National Archive Reference: WO 171/1290
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
Ref: Map FRANCE 1/50,000 Sht 7F/1 CAEN | 1 | “A” Coy moved fwd and occupied house at 819664. Enemy had withdrawn during the night and wes believed to be based on SERMENTOT 8163. | |
1000 | Foot patrol from Carrier Section passed through “A” Coy fwd Pl, advanced about 100 yds along track and were fired upon by M.G. | ||
1400 | Snipers went out to locate and neutralise the M.G. post already mentioned. They saw nothing but heard movement from house at 819642. | ||
Sapper Pl discovered minefield of mixed A.P. and Teller Mines. 30 'S' mines and Teller mines were picked up in Northern edge of field. Tracks in Bn H.Q. area were swept clear of mines. | |||
Patrol form “B” Coy reported house at 819642 not occupied. | |||
2 | P.Ws. taken by. 8. DLI and 231 Bde stated that their main force had withdrawn. The Battalion was ordered to probe forward to line SERMENTOT 8163 to bridge 820628. This was carried out by. “A” Company on the right and “D” Company on the left. | ||
1130 | “A” and “D” Coys established along road SERMENTOT - INGY. “B” and “C” Coys moved up to give depth. | ||
A section of “D” Coy under Lieut. A.R. Harvey went from “D” Coy H.Q. to make contact with 2/5 Lancashire Fusiliers on left. They encountered a booby trapped area and Lieut. Harvey and 4 O.Rs were wounded. | |||
1600 | A 15 cwt truck of “A” Coy was blown up by Teller mine on Bn area track at 820641, the driver and C/Sgt being wounded. The track had already been swept by Sapper Pl, but this mine was buried at least 18 to 24 inches under the surface. | ||
1800 | The Battalion dispositions were as follows:- HQ 817646, “A” Coy 815628, “B” Coy 813633, “C” Coy 821636, “D” Coy 818628, “A” Ech 814675, “B” Ech 793685. | ||
There was no opposition on the move forward, and no contact made with enemy after the advance. | |||
Major R. Galloway MC, wounded at VERRIERES, rejoined the Battalion and took over command of “A” Coy. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
2 (cont) | Capt. R.E. Evans appointed 2 i/c “A” Coy. | ||
Capt. R.J. Bennet appointed 2 i/c “C” Coy. | |||
Bde Commander informed C.O. that Bn was coming out of the line into reserve. | |||
Bn to occupy area that it had just left. | |||
3 | 0900 | Company Commanders conference at Bn HQ to arrange details for moving out. | |
“B” and “C” Coys (rear coys) to move at 1000 hrs. “A” and “D” Coys (forward coys) to move at 1400 hrs. | |||
1400 | Move completed. Dispositions as follows:- HQ 817646, “A” Coy 822657, “B” Coy 815656, “C” Coy 827654, “D” Coy 822654. | ||
The Sapper Pl continued clearing mines from fields on both sides of track South from LE VESQUE 8164. | |||
4 | 2100 | C.O. at Bde ‘C’ Group. Plan to move West to area MONT PINCON 8345 to support if necessary an attack by 43 Division. | |
5 | 1000 | C.O. at Bde ‘O’ Group. The attack on MONT PINCON successful, and our support role cancelled. Now to be in support of 7 Armoured Division operating in area West of THURY HARCOURT 9346. Bn at 2 hrs notice to move from 1200 hrs. Move later postponed. | |
6 | 1100 | The Corps Commander, Lieut. General Horrocks, spoke to officers and senior NCOs of the Bn. (1) Congratulated 50 Div on its achievements in present campaign and spoke of its high reputation in England. (2) Gave resume of present situation with sidelights on enemy morale etc. (3) Ended a good speech by telling the Bn that after a few days out of the line the Division would be called on for operations in the near future. | |
1900 | C of E Church Parade at Bn H.Q. | ||
7 | 1200 | C.O. at Bde ‘O’ Group. The Bde to move to concentration area near |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
7 (cont) | AUNAY-SUR-ODON 8351 to follow through attack by 43 Division. | ||
Final objective CONDE-SUR-NOIREAV 8832. 6 DLI as Bde vanguard to be followed by 8 & 9 DLI with 7 Armoured Division pushing down left flank and the Div Recce Regt on the right. | |||
1315 | C.O. left to recce the new area. | ||
1500 | Battalion left area LE VESQUE and moved to area AUNAY-SUR-ODON in Bde convoy. Route:- LE LION VERT 7964 - VILLERS BOCAGE 8157 to area 818512. | ||
The devastating result of the R.A.F bombing effort on VILLERS BOCAGE a few weeks previously was still in the process of being cleared when we passed through. | |||
Battalion to be prepared to move at 0300 hrs 8 August, to advance and contact the enemy with CONDE-SUR-NOIREAV as final objective. | |||
1930 | L.O. from Bde to advise Battalion that time for move now put back to 1200 hrs 8 August. | ||
Ref: Map 1/50,000 Sht 7F/3 AUNAY-SUR-ODON | 8 | 0630 | C.O. went to 7 Armoured Division at ROUCAMPS 8347 to get latest information of their operation. Owing to the great mass of transport on the roads, 7 Armoured Division were held up South of MONT PINCON 8445. The Battalion was unable to move at 1200 hrs owing to hold up. |
1900 | Battalion moved to assembly area at ROUCAMPS 833477, preparatory to making a night advance. | ||
2200 | Night advance cancelled. | ||
ROUCAMPS 833477 | 9 | 0630 | Bde. ‘O’ Group. Bde to advance along area of main road South of LE PLESSIS GRIMAULT 8444. Each Battalion to be supported by a Squadron of tanks of 13/18 Hussars, linked with creeping barrage of Artillery - 100 yds in 5 mins, throughout the whole advance as far South as LA CANNARDIERE 8542. Start line - South of LE PLESSIS GRIMAULT to be crossed at 1200 hrs |
0815 | Battalion ‘O’ Group. | ||
0930 | Marching personnel of Battalion left area 833477 to proceed to forward |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
9 (cont) | assembly area on Northern Slopes of MONT PINCON at 843455. | ||
9 DLI had taken over LE PLESSIS GRIMAULT during night 8/9 August. | |||
0945 | O' group moved forward to LE PLESSIS GRIMAULT to recce Start line and Forming Up Point. | ||
1100 | Marching personnel moved from MONT PINCON to start line. The Battalion to advance on left of road, “A” Coy right inclusive road, “B” Coy left, “D” & “C” Coys in reserve. The Battalion was shelled almost continually in the forward assembly area and on the move down to the start line - 1 officer & 4 Other Ranks wounded (Lieut. P.D. White) | ||
1200 | Forward Coys crossed Start Line, and the advance went well under intermittent shell fire. | ||
1430 | Objective at LA CANNARDIERE 8542 reached. Casualties were not very heavy during the advance, but immediately after the objective was reached, very heavy shelling of the whole area was suffered, resulting in many casualties. | ||
Captain R.E. Evans was killed (“A” Coy). “B” Coy suffered most heavily, being shelled and sniped continually and the men were prevented from digging in . “D” Coy withdrew slightly from bottom of valley and occupied a position in area 859430. Major J.C. Browne killed, Lieutenant R Atikinson wounded, and Coy reduced to 1 officer and 34 Other Ranks. Three Sections from the Carriers P1, on foot, moved forward to thicken up the position. Shelling continued until stand to. | |||
Locations then as follows:- “A” Coy 857425, “B” Coy 863424, “C” Coy 855430, “D” Coy 859430. | |||
Enemy tanks and Infantry were reported at CAUVILLE 8642 | |||
2215 | Standing Patrol from Carrier Pl, on foot, established at 818424 on bridge. Task - to give warning of approach and also to report on any movement of enemy in area CAUVILLE. This patrol was heavily shelled before properly settled and the Sgt i/c was wounded. Patrol withdrew slightly but re- occupied the bridge again later. Nothing to report during the night. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
Prisoners taken during the advance numbered approx 100 including 3 officers from 276 Infantry Division - a motley collection of old and young. | |||
The area had been very strongly held, but our Artillery Barrage had shaken somewhat the morale of the defenders and they surrendered in batched of 20 to 30. | |||
Total Casualties in Battalion: | |||
OFFICERS:- Killed 2 ( Major J.C. Browne, Captain R.E. Evans) Wounded 2 (Lieut. R. Atkinson, Lieut. P.D. White) | |||
OTHER RANKS:- Killed 7 Wounded 53 (Of whom 3 died) Missing - | |||
The Battalion positions were secure at 2200 hrs, with HQ at 852437. 6 & 7 Green Howards had passed through at 1500 hrs and had secured the road as far South as LE TREMBLAY 8141. | |||
10 | The C.O. was informed by the Bde Commander that the Bde would not move today, but to be prepared to follow up behind 231 Bde passing through on August 11th. The day was spent in salvaging equipment from the battlefield. A German “Slidex” Code Book was found and passed to Bde. Examination of the ditch behind Bn Hq showed that it had been held in considerable strength - estimated 1 Coy. The enemy had been driven out by our Artillery barrage, leaving his equipment behind. The equipment salvaged amounted to 5 Spandaus, 25 Rifles, and approx 10,000 rounds of S.A.A. | ||
A heartening sight was the large number of our tanks lying up in the area. | |||
11 | 0730 | Bde ‘O’ Group. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
11 (cont) | The Role of the Battalion was to follow up 231 Bde and to occupy area of the orchard at 8839, the front to follow a line running WEST to N.E. | ||
The 9 DLI was to occupy high features Pts 249 at 8938 and 262 at 9038, followed up by 6 DLI. | |||
Shelling of the Battalion continued intermittently all day, Major R. Galloway MC and 2 O.Rs. being killed, Lieut. J. Whittaker and 8 O.Rs. wounded (1 died). | |||
C.O. decided to disband “A” Coy, sub units of the Coy earmarked to join the other Coys when the Battalion moved out - probably August 12 - and in the meantime Captain R.J .Bennett assumed command of “A” Coy. | |||
The attack made by 231 Bde during the day was unsuccessful, but a second attempt was to be made at 1945 hrs under a heavy Artillery barrage to try and reach the set objective - the high ground along the 250 metres contour, in area 8637 to 8837. | |||
2100 | Battalion ‘O’ Group. The C.O. put forward two plans which Coys would have to carry out. (A) If 231 Bde attack was successful, the original plan of 151 Bde (i.e. to Pts 249, 262 and orchard) would be carried out. (B) If 231 Bde attack was not successful, 9 DLI and 1 Battalion, 231 Bde, would attack and attempt to reach objective (250 meters contour in 8637, 8837). 6 DLI would follow up. 8 DLI would be prepared to follow through 9 DLI if necessary. | ||
The Battalion reorganisation on a 3 Coy basis would be:- | |||
“B” Coy:- Major R.G. Atkinson MC, Lieut. R. Atkinson, approx 60 O.Rs. | |||
“C” Coy:- Major F.C. Atkinson, Lieut. G.E. Howell, approx 60 O.Rs. | |||
“D” Coy:- Capt. R.J. Bennett, Capt. R.G. Bateman, approx 60 O.Rs. | |||
Ref: Map 1/50,000 Sht 7F/5 FLERS | 12 | 0730 | Battalion ‘O’ Group. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
12 (cont) | 1330 | 9 DLI with in support 2 Squadrons 13/18 Hussars attacked features Pts 249 and 262. Subject to this attack being successful we are to advance from present area to occupy orchard 8839 with the object of protecting left flank of 9 DLI. The Battalion was put at 1 hours notice to move. | |
1600 | The order to move was received from the Bde Major, and our carriers advanced to occupy orchard at 8839. They encountered Spandau posts at 883397, attacked and took five prisoners but failed to clear the wood. | ||
The C.O. was informed by Bde Commander that a Squadron of Tanks was available to assist in our advance, and with these and “B” Coy on the left, “C” Coy on the right the Battalion advanced. No fire support other than from tanks was given owing to the proximity of other troops. | |||
1900 | The attack went in and objective reached by 1930 hours. “B” Coy suffered 2 casualties, “C” Coy captured 2 prisoners and claimed 5 killed. “D” Coy then moved up, and the Carrier Pl in an Infantry role moved to the right of “C” Coy. The axis of the Battalion advance was subjected to very heavy shelling, Capt. G.B. Hawkins (who died later) and the I.O. Lieut. N. Myers being wounded. | ||
Other casualties were:- Other Ranks - Killed 4 Wounded 9 Missing 1 | |||
Battalion HQ was established at 873399. The Battalion held the position. | |||
Ref: Map 1/50,000 Sht 7F/3 AUNAY-SUR-ODON | 13 | 151 Bde relieved by 129 Bde (43 Div) and came into Div reserve. | |
1200 | The relief completed and the Battalion moved back in transport to a rest area at MAUNAY 8247 with Battalion HQ at 833476. | ||
14 | The Battalion rested and parties were transported to “A” Ech for baths Lieut. G.A. Patterson assumed duties of I.O. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
15 | Preparations were put in hand for future operations, kit was renewed, and the cleaning up programme continued. The Bde Commander made an informal round of the Battalion during the course of the morning. | ||
Parties from each Coy attended cinema shows in the afternoon and evening | |||
Capt. L. Attenborough, Lieut. W.T.A. Davey and 14 O.Rs. rejoined the Battalion from hospital. | |||
16 | 1300 | C.O. and Q.M. went to conference at Bde HQ. | |
Entertainment facilities were enjoyed again by the Battalion. | |||
Capt. L. Attenborough posted to “D” Coy. | |||
Lieut. W.T.A. Davey appointed 2 i/c “B” Coy. | |||
17 | C.O. attended ‘O’ Group at Bde reference move in support of 11 Armoured Div. | ||
Capt.D.M Corbett appointed 2 i/c “C” Coy. | |||
Ref: Map 1/100,000 Sht 7F CAEN-FALAISE | 18 | Major K. Wood appointed O.C. “D” Coy. | |
Capt. L. Attenborough appointed 2 i/c "D" Coy | |||
C.Os.’O’ Group Plan - Bde to follow up behind 11 Armoured Div in Battalion groups - 8 DLI leading, followed by 6 and 9 DLI groups to protect left flank of 30 Armoured Bde when and where necessary. | |||
0930 | Advance Party (composition OC “HQ” Coy - Capt. A. E. Short, ‘I’ Sgt and I representative from each Coy in ‘I’ Sec 15 cwt ) departed to recce new leaguer area at ST HONORINE LA CHARDONNE 932279. | ||
1025 | Main body moved off. No ontoward happenings on route, passed through very excellent countryside especially the valley of CONDE-SUR-NOIREAU 8832. | ||
More well carried out. | |||
1130 | Advance Party arrived in new area. | ||
1420 | Main body arrived in new area. | ||
1700 | C.O. to Bde ‘O’ Group. Battalion to be prepared to move to new leaguer area MEGUILLIAM 0223. Pockets of enemy believed to be in and around forests NORTH NORTHEAST of PUTANGES 1921 and ARGENTAN. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
18 (cont) | 1900 | Advance Party moved to recce new area. | |
2200 | Advance Party returned from recce. | ||
2315 | C.O. at Bde ‘O’ Group - Change of Plan. 29 Armoured Bde to take. Southern route to ECHOUCHE as bridge at PUTANGES was blown. 8 DLI to cross and make bridgehead. | ||
ST HONORINE LA CHARDONNE 932279 | 19 | Our Advance Party, while making reconnaissance of our new area, contacted 5 O.Rs. from 3 British Division (near COURTEILLES 1322) who had escaped from a retreating German Pioneer Battalion whilst it was being straffed. The O.Rs, had been captured in the VIRE Sector on night 14/15 AUGUST. They stated that the Germans had been travelling in circles and in complete confusion, and described the chaos and low morale among the Germans. Their general impression was that the better class of German Infantry had got away, leaving behind Russians, Greeks, Poles to more or less fend for themselves. On the previous day, (18 August) the road East from and including COURTEILLES was jammed with retreating transport, horse-drawn and M.E.T. Half-tracked vehicles. had been stripped of their tracks and were now running on the bogies. In places the road had been so congested that the ex- P.Ws. claimed to have seen the retreating enemy climbing over the tops of the vehicles. Treatment from the Germans was considerate and courteous, but the food was very poor. All personal belongings except letters and documents but including money etc were returned to them. They were promised good treatment - light farm work and outdoor sports in a German P.W. Camp. The ex-prisoners said that, but for the German officers, they could have marched off the whole Battalion back to our lines. The Germans were filled with the unholy dread of our Air Power and Artillery. | |
0530 | The Advance Party left for new area. | ||
0615 | Advance Party arrived new area. Main body due to leave from 0500 hours onward. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
19 (cont) | 0900 | C.O. at Bde ‘O’ Group. Battalion to revert to the original plan. A Battalion of Monmouthshires had established a bridgehead over the river at PUTANGES without opposition, and the 29 Armoured Bde were to push through as soon as the R.Es. had completed the bridge. | |
1030 | Main body moved off to new leaguer area at CHATEAU 022235. | ||
1130 | Battalion arrived in new area, but expected to move forward to Pt 237. Map Ref 082206 after 1600 hours if 8 DLI pushed through PUTANGES. | ||
1345 | The Advance Party moved off to recce new area at COURTEILLES 1322. | ||
1500 | Two German prisoners taken in a barn by “S” Coy. | ||
Two French Gendarmes reported that a party of Germans was in a forest near our area. Capt. I.A. Daw MC with one Gendarme on Carrier searched the wood but without success. | |||
2100 | No further move today. | ||
2330 | Advance Party returned from recce. | ||
CHATEAU 022235 | 20 | 0700 | Advance Guard moved off to COUTEILLES 1322. |
As leading Battalion in a semi-tactical move, the Battalion was split into two groups - an advance and the main body. | |||
Composition of Advance Guard:- O.C. Major K.Wood, Carrier Pl, 1 Seo Mortars, Carriers, 1 tp 13/18 Hussars, 1 Sec 505 Field Coy R.E., “D” Coy in T.C.Vs, the. Ambulance Jeep. | |||
Composition of Main Body- Bn ‘O’ Group, Bn HQ, “C” Coy & “B” Coy in T.C.Vs, Mortar Pl (less one Sec) A/Tk Pl, 1 P1 505 Field Coy R.E. (less one Sec) | |||
0720 | Advance Guard arrived new area. | ||
0745 | Main Body moved off, taking the lead from 8 DLI. | ||
1100 | Main body arrived in new area 133224. Nothing to report on the route. | ||
1610 | Recce Party moved off to area 2323. | ||
1815 | Main Body moved off. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
20 (cont) | 1915 | Recce Party arrived in new area. | |
1930 | Main Body arrived. Bn HQ in OCCAGNES 229231. | ||
Our tasks to clear parts of woods to N.W. of our area Map Ref 2425. | |||
Heavy rain commencing in the late evening lasted throughout the night, making conditions very unpleasant. | |||
Seven prisoners were brought in, two together from a village one of whom was Turkestan and unable to speak the language of his German friend. | |||
The remaining five were brought in by Capt. I.A. Daw MC on his return from patrol. | |||
A fair amount of M.E.T. was observed knocked out on our route to this area, and small numbers of German dead found in the woods, probably killed by our Artillery. | |||
OCCAGNES 2323 | 21 | 0730 | Rain ceased, and “B” and “C” Coys commenced to clear wood in VORCHE area 2425. |
No contact was made with the enemy, although fair numbers of dead were found. | |||
On completion of wood clearing, the Companies were to take up new positions in EAST VORCHE area. | |||
1030 | On the track from OCCAGNES to VORCHE, Capt. L. Attenborough and his driver in jeep were blown up by a prepared charge. Two further charges were found by 505 Field Coy R.E. in same area. | ||
Rain again hampered operations. | |||
1330 | All Coys in new area VORCHE. Bn HQ had not yet moved when orders were received for the Battalion to move to area BON MENIL 3223 joining the Coys en route. | ||
1430 | Advance recce party left for new area. | ||
1510 | Main Body moved off. On arrival at BAILLEU 2824, it was found that the road BAILLEU - BON MENIL was impossible owing to the remnants and debris of a German Column blocking the road and surrounding area. The rifle coys debussed and marched to their areas, and the Battalion transport moved via LE TELLIER 2821 and CRENNES 2921. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
21 (cont) | 1730 | Advance Recce Party arrived in new area. | |
1800 | Main Body arrived in new area BON MENIL 3223. | ||
Units of 80 U.S. Div were holding positions around BON MENIL and our duty was to relieve them next day. The Americans had been steadily shelling CHAMBOIS 4051 and the surrounding forests, and just after our arrival w white flag was seen to the North and then a steady stream of Germans appeared. A few more shells were sent over and more Germans appeared, resulting in a haul of over 300 German P.Ws. | |||
2130 | C.O. at Bde ‘O’ group Intention tomorrow that 8 DLI move to position at ST EUGENIE 3322, 9 DLI push on to CHAMBOIS 4051, 6 DLI to remain and establish P.W. Cage. Recce patrols to be sent out to areas N & N.E. of CHAMBOIS. | ||
Today a total of 26 P.Ws. were taken by the Battalion. | |||
BON MENIL 3223 | 22 | 0900 | C.Os. ‘O’ Group. |
Sun shining again after heavy rain. | |||
1000 | U.S. Forces Captain arrived at Bn HQ with certificate in duplicate which he required the C.O. to sign, showing that we had taken over from the U.S. Forces. | ||
1210 | On U.S. troops vacating their positions, our Coys took up tactical positions and Bn HQ moved into village BON MENIL. | ||
1400 | Bde ‘O’ Group. 6 DLI to move to area North of FOUGY 4049 and 8 DLI to 4048. | ||
9 DLI in CHAMBOIS 4051. 69 Bde to lead. No T.C.Ls. available, and rifle Coys have to march. | |||
1430 | 9 Dorsets arrived to relieve us. | ||
1500 | Marching personnel moved off. | ||
1530 | Battalion transport moved off. | ||
1615 | Battalion arrived in new area and HQ established 405495. | ||
20 P.Ws. taken today (3 from 6 Coy TT Bn 84 NEBELWERFER REGT). | |||
1700 | News received that Allies were in PARIS. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
22 (cont) | Further operation orders were received that Battalion would move to area BOURTH 9242. 11 Armoured Div would move on to LAIGLE 7842, 9 DLI would effect a river crossing there and clear the woods EAST of the town. 9 DLI would lead, followed by 8 and 6 DLI. | ||
Ref: Map 1/100,000 Sht 8/G MARTAGNE - NOGENT LE ROTROU | 23 | 1045 | Battalion moved off to area Bourth 9242 preceded by recce party. |
1700 | Battalion arrived in area LE PONT THEBOULT 964468, EAST of BOURTH. | ||
1/100,000 Sht 8F LISIEUX - BERNAY. | Task-to clear woods bounded by two roads to BRETEUIL 0048 and road running at right angles to both to VERNEUIL 0038. The rifle Coys began this task, with one detachment of the Sapper Pl to each Coy to clear tracks. Nothing was found and the task was discontinued when darkness fell. | ||
We were the first English to arrive in this area, and at first the local people took us to be Americans, but on finding their mistake we received a tremendous welcome. They said they had been unable to understand the Americans. | |||
Bde Commander informed C.O. that we would probably remain 3 days. | |||
News received that Roumania had accepted Russias peace terms. | |||
One P.W. from 12 SS Panzer Division brought in by C.M.P. | |||
LE PONT THIBOULT 964468 | 24 | 0745 | Wood clearing was continued but nothing found. |
43 Division passed through our area today. | |||
1100 | Advance recce party at 2 hours notice to move. This party was to consist of 2 i/c, Coy Commanders and to be self supporting for a few days. | ||
Major G.L. Wood DSO, MC was also to be in charge of the whole Bde Advance Party. | |||
News received that Romania had declared war on Germany. | |||
69 Bde now N.W. of us at RUGLES 8548. | |||
1500 | Bde ‘O’ Group. Orders received for move. Start point 9339. | ||
Move to area near MANTES GASSICOURT on River SEINE where we would be met by guides from the U.S. Forces. Object:- To take over the bridgehead from the U.S. Forces and hold it whilst ll Armoured Division passed through. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
24 (cont) | The afternoon was spent in general cleaning up and baths were provided at “A” Ech. | ||
1730 | C.Os. ‘O’ group - Advance Party to be prepared to move at daybreak tomorrow. | ||
2300 | Message received that move of Battalion was postponed until further orders. | ||
25 | No move today. Time spent in general recreation. | ||
47 Reinforcements expected but did not arrive. | |||
2100 | Warning Order received to move at 0500 hours tomorrow. | ||
Tactical Advance Party cancelled and original recce party substituted. No supporting arms with Battalions. Destination - PACY SUR EURE 3665. | |||
Ref: Map 1/100,000 LOUVIERS - EVREUX | 26 | 0500 | Advance Recce Party left. |
0526 | Main Body crossed Start Line, Order of March: 149 Field Ambulance: Headquarters 151 (Durham) Infantry Brigade: 6th -8th -9th Durham Light Infantry. | ||
0830 | Arrived new area PACY SUR EURE 3665 | ||
1400 | Approximately 6 German aircraft appeared NORTH of our position, believed strafing, and one of our Artillery Air Reconnaissance Planes was shot down. Our AA fire was intense but no results were observed. | ||
2100 | News received that BULGARIA had declared herself Neutral and was disarming and interning German troops entering from ROMANIA. | ||
The weather today was excellent and the RAF took good advantage of it. | |||
Since our arrival the noise of Artillery fire has been audible to the NORTH EAST of our area. | |||
PACY SUR EURE 3665 | 27 | After another very wet night the day turned out to be very sunny and dry. | |
Church Parades were held in the morning. The opportunity was also taken to assemble a Field General Court Martial for the trial of several cases which had been pending. | |||
1400 | HQ Company went out on a route march. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
28 | The weather cleared after night of thunderstorm, and training was carried out under Coy arrangements. | ||
1330 | 2 Officers and 116 O.Rs. arrived from 10 and 11 DLI as reinforcements. | ||
The officers were Capt. C. Harrison and Lieut. S. Seggie. | |||
1500 | C.O. at Bde Confference. | ||
1800 | C.Os. Conference - Probable stay in this ares - 48 hours. New Plan - 30 Corps to consist of 2 Recce Regts, 2 armoured Division, 1 armoured Bde, 50 Division all directed on Amiens. On left would be 12 Corps consisting of 7 Armoured Division, 43 Division ( When finished making bridgehead over River SEINE). The Canadian Forces would advance along the Channel Coast. On the right, the 19 U.S. Division would advance and deal with the Flying Bomb Sights. | ||
Today, 8 Armoured Bde passed through 43 Division. Tomorrow, 231 Bde would go through 43 Division, then 11 Armoured Division through 231 Bde followed by the Guards Armoured Division, and then 50 Division. Our task again would be to protect left flank of 11 Armoured Division. | |||
“A” Coy was once again reformed with Capt. D.M. Corbett in Command. | |||
Ref: Map 1/100,000 Sht 9E NEUF CHATEL-ROUEN | 29 | 1030 | Warning Order received to move at 1700 hours. |
Weather again very wet after a good night. | |||
Capt. D.M. Corbett assumed Command of “A” Coy. | |||
Capt. G. Harrison assumed Command of A/Tk Pl. | |||
Capt. R.J. Bennett assumed 2 i/c “C” Coy | |||
Capt. W.T.A Davey assumed 2 i/c “B” Coy | |||
1400 | Battalion ‘O’ Group. Battalion to move to area of HEUBECOURT 4978 on other side of River SEINE. | ||
1900 | Battalion arrived area HEUBECOURT 499783 | ||
C.O. was called to Bde and given orders that the Battalion would move to area TOURNY 4983 and take up defence positions around the village. | |||
2030 | Recce party moved off. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
29 | 2100 | Battalion moved off. | |
2130 | Recce party arrived in new area. | ||
2145 | Battalion arrived in new area. Locations:- Bn HQ 496833, “A” Coy 500844 “B” Coy 486836, “C” Coy 492826, “D” Coy 492847. | ||
2245 | Battalion ‘O’ Group - Tomorrow Coys would move forward in bounds as part of left flank protection to the Armour. | ||
30 | 0915 | Recce Group moved off to area GUITRY 4986. | |
0945 | Battalion moved off. | ||
0935 | Recce Group arrived in new area. | ||
1015 | Battalion arrived in new area. “D” Coy moved on to MOUFLAINES 9050, “D” Coy passed through to LE THIL EN VEXIN, “A” Coy passed through to DOUDEAUVILLE 5498. Bn HQ remained in HACQEVILLE 508942. | ||
1300 | 12 P.Ws. taken by “B” Coy in LE THIL EN VEXIN | ||
1415 | 1 P.W. taken by “A” Coy. | ||
1615 1935 | Bn HQ moved by to DOUDEAUVILLE, and as Coys moved forward Bn HQ again moved to LE MESNIL SOUS VIENNE 601048. | ||
The enemy were reported to be in LE FOREST DE LYONS but on a search being made by “B” Coy nothing was found. | |||
Location:- “A” coy 5904, “B” Coy 6208, “C” Coy 6410, “D” Coy 6006. | |||
On the way up to this area , the I.O. Lieut. R.C. Patterson was handed at LONGCHAMPS 5602 - two letters by a Flight Sgt BROWN who had come down in the area on 8 JULY 44: He wished them to be censored and sent to his relatives in England. The Flight Sgt had been very well looked after by a French family and well supplied with food and cigarettes through the Resistance Movement. He was full of high praise for the Army boys, a great tribute from the R.A.F. !!! | |||
Map AMIENS | 31 | 0830 | Battalion ‘O’ Group. Battalion to move on again in support of Armour. |
AMIENS having our objective, and our task to defend bridges there on the SOMME | |||
The Battalion concentrated at LES FLAMMANTS 6208. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
31 (cont) | 1045 | The Battalion moved off with “B” Coy in the lead. | |
The route taken was LES FLAMANTS - NEUFMARCHE 6308 - ST GERMER 6810 - | |||
SENANTES 7315 - HANVOILE 7617 - CRILLON 8018 - BEAUDENUE 9135 - FLEURY 9541 - DURY 0752. | |||
En route it was noticed that the Maquis were out in numbers clearing woods and shots were very frequently heard. When we entered CONTY 9841 there was a small battle going on in a wood between the enemy and the Maquis. “C” Coy was directed by the C.O. to lend a hand. Later a party of approx 50 enemy were seen marching towards the main road bearing a white flag. | |||
Further orders were received by the C.O. to go forward to AMIENS. | |||
1610 | The Battalion continued on its journey to AMIENS. | ||
1720 | Arrived area DURY to concentrate at 083545. | ||
News received that 7th German Army Commander, Gen Von Hauser, had been captured in AMIENS. | |||
1915 | Six enemy shells landed 700 yds West of Bn HQ. Casualties were 1 O.R. killed and 6 Wounded. | ||
C.O. went forward to arrange the taking over from 51 Bde which was already in AMIENS. With Coy Commanders he also made a reconnaissance of the area to be taken over by Coys. | |||
2055 | Bn HQ established at 104577. "B" and "D" Coys took over the defence of the main bridge, their locations being 106587 and 614585 respectively. “A” and "C" Coys were in reserve with "A" Coy at 610576 and "C" Coy at 603581. | ||
A tremendous reception was given us by the civilians as we entered the City. Apparently the enemy had just moved out that morning at 0700 hours, but approx 100 were still holding out in the Citadel. They however surrendered after we shelled the Citadel. | |||
The Maquis and French Police seemed to enjoy helping out C.M.Ps. to march the prisoners through the streets. The prisoners were a motley collection of Mongols, Russians, Turks etc and all looked pretty well down-trodden. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
31 (cont) | A column of collaborators was seen being marched by the Maquis through the streets to have their heads shaved, most being females both young and old. | ||
Capt. I. A. Daw MC and his Carrier Pl were given the task of guarding the P.W. Cage at BUYON 0449. | |||
Total Casualties for the month were:- | |||
Officers killed 3 wounded 11 (of whom 1 died) | |||
OTHER RANKS:- Killed 23 Wounded 88 (Of whom 6 later died) Missing 6 | |||
In the Field Oct 1944 | |||
Lieut-Colonel Commanding 6th Bn The Durham Light Infantry. |