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    War Diary: 9th Bn Royal Tank Regiment

    Month and year: June 1944

    The 9th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment June 1944 war diary covers the units arrival in normandy before concentrating near Secqueville-en-Bessin and fighting in the area around Grainville-sur-Odon.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/869

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FARNBOROUGH11Adv party left for overseas
    GOSPORT12 & 13-Rail parties arrived marshalling area A 19
    "15-Rd party arrived marshalling Area A 18
    AT SEA182300Convoy sailed. Wheels on LST, tracks, less 'C' Sqn and
    part of 'B' in LCTs. Remainder followed on next tide.
    Weather determinatory
    "19 & 20-Stood off shore with wind reaching gale force. Many
    LCTs dragged their anchors and had to run ashore
    Bn HQ in LCT, less anchor, 2 kedges, barrage balloon and
    an engine just survived shipwreck. Much sea
    sickness. C.O, IO & offr i/c Tk Tp??? only??? hearty??? eaters.
    BEACHES210230went ashore. Landed Tks dry shod 0630 hrs.
    ST GABRIEL"1050Reached Conc Area 889789 Sheet 7F1
    "222230Bn at full strength
    FIELD24/25-Light march to area SECQUEVILLE-EN -BESSIN 9124. Rested
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FIELD25-and prepared to break out of bridge head
    "252215Left for F.U.P. line of rly 9171 & 9271 (7F1). In posn 0200 hrs 26
    "260730Zero. Under Comd 44 Bde 15 (s) Div. Rt 8.R.S. with 'B' Sqn
    Lt 6 RSF with A Sqn. Res 227 Bde with under Comd 'C' Sqn.
    Objective area LA GAULE 9267 - ST MAUVIEU 9268
    Phase I of break out Cas B Sqn - nil. 'A' 1 NCO killed 3 Tks damaged
    "261540Objectives firmly held. Elements of 11 Armd Div passed
    through to seige Br heads on R. ODON. Phase II
    ""1815C Sqn under Comd 227 Bde. thrust south on axis 100 ring
    contour in 9166 - COLLEVILLE 9265. Strong opposition from 88's
    and Panthers. Failed to reach COLLEVILLE. Destroyed 1
    PZKW IV, knocked out 1 Panther. Cas- 9 Tks knocked out
    3 ORs killed
    "271100Bn conc in area South R MUC 9168
    ""1830-B Sqn in sp 9 Cameronians mopping up in area
    Page 3 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    GRAINVILLE-S-ODON 9064. Engaged dug in Panthers. Held up
    in Southern outskirts. Cas 3 Tks. 2 ORs killed Lt E.K
    Mott severly injured - Both legs amputated.
    FIELD280730A Sqn in posn GRAINVILLE-s-ODON. B Sqn 918642. Object to
    s/p 9 Cameronians on to X rds 911635.
    "1043Consolidating on objective. 1 Panther knocked out.
    Cas. 1 Tk of A Sqn.
    1400Enemy inf and Tks still in GRAINVILLE-S-ODON. mopping up
    operations. 1 Panther knocked out, another badly damaged.
    Cas 3 ORs killed.
    ""-5 Tks and 10 ORs received from 269 FDS as replacements.
    Remarks: Churchills stand up well to A.Tk fire - if
    set on fire burn slowly and crews have good chance
    of 'bailing out'. Panthers on the other hand tend to blow up
    "291st lightC Sqn relived A & B Sqns in area West of Colleville
    Page 4 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Took up posn North of X rds 911635 to check any enemy adv
    from that direction. No engagement with enemy armour.
    Mortared by enemy inf in woods. Sprayed woods with
    Besa fire, inflicting vry heavy losses - estimated
    and Bn of enemy inf wiped out
    Cas nil.
    FIELD291920Report of enemy Tks overrunning inf posns South of
    HAUT DU BOSQ 9066. Bn HQ, A & B Sqns moved west of
    harbour and waited hull down. Vast conc of own
    Tks and ATk guns in area - but enemy did not
    press press his attack further. a pity
    "300840C Sqn in posn again in area X rds 911635

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