, B Sqn eventually reached the | ||||
bridge at E199997 by taking some very inferior tracks through the wood. C Sqn made most progress until finally they were held up by blown bridges | ||||
within sight of the main road BLADEL - EERSEL. During the afternoon A Sqn were put under command 71 Inf Bde for an advance to the NE while the | ||||
remainder of the Regt was to continue the job of clearing the woods to the west of LUYKSGESTEL under cand 160 Inf Bde. During the evening two coys of | ||||
, | our Infentry suffered severe casualties from the enemy in the area WEEBOSCH E2504. This resulted in the left flank of RHQ and A Ech. which was harboured | |||
in the area E3003 being completely open with a considerable number of very bellicose enemy only 1 1/2 miles away. Cas - Tprs Lees P, Jones D & Moore C killed and 6 ORs wounded. | ||||
LUYKSGESTEL | 20, | RHQ moved back into the village LUYESGESTEL E3101. B is C Sqns carried out | ||
patrols into the woods towards the Dutch - Belgian frontier to a depth of about 4 miles to the West. No major encounters were made. The Regt came under | ||||
comd 158 Inf Bde. Cas - Sgt Hall killed. 1 OR wounded, | ||||
21, | The Regt moved at 0530hrs to the North. The plan was for the Regt (Less A Sqn) to clear the conc area for 158 Inf Bde in area BLADEL 2410 - ERSEL | |||
DUIZEL. | 3109 - VESSEM E2916 - NETERSEL E2414. RHQ was established at DUIZEL E3010. The villages of HOOGELOON E2714 - CASTEREN E2616 and BLADEL were found to be |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1944 Sep. 21. | occupied. C Sqn fought a very spirited action in the village of HOOGELOON | |||
HOOGELOON | - | and succeeded in clearing about 100 enemy from the village. Lt. Addison's carrier Tp was prominent in this action. Fighting continued throughout the | ||
day in co-operation with the Infantry who had now come forward. Cas - Tpr Timms D killed, | ||||
22 | C Sqn is co-operation with the 1 E.Lancs attempted to clear the enemy out of BLADEL. B Sqn assisted the Infantry at the Villages of WESTELBEERS | |||
E2319 and CASTERIN E2613, the latter village being cleared by 1300hrs. A Sqn under comd 71 Inf Bde were employed on a similar role several miles | ||||
to the NORTH, in the area MIDDLEBEERS 2721 and OUSTELBEERS 2822. They were given the task of advancing through wooded country in front of the Infantry. | ||||
As they emerged from a wood in the area of MIDDLEBEERS, a Tp of this Sqn overran six 88 mm guns which they captured without loss. This Sqn was | ||||
ordered later in the day to lead. an Inf. advance into a village; this led to unnecessary casualties in men and vehicles. Cas - 6 ORs wounded | ||||
23 | 340 (SP) AT/k Bty which owing to the lack of Class 40 bridges had been | |||
forced to remain south of the Junction Canal arrived. Sqns were engaged in supporting Infantry attacks against Villages in the area. Cas - Lieut. P. Markwell killed. | ||||
24 | The enemy who had fought stubbornly in each village showed no intention of | |||
falling back and skirmishes continued throughout the day around the villages of BLADEL - HULSEL 2212 - NETERSEL 2414 and WESTELBEERS 2319. Cas - Sgt Jenkins WG killed and 1 OR wounded. | ||||
25 | A Sqn reverted to command, C Sqn went under comd 160 Bde, moving to the area | |||
POSTEL 2201 - Regt. not engaged in fighting. | ||||
NETERSEL | 26 | During the day Regt less C Sqn took over the village of NETERSEL E2414 from 1/5 Welch. The village formed part of a defensive line held by the Div. | hw |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1944. Sep.26 | (continued) extending from OIRESHOT 3125 to VOORHEIDE 1707. The assault Tp of | |||
A Sqn completed the clearing of the village in the afternoon and armd patrols were immediately sent out to give the enemy the impression of strength. | ||||
In the evening all was quiet, and the majority of vehicles were evacuated to the village of CASTEREN E2613. | ||||
27 | A & B Sqns holding NETERSEL E2414 and RHQ at CASTEREN, Offensive patrols | |||
to the NW and SW of that village were carried out to give the enemy the impression that the position was held more strongly than was the case. | ||||
Rfts arrived. A PW stated that a Bn of the enemy was stationed immediately outside the village. Cas - Tpr Waddington A. killed & 2 ORs wounded. | ||||
28 | C Sqn reverted to command from 160 Inf Bde and owing to the incredibly bad | |||
state of the roads took six hours to move the first five miles out of their positions. At 1700hrs they took over from B Sqn in NETERSEL and B Sqn were | ||||
withdrawn to CASTEREN. Mortaring and shelling by the enemy took place during the day in NETERSEL AND CASTEREN. Cas - Tpr Morris A killed & 2 ORs wounded. | ||||
29 | Regt. continued to hold NETERSEL with no prospect of relief until the 49th | |||
Div. came up on the left of the Div. and forced the enemy to withdraw. In the evening B Sqn took over from A Sqn. Mortaring and shelling | ||||
decreased during the day. Cas. - 1 OR wounded. | ||||
30 | Offensive patrols pushed out by C Sqn penetrated to a distance of some | |||
1 1/2 - 2 miles before being engaged. A small wood was cleared successfully and one prisoner was taken. Patrols withdrew without loss. Night was quiet. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Lieut. Colonel L. Williams. Major J. Bielski. | ||||
Major ASD Graesser. Major JM Piesse Major Sir HJ d'Avigdor-Goldsmid. Major RT Williams. | ||||
Captain JH Pitts. Captain RH Price. Captain DS Craigen. Captain WF Goodyear. Captain RFC Burton. | ||||
Captain JHP Upton. Captain AP Blackie Captain JE Reynolds. Captain (QM) J. Cooper. Captain RW Clarke (RAMC). | ||||
Captain A.D. Browne (padre). | ||||
Lieut GF Keep. RA Talbot. JD Richards. BR Grey Jones. PJ Nolan, Lieut CR Flogdell. Lieut HL McCarthy. | ||||
- | Lieut OP Boraston. Lieut a Riley. Lieut P Utley. Lieut NG Mathewson. Lieut FL Long. Lieut EVF Towner. Lieut FG Masters. 2/Lt. JW Gardiner. | |||
Lieut D Addison. Lieut JT Ferguson. Lieut MT Clarke. 2/Lt. ET Knowles-Bolton 2/Lt. AM Parker. 2/Lt. P Melitus. 2/Lt TE Peacock. 2/Lt. WC Manuel. |