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    War Diary: 69th Infantry Brigade HQ

    Month and year: August 1944

    The 69th Infantry Brigade HQ August 1944 war diary covers HQ, 6 & 7 Green Howards and 5 East Yorks actions and movements in Normandy and their advance to the Seine River.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/651

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    Page 1 of 66
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    169 Bde O.O. No. 10 issuedAppdx B1
    070069 Bde rest period was abruptly brought to a close when
    orders were received for the Bde to take over from 130 Bde
    of 43 Div by 1300 hrs.
    The Bde was expecting to take over from 56 Bde and not before
    the afternoon.
    0845Bde Comd left for 130 Bde at 717594
    1000Bde Comds orders to C.O's
    5 East Yorks to take over from: 7 Hants in area CAHAGNES
    736568 6 Green Howards:- from 5 Dorset are 7359
    7 Green Howards :-from 4 Dorset area 7357
    The Bde was ordered to move in tp carrying lorries at 1030 hrs.
    Owing to the congestion on the rds the start was postponed
    until 1430 hrs.
    1430Bde Column leaves.
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    1143022 Armd Bde were given priority on the rds and 69 Bde
    were halted and debussed at GRANVILLE
    Eventually 69 Bde were given priority over 22 Armd Bde and
    moved on to a debussing pt at 717604. Bns marched from this
    19405 E Yorks began to move again, followed by the rest of the
    Bde HQ however were stopped by 30 Corps and again the
    priority was changed.
    2330Bns reported to be in their new posns. NO contact was made
    with the enemy.
    The rds today were so congested that movement was often
    impossible. A continual change in priorities, throughout the
    day, between 69 Bde 22 Armd Bde 7 Armd Div and 61 Recce was
    the principal cause of this. It was lucky no enemy aircraft
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    12330took advantage of the target presented by the traffic blocks.
    71759420100A/pers and H.E bombs were dropped in bde A Ech and 5 E Yorks
    area. Some casualties were suffered by 5 E Yorks.
    Bns sent patrols to discover whether the enemy were holding
    the AMAYE feature (7857)
    0900Patrol from 6 Green Howards reached 7758 and heard enemy
    there. The patrol was intended as a standing patrol if no
    enemy was met.
    0930Patrol from 5 E Yorks to pt 198 7656 reported party of
    enemy seen moving WEST. Later 1 Cpl and 6 PW gave themselves
    The patrol reported the br intact at 7556 but that there
    was a steep cliff to the NORTH.
    The Bde comd met C.O at a viewpoint to consider todays
    attack on AMAYE.
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    71759421030The GOC met the Bde Comd. It was decided that the Bde
    would adv at 1300 hrs to occupy AMAYE (7757) and BRUYERE
    (7757) instead of doing a "set piece" attack at 1600 hrs as
    infm from PW, patrols and 61 Recce indicated that what enemy
    remained were probably ready to surrender.
    10 PW were taken during the warning incl 2 Poles and 2 men
    from an Eng unit, all from 753 GR of 326 Div.
    The present area is thickly sown with mines and booby traps,
    most of which were being cleared by 43 Div RE. Many old
    minefields laid by the Americans were found.
    1130Bde Comd gives orders to CO's and O Gp for adv to begin at
    1300 hrs.
    Objectives:- 7 Green Howards AMAYE (771579) Coy posns were
    as follows
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    717594211306 Green Howards | 5 East Yorks | 7 Green Howards
    A721594 | 742566 | 738583
    B741595 | 742569 | 734575
    C719594 | 737565 | 733577
    D726601 | 743564 | 736582
    Bn HQ 719594 | 737568 | 733581
    13007 Green Howards began advance.
    The advanced fast, meeting opposition from the orchard WEST
    of AMAYE - When this was overcome, things began to go very
    well and prisoners flocked in, including the coy comd
    and most of the 9 Coy 751 GR.
    1830Objective was reached by 1830 hrs.
    tks of the 13/18 Huzzars supported the bn and adv ahead.
    This had the effect of demoralising the enemy who had no A tk
    weapons - A number of the PW taken were really prisoners of
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    21830them and us.
    Total PW taken by 7 Green Howards - 107 all German.
    The 5 E Yorks adv more slowly and met opposition from a MG
    post at pt 198 (7656) from which 11 PW were taken.
    BRUYERE was occupied by the left fwd COV by 1830 hrs.
    Difficulty was experienced with both the fwd and rear links
    wireless communication. 22 PW were taken from BRUYERE.
    Both AMAYE and BRUYERE were clear of mines.
    201561 Recce were under command 69 Bde and they continued to adv
    but net opposition at 777583.
    2200See Sitrep No. 82 for further details.Appdx D 1
    69 Bde Information Bulletin No. 30 issuedAppdx C 1
    20406 Green Howards moved up to posns in area 7559
    2250During the night the 7 Green Howards were shelled.
    2330Enemy appeared and attempted to dig in by the rd EAST of
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    22330AMAYE village. They were spotted and fired on - and the
    digging stopped.
    2350The 7 Green Howards were again disturbed this time by
    Later the 5 E Yorks and 6 Green Howards reported all quiet.
    The 5 E Yorks were not in contact with the enemy. It has been
    impossible to get the 5 E Yorks or 6 Green Howards by line.
    30630The 7 Green Howards were again shelled but had not been in
    contact with the enemy since 2330 hrs.
    69 O.O. No.11 issued.Appdx B 2
    The Bde was ordered to hold present posns and made contact
    with 7 Armd Div on the SOUTH and 231 Bde on the left
    (NORTH); and to patrol forward.
    080061 Recce were patrolling and met mines in the rd near ST.
    GERMAIN 7758.
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    30800During the morning a few more PW continued to drift in
    from the same 751 GR.
    13457 Green Howards reported that, patrols were fired upon from
    777573 and 780574. As it withdrew the patrol was mortared.
    During the afternoon the 7 Green Howards established a standing
    patrol at 777577.
    61 Recce continued to patrol and reported various small enemy
    16005 E Yorks reported that the C.O. (Lt Col R.B. James DSO) was
    a casualty. He had been killed outright by a shell.
    Up to midnight, both the 5 E Yorks and 7 Green Howards were
    intermediately mortared and shelled, 400 shells fell in the
    formers area and 100 in the latter's.
    Contact was made with 231 Bde (1 Devons) and an LO from Bde
    HQ contacted 7 Armd Div and 22 Armd Bde, operating on the right.
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    3160061 Recce also supplied a L O at Bde HQ.
    1815The 7 Green Howards reported that their standing patrol was
    being mortared from 777573.
    69 Bde Bulletin No. 31 issued.Appdx No C2
    During the night from midnight all was quiet for the
    except sound of tracked vehs heard by both 5 B Yorks and 7 Green
    Howards at midnight.
    4In order to ascertain the whereabouts of the enemy, the 5 E
    Yorks proposed to send out two patrols. 7 Green Howards were
    to establish a standing patrol covering the br at 786578 and
    send a recce patrol to 782576.
    1100The Bde comd visited the fwd bns and the 5 E Yorks
    were ordered to send a Pl to the bns (7856)
    Later the Bde was ordered to occupy Pt 174 (7957) often
    indications from patrols, and the cessation of mortar and shell
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    41100fire that the enemy had withdrawn.
    1310The Bde comd, at 7 Green Howards HQ gave out orders for the
    occupation of Pt 174.
    7 Green Howards with 74 Fd. Regt (with call or div arty),
    15 Pl (Hy Mortar) and A Coy 2 Cheshire, elts of 233 Fd Coy
    and 107 A tk Bty in sp were to occupy the feature.
    231 Bde were advancing in on the left to the line of the river
    61 Reece were to occupy TRACY BOCAGE.
    7 Green Howards were NOT to cross the 78 easting before
    1550 hrs.
    Bdy with 61 Recce line NORTH of TRACY running WEST.
    The 5 E Yorks were to send patrols to the LEBUS area and the
    6 Green Howards to move up with the 7 Green Howards area at
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    41450Before the 7 Green Howards moved the 5 E Yorks reported their
    patrol at LE MARAIS (7856) had seen no signs of the enemy.
    1530The 7 Green Howards began to move. Their left fwd coy
    reached their objective without opposition by 1610 hrs.
    By 1700 hrs the 7 Green Howards were established on the pt
    174 and the E Yorks had seen NO sign of the enemy in the LE
    BUS area.
    17456 Green Howards began to move and were in posn by 1930 hrs.
    Reports on mines began to come in and the 7 Green Howards,
    going to contact 61 Recce rear TRACY reported mines there.
    S mines and Teller were later found there and on the main rd
    to the SOUTH.
    233FD Coy after a later start began to clear the rds in the
    bde area but did not complete the task before dark.
    61 Recce patrolling the rd LA POSTE - VILLERS collected 3 PW
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    41745Total PW today, four.
    By the adv of 59 Div to VILLERS BOCAGE and 7 Armd Div to-
    wards AUNAY, 69 Bde have been squeezed out and are not only
    not in contact but have own tps on all sides.
    Division reported that the Gas equipment found at AMAYE by
    7 Green Howards was of particular interest to CW experts.
    69 Bde Information Bulletin No. 32 issued.Appdx C3
    Posns of 6 and 7 Green Howards as follows :-
    6th. BHQ 766577 - 7th. BHQ 792576
    A 772582 - A 733579
    B 769575 - B 792574
    C 772576 - C 797576
    D 766578 - D 798578
    5 E Yorks posns unchanged.
    Lt Col T.L.G. Charles was appointed to comd 5 E Yorks.
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    50715NTR from all bns.
    The Bde was ordered to "stand down" in present posns.
    Eleven men of the Bde were tried by FGCM for desertion and
    kindred charges.
    The Lt Col T.L.G. Charles visited Bde on his way to take over
    command of the 5 E Yorks.
    He gave to the officers of Bde HQ resume' of the NORMANDY
    campaign. Later the Bde Comd visited the Green Howards and
    addressed the officers, on the subject of patrols and on the
    subject of alleged exhaustion cases.
    Orders were received for the visit of the new Corps Comd,
    Lt Gen Horrocks.
    For the first time since D Day 50 Div are entirely out of
    the line. Whether we are to rest or not is still only the
    subject of speculation.
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    50715The GOC visited the Bde Comd to discuss the Corps comd's
    6visit. The officers of the Bde HQ were able to organise
    baths for themselves at a chateau nearby, recently occupied
    by the Germans.
    1500The Corps comd, Lt GEN Horrocks visited and addressed all
    officers and N C Os down to the rank of Cpl.
    He first went to the 7 Green Howards, addressed them and the
    5 E Yorks together, and then went on to the 6 Green Howards
    who were assembled with Bde HQ and 61 Recce.
    He praised the action of the division since D Day and told
    us that we were the division with the highest reputation for
    stubborn fighting in the opinion of civilians at home, and of
    the comd's out here. He was, he said, particularly glad to
    comd 30 Corps and more particularly to find 50 Div in 30 Corps.
    It was said that so many casualties had been suffered, but it
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    61500was a matter of pride that 50 Div had played such a great
    part in the war, a part which would figure prominently in the
    history of the war.
    He would like, he went on, to give 50 Div a rest for a fort-
    night. But when the Germans were reacting as they are, he
    had to seize a chance if it was presented and 50 DIV could be
    used. He did promise us a rest of at least one or two more
    "I am a very good General" he added "when the Germans
    are running away".
    The General gave next a picture of the situation and a line
    as to future operations. The situation he described as being
    "very good".
    Afterwards coy comd's were introduced and the General ended
    his visit by having tea at Bde HQ.
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    61500There the table was set in "idyllic" surroundings under the
    trees in the orchard; the bright orange cloths, the flowers
    and, most important, the blackcurrant tart and cream, did
    not present a spectacle which could be recognised as a Bde HQ
    in the battle zone.
    2200The Bde learnt with relief that MT PINCO had been occupied
    by 13/18 H.
    7August Bank Holiday.
    The weather has developed a peculiarity namely a thick dust
    laden mist lasting sometimes, until the afternoon. Then
    the sun breaks through and shirt sleeves order is the rule.
    0900The Bde HQ had a drill parade and afterwards a route march.
    1000Orders were received that the Div might be directed on to
    1345The GOC together with the comd of 231 Bde visited BDE HQ to
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    71345discuss the concentration of 50 Div in the area ONDEFONTAINE
    tomorrow. 69 Bde are to move there starting at 0600 hrs.
    There are complaints beginning to be voiced that mail is not
    coming through to well in the last few days.
    80900The Bde move was postponed until 0900 hrs. Orders for the
    move are attached.Appdx B3
    After some holdups owing to the narrow rds, the Bde was all
    concentrated in the new location at CONDEFONTAINE (7848) by
    1230 hrs.
    The constitution of Tac Bde was fixed to consist of Bde comd
    and IO in a Jeep;
    2 L.Os in Jeeps
    M 14 with the B.M and GSO 111
    Jeep with S O
    15 cwt with three defence PL.
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    80900C.S.M, cook and rations (for whole tac HQ)
    1600Bde comd left for Div HQ to receive orders for the next days
    1915Bde comd gave out orders to O gp consisting of bn comd's
    OC 4/7 DG, OC B Coy 2 Cheshire Pl comd 233 Fd Coy, Bty comd
    99 A tk Bty.
    The Bde comd said that, depending on the result of other
    operations 69 Bde would adv, behind and through 151 Bde to
    area 8835.
    151 Bde were to pass through 43 Div after 43 Div and 7 Armd
    had gained certain small objectives.
    Move Table for 69 Bde to move at 0600 hrs in ICVs to a
    debussing area at 8346, was issued.
    2130The Bde cond again went to Div to receive orders owing to
    a change of plan.
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    82130It had been very difficult to obtain up-to-date news of ops
    in other sectors today, particularly of the CAEN sector when
    the Cdn army was advancing. Even 30 Corps had no up-to-date
    news for our LO who went there in search of news. (30 Corps
    were near ONDEFONTAINE)
    The BBC is usually our first source of news about the
    American front.
    0100Bde Cond returned) from Div with orders for tomorrow.
    69 Bde March Table issuedB4
    90730Bde moved in TCLs to debussing area at 8346 where Bde Comd
    0831gave orders to his O gp
    69 Bde were to pass through 151 Bde at 1430 hrs after 151 Bde
    had gained their objective - the line (approx) of the 43 grid;
    a line just SOUTH of which formed the Bde SL.
    Bde objectives were Pt 229 (8539) on the right, Pt 266 (8741)
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    90830on the left and area 8541.
    The 6 GREEN HOWARDS were right and 7 GREEN HOWARDS left. 4/7
    DG were in sp and div arty were putting down a barrage, adv
    at three 5-min intervals.
    Bearings were given to help 6 & 7 GREEN HOWARDS keep
    After the orders Bde Comd visited GOC at TAC 50 Div and then
    went on to 151 Bde to watch the progress of the battle.
    Meanwhile, considerable traffic congestion began to develop
    on the Bde route. 7 Armd Div in TCLs and tks were trying
    to move on 50 Div route - no one knew why or where. After
    rigorous action at traffic control, which eventually reserved
    the rd for 69 Bde alone, the bns and their tks were able to
    get on. However the Start Time had to be postponed one and
    a quarter hours. This was entirely due to the amount of
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    9traffic and complete absence of a reserved route for 50 Div.
    This is the second time the Bde has been held up by traffic.
    Last time they took 12 hours to travel 12 miles. It must be
    admitted that owing to the number of times plans are changed,
    no one has much time to think about traffic or organise ahead,
    but it is obviously Corps responsibility to control traffic
    when more than one div is likely to use a rd, even a wide
    main route.
    It was a pity 69 Bde were delayed because 151 Bde reached their
    objective exactly on time and it was thought that the enemy's
    line may have been broken.
    15456 and 7 GREEN HOWARDS crossed SL. Progress was fairly good
    at first, and by 1650 hrs both bns reported fwd units on first
    report lines (42 Northing approx).
    1730Both bns nearly on second report line (41 Northing).
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    91730Opposition was reported as from MG and shellfire. From
    this time the battle began to go less well, chiefly because
    both coys of both bns had lost direction.
    To make matters worse during the initial barrage one gun had
    been firing short and then Typhoons strafed LE PLESSIS 8444.
    1745Bde Comd went fwd and visited CO 6 GREEN HOWARDS at X rds
    859414 and CO 7 GREEN HOWARDS in the wood opposite.
    1805 -The enemy began sustained shelling of this area probably with
    1855SP guns. 6 GREEN HOWARD'S were still 1000 yds short of their
    objective and meeting opposition. They were also a little
    disorganised owing to having lost direction. The CO settled
    the bn in the area just SOUTH of the X rds.
    The 7 GREEN HOWARD'S however had got on to the feature by
    their objective (Pt 266),but owing to the fact that no tks or
    A tk guns could cross the river and get up to the 7th and RE
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    9were unable to erect a br because the river was under fire, the
    7 th moved back from what was in any case a very isolated posn.
    19205 E YORKS were to move up to a conc area near TAC Bde HQ
    which moved fwd to 849488. For final locations see SitrepAppx D2
    6 GREEN HOWARDS were ordered to send a standing patrol of one
    pl to br at 865407 where NES. The number of PW taken today
    is between 70 and 80. During the night no contact was made.
    1005405 E YORKS were ordered to occupy 6 GREEN HOWARDS former
    objective pt 229 (8539) and began moving.
    07307 GREEN HOWARDS began to move back to their objective and one
    pl occupied it without opposition. 5 E YORKS reported Maj
    A.M.N. Rice, MC, killed by shellfire.
    5 E YORKS advanced meeting some opposition and taking PW (incl
    one Sjt Maj). Their plan was to send a coy with tks of 13/18 H
    on to spur at 865404 and to shoot their other coys on to the
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    100730objective. Bde Comd visited 5 E YORKS. Opposition was met
    from parties of inf and from shelling, particularly in the
    orchards at 857397 and SOUTH of ST PIERRE. BY 1030 hrs 2
    coys and carriers of 7 GREEN HOWARDS with A tk guns were
    5 E YORKS were meeting stubborn opposition and being shelled
    as were the other bns. Shelling continued from arty and SP
    guns which occasionally came over pt 229 to fire and then
    vanished again.
    19005 E YORKS were unable, chiefly owing to shelling, to make
    their objective.
    Orders were received that 231 Bde would pass through 69 Bde
    at 0830 hrs next day.
    Bde Comd ordered very vigourous patrolling to provide a
    complete picture of the enemy for 231 Bde. 5 E YORKS were
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    101900to try and occupy the "feature"; 6 GREEN HOWARDS to investigate
    ST PIERRE and 7 GREEN HOWARDS to send two patrols to what was
    to be 231 Bde SL i.e. line of track just SOUTH of ST PIERCE.
    All these patrols contacted enemy still in posn.
    The GOC with Brig Stanier visited Bde HQ regarding tomorrow's
    11014069 Bde were ordered to est a joint post with 7 SLI of 214 Bde
    851413. For patrol reports see patrolrep.E 1
    0515IO 231 Bde arrived and IO of 5 E YORKS and 6 GREEN HOWARDS
    came to give Bde Comd patrol reports. 231 Bde altered their
    SL to a line NORTH of ST PIERRE.
    1045Enemy came up on 5 E YORKS RT net giving false fire orders to
    their mortars. 7 GREEN HOWARDS were ordered to mortar
    village to help 231 Bde and to est a coy on Pt 266. The
    enemy began to shell the bns areas. spasmodically and
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    111045conditions there were most unhealthy. Guns and dust on the
    rds gave the enemy every chance and in addition our position
    was well overlooked. GOC visited Bde HQ. 7 GREEN HOWARDS
    were finding it hard to make Pt 266 owing to shelling. 6
    GREEN HOWARDS relieved with two coys the coy of 5 E YORKS at
    13207 GREEN HOWARDS report A Coy in posn on pt 266.
    1410C Coy also in posn. 61 REC.C. REGT moving on left 7 GREEN
    HOWARDS reported enemy posns in front of them. 7 GREEN
    HOWARDS silenced MG posn near Pt 266.
    1620Bde Comd ordered 6 GREEN HOWARDS to pull in joint post with
    214 Bde.
    1800Corps Comd visited Bde Comd at TAC Bde. Main Bde joined Tac.
    6 GREEN HOWARDS were ordered to prepare to follow 2 DORSET
    adv to secure SL. for 151 tomorrow at 876384. 7 GREEN
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    111800HOWARDS were to hand over area EAST of rd by pt 266 to 4 WILTS
    of 129 Bde.
    Owing to trouble in clearing ST PIERRE the DORSETS did not
    start to adv until 1830 hrs.
    2300Bde comd ordered 6 Green Howards to move to 877397.
    61 Recce come under comd bde tomorrow for task on left flank.
    69 Bde Bulletin No.33 issuedAppdx C4
    1203007 Green Howards report A & C coys in new posns.
    For all location see SitrepAppdx D3
    LO sent to 6 Green Howards. They had moved over uncertain
    country, on a very dark night. They were shelled and had
    4 were killed and 7 wounded. 1 P1 got lost but eventually
    rejoined the bn.
    07206 Green Howards were ordered to adv behind DORSETS and if
    necessary fight for objective for 151 Bde.
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    120720Today was one of the most confused in time whole campaign.
    5 E Yorks were ordered to attempt "the feature" again, 2 Hants
    having failed to dislodge the bn of enemy now known to hold
    area, supported by SP guns.
    They met opposition in the orchards to the SOUTH, suffered
    cas and failed to adv.
    The posn grew more confused as zero hour for 151 Bde was
    regularly postponed.
    6 Green Howards were having an extremely unpleasant time -
    isolated as they were - from heavy calibre shelling which
    was continuous.
    Eventually ST PIERRE was made 69 Bde responsibility and the
    Bde comd decided to stonk heavily with medium guns and send
    7 Green Howards in at 2215 hrs with patrols.
    1800The GOC came to discuss this plan with the Bde Comd.
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    121800Meanwhile information from PW was conflicting, one asserting
    to 231 Bde that ST PIERRE had been evacuated - others that
    some 40 Germans still lurked in the town ready to give them-
    selves up.
    CO 7 Green Howards asked permission to go into the village
    without the stonk, led by a volunteer PW.
    However the Bde Comd ruled that it was unnecessary to risk
    cas for an odd Nazi who might open fire as a last gesture.
    1930So the arty plan was not postponed and 7 Green Howards patrols
    left at 2300 hrs.
    16456 Green Howards reported that they were nearly in new posn, area
    8739. while in their other area holding the SL of 9 DLI they
    had been subjected to intense and continuous shelling from
    large calibre guns.
    5 E Yorks had also been shelled during the day and had taken
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    121645a number of PW.
    23007 Green Howards patrols left for ST PIERRE. They met no
    opposition and entered the village.
    Today a photographer and War correspondent from Picture Post
    came to stay with 69 Bde.
    69 Bde Bulletin No. 34 issuedAppdx C5
    1300307 Green Howards began to move their coys into ST PIERRE
    and by 0235 hrs three coys were in posn.
    02305 E Yorks patrols reported enemy at 855399 and 851399.
    06357 Green Howards were established:-
    A Coy 862396
    B " 818400
    C " Pt 229
    D " 856399
    31 PW were captured so far. Booby traps were found on the
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    130635rd leading to ST PIERRE by 1015 there was a one way traffic
    route cleared through.
    1000GOC called regarding role of 69 Bde today, twice during the
    morning. The Bde Comd visited 6 and 7 Green Howards.
    7 Green Howards patrolled to contact 231 Bde during afternoon
    and found a Mk IV special tk at 861394, captured 5 PW at
    854388 and found mines in are LES FOSSES.
    Meanwhile 61 Recce were patrolling the river at 8439 area. NO
    enemy seen, except snipers, but aims were encountered.
    1730Bde Comd attended conference at 231 Bde held by.G1
    50 (N) Div to was become part of 2 Army Pursuit Force.
    69 Bde were to go tomorrow into to Div Reserve area. 231
    Bde remained holding div line.
    69 Bde Movement instruction No. 10 issuedAppdx B5
    For locations see sitrepAppdx D4
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    14Capt Mallinson (G111) went to Corps Rest Camp.
    0845Bde HQ was due to move to new area. However the HQ was not
    ready in time and the bns were sent in their place.
    1040New location in div area reserve at 826464 reached. Bns
    locations as follows :-
    5 E Yorks 828965
    6 Green Howards 832465
    7 Green Howards 833467
    The Bde spent a quiet day, maintaining vehs and doing their
    washing. The Bde IO visited 6 and 7 Green Howards and
    explained the general situation in view of the hopeful order of
    the day by Gen Eisenhower.
    This order of the Day has so far only been received by the
    BBC. Some bns heard it, others did not. Although it is
    quicker, the Army would prefer to receive its orders of the
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    141040first hand, that is, read out by their comd.
    News was confirmed by letter to Maj H. Oldman, 7 Green Howards
    that Lt Col R H Richardson had escaped and was on leave at
    15The Bde remained in the reserve area, getting down to
    maintainance of themselves and the vehs.
    The Bde comd addressed all officers and NCOs of Bde HQ on
    the following points :-
    Punctuality, drill for a move, veh loads, clearing areas
    before leaving, necessity for orderlies Knowing exactly where
    all sp comds and LOs sleep.
    The TT concert party visited the Bde in the evening.
    It was officially announced that CSM Hollis of the 6 Green
    Howards had been awarded the VC. This is the third VC in
    69 Bde, which might be claimed as the highest number of VCs
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    15in any one bde. It is also the first awarded in NORMANDY.
    It was also announeed that Maj H.D. Oldman M.C. 2i/c 7 Green
    Howards had appointed to comd the 8 D L I.
    Lt Conroy and Lt Welch went to the corps Rest Camp for four
    16The bde remained undisturbed in the rest area. This period
    was invaluable for maintainance of vehs, wireless sets etc.
    A Mobile cinama visited the bde.
    17The Bde was still undisturbed from its period of maintain-
    ance. Bns received reinforcements, incl a coy complete of
    the NORTH STAFFS from 59 Div.
    Maj N.F.P. Lloyd was appointed 2i/c 7 Green Howards in succession to
    Lt Col Oldman.
    1430The Bde comd attended a GOCs conference at Div regarding
    tomorrows move. 69 Bde Op Instruction No. 12 issued.Appdx B6
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    171830Admin Instruction No. 12 were issued containing the MarchB7
    Table for the mechanised move. The destination of the move
    was still not known.
    2330Orders changirg the route for the move and giving simply "area
    SOUTH of ATHIS 9127" was received.
    18The officers and men who had been at the rest camp returned.
    The Bde moved in accordance with March Table leaving at 0900
    The move went well enough, but the last unit was forty minutes
    late on the start point, chiefly owing to outside traffic in
    the narrow rds, and was not in the new location until 1630 hrs.
    1730The Bde Comd attended a conference at Div HQ on the next
    days move.
    2045Bde comd gave orders to O Gp on short move tomorrow to area
    9523. The Bde will be prepared either to mop up enemy pockets
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    182045to the NORTH or to move further if conditions allow.
    CSM O'Hare arrived as Bde CSM and Sgt Scantlebury as I Sgt
    both from 6 Border, the inf bn from 10 Beach Gp- now broken up.
    69 Bde March Table issuedAppdx B8
    2345Orders were received that 69 Bde column was to be clear of ATHIS
    by 1100 hrs 19 Aug. Instead of altering timings at this late
    hour, it was decided to divert by another route the later part
    of the convoy.
    69 Bde Bulletin No.35 was issued, containing the citationAppdx C6
    of the award of the VC to CSM Hollis, and also extracts from
    a letter received by Lt Col P H Richardson, on his escape from
    19The Bde column started. It was found by the SC that the
    new Bde area was the Corps medical area. He therefore moved
    the area slightly to the NORTH. This area however turned
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    190915out to have been allotted (by 50 Div) to the AGRA.
    A very large traffic block was anticipated ( there was no
    divisional traffic control post on the admittedly short route)
    and this would undoubtedly occured had not the AGRA been
    several hours late, arriving after 69 Bde were well settled in.
    1830GOG visited Bde comd, with the news that the Americans were
    to take over the southern route in the 30 Corps area.
    Todays disposition shew 50 (N) Div, supposed to be with 2
    Army Pursuit Face, about last in the race.
    Information today has been scarce; what the Americans on
    our flanks and immediately in front of us do has been quite
    2030Orders were received for a move tomorrow. 69 Bde March Table issuedAppdx B9
    12 PW were captured today. They were mostly handed over by civilians,
    all but two were Russians.
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    1920307 Green Howards reported that civilians had attacked two
    enemy from 1055 Div
    One was shot, the other wounded and evacuated through CCP.
    Contact was made the local leader of the French Resistance
    movement at ATHIS. Their groups are actively engaged in
    rounding up any Germans remaining in the areas passed over by the
    allied tps.
    For location See Sitrep.Appdx D5
    200915The Bde Gp, less 52 Hy and 233 Fd Coy Bty moved to area 0518.
    1500The G1 from 50 Div came to give warning order for the Bde
    to move at 1700 hrs again.
    Eventually it was confirmed that no move was to take place
    before 2030 hrs, when the bde was to follow 151 Bde column.
    Destination was astride the rd area 1622.
    The Bde comd sent an LO to wait at 151 Bde SP to signal
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    20progress and the time when 69 Bde might move.
    2015Bde comd issued order for 4/7 DG to move at 2115 hrs.
    30 Corps provost controlled traffic at the Bailey br at
    PUTAGES and 50 DIV pro at the SP
    In spite of this and the fact that all other traffic except
    ambulances was to be turned off the rd. the journey was an
    The term ambulances was liberally interpreted by 30 Corps
    Provost to include numerous Jeeps and a few other vehs.
    It was the darkest of nights, raining and no one in the
    column had been over the route before.
    A number of vehs found themselves in a ditch (REME having
    recovered 26 by the next day) and the others crept along in
    short bounds gazing intently at the rear light (if there was
    one) on the veh in front.
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    202015The last of the column was not in the new posn until 0530 hrs.
    although the bulk of the column was in by 0330 hrs.
    Orders for the move were issued as a message.Appdx B10
    21Bde remained in same area. Div comd visited Bde comd with
    forecast of next days plan. 50 Div were to take the lead going
    east, passing through 11 Armd Div or being prepared to attack
    GACE if 11 Armd Div failed.
    There was heavy rain off and on all day.
    2045Bde comds O Gp.
    The Bde comd issued orders as follows:-
    The Bde will move to conc area EAST of EXMES (4645). from
    there they will be prepared either to attack GACE if still in
    enemy hands or advance EAST or NORTH EAST through 11 Armd Div,
    who were in area WEST of GACE.
    Move was probably at 0800 hrs. 6 Green Howards would be
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    212045leading bn, and if there was an adv in two axes, 6 and 7 Green
    Howards would be employed.
    2100The bde comd was ordered to meet the GOC at 467454 for orders
    at 0930 hrs tomorrow.
    March Table No. issuedAppdx B11
    Amendment to OP instruction No. 12 issuedAppdx B12
    220400Orders were received that the move would start at 0800 hrs.
    The start was delayed owing to a long column of gunners
    (147 and 90 Fd) on the rd.
    0930Bde comd arrived for orders, to see the GOC and the corps
    comd going on fwd.
    It was learnt GACE was occupied by 4 KSLI
    1030Bde comd received orders from GOC.
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    221110Bde O Gp was held at X rds 5145. 69 Bde was to adv EAST
    through GACE towards LAIGLE 7843 passing through 159 Bde of
    11 Armd Div. 6 GREEN HOWARDS were to be vanguard their
    leading coy moving on tks and the remainder in their TCVs.
    7 GREEN HOWARDS were to est rd blocks at main rd juncs to
    the NORTH. 69 Bde were to be leading tps of Second Army.
    Bde was to halt at present conc area 4745 and then 6 GREEN
    HOWARDS were to adv as soon as possible.
    Order of March: Carriers of 6 GREEN HOWARDS; 6 GREEN HOWARDS
    with one sqn 4/7 DG, one tp M10s, one pl 233 Fd Coy RE,
    followed by TAC 69 Bde, 7 GREEN HOWARDS 4/7 DG, Main 69 Bde,
    233 Fd Coy RE, CCP and 5 E YORKS.
    1145Bde Comd then visited 159 Bde beyond GACE. Their fwd tps
    were at LA TRINITE 6148 and moving SOUTH on to their new axis.
    They were not in contact with enemy but enemy were reported
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    221145not far ahead, probably in EVROULT.
    12006 GREEN HOWARDS began to arrive in conc area.
    1305Bde Comd visited COs 6 and 7 GREEN HOWARDS before former
    moved. 5 E YORKS (last of the coln) were arriving in conc
    area. TAC and Main Bde were temporarily at 480450.
    15006 GREEN HOWARDS advanced through 159 Bde and carried on EAST
    to EVROULT, meeting no enemy but finding the br blown. Bde
    Comd went forward and ordered CO 6 GREEN HOWARDS to est
    brhead on foot. A diversion was soon made and tracked vehs
    were able to continue. The French got to work with a will
    on this task, helping the REs.
    1330GOC visited Bde Cord with orders that 6 GREEN HOWARDS were
    not to adv beyond approx 69 Northing. TAC Bde HQ was
    established at 603482.
    Bde Comd gave brief orders to comds of sp arms and went to see
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    2213306 GREEN HOWARDS. They had gone on well and carriers were
    already beyond the limit.
    1700Bde Comd decided not to bring them back and 6 GREEN HOWARDS
    were ordered to settle in the area 7046 and 7047. They were
    to est a patrol at br at 7444 and patrol into LAIGLE.
    Meanwhile 7 GREEN HOWARDS had established blocks at rd junes
    5549 574488 and 6148 and eventually also at 6747.
    2030Bde Comd issued orders for next day: Bde was to continue
    adv to area RUGLES 8548, 6 GREEN HOWARDS leading.
    69 Bde March Table was issued.B 13
    Bde Comd brought out following pts:
    1. Tail of coln i.e. all behind main guard of 6 GREEN
    HOWARDS was to be ready to get off the rd altogether if
    ordered. 151 Bde was following 69 Bde and it was urgent to
    allow them to adv as early as possible.
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    2220302. If 61 RECCE REGT were held up 6 GREEN HOWARDS were to
    3. 6 GREEN HOWARDS were to search woods with carriers in
    area 7847.
    4. Bulldozer was to travel with pl of RE with 6 GREEN
    5. Bde was to take up posns EAST (5 E YORKS),NORTH (6
    prepared to clear the Foret de BRETEUIL on orders from Bde.
    2100Patrol from 6 GREEN HOWARDS and the CRE and OC 233 Fd Coy RE
    were involved in a fight in LAIGLE. A German Panther tk was
    found in the village which shot at the party. Two carriers
    were damaged and one spr and two GREEN HOWARDS were wounded.
    By prompt action the carrier comd (Lt Scholes) turned his
    carriers off the rd across country and escaped.
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    222100Next morning 11 Armd Div found the tk intact with charges in
    place which had NOT been exploded. See sitrep for details.D 6
    2307406 GREEN HOWARDS passed their SP at 728456. They were due
    to pass at 0705 hrs but the sqn of 61 RECCE REGT, due to pass
    at 0650 hrs had not arrived. Bde Comd ordered 6 GREEN
    HOWARDS on without the Recce.
    0830Bde Comd ordered the tail of the coln to clear rd. GOC
    visited Bde Comd with orders for searching the FORET DE
    BRETEUIL and for clearing rd as soon as possible.
    10106 GREEN HOWARDS were progressing but found mines at 814477
    and the rd blocked by a series of small trees felled across
    the rd at 828481.
    12456 GREEN HOWARDS passed through RUGLES, the 5 E YORKS had been
    sent by a difficult route and reached 877479 about the same
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    2314407 GREEN HOWARDS reached 835487. Patrols were sent out by
    each bn. The whole bn of 5 E YORKS searched the wood area
    9050; 6 GREEN HOWARDS rd towards LA NEUVE LYRE 8958 and
    villages near the rd. 7 GREEN HOWARDS rd to GLOS LA FERRIERE
    5377 where contact with 11 Armd Div was made. No enemy was
    seen. For full details see sitrep.D 7
    A Sjt of the RAF who had baled out of a Lancaster on 12 June
    reported from area 8354. He had been living, and living very
    well, with various French farmers and had watched the Germans
    withdraw. They only moved by night, lying up by day; he also
    said that the Germans made no little use of ambs and the red
    cross symbol for carrying amn and petrol. In one case he saw
    a petrol lorry with a red cross painted on it. He reported
    that the Gestapo and SS when they tracked down a member of the
    Resistance Movement, sometimes tortured them for infm. They also used
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    231440a serum injected into their victims to extract infm. The
    sjt's farmer was contacted (He had lived in 6 GREEN HOWARDS
    area) but the patron was out reputedly searching for Germans
    but more likely celebrating in RUGLES. In RUGLES there was
    great rejoicing which deteriorated later into a drive against
    collaborationists. Some of the latter are reputed (but not
    confirmed) to have been shot and their women to have had their
    hair cut off. It was surprising that no enemy was found in
    the great area of woods. The enemy must have had time to
    withdraw in a fairly orderly manner. Little of value was
    left behind. 69 Bde Op Instr No 13 issued.B 14
    24Patrols continued by 5 E YORKS and 6 GREEN HOWARDS to the
    NORTH part of the FORET DE BRETEUIL. The American Cav were
    still in our area as far WEST as the R RISLE. The whole area
    was searched and no enemy seen. US tps were contacted at
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    249354 and 9657. A rd recce for 30 Corps was carried out to
    1200Bde Comd went to Div for orders. A recce party of Bde Comd
    and COs had been at 2 hrs notice prepared to go 50 miles
    during the day. This party was changed to a 2ICs party later
    and then changed back again to the original.
    1715Bde Comd gave orders. Bde was to do short move the next
    day preparatory to 50 Div advancing to area MANTES GASSICOURT
    to take over from an American fmn. Bde Comd brought out the
    following on march discipline: Distance of 50 yds between
    vehs to be kept: no flags other than comds and official ones!
    2100The move of recce parties was postponed.
    2130Move of Bde was also postponed, apparently the take-over from
    the Americans had fallen through. It rained heavily all
    afternoon. March Table No 6 issuedB 15
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    25For Locations see sitrep/D 8
    Bde remained in the same area, accomplished some maint on
    vehs but was uncertain whether a forecast of four days to
    reorg was reliable or not. Bde Comd visited Bns. Courts
    Martial were held at 5 E YORKS area.
    1500Warning Order was received for move tomorrow to PACY SUR
    EURE 3866. Time not given. Later Div informed us that
    Harbour Recce Parties would NOT be required before 1000 hrs.
    2030Warning Order for recce parties and Op Order received. This
    now involved & very early move for the recce parties to meet
    G II at 0530 hrs involving their leaving Bde at 0430 hrs.
    Bde Op Instr No 14 and March Table No 7 issued.B 16
    During the last two days the Bde has been going to move to
    three different places.
    1. To conc area near Div HQ.
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    252. To go to MANTES.
    3. To go to PACY.
    and at three different likely times - 25 Aug, 26 Aug not
    before 1000 hrs and finally 26 Aug at 0530 hrs. This last
    being learned at 2030 hrs. The tps were allowed into the
    town of RUGLES until 2200 hrs.
    2607005 E YORKS reported that they had not yet passed the Div SP.
    Here began the muddle that lasted for 36 hrs, which time it
    took 69 Bde to travel the 44 miles to PACY SUR EURE. The Bde
    has already had one move in which it took 12 hours to travel
    12 miles. In view of this, it is hoped that if War Diaries
    are scrutinised, the remarks which follow will be noted.
    69 Bde were to cross 30 Corps SP at CONCHES at 0800 hrs.
    However a Staff Office had in the end also produced an AGRA
    Gp to cross at 0800 hrs. The AGRA Gp was well on the way on
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    260700two routes and in any case medium guns are not easily
    stopped and pushed off the rd. The AGRA therefore continued
    and 69Bde began a wait which was to last (for 3/4 of the coln)
    for a day and a half. At the TCP at CONCHES was an American
    MP. His orders were that the Brit had the rd until 1200 hrs
    the priority being 69 Bde, after which the Americans had the
    NORTH-SOUTH rd crossing the Brit route and EAST - WEST traffic
    was stopped.
    11105 E YORKS, TAC 69 Bde and the rifle coys of the 6 GREEN
    HOWARDS were given passage. Then the rd was closed and the
    Americans began their EAST-WEST movement. Meanwhile at the
    far end also, all was not well. In the first place, GII of
    50 (N) Div had failed to arrive to meet Recce parties. They
    went on without him. Next he gave totally incorrect advice
    as to the route from the Dis P to the Bde area at 4466. In
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    26fact in the Div Op Instr an incorrect map ref had produced a
    Dis P on the Diamond route (northern route) whereas in fact
    both Diamond and Club routes had the same Dis P and the Bde
    was to go through this to their area, contrary to the advice
    of the GII. The SC sorted this and the situation caused by
    our area impinging on to the Americans (by incl areas SOUTH
    of the PACY - BONNIERES rd) with the more useful advice of the
    1300Bde Comd reached the dis P and watched the coln arrive. Then
    ascertaining that the coln had been split and the tail held
    at CONCHES, he returned there, to find not a continuous stream
    as expected of American EAST-WEST traffic but spasmodic gps
    of vehs dashing through the town. Bde Comd persuaded the
    American and Brit Traffic Control offrs to allow infiltration
    of small gps of 69 Bde vehs across. A number of 6 GREEN
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    261300HOWARD'S A tk guns and carriers got through when the arrival
    of an American Colonel of the Transportation Corps with very
    firm ideas and equally firm orders behind him forced our Bde
    Comd to abandon his opportunism.
    1700Halted then, indefinitely, were the rest of 69 Bde, various
    units of 43 Div who should have passed the previous night,
    incl the LAA Regt of 43 Div which owing to an over zealous MP
    whom nothing not even at first the Bde Cond himself could
    prevent from waving on his own unit, had succeeded in thrusting
    few vehs through before the discipline overcame zeal. The
    Bde coln stretched back for over 12 miles. There was only one
    thing to do, pull off the rd, feed, and wait. The TCP could
    give little infm but thought it unlikely we would move for
    another 24 hours. Bde Comd ordered a few vehs from Main Bde
    incl sigs and the M14 to come up to CONCHES AREA and form an
    advance HQ.
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    26When it became obvious we were not moving that night the coln
    was put at 1/4 hr notice to move. Bde Comd explained to all
    units of Bde Gp that the reason for the halt was to enable
    important moves of an American Armd & Inf Div to the SOUTH, to
    take place.
    The Bde sigs achieved a notable success here by getting into
    comn with TAC Bde over 30 miles away at PACY by means of a
    end-fed open wire aerial.
    270900Orders were received at Adv Main Bde that the coln would move
    at 1315 hrs.
    093030 Corps rep at the TCP told us that the Brit allotment of
    time on the rds (from 1200 hrs to 1800 hrs) was taken up by a
    Br coy of 43 Div, the INNS OF COURT and 8 Arnd Bde. It was
    therefore unlikely that the Bde would move for 24 hours.
    1330The TCP rep informed Bde Comd that 8 Armd Bde could not be
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    271330located and could the Bde move in half an hour. He was
    asked to confirm the absence of 8 Armd Bde, which he did, and
    7 GREEN HOWARDS were given 20 mins notice to move and the rest
    of the coln informed by DR.
    14157 GREEN HOWARDS crossed the SP dead on time. After them
    there were small gaps as the other units caught up. We were
    warned that should 8 Armd Bde turn up, the Bde would again
    suffer another halt. However, without holding up a single
    veh of 8 Armd, 69 Bde by crossing SP at a good average of 30
    mph made it intact.
    16507 GREEN HOWARDS reached new location, much to the surprise of
    50 Div HQ who expected 8 Armd Bde and no 69 Bde for at least
    24 hrs. It was not a good move. A large proportion of the
    CHESHIRE broke down and there were still, even in Main Bde,
    those tail-boards down and people sitting on tail-boards.
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    271650Then there appeared the awful sight of two blue-shirted
    unshaven individuals clinging to the Bde Cooks veh, who turned
    out, when the coln was stopped to correct these faults (there
    was a gap before the unit behind appeared) to be Italian PW.
    1830TAC Bde HQ moved from SOUTH of the rd where it was in the
    American area to 468682 where it appeared to be well in the
    front line, but was actually in the grounds of a comfortable
    To close the traffic question, it is sad that
    with so much practice for the last three years in England,
    such muddles should occur. The explanation is clear from
    the American method. Where 30 Corps provided a subaltern
    and occasional visits from a Capt, the Americans had permanently
    a specially trained Capt from their Transportation Corps and
    frequent visits from a Colonel whose sole task it was to control
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    271830the traffic. They were well supplied with wireless, whilst
    the 30 Corps reps, although they had wireless of a kind were
    not in touch with the next TCP back. Hence the fast-moving
    American convoys got through.
    GOC had ordered a standing patrol of one pl inf 2 A tk guns
    and carriers to protect the dam at 470696. The dam was vital
    to the 43 Div brs at VERNON. During the morning one sec of
    5 E YORKS crossed the dam and remained in posn on the other
    side. No assault boats were available and it was therefore
    impossible to send A tk guns or carriers across. Later the
    GOC ordered a coy to be sent over to reinforce the sec.
    However, the sec had been sniped, some shells had fallen
    nearby and so the CO had given permission for them to withdraw.
    1800Bde Comd had now arrived and it was decided to send a coy
    across at night. CRE was to provide assault boats but none
    were available.
    2300A thunderstorm with very hy rain began. For locns see sitrep.
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    280025C.O. 5 E Yorks reported that the river had swollen and he
    did not consider the coy could cross without losing men
    by drowning. He asked for the plan to be called off.
    The bde comd ordered them to carry on unless the losses
    became disproprortionate.
    Later the 5 E Yorks asked for 3 or 4 assault boats to ferry
    sups across. CRE said 1 or 2 boats would be available in 3 or
    4 hrs.
    0125Lt Col Charles came to see the bde comd. The plan was
    changed. 1 Pl was to cross; the coy staying on the WEST
    bank for sp.
    0410One sec was across. They were fired on be enemy who were
    very well placed to cover the dam.
    0600C.O. 5 E Yorks reported that without at least 4 assault
    boats he was not prepared to send the rest of the Coy across.
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    280600The Pl therefore remained on the WEST of the river and
    covered the dam.
    Two men of 7 Green Howards were killed by lighting during
    the night.
    A few enemy were seen in the village of LIMETZ (6948) and
    were taken in by 124 Fd who had a perfect OP from the high
    bank on the WEST of the SEINE.
    1715The bde comd held a conference and announced probable intention
    of 30 Corps with 11 Armd, GDs Armd and 50 Div to adv to
    Also one coy of 5 E Yorks were ordered with MMG, 4.2" Mortar
    and gunner sp to cross the river and patrol to the village of
    GOMM ECOURT and clear area in the loop of the river.
    2000Coy began crossing.
    21304 boat loads had crossed and 4 PW taken. 22 PW had recently
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    282130been taken in the area by 43 Div.
    2200Whole coy incl Jeep and trailer across.
    Whole area was found clear of enemy.
    Lt Lewisham LO 69 Bde accompanied the patrol and contacted
    the FFI in GOMMECOURT and BENNECOURT 4969.
    2969 Inf Bde OP Instruction No.15 issuedAppdx B17
    1530GOC visited Bde Cond regarding 50 Div OO for move to AMIENS
    69 Bde moved to conc area.
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    29180069 Bde OO No. 15 issued
    Orders were received for the bde to be prepared to move across theAppdx B18
    SEINE starting at 2245 hrs.
    213069 March Table No. 15 issued
    Bde comd left and went to the SAUL Br at VERMONT. Here it was foundAppdx III B17
    that the GDS DIV were still crossing and had at least one bn of tks
    to cross yet. The G1 of 50 Div did not think the bde would be delayed
    much, but GDS Div had priority.
    There was no corps traffic control at this br except two CMPs. The br
    was only class 40 not more than 3 tks were allowed on the br at
    one time, which made progress very slow.
    22457 Green Howards crossed SL. They were about one hour late in crossing
    the br, progress was very slow all night and next morning owing to tks
    cutting in on the column. Before leaving 6 and 7 Green Howards had
    received reinforcements (7 Green Howards 4 offrs and 162 CRs.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    3002007 Green Howards arrived at new location 467728. The rd down to the bde
    area was nothing more than a track, which owing to the rain, became deep in
    mud. A number of these vehs slipped into the ditch and traffic holdups
    inevitably resulted
    0320Tac Bde HQ reached new location 475728. It was 0545 hrs before main
    bde arrived and daylight before Rear began to arrive.
    06455 E Yorks arrived at 476727.
    Thus another move had been a muddle, thoroughly "browned off"
    the tps and unecessarly ditched a number vehs, Had the bde had a good
    nights sleep and moved early in the morning they could have got through
    in a few hrs and could still had moved again. As it was the 11 miles
    took 7 hrs.
    1215GOC visited bde comd with orders for further move
    1336Bde comd gave orders for further move, to reps from each unit. Move
    was to area SOUTH of BEAUGRENIER. 69 Bde March Table No.16 issuedAppdx B19
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    301330SC had already left the recce route. Move was provissionally at 1530 hrs
    with recce parties leading.
    1500As the SC had not returned bde comd ordered the 7 Green Howards to movie
    at 1530 hrs as adv gd followed by recce parties.
    1515Bde comd left to go to SP where he found the SC and ordered recce parties
    and bde pro to overtake 7 Green Howards and carry on. SC reported that
    the route was clear except for trees cut down and which the French were
    helping to clear.
    15307 Green Howards passed SP. This move was quite successful. There was no
    other traffic and for the first time all went well.
    1900Main Bde arrived at new location 6885. Orders had been received from
    50 Div that the bde column would be cut at the SP to allow 231 bde to get
    up. Fortunately there was no delay and the whole column crossed the SP
    by 1840 hrs. Had the column been stopped the units and the bde HQ would
    have had no food.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    302345Warning order received to move not before 0900 hrs. SC to meet G11 at
    703868 at 0645 hrs . 6 Green Howards found a flying bomb assembly plant
    well protected with concrete at NEUCOURT. 2 PW from 150 GR were
    31081569 Bde March Table issuedAppdx B20
    Orders received to move at 0915 hrs. Bde comd left for SP.
    March dicipline was found to be much improved. Carriers however were
    beginning to show signs of strain after SO much rd travel. There was only
    one breakdown.
    11007 Green Howards were delayed by column of Gds Armd Div. G1 of 50 Div
    was on the scene at once and 7 Green Howards were allowed to go on.
    This was another successful move, 7 Green Howards arriving at 1120 hrs
    at new location at 826000. The comments made on the move on 27 Aug were
    borne out by this successful move. It was entirely owing to the GS01
    from 50 Div being on the spot at criticle pts AS HE HAD BEEN AT THE BR AT
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    311100VERNON before) that things were organised. It was like of such action
    by senior offrs of 30 corps which have been the sole cause of delay on the
    rds. They may not always be able to prevent delay - but they can prevent
    traffic coming on to the rds with no hope of moving for hrs.
    1230Bde comd visited GOC and learnt that the bde might move on today.
    1530One bn was placed at 1 hrs notice, remainder probably moved to AMIENS
    not before 0600 hrs. 4 PW were taken on information from FFI. One was
    a maj from the staff of 17 GAF Div
    1930Bde comd went to div for orders. The bde was to move on 1 Sep to area
    SOUTH of AMIENS, probably crossing the SOMME later in the day. Routes
    had to be carefully recced as two towns BEAUVAIS and BRETEUIL were
    involved and two different routes. BM went to div also to discuss marking
    of routes. 69 Bde pro were detailed to mark the routes for the div.
    PW were brought in from 5 E Yorks.
    69 Bde Op instr No. 16 and March Table were issued.B 21

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