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    War Diary: 7th Green Howards

    Month and year: June 1944

    The 7th Green Howards June 1944 war diary covers the units landing in Normandy at Ver-sur-Mer and their fighting inland to Longraye

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1303

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    Page 1 of 47
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field1 June.Bn HQ. on H.M.T. "Empire Lance"
    C' Coy " " " "
    D " " " " Rapier
    A " " " " Mace
    B " " " " Halberd
    at Sea2C.O. Carris, Sigs offr came on board 'Empire Lance'
    L.C.T. crafts started loading.
    C.O. had conference of Serial Comds.
    3 -Usual Routine on board ships . Remainder L.C.T's
    loaded. Operational Maps issued.
    4 -Church Services on all ships. Eve of D day.
    0800L.C.T's moved out to 'NEEDLES' then returned
    Sea Rough, Wind Strong. 'D' day postponed.
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    at Sea50800L.C.T's moved out of SOLENT towards the 'Needles'
    D' day postponed 24 hrs. c.o. visited other ship's
    Tps all preparing equipment for tomorrow.
    all L.C.A's loaded. Bag. visited Bn HQ. ship
    1700Final conference with S.NT.O. C.O. A.H.L.O &
    all officer of Serials
    6 June0300Reveille
    0400Breakfast for tps
    0420First L.C.A commenced loading
    0520Bn HQ. on board L.C.M.
    0530C' Coy loaded L.C.As
    0725A' H+ leading two Bns approaching the beaches.
    0800B' & 'D' Coys beached
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    6 June0800C' & 'A' Coys & Bn HQ. landed. Beach under slight
    montar fire. Grass fires burning to the North of
    .the Beach. Landing made at Rd leading South
    to VER-SUR-MER,
    Bn advanced upon one axis along North-South
    Rd through VER-SUR-MER, in the order B D, A
    C Coys - TAC. Bn HQ. VER-SUR-MER - clear of
    Enemy. M.T.O. establishing Vehicle assembly area.
    B, D. A Coys took WESTERN Road to CREPON
    halted at 912849 preparing to attack VER-SUR-MER
    gun Bty at 917843.
    C' Coy preceded by Tac HQ travelled along
    Eastern Rd. VER-SUR-MER Bty appeared to be out
    of action, movement seen. 40-50 prisoners were
    taken by 'C' Coy from this locality.
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    France6 JuneC' Coy continued on Eastern Rd Tac HQ switched
    to join other three Coys who were meeting slight
    opposition from snipers and M.G's
    Five Carriers, the Mortar Pl and 6 A/tk guns now
    joined the Bn.
    Coys continued the advance supported by 4/7
    D.G. tks and 86 Fd Regt arty.
    D' Coy became involved - CREPON clearing
    up the Enemy. 900835.
    3 Remaining Coys continued and 'C' Coy
    leading met slight opposition at 903825. Bn suffered
    first casualties which were slight. a further
    40 prisoners were taken.
    Mobile column under Major Bowly 2 i/c
    comprised of Sqn of Tks Det of Carriers and B Coy
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    6Bn continued the advance 'A' 'B' 'C' Coys.
    D Coy still detached and were advancing
    from CREPON towards ST. GABRIEL.
    Bn and sqn 4/7 DG's met enemy opposition
    MGs & S.P. guns on the approaches to
    FRESNAY-LE-CROTTEUR. Four of our tks were
    hit. Naval shelling hindered Bn advance.
    Brig. visited Bn HQ.
    Bn less D coy continued advance towards COULOMES.
    C' Coy leading. Village reported clear Leading
    elements fired on from the fortified farm 878752
    bn orders from Bde Bn withdrew and
    consolidated for the night North of COULOMBS
    887773. Patrols to the village and to the SOUTH
    met no opposition. Five prisoners were taken in the
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    6moved off. Reached area of bridge 906805
    knocked out an enemy staff car killing an
    officer. Encountered enemy A tk gun on far side
    of the Bridge. This was dealt with by the arty.
    C' Coy passed through to capture the bridge
    intact and continued through CREUILLY.
    The Mobile column switched to take the
    bridge at 889799. This proved to be only a
    footbridge. Bn proceeded through CREUILLY
    met opposition in the way of MG. fire on the
    SOUTH side. Civilian reported two A tk guns
    in the locality. Mortars went into action.
    Patrol for 'C' Coy encountered enemy fire
    from the WEST. Reports of enemy armour to the
    SOUTH approaching the Bn.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    6Bn area. Bty Comd in support sniped
    returning from a conference.
    1410??? hrs2nd Tide personnel arrived.
    Bn. disposition A Coy. B Coy
    C' Coy BN HQ.
    70100D Coy rejoined - the Bn in posn.
    05301 Pl. A Coy on Right 1 Pl. 'C' Coy on left
    advanced towards the fortified Farm. A Coy patrol
    got within 200yds before being fired upon by
    M.G. The Bn advanced through COULOMBS
    behind the two patrols C followed by D Coy
    on the N-S Rd A Coy followed by B Coy
    on the track to the West of the Road.
    One Sqn 4/7 DGs in support were on the
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    7high ground to the WEST. The enemy in the
    FARM' were firing M.G. and 20mm. The whole perimeter
    was surrounded by a minified. One section of 'C'
    Coy reached the entrace at the EAST but were
    driven off. Supported by Tks firing MG and and
    solid shot C Coy gained the entrance and 'A' Coy
    passing through the minefield got into the
    WEST side of the enemy defences. 50-60 G.A.F
    prisoners were taken. Lt. J.D. Wilson 'C' Coy was
    injured. The Farm was constructed
    like a fort concrete position, communication trenches
    and large stores and supplies. Barrack huts were
    located in rear of the buildings. Much valuable
    wireless equpt was captured. The minefield consisted
    of wooden box mines and bakelite A.P. mines.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    7a staff car knocked out at the X rds 876748
    contained a valuable long range Movie camera and
    accessories. This was captured complete.
    The Bn consolidated astride the X rds
    facing EAST. D Coy Right of the PARIS-
    CHERBOURG rd fwd with B Coy in area of
    the D.F. station in rear.
    A. Coy were on the Left of the road with
    one platoon fwd of the X rds 'C' Coy were -
    reserve in rear. Bn HQ was located.
    Contacts were made with the 5. E.Y
    1200Bde HQ and the 6 Green Howards. Contact
    was made with the CANADIANS on the left.
    1500a JOINT Post was established with the
    CANADIANS at 890730 in the wood near BROVAY
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    7The Post was comd by Capt. D. J. RICHES and
    our part of the POST comprised one platoon
    C' Coy one A tk gun and one section carriers.
    The WINNIPEG RIFLES had one platoon, two sec
    Carriers two A tk guns.
    There was no fire on the Bn front.
    Night Patrols were sent out. One patrol
    towards the Railway embankment reported enemy
    movement in the wooded area NORTH of LOUCELLES.
    875735. Contact Patrols visited the JOINT
    Post during the NIGHT.
    80500JOINT Post reports sound of enemy tracked
    vehicles and movement SOUTH of the Railway
    at BROUAY. POST was withdrawn to 892738.
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    8CANADIANS. counter attacked on Railway
    Embankment at BROUAY. Heavy encounter
    CANADIANS withdrew slightly.
    8 armd Bde with Div Recce Regt
    endevered to push forward through LOUCELLES.
    ?Gun? tks in Bn area throughout the day.
    1900Armd Bde and 1 Dorsets pushed forward
    through LOUCELLES. Brig visited Bn HQ.
    Bn patrols to contact JOINT Post and
    to check the village of ST CROIX GRAND TONNE.
    Pioneer Pl. put down minefield on EAST of Rd at
    877748. Wired and marked containing HAWKINS.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    9Still - area ST LEGER.
    0730D.L.Is and 8 Armd Bde forming up - Bn
    area to push though SOUTH
    pl. from 'D' Coy pl from B Coy established
    on Railway Embarkment at 863727 and 869727
    Enemy movement area in woods near AUDRIEU
    occasional sniping of the Pl posts.
    Brig. at Bn HQ.
    JOINT Post moved back to area of wood 890730
    Night Patrols - contact with JOINT POST
    and search of village ST CROIX GRAND TONNE
    10Outposts still in Posn. Enemy not very active
    report of slight enemy movement and sniping
    DIV. COMD at BN HQ. C.O. visited JOINT POST.
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    101700Civilian report of party of four enemy - AUDRIEU
    865717 and A tk gun A 870721.
    Carrier Patrol and 12 men A Coy sent out to
    deal with enemy at AUDRIEU. Returned to
    report enemy had moved SOUTH.
    Night Patrol sent out to deal with A/tk gun
    unable to advance beyond AUDRIEU because of
    MG fire.
    Further patrols to JOINT Post and to
    Embankment outposts.
    110100Report from CANADIANS via BDE that enemy
    gliders had landed in area of woods 883722
    Recce patrol standing by to go to JOINT Post
    0130JOINT Post report enemy tracked vehicles moving
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    11SOUTH of BROUAY. Heavy enemy MG fire in
    this area. No news of paratroops or gliders near
    BROUAY. No further news of Enemy movement
    MG fire heavy all night in area of the
    110900R.C. bhunch service.
    1000Orders from Bde prepare to move and take up
    posns. area of woods 8871.
    1430Bn crossed S.P. 877747 order B, D, A C. Coys
    Tac HQ followed in rear 'A' Coy.
    B & D Coys to advance WEST of BROUAY
    and secure the SOUTH side of the Embankment
    before A and C Coys and the tracked vehicles
    attempted to cross the bottleneck at
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    11B' Coy often being pinned on the Embankment
    eventually pushed forward slightly to be again held
    up by fire from the wooded area 770720. after
    withdrawing to the embankment they again pushed
    2230Forward and one platoon killed 20-30 Enemy
    at 770720. Eventually after withdrawing again?870
    to the Embankment and dealing with the casualties
    B' Coy were withdraw to the Bn area.
    Lt. G. Witmot was injured during the
    days fighting
    D' Coy were pinned on the Embankment
    all day eventually were recalled to the Bn.
    A' Coy pushed forward though the JOINT
    Post which then disbanded the CANADIANS
    returning to the WINNIPEG Rifles
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    11A. COY were N.E of BROUAY. C.O. made
    recce of the area and established Mortar and
    arty O.Ps. commenced ranging on the town.
    M.G. fire from the enemy was desultory.
    A Coy moved forward in the open country
    plus the C.O's recce party. This party was
    caught - the open country to the N.E of
    BROUAY by severe M.G. fire from close
    range. The leeding Pl. 'A' Coy and the C.O's
    party were on the outskirts of BROUAY
    Eventually under cover of smoke the whole party
    withdrew arty and Mortar concentrations were
    fired on BROUAY.
    Bn consolidated in the area NORTH of
    BROUAY A, C and D taking up posns
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    11A Coy 888729 C Coy 891729 D Coy 890731
    Bn HQ. 892733.
    Food and Blankets were ferried forward.
    Patrols were sent forward towards the village
    and embarkment.
    120200B Coy rejoined Bn.
    0500Patrol to village located three enemy M.G.
    B Coy took up posn area 895733
    Snipers and O.Ps established fwd of A and C
    Coys. aggressive action taken all day. Snipers
    report two 'Kills'. Enemy movement seen at
    876716 engaged by artillery
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    12Night Patrols to embankment.
    2, N.C.Cs volunteered to go into the village
    and establish themselves preparatory to observing
    the enemy the following day. after recce of
    several buildings these N.C.Os returned it
    being impossible to find a suitable house.
    D+3 personnel arrived. Major H.R.D Oldman
    M.C. rejoined the Bn as 2 i/c.
    13active Patrolling was ordered from Bde
    in preparation for the hand over to the
    Recce patrols set out one to the village
    the other to cover the embankment WEST and
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    13contact the 6 Green Howards.
    The patrol to the village was accompanied
    by the Bty comd in support travelling in his
    Armd tk o.p. The Bty comd hoped to draw
    enemy fire and so assist the patrol
    to locate enemy posns. This patrol reached
    the Church without trouble but eventually
    approx 20 enemy were encountened a grenade
    duel took place the patrol withdrew without
    The patrol to the embandment travelled
    WEST contacted the 6 Green Howards and
    returned without incident.
    1300Two further recce patrols set out
    first patrol set out to Bridge at 895721
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    13This patrol met heavy enemy fire from the
    area SOUTH of the bridge and from the
    village. Returned without casualties having
    collected a CANADIAN tk man within 75 yds of
    the Bridge. This man had been 26 hours in
    the area but could give very little information
    about the enemy.
    1300The second patrol intended to travel WEST
    along the embandment cross to the SOUTH
    and recce back towards the village was
    find on by M.G. as soon as it reached the
    embankment from a Posn within 200 yds.
    Lt. Fredrikson was injured and six only
    of the 12 set out returned.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    131530Commenced hand over to the K.O.Y.LI.
    Hand over complete sketches and plans of
    known enemy localities were given to the K.O.Y.LI.
    Bn commenced marching to Rest area 831745.
    2000Bn arrived complete in new area
    Major H. E. Bowly resumed comd of 'C' Coy
    14Bn resting, reorganising, cleaning weapons and
    Bath parties to showers at BAYEUX
    1200Bn ordered to be ready to move at 3 hours
    notice C.O. ordered to stand by for recce
    with Brig.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    141830C.O and I.O to Bde for a Conference.
    Bns warmed to be prepared to take over from
    or through 231 Bde.
    17302 i/c. with covering party went forward to
    recce new the area of the 2 HANTS at LA SENAUDIER
    7869 Bn still at 3 hours notice to move.
    21452 i/c returned and reported HANTS still
    fighting in the area.
    15Still standing by to move. Men still resting.
    1230C.O and I.O. at Bde conference. Orders to move
    to area in rear of 231 Bde ready to pass
    through the following day.
    1430Bn marched forward followed by 6 Green Howards
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    15and 5 East Yorks The 2 i/c plus advance
    Party moved ahead of the Bn to recce
    the area for the night C.O & I.O. visited Bns of 231 Bde
    Bn spent night area 792701. I.O. visited 61 Recce Regt
    2200C.O. to Bde HQ for conference
    2400C.Os conference with all supporting arms
    comds and Bn offr.
    160530Bn moved out towards LA SENAUDIER - LA
    BELLE EPINE - LES ORAILLES followed by
    6 Green Howards 5 East Yorks
    C.O and I.O. with Carrier Escort preceded
    the Bn to contact fwd tps and obtain the
    latest information also recce the S. L and
    line of advance.
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    160800Bn with lead at LES ORAILLES.
    Coy Comds and specialist pl Comds fwd
    with C.O. making necessary recces.
    0815Brig forward at LES ORAILLES with the C.O.
    0900after morter (4.2) barrage bn crossed S.L
    at track 765664 'D' Coy on the Rd
    followed by 'B' Coy 'C' Coy to the Right
    followed by 'A' Coy Carriers and 1 sqn of
    24 LANCERS were making sweep patrols to the
    sides of the roads. The going for tracks
    off the road was bad and progress was slow.
    Bn moved as far as 773659 without
    Enemy S.P. gun sighted on the rd
    780652 was firing directly along the
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    16road thus preventing any movement of vehicles
    on the road.
    The Brig and Bde I.O. were fwd with the C.O.
    Bn on moving fwd came under enemy MG.
    and Mortar fire. The leading Coy Comds
    Major H.G. Bowly and Major S.M. Boyle were
    killed Lieut Y.O. Pearce was injured.Transcription note: initials unclear
    The Bde I.O. was wounded and the
    Brigade Comd had a near miss
    3 Enemy tks were seen in the area of
    the X rds 778656
    Bn consolidated in the locality
    A' Coy 772657 'B' Coy 770656
    C Coy. wooded area 773661 'D' Coy astride the
    road 771660. Bn HQ. 770661
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    165 East Yorks sweeping the woods to the EAST
    of the Road consolidated in the area of the
    large wood 7765. 6 Green Howards had made a
    firm base in the area of the morning S.L.
    1700The Brig visited the Bn HQ.
    The S.P gun knocked and one of our A/tk
    guns. Enemy M.G. and Mortar fire was
    intermittent. The 2 i/c had ferried amn
    forward to the Bd all day.
    1830Patrol went out to the area of the Xrds
    777665 reported 2 enemy patrols to the SOUTH
    and one to the EAST of the Bn posns.
    Reported on condition of rd blocks.
    1830Patrol sent and to new tracks and area
    between the Bn and QUESNAY - GUESON
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    16reported own tks in village of QUESWAY - GUESON.
    Track through hedges to WEST of road
    was made to enable supplies to be brought
    fwo and casualties to be evacuated.
    1015Patrol to WEST of Road searching the area
    as for SOUTH as the X rds at 786644.
    170215Patrol returned and reported strength of enemy
    in area Xrds 786644 to X rds 777656 to be at
    least 1 Coy strong.
    0500Patrol to recce Xrds 786644 returned after
    seeing enemy 17-18 strong on Rd at 775653
    it being impossible to cross without coming
    under sight of the enemy
    0515Bn Comd, Coy Comds and Supporting arms recce
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    17the area of the 5 East York ready to take
    0800D and C Coys move to relieve 5 East Yorks
    0900Bn HQ A and B boys moved to new posns.
    Bn dispositions
    A Coy 777664 B Coy 775664
    C Coy 779661 D Coy 777688
    Bn HQ 775664.
    1200One Platoon A Coy sent to try and hold
    the high ground at LONGRAVE 787665.
    Met slight enemy opposition saw enemy
    patrols suffered casualties and returned.
    13306 Green Howards commenced attacks LONGRAVE
    from the NORTH.
    1345A coy commence to coy pass through D Coy and
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    B coy with one pl. on the WEST of the road
    17commend to pass through C Coy.
    Both coys infiltrated to within 200 yds of
    the lateral road GRANVILLE- LONGRAVE and
    were then held up with energy M.G and Mortar
    fire. Lt. Keslik was injured
    Capt D.J. Riches took over I.O.
    Bn consolidated for the night on the
    areas previously held with Coys disposed as
    follows:- B Coy 775656 A Coy 777664
    one pl. B Coy on Right of Rd 774656
    D Coy 777658 C Coy moved to RIGHT of
    B Coy 773655. During the move C Coy
    were shelled in area of farm 773656
    2130C' Coy in position having suffered casualties
    Capt F.W.M Underhay promoted Major and posted to Comd 'A' Coy
    Capt A.W ???? appointed Adjutant.
    Transcription note: Written names unclear
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    17Patrols were made to LONGRAVE and to
    X rds 776654. The patrol to LONGRAVE withdrew
    under fire. The patrol to the X rds met no
    opposition Major Gullet took Comd D Coy.
    Capt. D.H. Warrener re-assumed Comd 'C' Coy
    180300B & D Coys reported movement of track vehicles
    on their front possibly 2 tks.
    1200Decided to attack across the lateral road
    LONGRAVE - GRANVILLE with B & D Coys.
    B' Coy left of Road. - N-S- and D. Coy on
    Right of Road. Objective High ground area 779651
    A' Coy relieved D. Coy who moved across the
    road behind C Coy. The pl of 'B' Coy on
    the night of the Road into the was brough into the Coy area.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    181430H' hr for the attack. Supported by Bty of
    90 Fd Regt fiving H.E. concentrations and putting
    smoke on both flanks.
    attack successful both Coys reached
    objective with very little opposition. D coy
    took 7 prisoners. A coy moved up and took
    FARM - LA VARDERIE 780658 previously by passed
    by B coy. C coy moved up astrde
    the road behind 'D' coy.
    16002 Enemy tks reported on the axis Between
    B + D Coys. A/tk guns brought forward
    although unable to score a hit restricted enemy
    tk movements.
    2000Enemy tk passed A coy travelling from LONGRAVE
    stopped at Z rds 777654 and was quickly brewed
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    18up by an M10 of 99 A tk Bty
    C.O. decided Bn would dig in and gave
    orders to C & D Coys then moved over to B Coy.
    2100C.O. reported he was pinned down area of
    B' Coy by M.G. fire.
    2200Strong enemy counter attack of infantry supported
    by tanks. 'B' Coy were over-run and the
    C.O. and others believed taken prisoner. Casualties were
    Capt I.D. Riles, Major R.H.E Hudson, Lt. J.C.S. WorleyTranscription note: Written names unclear
    Lient PHO. Ruddock Lt D.C. McConalie, Lt Warner
    L.O. from Bde and 125 approx. Meanwhile 'D'
    withdrew through 'C' coy and finally the whole
    Bn withdrew to the area of the 5 East Yorks
    taking up positions within their Bn area. 765665
    Maja N.R. D. Oldman M.C. took comd of the Bn.
    Attached copy of details as given by Lt Col P.H. Richardson
    after escaping
    Appendix J.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    190430Bn moved forward to positions in area
    of FARM on Right of Rd at 769658
    A coy 770658 'C' Coy 772662
    D coy commanded by Maj. GULLET.
    Personnel :- L.aB. rejoined the Bn.
    4 offrs and 144 O.Rs reinforcements joined
    the Bn at 'B' Ech.
    20Positions as yesteday. Improved - no contact
    made with the enemy. Reinforcements sent fwd
    to Bn positions
    Instructions re future operations for D
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    21Bn relieved by EAST YORKS and moved
    to posns area of Rd junction LES ORAILLES
    A coy 765664. D coy 761663
    c coy 759665 Bn HQ. 762666
    No contact with the Enemy.
    39 Reinforcements joined the Bn.
    No incidents on Bn front. Contact made
    with 5 East Yorks and 61 Recce Regt.
    Brig. at Bn HQ.
    Standing Patrol of one Pl to be changed
    daily at LA BUTTE775673, provided by A coy
    Night standing Patrol put out by c coy at
    760663. This to be a permanent Night Standing
    Patrol of one Sec. One Coy visited Baths at Bayeux
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    220430 - 0530Normal Stand to
    Bn one Coy at a time visited showers at
    BAYEUX. 'B' & 'A' Echelon sent parties to
    B' ech moved fwd and joined 'A' ech in
    the area 790698
    Lt. Col. W.R. Cox assumed comd of the Bn.
    standing patrols put out by D Coy and
    c coys fwd of Coy posns.
    Reinforments arrived. B Coy reformed
    under comd Capt. F Hunter.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    230600Locations Bn HQ. 763666 A Coy 766664
    C' Coy 759665 'D' Coy 762663.
    B' Coy were in reserve posn N.W of Bn HQ.
    0800Outpost LA BUTTE report N.M.S.
    0900c.o; conference
    1,030.00Brig visited Bn H.Q.
    4 C.LY. report they have a standing Patrol
    of 4 tks at LA BOTTE 7565
    Patrols of 61 Recce Regt covering area 772657
    Rd 764644 to 772648 . 773647 to MAUPETHEUS
    Chateau 788643 . Listening Post established 760644
    1700Explosions heard from the area - ONCHY 690658
    1700R.A.F. to bomb ORBOIS800630
    20052 air bursts fwd of Bn positions approx 766665
    201561 Recce regt repoty house at 772650 to be booby
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    23trapped. Patrol fired on from 769648.
    2200Two shells landed 300 yds find of 'A' Coy 768664
    believed 88 mm or 105m.m.
    2400shells landed in 'A' Coy area 767659.
    Patrol sent out to contact standing Patrol
    240245at LA BUTTE. Travelled too for SOUTH and
    bought in 1 wounded East York.
    08252 shells landed fwd of 'A' & 'D' Coys.
    contact officer from 4 C.L.Y. and 9 R.T.R.
    1530Big visited BN HQ.
    2300Patrol and out to road at 765645. Recce
    by Lt. T. Tanner reported no enemy posn at
    this spot. Nothing seen or heard of enemy
    in country between Road and Bn posns.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    250600Shell from our arty landed 762665
    Coys resting as much as possible.
    1315Brig. visited Bn Headquarters.
    1405arty 7th armd Div is firing area 765636
    1612Enemy shelling area of the xrds 767665 No
    fragments located.
    1630Intermittent shelling EAST of Xrds LES ORAILLES
    2005Arty shooting at gun posn reported by 61 Recce
    Rest at 765652.
    2035Brig at Bn HQ.
    2145C.L.Y. upond report enemy movement 764637.
    260030Lt Dorman patrolling to 765645 to look for
    Enery posn to observe shell results at 2005
    hrs 25 June and to listen for enemy movement
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    260325Patrol returned report no enemy movement or
    posn at 765645 tracked vehicle heard on the
    road. Mortar firing from 20-30 yds south of 765645
    0115Harrasing enemy shell fire S of Bn poons.
    1200B' Coy took over posns of 'A' Coy and A Coy
    came into reserve.
    1400C.O. gave talk to A Coy.
    1815Enemy shelled area Xrds LES ORAILLES 3 shells.
    1830Patrol under Lt. F.V. Hall set out to recce
    wood 763656 for A tk gun reported by recce regt
    to have knocked out 2 armd C's during the morning
    N of GRANVILLE. Two snipers were taken to
    shoot any Boche intefering with the K.Od cars.
    2105Patrol and Snipers returned. No sign of gun
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    enemy mortar located area 762643.
    2130Mortar posn fire on by bty conc.
    Patrol reported . M.C. heard area of GRANVILLE.
    271100air Battle in area of Br HQ - four bullets
    in Bn HQ area 1 R.A attached wounded.
    A coy and B coy changed positions
    15151 offr 45 ORs reinforcements arrived.
    1545Bde Comd visited Bn HQ
    1900C.O. visted Bn posns
    2100C.O. 2 Essec visited Bn. News of move.
    2250B.M. brought news of move. Bn to relieve
    S.W.Bs. is area between 5 East York, and
    6 Green Howards N of LONGRAYE
    2315C.O. had short conference, 'A' Coy Comd
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    27A/tk, Carrier and Mates pl. Comds.
    280615A' Coy Dec Carriers 2 A/tk guns 2 dets
    Mortars moved off to new area.
    0630C.O and I.O. visited Bn HQ of S.W.Bs 789687
    C.O. recce area of fwd coy to be taken over
    by A Coy.
    0900C.O. to Bde HQ.
    0915C.O. made Recce of new area with Brig. and
    O.C. "B" Coy 2 Cheshires
    1030"O" Gp arrived at new location.
    2 i/c arranged for change over with 2 Essex
    all to be completed by 1430 hrs.
    1200First elements of Bn arrived in new area.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    281500Bn complete in new area.
    Posns. Bn HQ 789687 A Coy 785674
    B' Coy 778684 'C' Coy 779678 D Coy 784682
    O.P. recced in area 788667.
    Night Patrol Lieut W. Rimes and 2 ORs. recceTranscription note: Written names unclear
    to area of LONGRAYE along river running
    N & S and road N to S to LONGRAYE782669
    No enemy heard M.G. firing to EAST of
    LONGRAYE. Time out 2330 hrs return 0300 hrs.
    29Bn setting in new positions
    1100I.O. visited, 6 Green Howards to get dispositions.
    Bn reports and noting bearings of Mortars landing
    in 5 East Yorks and 6 Green Howards area.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    292330Patrol led by Lieut F.V. Hall - fighting.
    Route:- Outpost 789667 along track to South to
    Hedge and track junc 791664 cross country
    to N-S road 789661 WEST to East of orchard
    788661. 6 Green Howards on left flank moved
    certain?? troops westwards and patrol became
    involved and delayed and was unable to carry
    out the task allotted carry .
    0300Patrol returned.
    30BN reporting all Mortars and shells landing
    in neighbouring units
    1020Unexploded shell at 779687.
    Brig visited Bn HQ.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    30Plan prepared to push fwd at least one
    platoon into the orchard on the SOUTH
    of lateral Road at LONGRAYE. 'C' Coy were
    to push one pl fwd to building's at 783667
    and then A Coy were to put a platoon though
    and search the village of LONGRAYE and
    eventually consolidate in the ORCHARD.
    1330Lieut Fleintoff and platoon moved fwd withTranscription note: Written names unclear
    cable laying party and / see Pioneers
    1855Reported building 783667 clear and platoon
    preparing defence posn.
    C.O. after seeing 'C' Coy started moved
    across to 'A' Coy and visited the arty O.P.
    at 784670 and observed the progress
    14451 Pl 'A' Coy under Lient Pickford travelled
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    30down the track to road at 783670. crossed the
    road and stream passed through the new
    outport established by 'C' coy and travelled
    along the axis of the road NW to SE searching
    all buildings and the area of LONGRAYE.
    1700A' Coy Pl report LONGRAYE clear and now
    preparing to take up posn in the ORCHARD.
    1620A/A shell landed in field to EAST
    of Bn HQ.
    1705A' & 'C' Coy Comd and Lient Pickford making
    recce of ORCHARD 787661 were fired on from the
    SOUTH end of the ORCHARD by a schmeissers. One
    O.R. casualty. Enemy MG opened up from wood
    786657 and 791656 Mortar firing from 786657
    landed in the area S E of LONGRAYE
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    PLACEDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    301800Platoon of A coy withdrew and Bn final
    dispositions were as follows: :-
    Bn HQ. B & D Coys unchanged.
    A' Coy one Pl astride the rd at 785669
    pl at rd junc 788678 with elements fwd to the road
    Rear Pl in area 784674.
    C' Coy Pls at Farm 783667, wood junc 780672
    track area 779676.
    2000Brigade Comd complimented the Bn upon the
    successful sortie carried out during the day.
    Night Patrol NCO and 5 from fwd Pl 783667
    along Road SE to House 787662.
    Intention to prevent enemy infiltration into
    0200 - 0400Patrol reported vehicle S of LONGRAYE moving
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    30EAST to WEST. Mortar and MG fire heard
    from area of LA POTERIE. No definite

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