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    War Diary: 9th Bn Royal Tank Regiment

    Month and year: July 1944

    The 9th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment July 1944 war diary covers the units fighting in Normandy to the South West of Caen including Operation Jupiter

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/869

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    Page 1 of 8
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FIELD.11000Enemy attack developing on HAUT Du BOSQ 9066 (Sheet 7FI)
    Bn stood by in C/A role with 7 HAMPS. Enemy attack
    2-4.Rest and consolidation Recce of area VERSON - MALTOT
    9665 & 9862 in preparation for plan 'JUPITER'.
    61400Bn (less B Sqn) moved to rest at 881716 B Sqdn
    moved to 918653 under command 43 Div with C/A
    role against any enemy advance from East to N.E.
    and to block rd CAEN + VILLERS
    8B Sqdn joined Bn at rest.
    91800Received report that 1 Corps had cleared CAEN
    N. of R. ORNE, CAPRIQUET airfield taken and rd.
    VERSON - CAEN clear of enemy. Plan JUPITER now
    2000Bn moved to F.A.A. 917654.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FIELD.10300Moved to F.U.P. in area TRETTE POUX 9664 Bn HQ to
    Plan JUPITER - 31 Tk. Bde. under command 43 Div.
    RIGHT. 7 R.T.R less B Sqdn in sp 129 Bde.
    Objective Pt 112 , 9561.
    LEFT. 9 R.T.R. in sp 130 Bde. - Objective CHATEAU DE
    PHASE 1. B Sqdn in sp. 5 DORSETS. to CHATEAU S.T. 0500.hrs.
    " 2. C Sqdn in sp 4 DORSETS to ETERVILLE. S.T. H+75.
    " 3. A Sqdn in sp 7 HAMPS. to MALTOT . ST. H+180.
    EXPLOITATION: 4 ARMD BDE to move south to ST. MARTIN
    & FEUGUEROLLES. 9760 & 9960. 46 Bde with B Sqdn
    7.R.T.R. to move N.E towards CAEN.
    0500H. B sqn adv. with 5 DORSETS. PHASE I..
    0614CHATEAU taken & posn consolidated approx 20.P.O.W.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FIELD.100614 (cont).Opposition light so far. - M.G's a sniper; Some A/Tk fire
    from left flank.
    0625Phase II began : B Sqn giving support from hull down.
    0735ETERVILLE taken. 2 A/Tk gun hit??? out of action.
    0815Phase III began B Sqn in sp on RIGHT flank
    0933Report of enemy C/A on pt112. This exposed A Sqns
    RIGHT FLANK. to fire from TIGERS. dug in on
    SOUTHERN slopes of 112.
    1140Inf trying to clear MALTOT: heavy opposition.
    1156A sqn unable to move fwd. of ledge on NORTH
    edge of MALTOT owing to TIGERS in village &
    A/Tk fire from both flanks
    1330 - 1600Stalemate. A Sqn had Joined B. on spur 975628
    to 992638.
    1640New plan. C Sqn adv in sp. 4 DORSETS - obj MALTOT.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FIELD101700Inf entering MALTOT
    1833Enemy C/A on MALTOT. Enemy tks working round
    flanks of C Sqn.
    1935C Sqn & 4 DORSETS with drawing B Sqn giving sp.
    2030Bn harboured at 946659.
    CAS: Maj J.D.H. Ballantine (Comd. A Sqn) 2 Lt G.W.
    Hendrie & 4 OR's killed. Capt. ERB. Kinby. Lt. M.F.
    Douglas, Lt. F. Drew, Lt. A.H Chapman & 28 O.R's
    wounded. 29 O.R's missing
    16 Tks destroyed.
    Enemy A.F.V. losses have to assess. 1 Tiger set on
    fire SOUTH of church in MALTOT - 1 SP 75 mm
    destroyed 979643
    Remarks on battle: (1) Enemy had withdrawn
    bulk of this forces SOUTH of MALTOT during night
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FIELD10 (cont)9/10. probably to avoid cas. from 25 pdr barrage.
    2). Enemy used dug in posns for his tanks with
    covered approaches. When shelled he withdrew into
    wood & orchards returning in time to meet the
    adv. inf (3) The closeness of the country round
    MALTOT made is almont impossible to locate these
    Tks unit too late. (4) Suggested answer to clearing
    of such places. Tks to sp. Dug into area with
    H.E. & Besa fire from a reasonable distance. Inf
    to carry A/Tk mines move fwd & mine enemt Tk
    approaches & to make fuller use of P.I.A.T.
    11-12Bn refitting. Received 10 O.R's - 7 Churchills as replacements
    13Bn moved to 901705.
    16/17Night march to 955646 - role to C/A pt 112 &
    CHATEAU DE FONTAINE. if nessesary in sp 129 Bde.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FIELD16,17 (cont)Bombed by J.U.88's on arrival. Cas 2 killed
    Lt. Col. Sir N.H. Everard Bt. and 6. OR's wounded
    2 Stuarts & 2 S.C's. damaged
    Maj P.H. Warren, Comd. B Sqn, assumed Comd of
    171515Carried out indirect shoot on enemy targets
    using 75 & 95 mm guns. Observed by Capt. K.A.Kidd
    in fwd O.P.
    Result 1 M.G. silenced 1.S.P. forced to disclose its
    posn 1 Panther K.O. (unconfirmed)
    1930Similar shoot on centre of ST MARTIN - results
    not observed. Drew heavy retaliation from
    19-Lt Col P.N. Veale assumed comd of Bgd
    211430Threat of enemy attack in area pt. 112, B Sqn
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FIELD21 (cont)moved fwd to sp Inf if needed. Hy enemy mortar
    CAS: Maj P.H. Warren, Comd B. Sqn injured in
    hand and right side 2 O.R'S wounded
    May M.J. Reynell assumed Command of B Sqn
    221815Gave indirect fire sp. with 75 & 95 mm guns to 7 RTR
    attacking MALTOT. Silienced group of NEBELWERFERS.
    in area 70 ring contour 9761.
    252345Bn moved out to new location.
    26Location FONTENAY LE PESNIL. 866669. Began recce for
    C/A role in sp 176 Bde of 59 Div. areas of
    possibe C/A, Pt 126, 881634, RAURAY 8865,
    HAUT DU BOSQ 9066.
    271800Cas due to S. mines during recce of area
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FIELD.271800Lt. R.H. Wolskel , 2 Lt. F. R. Smart and 1. OR. killed.
    Lt. J. Cargill, Lt A.P. Beale wounded.
    Lt. T. J.F. Smyth , lt. W.J. Waters & 2 Lt. D.E. Scott
    posted to unit from 269 Fwd. Dev. Sqn.
    311100Demonstration of new method of clearing close country
    carries out by 2 Trps of C Sqn working will a Coy of
    7 Norfolks. METHOD: Each hedge regarded as an
    objective which is to be cleared & consolidated before
    moving to next. Inf move in front of Tks & move
    down edges of field, sp by fire from Tks.
    When hedgerows & field are clear, with L.M.G's in
    posn Tks move up to sp Inf adv. to next hedge.
    arty support in form of rolling or extending
    barrage controlled by O.C. Inf.

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