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    War Diary: 9th Bn Royal Tank Regiment

    Month and year: October 1944

    The 9th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment October war diary covers the units actions advance from Saint Omer, France to Roosendaal, The Netherlands.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/869

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    Page 1 of 7
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field1Move to area ST. OMER H 1453 to await transporters to 1st Corps area continues.
    Move from VRON G. 7408 to HENNEVEUX G. 8558 (Sheet 1) 38 miles.
    2Move from HENNEVEUX to RENESCURES H. 2250 (Sheet 2,1:250,000) - 34 miles.
    3/4Wait at RENESCURES for transporters.
    5HQ . A & C Sqns load on transporters, Lt. Wintle killed in accident following loading.
    R' & 'O' Gps leave for HOLLAND.
    7Orders received that Bn will concentrate MOL K.1791 (Sheet 3, 1:250,000).
    A & B Sqns off-load at ALBERT Canal (K.0487) and harbour at MOL with A Ech.
    B Sqn and Recce Tp not expected till Oct 11.
    8Orders that 9 R Tks will come under comd 51 (H) Div.
    Bn reaches EINDHOVEN and is dispersed in support of 152 Bde as follows :-
    C at ZONSCHE, NW of BEST 3726 (18 SW, 1:25,000).
    A Sqn at ACHT 3922. HQ at 412210 (Sheet 4, 1,100,000).
    9Following order that tks will be used when suitable to harass enemy posns in area
    BEST, C Sqn support 152 Bde in two small operations.
    (1) Capt. Link and 1 TP, supporting 5 CAMERONS advanced in NW direction EAST of rd
    EINDHOVEN - BOXTEL and comb woods area 3629. (Sheet 18 SW; 1:25,000).
    (2) Maj Holden and 2 tps support 2 SEAFORTHS advance WEST, cross rd/rail crossing
    371862 and shoot up suspected Coy HQ area 369264.
    10A Sqn to be used in support of 153 Bde.
    Bn dispersed as follows :-
    HQ & A Sqns ST. OEDENRODE 4232 (Sheet 18 1:25,000). C Sqn unchanged.
    1330C Sqn supporting Assault Tp of Derby Yeo (51 Recce Regt) carry out successful raid
    on wood W of DORENDORK running approx 382297 - 377296; fire support being given
    by arty, 4.2 mor and MMGs. Three Spandaus were silenced before the beating of the
    wood began and finally 1 Sgt and 33 ORs from 6 Coy 1034 were taken prisoner.
    Considerable skill shown by tank comds in manoeuvring in exceedingly soft ground.
    No casualties.
    11Nothing to report.
    121130Raid carried out by one tp under command OC C Sqn on houses area 371260 and
    generally shot up line of rly tracks 374255.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field121500B Sqn and Recce Tp arrive BHQ area - allotted reserve role.
    1930ST. OEDENRODE shelled - 3 ORs wounded. Spasmodic shelling during night - no further
    13Raid by 1 tp tks C Sqn with 5 Camerons and lifebuoys reached 362288. Enemy withdrew
    hurriedly but 8 were killed and one PW taken - identity 5 Coy 1036 GR. No cas own tps.
    14Nothing to report.
    15Raid by 1 tp and command tank with Capt. Kidd A Sqn with objective of collecting
    prisoners for identifications etc - area enemy posn W of DONDERDONK.
    Raid preceded by bde arty, mortar and MMG fire and tank movement: 12 mins' talk in
    German and then laying of smk screen for deserters' protection - 15/20 seen moving
    to area of 5/7 GOR. Three Spandaus destroyed area 382302 and 2 prisoners brought
    back on tks.
    16Preparation for handing over role to 33 Armd Bde.
    17Handing over completed. Bn move to TURNHOUT area.
    18Recce for op with 56 Bde of 49 Div.
    19Move to FAA for Op 'REBOUND' - area St. LEONARDS 8709 (1/25,000, Sheet 16 SE).
    Task: 9 R Tks in sp 56 Bde to secure area 8513 - woods 8413, clearing enemy from
    See Appendies ???
    area as far as E rd OSTBRECHT 8811 rd junc 869142 and as far W as gen line incl
    BEEKHOVEN 8810 - incl KONINGS VEN 8413.
    (b) To relieve CLARKEFORCE in LOENHOUT.
    Plan: R - C Sqn with 2 Glosters. L - A Sqn with 2 Essex. B Sqn Reserve.
    S.L. - rd BRECHT 8410 - KONINGSTOEL 8611.
    Supporting arms - 3 Med Regt, 4 Fd Regt; C Sqn FF Yeo less 1 tp; C Sqn 22 Dgns less
    1 tp; D.Hy Coy 2 Ken less pl.
    H - 0730. D - Oct 20.
    20No rain; dull; ground soft after heavy rain.
    0730S.L. crossed.
    Attacks began well - within 20 mins C Sqn had advanced 800x. Prisoners coming in -
    no serious opposition. By 0830, C Sqn outpaced inf and found a number of Germans
    in area wood 871122 and there had to wait for inf.
    A Sqn advance slower. By 0805 hrs had reached 850118, while two tps were busily
    engaged in STAPELHEODE 8411, where an A/TK gun and numerous inf were causing trouble.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field20One tk out of action; prisoners had, however, been taken.
    By 0845 C Sqn had reached area wood 865125, having captured 88mm and crew.
    At 0910 were joined by inf and clearing up began - more prisoners taken and position
    clear by 0945.
    Meanwhile, STAPELHEODE was still being cleared but the remainder of A Sqn had got to
    area woods 850125.
    1100C Sqn with inf established on ridge 8513 (final objective) - more prisoners had been
    taken and suspected enemy positions N engaged - enemy arty located 864145 and dealt
    1116A Sqn established area STAPELHEODE 8413 where 75mm and dummy A/TK guns were captured
    with 10 prisoners. Fighting STAPELHEODE 8411 finished but other enemy posts to S
    still to be cleared.
    By 1330 only occasional opposition was found in this area which was systematically
    cleared. 276 prisoners taken during whole operation.
    1445C Sqn for rally area wood 865115, leaving one tp for eyes on final objective.
    Casualties: | A Sqn. | C Sqn.
    Tanks | one | -
    Personnel | Lt. Smythe wounded. 1 OR wounded. | -
    1430B Sqn move forward to follow up CLARKEFORCE. It was, however, nearly dark before B
    Sqn and Essex were able to move into LEONHOUT 8415 and as CLARKEFORCE had not entered
    the village B Sqn and Essex established S of the village during the night.
    A Sqn leaguered with 2 Glosters in general area 8612 while C & HQ leaguered area
    HET and KLOESTER, supplying own patrols from personnel of A Echelon.
    Recce Tp was posted at CHATEAU DE YEUSE 8810.
    The night was generally quiet with occasional shelling of heavy calibre.
    21B Sqn and Essex moved into LEONHOUT and found little opposition - one A/TK gun was
    encountered E of village. A couple of abandoned 88mm were discovered by C Sqn in
    area NW of KLOESTER and there was sufficient evidence to presume that they were the
    guns firing during the night.
    No further orders. Meanwhile, Sqns to form defensive positions.
    1400A report of 5 armd vehs moving direction Stone bridge (8316). B Sqn warned - later
    report that 2 tks destroyed by inf holding position.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field21During afternoon occasional shelling by guns of heavy calibre - suspected firingfor
    from area NW. Shelldrake infm.
    221230Raid by 2 tps C Sqn and Recce Tp to harass enemy positions on R flank. C Sqn using
    870129 as S.P. move EAST, skirt wood 900144 and shoot up houses in STEENHOVEN 8615
    and HEIBART 8713, returning S to original area. 21 enemy killed; 2 prisoners taken;
    I x 1/2 track, 1/75mm, 1/50mm, 1/20mm destroyed.
    Recce Tp carrying out patrol on rd ST. LEONARDS 8809 - HOOGSTRAETEN 2215 lost two tks
    at 890115 and as the tks approached, the mines were pulled across rd by inf hiding in
    ditch, 1 German killed. Own casualties, 3 ORs wounded.
    Report of 15 armd vehs and inf forming up area KRUISWEIG 8116 no serious
    23Bn conc area 8113 for purpose of moving N to support 56 Bde in taking over ESSCHEN
    7323 from 6 Cdn Bde.
    24Bn arrive WILDERT 7319 (Sheet 3, 1/100,000). Bn dispersed as follows in sp 56 Bde:-
    A Sqn in sp SWB 724235; B Sqn in sp Essex 728229; C Sqn in res, with HQ at WILDERT.
    25C Sqn & HQ move to area 722223 in preparation for Op "THRUSTER" - the capture of
    NISPEN 7225. Refs: Sheets 15 SE; 16 SW - scale 1/25,000).
    See Appendix III.
    Phase 1: Capture by SWB of area wood 719249, to take place during dark 25/26 Oct.
    A Sqn 9 R Tks to stand by and be prepared to sp at first light.
    Phase II: B Sqn to sp 2 Essex in capture of wood 7125 - one tp FF Yeo (Crocs) in sp.
    Phase III: C Sqn in sp 2 Glosters in capture of NISPEN attacking from W to E. One
    tp FF Yeo under comd.
    During Phase 1, 2 tps A Sqn to sp 1/4 KOYLI (146 Bde) in capture of wood 7324.
    Attack to have arty sp and at the conclusion of Phase II CLARKEFORCE to pass through
    having as its objective WOUW 6730 (Sheet 4, 1/100,000).
    S.L. - rd/rail junc 718240 to X-rds 725241. H - 0730 for Phase B.
    26By first light, 2 SWB had gained obj and there was no call for A Sqn support.
    The two tps with KOYLI's on the right, under comd Capt. Kidd, experienced 88 HE fire
    and Capt. Kidd was wounded in the head when his cupola was blown off. KOYLI's had
    little difficulty in reaching obj, but the two tps remained in sp throughout the day.
    0730B Sqn crossed S.L. and a quarter of an hour later had passed through posns previously
    captured by SWB. Visibility bad owing to mist and max shooting range 500 yds.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field260800Supported by tank fire and Crocs, inf had secured L flank of objective - on R the
    inf were consolidating area wood 719258. Resistance had only been spasmodic and
    about 40 prisoners had been taken - identification 857 GR. As soon as objective
    had been taken, the area was continually mortared and shelled - 1 OR wounded.
    One S.P. and 75mm A/TK gun, worrying the R flank, were knocked out. Inf & tks
    cleared area wood N of rd to allow CLARKEFORCE to pass through.
    C Sqn suffered two Offrs casualties (Capt. A.J. Morgan and Lt. A.P. Boden) in the
    FUP as aresult of mortaring and shelling.
    1120C Sqn cross S. L. and very shortly had the outskirts of NISPEN under fire. The enemy
    appeared to have evacuated the village but securing it was delayed as inf had some
    difficulty in getting up.
    Shelling still continued and 3 S.Ps were reported NE of village on far side of
    1225Inf clear houses sp from E by tks - a few prisoners and considerable def mortaring
    1330Firmly established in village - targets to E & NE stonked by Shelldrake.
    1550Half of B & C Sqns withdraw for replenishment.
    1615Shelling more intense and S.P. engaging tanks from well-concealed posns 2 tanks
    damaged and 2 ORs wounded. This skirmish was no doubt a diversion to cover
    engineer party who blew bridge at 729268 at 1630.
    One Busscmen??? and 75 A/TK gun abandoned by enemy under fire E of NISPEN.
    1635Essex and Gloster defence posns complete. B & C Sqns released and join HQ at
    719255, where the night was spent in leaguer.
    27From first light two tps of each Sqn move fwd in sp of inf - remainder of Bn stand
    1530Following Orders from 34 TK Bde, B Sqn with one Coy DWR, previously established in
    area BREMBOSCH 7026 with CLARKEFORCE, move fwd and take over RIETGOOR 7128. No
    opposition encountered. DWR establish themselves in village; B Sqn RR BREMBOSCH 7026.
    C Sqn now responsible for giving sp to Essex and Glosters.
    28A Sqn move to area woods 7126 to be on call by 2 SWB who had overnight established
    themselves area E of Rly and W of MOLENBEEK with fwd Coy area woods 721282.
    17002 tps B Sqn with Coy DWR clearing area NE of rail/rd june 718290. Shot at by SPS
    firing down line of rd - one tk hit, no cas. Bad light prevented pin-pointing its posn-
    not destroyed but later put out of action by Med Regt RA.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field281730Bn less B Sqn, who remain with DWR, move to area WOUWSCKE HIL 6827 with intention
    of sp 146 Bde. Plan made for occupation of BOENK 6930 and VINKENBROEK 6929 (Sheets
    15 NE and 16 NW - 1/25,000),preparatory to an attack on ROOSENDAAL 7231.
    Attack to be supported by 2 Md Regt and 4 Fd Regt RA.
    Phase I: C Sqn with A Coy Hallams to capture VINKENROEK.
    " II: A Sqn with B Coy Hallams to capture BOENK.
    H - 291200. S.L. - track 690291 - 700292.
    291200C Sqn cross S.L. and have little difficulty in overcoming obstacle of rly. By 1225
    forward inf in village but four tanks were already bogged - AP fire from S.P. in area
    BOENK knocked out two tanks. Inf had no trouble at all and collected about 40
    1248A Sqn began to move up and A/TK fire was fairly heavy from area BOENK - S.P. very
    active but inf again met with little resistance, and soon reached the village and
    the S.Ps withdrew N under cover of a gentle slope.
    1355While inf mopping up in village, A Sqn steadily losing tanks - one S.P. and 75mm
    A/TK gun knocked out in area BOENK. Tanks had to push on to, despite losses to
    ensure inf took over their objective.
    1410Fairly quiet - third Coy established itself in area houses 689305, but A Sqn had
    now only 3 tanks left from the eleven that started.
    More prisoners had been taken, and total count by inf was over a hundred.
    1520Sqn rear rally 693293.
    A Sqn: Killed 1 Offr (Lt R. CLARKSON); 3 ORs; Missing believed killed - 4 ORS. Wounded - 6 ORs.
    C Sqn: Killed 1 OR; Wounded 5 ORS.
    Tanks knocked out - A Sqn - 6; C Sqn - 2.
    This was purely a tank versus Anti-tank and SP battle, and it was obvious that the
    Germans were using their SPs in force as a last defence to cover a general withdrawal
    N and to prevent any armoured thrust from disorganising their retreat.
    As a result of the battle, it must be emphasised that the inf must release the
    supporting tanks far quicker in open flat country, otherwise unnecessary and
    expensive casualties are suffered.
    1545B Sqn support Leics in area N of TOLBERG 7128 having as a task the enlarging of
    the small brhead made by DWR across A/TK ditch 713295. Operation completely successful
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field291545despite soft ground. No casualties and some prisoners taken.
    300530B Sqn cross A/Tk ditch which had been made passable by bulldozing and established
    themselves during darkness in area HULSDONK 7130. The tanks were heavily
    camouflaged in defensive positions placed to break up any C/A that may have been
    made against the bridgehead. 1 tp AVRE and 1 tp Flails were under comd. To ensure
    perfect liaison, 2IC B Sqn was in wireless communication with 147 Bde and RO was
    with the Leics, the most fwd bn.
    The further task of B Sqn was to sp 147 Bde in clearing ROOSENDAAL S of BREDASCHEBAAN
    but recce reported that that part of the town was clear.
    0930C Sqn supporting KOYLI (146 Bde) passed through but the Churchill bridge had to be
    used to cross at 721312. Tanks and inf moved down the streets but no enemy was
    found. The battle for ROOSENDAAL had obviously been fought the previous day.
    Various orders followed, which included the change of command to 56 Bde and the
    movement to a Bn area in OUDGASTEL 7336, for which recces were carried out, but
    later instructions followed that Bn was to remain in ROOSENDAAL, which was to be
    conc area for 34 TK Bde. Since 20 Oct, 9 R Tks with 49 Div had advanced 12 1/2 miles
    against many obstacles and a determined enemy.
    319 R Tks remain in ROOSENDAAL under orders of 34 Tk Bde.
    (appendix IV. letter of congratulation from 49(WR) Inf Div Commander
    on capture of Roosendaal)

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