National Archive Reference: WO 171/921
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
Attleborough | April 1st. to april 9th. | Individual and collective training continued with Sp & Bty drill orders, | |
T.E.W.Ts & lectures for officers & N.C.Os. Signal classes were started under Lt. | |||
Flatt R.A. (attached from B.H.Q.) M10 Driving & Maintenance classes continued | |||
under Cpl. Gillard (attached from R.A.C.) The Bty strength was now more normal as | |||
most NCOs & men had returned from courses, leave etc. | |||
King's Lym | April 6th | 1000 | The B.C. & 2 i/c attended a lecture by Brigadier 131 Bde on exercise SHIVER in which |
this Bty had taken some part. | |||
Kimberley | April 6th | 1730 | The C.O. spoke to all officers on the keeping of Army accounts. |
Castle Rising | April 7th | 0900 | The BC attended a 131 Bde T.E.W.T. |
Kimberley | April 8th | 1000 | All officers of the Bty. + 30 O.R.s drawn from all tps. were inspected by + addressed |
by General Gordan Finlayoon???, Col. Commandant R.A. | |||
Attleborough | April 9th | Easter Sunday was observed as a holiday throughout the Division. | |
Larling | Aptil 10th | 0900 | BC. & 2i/c attended a T.E.W.T. for 8th Hussars of Norfolk Yeomany under the direction |
of the C.O. The T.E.W.T. was on the formation of a flank screen by the Recce | |||
Regt & the A/TK. Regt of the Division & some value was got out of the exercise |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
Attleborough | April 10th | 0800 | Individual + Sp. training latest re-inforcements fired a rifle practise at |
Thetford Ranges while the others fired 50 Brownings & Stens at Eccles Range. | |||
Castle Rising | April 11th | 0900 | 2 i/c of Sp comds attended a T.E.W.T. with officers of 131 of 56 Inf. Bdes. |
the exercise was on the formation of a firm base by self & A/TK. guns | |||
Thetford area | April12 | 0800 | Bty Drill Order. Practice movement & deployment & control by wireless |
Attleborough | April 13 | 0800 | Morning. Individual training.,Afternoon Proceeded to Fouleness for firing practise. |
Foulness | April 14 | 0900 | Firing at moving + jinking??? targets. 347 rounds were fired. Bty returned to billets |
Attleborough | April 14th | 0830 | four L/Bdrs of the Bty. attended a short cadre on 2" Mortars & PIATS. |
Attleborough | April 15th | 0800 | Individual Training & Maintenance. |
Attleborough | April 16th | 1400 | Guns were taken to Thornham ranges for zeroing. 3 Guns off the road. |
Thornhan | April 17th | 0800 | 9 Guns were zeroed. Bty. returned to Attleborough p.m. |
Attleborough | April 18th | 0800 | Individual training & maintenance. P.M. P.T. & games |
" | 19th | 0830 | Packing parades were held + all available vehicles were loaded. |
Castle Rising | April 21-22 | 1400 | Exercise with 1/5 Queens. Skeleton Bty. took part. Exercise on support by M.10s in |
dawn attack + on formation of flank screen |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
Sancturary Ranges | April 24th | 1015 | Lt. Harrion & six senior Sgts. attended a practice of observation of fire & the |
giving of fire orders for indirect H.E. fire, The C.O. directed the practice. | |||
Attleborough | " | 2000 | The Bty. held its first dance in the Drill Hall. It proved very popular |
Lowersoft | April 25-29. | Drivers from this Bty. attended short courses in driving B Vehicles through sea | |
water. Four drivers per day were sent. Individual training & maintenance continued | |||
Attleborough | April 25 | 1400 | all M10 drivers practised driving guns over a scissors bridge. |
Attleborough | April 26. | 0900 | Regimental audit Board audited Bty funds A/C. Warning nominal rolls |
1100 | were completed of witnessed. | ||
Attleborough | April 26-30 | Individual + collective Sp: training + maintenance continued. Officers & | |
Sp. Sgts + Nos 1 attended lectures on wireless procedure, care & maintenance | |||
of sets & batteries, & care & maintenance of M10s. Reserve signallers | |||
were given a short refresher course. Water proofing teams | |||
worked on two 15 cwts.. J.A.B. J.J. + Typhus inoculations were | |||
completed by the M.O. + dental treatment continued |