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    War Diary: 9th Bn Royal Tank Regiment

    Month and year: September 1944

    The 9th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment September war diary covers the units actions during Operation Astonia, the attack on Le Havre.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/869

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    Page 1 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field3Bn moves to BOISSEY CHATEL 4042 (Sheet 7).
    4Bn leaves 31 Tk Bde and moves to LES ANTHIEUX 2103 (Sheet 9E5) in
    preparation of joining 34 Tk Bde now under comd 8 Corps.
    5Bn moves to join remainder of Bde. Harbours area 995375 (Sheet
    8E). Informed of role in attack of LE HAVRE. Under comd. 1 CORPS.
    9Bn moves to FAA for Op "ASTONIA". Localities:- -
    BHQ 591291; A Sqn 589289; B Sqn 583289: C Sqn 580307.
    (Sheets 7E4 and 8E3).
    Plan Op "ASTONIA".
    Original Task: 9 R Tks to support 146 Bde in mopping up area E
    of R. LEZARDE, forcing a crossing of river and entering LE HAVRE.
    Phase 1: A Sqn to support 1/4 KOYLI, having under comd B Sqn 22
    Dgns less 1 tp; Sec 294 Fd Coy; Med & Fd Arty.
    Task: To clear localities 562289; 583283; making two gaps
    through minefds.
    Method: (a). A Sqn deployed in area track 574295 to 575287 to
    support B Coy with MG and HE fire in clearing locality
    (b). C Sqn to support C Coy attacking N to locality
    562283 from high ground area 571303.
    (c) 2 tps and HQ to support D Coy in attacking area
    (d). A Coy to exploit forward to line of 20 contour and
    clear locality 560279.
    Time: 0530, D + 1.
    Phase II: B Sqn supporting 4 Lincs; other supporting arms - 222
    Sqn ARE; Sec 294 Coy, Med & Fd Arty.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field.9Task: To force crossing of R. LEZARDE at HARFLEUR and secure rly
    brs at 545276 for adv on main rd W to LE HAVRE.
    Method: To adv on thrust line track 564288 W to 558286 across
    country to join main rd at 556286, thence S to HARFLEUR
    and on to LE HAVRE.
    Plan: Coln to be composed as follows :-
    1 Pln Inf; 1 Tp Tks; Flails; 1/2 tp ARE: Tp Tks - HQ; Coy Inf;
    FOO: Wasps; Sec RE; Sec Mor: Sec A/Tk: Jumbo Bridge: Coy
    Inf and 2 Tps Tks.
    Res: - 1 tp tks and 1 Coy inf.
    One coy to give R flank protection as far as HARFLEUR.
    Time: Dependent on Phase 1.
    C Sqn was allotted the following tasks: -
    (1) From 1815 to 1915 on D Day to engage targets 557292, 545282;
    545286, to simulate attacks from East, working on a pre-
    arranged plan with Arty and Mor fire ordered by 49 Div.
    (2) To assist A Sqn in supporting 1/4 KOYLI in Phase 1(b).
    (3) To stand by in reserve to support Hallams who may have to
    assist 147 Bde and 107 RAC in clearing Plateau area 5428.
    (4) To stand by in reserve in sup of Hallams to push through B
    Sqn and 4 Lincs into LE HAVRE should resistance be
    determined and formidable.
    111815- 1915.(All map references found on component parts of Sheets 123 NW,
    NE, SW, SE, 25,000 and Town plan LE HAVRE 1/10,000).
    According to plan, following RAF bombardment on area plateau
    5428 (BENTLEY) C Sqn deployed on spur 5730 engaged observed
    targets in wood 562288 (OSCAR) and pill-boxes' on Eastern
    slopes of plateau 5428. Both the HE and MG fire was accurate, heavy
    and well-controlled, and did much to soften and harass the defences
    for the attack on the following day.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field.120530Phase 1(a) starts. Owing to poor visibility, tanks had to fire
    on fixed lines using MG only. Nevertheless, the attack looked as
    if it would be successful, but the enemy withheld their fire until
    inf were within 30x of objective (OSWALD) - the inf had also got
    on to an unlocated "S" minefd and this with the sudden heavy MG
    fire caused heavy casualties.
    0559Phase 1(b) starts but "S" minefd pinned Inf to ground - tanks
    could now see to fire and went forward to cover inf while flails
    were brought up to make gaps.
    0908Gaps to objective had been made by flails supported by tanks and
    with the wood 563283 (OSWALD) being smoked by tanks and two tps
    supporting from the L flank, the inf had captured their first
    objective by 0925. While the KOYLI re-organised themselves, A Sqn
    engaged locality 563283 (OSWALD) with well-directed harassing fire
    so that by 1030 white flags were flown by the enemy.
    An interpreter was sent forward, but the enemy declared that they
    had no wish to surrender and only wanted an hour to bury their dead.
    During this lull a tp of crocodiles was brought up for extra support
    and at 1230 the second attack started. A Sqn had taken up excellent
    posns around the wood and maintained well-controlled fire while the
    flails made two gaps for the Crocodiles. These were completed by
    1305 hrs and the Crocodiles moved forward with the inf following.
    With the flames on the R flank and heavy MG fire on the L, the
    KOYLI walked into the objective and all the occupants had
    surrendered by 1325 hrs.
    The defences EAST of R. LEZARDE had been smashed - the strongpt
    area 563279 (KIM) flew its white flag at 1340 hrs and about 30
    prisoners were marched out. The estimated damage to the enemy in
    this phase of the attack was :- about 100 prisoners; 1/75mm gun:
    1/50mm gun A/TK: 1 hy MG and 6 MGS.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field.121540A Sqn had moved to FR at 577278, having suffered no casualties -
    damage had been sustained by the RO's recce tank by tellermine.
    1545B Sqn started their adv but were delayed by mines and difficult
    cratered ground. While mines were cleared the tanks engaged enemy
    MG posns on Eastern slopes of plateau 5428 which were troubling
    the Lincs. While on R flank on main Rd, 7 Tp in support of D Coy
    destroyed pill-box posns with intense fire, and allowed the main
    body of inf to get forward.
    1930Brs at 553282 and 551280 had been crossed and HARFLEUR cleared. B
    Sqn now caused about 130 enemy to surrender to the Lincs because
    of the intense fire that had been directed on any point that
    offered resistance.
    2004B Sqn had reached br 545276 (ROBIN) but were unable to pass
    because of rd blocks, craters and other obstacles.
    2045B Sqn was released and the Bn was conc area GAINNEVILLE 5828 by
    2200 hrs, with HQ at 586299.
    13Owing to the unforeseen developments in the N of LE HAVRE, the
    task of the 9 R Tks was to support 146 Bde in clearing area
    bounded by NORTH, Canal YAUBAN, SOUTH, Canal DE TANCARVILLE.
    L - B Sqn with Lincs.
    CL- Boulevard D'HARFLEUR,
    SL- X rds 549279.
    R - C Sqn with Hallams.
    CL- Boulevard SADI CARNOT - Boulevard AMIRAL MOUCHEZ.
    SL- Rd bend 550276.
    Sqn Ldrs concerned had received orders to RV with respective Inf
    COs at 0800 hrs.
    C Sqn crossed SP at 0835 and leading tp with OC C Sqn first came
    under enemy fire (A/Tk) at 532268. Inf were also harassed
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field.13by MG and 88 HE and fire from high ground to N. 14 Tp was called
    up with 2IC and took charge of the battle while forward tanks
    pushed on supported by 15 Tp. 14 Tp with 2IC finally put out 1/88
    and 5 MG posns. Demolitions and craters in the area of br 546275
    prevented B Sqn from reaching Boulevard D'HARFLEUR and they finally
    passed through C Sqn to go on to their CL via Boulevard DE GRAVILLE.
    C Sqn forced the various strongpts to surrender; - Telephone Exchange
    512266; Block houses at 506261; 502262;
    502260; 501263 and brewery 499263, and had
    Transcription note: 502262 was 502622 believed to be typo
    completed their task by 1400 hrs. All opposition had been quickly
    engaged with accurate fire and at least 200 prisoners had been taken,
    most of whom were passed on to the enthusiastic FFI. Two 50mm A/Tk
    guns; 5cm and a number of MG posns had been overrun besides a large
    number of riflemen sniping from windows. B Sqn met little organised
    resistance and had cleared their area by 1330 hrs, over-running 2/50mm
    A/TK guns and MG posns, 30 - 40 prisoners being taken,
    1430Bn released by 146 Bde, except for Recce Tp which had been doing
    very useful work all day in clearing and patrolling side rds. From
    1600 hrs to 2100 hrs, the Recce Tp under Sgt. Findlay gave invaluable
    assistance to Hallams in clearing their Dock area SW of Br 582259.
    Maneouvring up to strongpts and covering them with accurate fire,
    they were instrumental in supplying the Hallams with about 250
    Released at 2130 hrs, they found Bn which had now conc at 570312.
    Bde conc area ANGERVILLE L'ORCHER 6236 and HERMEVILLE 6137, with
    9 R Tks area HERMEVILLE (Sheet 7/4 and 8E3).
    17Bn moves to area BIVILLE LABAIGNARD 1846 (Sheet 9E1) to rest and
    await further orders. Maintenance and engine changes carried out.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Field.29Bn moves in preparation to join 2 Army.
    30Bn at VRON, 2408 (Sheet 4, 1/250,000).

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