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    War Diary: 65th Norfolk Yeomanry Regiment - 257 Battery

    Month and year: April 1944

    The 65th Norfolk Yeomanry Anti Tank Regiment's 257th Anti Tank Battery April 1944 war diary covers the units time in the UK based at Kimberley Park.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/921

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Kimberley Park, WYMONDHAM, Nflk.1Preparation for 131 Bde Exercise "SHUDDER". Moved off to concentration area.
    Weather Fine and Sunny. Strength 6 and 185.
    2Bty under comd of Regt in Bde Scheme. Concentrated in area NARFORD (sheet
    No.66 227323) at 1900 hrs. Netted radios to Regt. Weather Wet.
    Strength 7 and 186.
    3Bty moved with battle to HALL FARM (Sheet 66 332166) at 1700. Bty handed
    over to 259 Bty and then proceeded to WEETING HALL arriving atv 2100 hrs.
    Weather Wet. Strength 7 and 185.
    4Reveille 0445 hrs. Bty moved off for HOLME RANGES at 0615 hrs. Shoot
    commenced at 1000 hrs. All guns were zeroed. Nos. 1. need more training
    in target indication. Weather - fine. 3 guns received minot corrections
    Remainder of Bty moved from WEETING HALL back to KIMBERLEY PARK.
    Strength 7 and 185.
    5Maintenance and Winching Drill. Heavy rain interfered with remainder of
    out-door training. Dvr/Mechs commenced waterproofing instruction under
    Capt PH Stewart RA. Weather Wet. Strength 7 and 185.
    6Training including:- Gun Drill, Winching
    Drill, Miniature Range and Maintenance. Strength 7 and 184. Weather Fine
    7B.C'S TEWT in area of CASTLE RISING (Sheet 9 Square 1243) with 131 Bde.
    Training included:- Manhandling, Gun Drill, Rifle and Marching Drill.
    Weather - Dull. Strength 7 and 189.
    Page 2 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    KIMBERLEY PARK, WYMONDHAM, Nfly.8Maj Gen Gordon-Finlaysen (Col. Comdt.RA) visited the Bty., and inspected
    guns and personnel and watched the Bty training. The gen commented upon
    the bearing and turn-out of the Bty. He afterwards addressed the Regt
    upon the RA Benevolent and other funds. Weather fine. Strength 7 and 189.
    9Easter Day is declared a Holiday for the whole Division. Church Parades.
    Weather Bright but Showery. Strength 7 and 189.
    10B.C. on TEWT with 8 Hussars to discuss the protective flank screen with
    M 10s and Tks. Lieut D Boggie RA accompanied the B.C. and represented the
    Bty as supporting the R.B. Bty training. Tp Comds carried out AB 406
    inspection upon vehicles. Weather Fine. Strength 7 and 189.
    11Tp Comds TENT at CASTLE RISING (Sheet 9 Square 1243). Bty training
    including construction of gun pits, Gun and Quad Drill. Weather Fine.
    Strength 7 and 189.
    12Training including: - Quad inching Drill, Tp Comds and Nos. 1. manhandling
    instruction by PT Instructor. Weather Fine. Strength 7 and 190.
    B."A" & "B" Tps firing of Brens, Stens and Rifles at THETFORD Ranges.
    "C" followed in the afternoon. Weather Sunny. Strength 7 and 190.
    14Training including:- Gun and Winching Drill, Signalling and MT Lectures.
    Weather - Rainy and Overcast. Strength 7 and 190.
    15B.C attended conference at DIDLINGTON. Bty Gun Drill and Maintenance.
    Troop football matches in afternoon. Weather Showery. V Strength 7 and 191.
    Page 3 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Kimberley Park, WYMONDHAM, Nflk.16Church Parades. Weather - Showery and Overcast. Strength 7 and 193.
    17Training in Winching and Corrections on Miniature Range. .22 Range and
    Map Reading. Firing of 2" Mortar and PIAT. 2. ORs posted to RHQ.
    Weather - Fine but Cold. Strength 7 and 189.
    18"A" & "B" Troops manhandling 17-pr on to Class 5 Raft and rowing across
    the lake at DIDLINGTON. Tactical signs being painted onto vehicles.
    4 No. 19 Sets received and were taken into training. Weather Sunny.
    Strength 7 and 189.
    19"C" Troop practiced rafting on lake at DIDLINGTON. The No.5 Raft was
    found to take the 17-pr quite easily and a drill was easily devised.
    Regtl Dance in evening. Weather Fine. Strength 7 and 189.
    20W/T sets fitted in Carriers AOP. Practice with 2" Mortar using Illuminating
    Flares and PIAT Mortar. Weather - Fine. Strength 7 and 190.
    21The use of Trail Skids for 17-prs was investigated. It was found that the
    best permanent position for the carriage of the skids was on the trails
    and that this position did not hamper the drill of going into action.
    The winching drill was facilitated. 3x3 Tenners handed over to the Bty.,
    and were allocated to Tps. Weather - Fine. Strength 7 and 190.
    22Inspections of Guns, Vehicles and Camp Area. Maintenance of Guns and Vehicles
    exceptionally good but Barrack Rooms were below standard. Weather Cold.
    Strength - 7 and 190.
    Page 4 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Kimberley Park, WYMONDHAM, Nfik.23Church Parades. Weather - Overcast. Strength 7 and 190.
    24Training including:- Winching Drill, Miniature Range, Lecture upon
    First Aid and use of Shell Dressings, and Maintenance. Weather - Fine.
    Strength 7 and 190.
    25"C" Troop TEWT upon formation of protective Screen. W/T scheme using
    Carriers AOP. Strength 7 and 190.
    26"A" Tp. TEWT upon protective screen. Remainder Winching Drill, Miniature
    Range. Remainder of personnel who have not been warned for service o'seas
    received the warning and signed the roll. Weather - Fine. Strength 7 and 190.
    27Battery packing parade. Standard methods of packing were demonstrated.
    The loading was accomplished with the scale of vehs laid down.
    Weather - Fine. Strength 7 and 190.
    28"B" Tp. TEWT in area of HARLING - Nos. 1 were instructed in the use of ground.
    Weather - Fine. Strength 7 and 190.
    29Inspections of Guns, Vehs and Camp Area. Standard of maintenance has
    greatly improved. Weather - Fine. Strength 7 and 190.
    30Church Parades. Weather - Fine. Strength 7 and 190.

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