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    War Diary: 9th Bn Royal Tank Regiment

    Month and year: December 1944

    The 9th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment November war diary covers the units advance from Belgium into Germany.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/869

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Field1Move to concentration area under 30 Corps continues. Bn wheels
    column leaves OPGLABEEK (K 4974) Sheet 3, 1/250,000). Tank column
    remains WATERSHEIDE (K 4568).
    Date of inauguration of "QUI S'Y FROTTE, S'Y BRULE" Association;
    (Appx JI).
    2Bn wheels column arrives BRUNSSUM (K 6663).
    30130Tank column leaves WATERSHEIDE and arrives BRUNSSUM at 0630 hrs.
    Bn u/c 34 Tk Bde in Corps reserve. At four hours notice, prepared
    to take up defensive positions on right flank to hold back any
    enemy penetration down WURM Valley.
    Corps Tps:-
    R - 43 Inf Div with u/c 8 Armd Bde. 2 Bde and 2 regts 8 Armd
    Bde forward.
    L - Gds Armd Div - all troops forward.
    8Bn moves to relieve 147 RAC who had taken over from 8 Armd Bde.
    Bn in sp 156 Bde now u/c 43 Div disposed in holding role.
    (See Appx 'E' 1, 2 & 3).
    A Sqn in sp 6 CAM with 2 tps & HQ at HOCKHEIDE 873667 (Sheet 5002,
    1/25,000) and 2 tps in reserve BAUCHEM 8564.
    B Sqn in sp 4/5 RSF - 2 tps forward RISCHDEN 8666 - remainder of
    Sqn NEIDERHEIDE 8665,
    HQ with C Sqn in reserve at GILLRATH828662. For defensive layout
    see trace Appx J(I).
    9Following experiments carried out in BRUNSSUM with BEME, demonstration
    given of device fitted to CHURCHILLS for exploding SHU
    mines - attended by Comd 43 Div. Completely successful. Device
    finally adopted consisted of a STEEL bar, at each end of which
    were welded two steel plates drilled so that it could be attached
    to the eye of the hollybone drawbar. On the bar were threaded
    Page 2 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Fieldtwo sets of manganese track plates separated by a distance tube.
    Each set of plates had the spuds falling forward and consisted of
    a total of seven plates, the sixth being specially adapted by
    welding to its spud three carrier universal track plates. The
    wheel guides of the carrier track plates acted as combs on the
    ground and as the plates were welded so that on the side of the
    tank track itself there was an overlapd of four inches it was
    possible to clear two lanes approx 5ft in width with an
    uncleared gap in the centre of approx 1 ft.
    10214 Bde 'O' Group. 9 R Tks to sp 214 Bde, 43 Div, in operation
    "SHEARS". Role to begin a break out, with 43 Div and 34 TK Bde
    followed by exploitation by 52 (L) Div, 8 Armd Bde and Gds Armd
    Task: To destroy enemy divisions disposed W of River ROER between
    ROERMAND (K 7990) and GEILENKERCHEN (K 8664).
    11Recces carried out to determine condition of ground for tank going.
    Reports not very favourable - (see Appx J 2, 2a and 2b).
    12Relief of 156 Bde by 157 Bde. See Appx E4.
    Role and defensive lay-out unchanged.
    15Op "SHEARS" cancelled all operational instructions burned
    following orders.
    16Relief of 157 Bde by 156 Bde still u/c 43 Div. Informed of C/A
    by 6 Panzer Army and 5 Pz Army on 1 US Army Front. Special
    emergency precautions taken following operational instructions
    from 156 Bde - see Appx E5.
    19Informed that 34 TK Bde will remain under comd 43 Div who were to
    be withdrawn in order to undergo special training for "future
    operations". Bn prepared to move to area TILBURG (E 1632, Sheets
    2A & 3A). Present role handed over to 2 Sqn Grenadier Guards.
    Page 3 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FieldTracks begin road march to WATERSHEIDE (K 4568) where they were
    to be picked up by transporters.
    Bn HQ move to BRUNSSUM to join wheels column - see Movement Orders
    9 & 10. Appx 'H' 1 & 2.
    20Orders cancelled on road march. 34 TK Bde to remain concentrated
    area ASCH (K 4970) due to developments of German C/A on First US
    Army front.
    2030Orders to move to BILSEN (K 4355) where Bn is to remain in sp 214
    Bde, 43 Div, at an hour's notice. (See Appx 'E'6 & 7).
    21Notifification received that the following awards had been made
    for personal bravery and devotion to duty during operations in the
    battles for the SCHELDT :-
    Lt.T.C. Fawcett - M.C., Lieut. F.A. Critchley - M.C.
    3317551, Sgt. Tomney T. - M.M:
    14241463, Tpr. Rees C.A. - M.M.
    14413698, Tpr. Lowe J.C.C. - M.M.
    23Informed that as from 1200 hrs Bn will be at 3 hrs' notice to move.
    25Verbal orders received that 9 R Tks will be detached from 34 TK Bde
    and become u/c 51 (H) Div now in reserve to First US Army.
    C.O. reports to 51 (H) Div HQ at TILFF (K 4921). See Appx E8 & J3)
    26Bn moves area OUGREE (K 4525) S of LIEGE.
    27Flying bombs fall in A Ech area and destroy billets occupied by
    Recce Tp - no Casualties.
    28Following suggestion by Div Comd, Bn moves to area VILLERS AUX TOURS (K 4213).
    A Sqn at HESTREUX - K 4214. C Sqn at LIMONT - K 4114.

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