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    War Diary: 69th Infantry Brigade Workshop REME

    Month and year: August 1944

    The August 1944 War Diary for the 69th Infantry Brigade Workshop REME covering their move deeper into France following the advance.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/652

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    Page 1 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    MR.820725 Sheet 7F/1 France 1/50,0001-8-44Weekly Summary of Repair Work Completed -
    Total 254 jobs - ie. - 41 'B' Vehs. 3 'A' Vehs. 103 Telecom
    26 Instruments + 81 miscellanious.
    "2-8-44 to 6-8-44Nothing worthy of record - Normal wksp
    7-8-44DDME & CREME 50 Div called, saw Majoy Coaten
    re repairs progress etc; and forcoming move.
    8-8-44Weekly Summary of Repair Work Completed -
    Total 136 jobs - ie. - 20 'B' Vehs. 13 'A' Vehs. 17 Telecom
    27 Instruments. 2 Guns. 57 miscellanious.
    9-8-44Work cleared - Prepared to move
    Page 2 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    82072510-8-440545Unit moved by sections to MR 785553 and
    arrived at new location approx 0645 hrs, camp
    organised, commenced repair work.
    7855311-8-44CREME visited this wksp.
    14-8-44Major Coaten visited CREME re further movement.
    15-8-44Weekly Summary of Repar Wotk completed - Total
    148 ie. 29 B Vehs. 13 A Vehs. 37 Telecom
    22 Instruments. 1 Gun. 48 miscellanious
    18-8-44Work cleared - Prepared to move
    Page 3 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    7855319-8-441500moved to ATHIS MR 920271 Sheet 7F/5
    France. arrived approx 2030 hrs. Movement
    slow due to large nu,ber of Div & other
    Tpt moving forward.
    92027120-8-44Commenced work. CREME - Lt Col Rundle calledCheck spelling - check col from other page
    "21-8-44Inclement weather. Repair work slowed down
    "22-8-44Work cleared, prepared to move.
    Weekly Summary of Repair Work Completed - Total
    73. ie. 18 'B' Vehs 1 'A' Veh. 8 Telecom.
    12 Instruments. 1 Gun. 33 miscellanious
    Page 4 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    92027123-8-441530moved forwards LEAGLE area, but leagured
    at 0130 hrs 24/8/44 not having reached
    destination due to traffic hold ups.
    82542024-8-440600Moved on to Leagle area; to location MR
    825420 sheet 8G France 1,100,000 - arrived
    0900 hrs. Commenced wksp repairs. Lt Col
    Rundle (CREME) called re further movement.
    27-8-44Work cleared prepared to move.
    Page 5 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    35566229-8-441130DDME 30 Corps called; intends moving one of
    the 3rd line wksps to this location at about
    the same time as our departure.
    Weekly Summary of repair work completed
    Total 89 ie. 21 B Vehs 3 A Vehs. 43 Telecom.
    8 Instruments. 1 Guns. 14 miscellanious
    160050 Div Op Orders No3 Received from CREME
    work cleared, prepared to move.
    "30-8-441630moved out onto road; Didn't clear Pacy sur Eure
    till 1900 hrs. Route Via Vernon to MR 550790
    Sheet 7 France 1,250,000 where unit leagured for
    the night.
    "31-8-441100moved to MR 620950 area Bernouville; arrived approx
    1500 hrs + Leagured for the night.
    Page 6 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    AF's W3008 & W3009B appended to original
    copy war diary

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    By me a coffee