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War Diary: 5th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment

Month and year: December 1944

The 5th Royal Tank Regiment (5 RTR) December 1944 War Diary starts with the unit in Kinroy, Belgium and ends with the unit in Limbricht, Netherlands

National Archive Reference: WO 171/867

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Page 1 of 2
Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
KINROY 1 No event - Regt Trg
2 No event - Regt Trg
3 1030 Visit by 30 Corps Comd - Lt. Gen HORROCKS
otherwise no event.
4 No event
5 Regt forms into 2 Inf Coys 'B' & 'C' Sqns with a view
to holding the line as such during the coming operations
to be carried out by 43rd Div.
SITTARD 6 0800 Regt formed up and moved to new area SITTARD 6867.
1200 Regt established in new area. RHQ, Recce 'B' and 'C'
Sqns grouped in area 681672. 'A' Sqn location N.W.
of the town at 681689. The Tks of 'B' & 'C' Sqns
being left in A2 Ech.
7 Inf posns occupied in area TUDDERN 7070 by 'B' & 'C' Sqn
plus Recce Tp.
8 13 No events
14 1400 Griff Talk by the CO to all ranks. Subject: "The
present situation on the Western Front and
forthcoming ops")
15 18 No events
19 Regt now placed under Comd 52 (L) Div. *B' & 'C' Sqns
revert to their tks.
20 Regt reverts to comd 22 Armd Bde. Enemy Aircraft as
during night dropping a number of AP Bombs.
21 1200 Regt less 'A' Sqn moved to LIMBRICHT 6670 - otherwise
no event.
LIMBRICHT 22 No event. At night 'A' Sqn was subjected to a hy
"Stonk" from enemy guns. Strong suspicions of civilian
informants in this area passing infm to the enemy.
Cpl Cant Killed
Tpr Gilroy Killed
Tpr Ibbottson - Wounded.
23 24 No events
25 Christmas Day - extra fare was forthcoming.
26 B' Sqn placed under comd 1 RB and took up posns in the
line at HOLTUM 658738. "A" Sqn had one tp NIEWSTAT
684724. Defensive posns for tks had previoualy
been prepared by 'Bull-dozers".
Page 2 of 2
Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
LIMBRICHT 27 28 No events
29 B' Sqn relieved by 1 RB and return to LIMBRICHT
30 31 No events

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