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    War Diary: 5th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment

    Month and year: Febuary 1944

    The 5th Royal Tank Regiment (5 RTR) February 1944 War Diary mentions HQ Sqn move from Freckenham Camp to Betts Covert and a visit to 22 Armd Bde by Lt. General Sir B.L. Montgomery at Didlington

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/867

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Freckenham Camp1 to 10Large proportion of personnel
    returning from disembarkation leave.
    Otherwise No event.
    11C' Sqn move from Freckenham Camp
    to Shakers Wood Camp (near Thetrord)
    GOC 7 Armd Div talks to all Officers
    of the Div in "Desert Rat Theatre"
    12A' & 'B' Sqns move Irom Freckenham
    Camp to Shakers wood.
    HQ Sqn move from Freckenham Camp to
    Betts Covert Camp (near Thetrord)
    Betts Covert13 ) 14 )No event
    152/Lt. R.L.C. Dixon posted to this unit
    from 100 (Sandhurst) OCTU
    16No event
    171130Visit to 22 Armd Bde by Lt. General
    Sir B. L. Montgomery at Didlington.
    Entire Brigade was formed up in
    "Hollow Square"
    18 ) 19 ) 20 )No event
    21Capt (QM) A.E. Thompson posted to this
    unit from RAC Depot
    221130Visit of HM the King. His Majesty
    inspected D & M; Wireless and
    Gunnery Classes at the Tank Park
    Shakers Wood.
    Lt . F. J. Jansen returned from NO. 1
    ORD, Guildford with greater proportion
    or our WE 'B' vehicles.
    Lt. E. J. Partridge posted to 17 PW Camp
    Major A. Biddell posted to 107 Regt RAC
    23No event
    24Major J. R. Paton posted to this unit
    from 107 Regt RAC
    25No event
    26Lt. G. R. Bingley returns from Castle
    Bromwich with Eight "Cromwell" trainind
    27Lt. D. I. Graname-Parker collected Ten
    "Cromwell" Training Tanks from Brandon
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Betts Covert282/Lt. R. L. C. Dixon returns from
    Slough with Three "Centaur" training
    it. G. H. Ridley posted to this unit
    from 30th Rft Holding Unit.

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