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    War Diary: 99th HAA Regiment

    Month and year: July 1944

    The 99th Heavy Anti-Aircraft (London Welsh) Regiment July 1944 war diary covers the unit engaging air targets in area around Sommervieu

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1149

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    SOMMERVIEU1No. 907650 W/Sgt (OFC) Callcut.L.S. of 302 HAA Bty awarded the B.E.M.
    (Appx. 'B' to 21 Army Gp Orders No.40 dtd 23 Jun 44)
    2One Capt admitted to 84 Genl Hosp and posted to X(ii) List.
    3One subaltern promoted T/Capt w.e.f. 3 Jul 44.
    41318One Me 109 claimed by 'D' Tp
    0315One Me 109 claimed by 'C' Tp.
    CCRA 30 Corps reported that observations recorded on 26 Jun of air bursts
    concentrations fired by one tp of 302 Bty in support of 49 Div revealed
    a degree of accuracy which reflected the highest credit on the technical
    ability of all ranks. Concentrations were highly effective. The mean
    point of bursts was almost invariably suitable and there was evidence of
    marked consistency in laying throughout the fire plan. The Corps was much
    impressed by the high standard of efficiency displayed and congratulated
    all ranks who were concerned with the control of fire and the manning of
    the guns. The purpose of the fire power was to prevent enemy reinforcement
    of the TESSEL BRETTEVILLE wood.
    7A six weeks course of trg for Dvr Ops, Dvr Mechs and Gun Ftrs commenced
    regimentally in order to establish a reserve as transfer to Fd Regts
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    SOMMERVIEU11302 Bty 'B' Tp reverted from comd 30 Corps and redeployed to site
    A.10 (ME.838825)
    A Court of Inquiry held to investigate the circumstances under which
    No.11414767 Gnr WOOD.D. was fatally injured and No.1680760 Gnr.FARROW.G.T.
    and No.5782247 Gnr FISCHER.J.E. were seriously injured at approx 2315 hrs
    10 Jul 44. Findings of the Court - (i) The casualties were caused by an
    airburst in the vicinity of the gun pit and outside it. (ii) The shell
    case on the site was set off by a fragment of the airburst and was in no
    way responsible for the casualties (iii) all casualties were received
    during the performance of their duty in action. Opinion of the C.O.
    27 L.A.A.Regt - (The casualties were caused when in action by a burst,
    probably a premature from another gun, and no negligence was shown)
    14Orders received that no aircraft with fixed undercarriage or with
    undercarriage down to be engaged.
    1450One Me 109 claimed by 'D' Tp
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    SOMMERVIEU142125One Fw 190 claimed by "A" Tp at 2125 hrs (Bren)
    Z' Residue of the Regt embarked at TILBURY consisting of 1 Offr and 93 ORs
    in M.T.41 (EMPIRE CANYON). Fogbound journey from DOVER - JUNO Lightship
    otherwise uneventful.
    16125A flying bomb believed to have been hit by 'F' Tp and fell at MR.T.7573
    17Orders received from 76 AA Bde (following conference held at 0900 hrs
    17 Jul) that:- (i) until further orders no LAA or HAA guns will open fire
    on aircraft by daylight (ii) no small arms or 20 mm guns to open fire on
    aircraft throughout the 24 hrs.
    18Residue "Z" Gp completed disembarking at ARROMANCHES.
    20Residue "Z" Gp joined unit.
    230307One Ju 88 claimed by 'B' Tp.
    0320One Ju 88 claimed by 'F' Tp
    24Blowback' occurred on Ordnance 3.7" AA Mk. II 303 HAA Bty - MR. 862787
    Fuze - 208. Charge - N/S. Batch No. - B6462. Opinion of E.M.E -
    Page 4 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    SOMMERVIEU24 (cont/d)- "Ordnance 3.7" AA Mk II No.L.18768 examined by me following 'Failure
    of Obturation'. Blowback through punctured cartridge case at flange and
    base, causing erosion at Breech Face and on Breech Block at 50° L of D.
    Ordnance and Equipment complete passed 'Serviceable'. "
    Weather Report - Fine Temp.58. Charne Temp - 59. Casualty to personnel -
    One O.R. burns around left eye. One O.R. slight ear trouble. Both in rear
    of gun. Casualty to equipment - Erosion on breech face and breech block
    at 50° L of D. Opinion of offr forwarding report - "The fracture in the
    cartridge case which has been twice filled is almost certainly caused by
    "stress cracking". It is not possible to say whether even a close inspection
    of the case before firing would have revealed any danger."
    282300Unknown plane claimed by "A" Tp.
    29One offr each from 303 & 318 Btys attached for one week to Medium Regt
    for trg under arrangements made by HQ 5AGRA. Attachments designed to
    familiarise Majors/Tp Comds with methods of Fire Control, procedure for
    corrections &c - should units have to revert to ground role shooting.

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