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War Diary: 99th HAA Regiment

Month and year: November 1944

The 99th Heavy Anti-Aircraft (London Welsh) Regiment November 1944 war diary covers the units time in Ostend on the Belgium coast

National Archive Reference: WO 171/1149

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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
OSTENDE 1 Nothing unusual to report. No air activity
2 0130 Loud explosions in Dock Area. Turned out to be enemy torpedoes. No
permission to fire as CA granted
3 Nothing unusual to report.
4 Submitted Weekly Intelligence Summary.Appendix F.1
5 Nothing unusual to report.
6 1800 Heavy AA Fire at aircraft which later dropped rec sigs.
7 Conditions on sites becoming bad owing to mud. Civilian labour being used
on site construction.
1600 L.S.T. struck mine off coast - all sites watching for survivors.
2100 L.S.T. split in half - all sites still on watch for survivors.
8 Nothing unusual to report. Wreckage, bodies &c. from LST being washed
9 Picked up 30 more bodies from LST
10 Nothing unusual to report.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
OSTENDE+ 11 Submitted Weekly Intelligence Summary.Appx F.2.
12/15 Nothing unusual to report.
16 Colecting new eqpt Radar AA No. 3.Mk.5 and Pred No. 10 from AOD ANTWERP
17 Setting up new eqpt.
18 Submitted Nil Int Report.Appx.F.3.
19/24 Training on new eqpt.
25 Submitted Nil Int Report.Appx.F.4.
25 Issued Movement Order S/8 att. In action on 3 sites with new egpt RADARAppx.D.1 ,
AA No. 3.Mk.5 and Predictor No. 10
26/27 Nothing unusual to report.
28 Received Warning Order for movement from 75 AA Bde.Appx.E.1.
29 Nothing unusual to report.
30 All sites in action with new Radars and Predictors.

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