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    War Diary: Inns of Court Regiment - A Squadron

    Month and year: August 1944

    The Inns of Court Regiment A Squadron August 1944 war diary covers the units actions in Normandy and moving through France Northwards to Amiens

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/854

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    Page 1 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    A Squadron.
    9th AugustSquadron warned to be ready to move under command 15 Sc.Div
    Final orders issued at 1600 hrs and Blitz Tps detailed to
    take up defensive positions in area COUDRAIES.
    10th AugustRegt ordered to move to a conc. area ARCLAIS (730443). Sqn
    moved at 1000 hrs followed by other Sqns at intervals of 1 hr.
    11th AugustSqn warned to be ready to support 'D' Sqn in reconnoitering
    S.E. towards CONDE if a break through were effected. Heavy
    shelling in both directions.
    12th AugIn Reserve.
    13/14th AugSqn detailed to take on the left flank of D Sqn
    reconnaissance South of CONDE. Light Tps proceeded to area
    ST PIERRE - LA VIELLE (86639). Heavy Tps to MONT PINCON
    (8344). Sqn HQ remained at COUDRAIES.
    15th AugRegt came under command 11 Armd Div.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Sqn under command 29 Armd Bde ordered to recce South via
    VASSY - CONDE aiming towards FLERS in order to bring 11 Armd
    Div on to a start line (the road CONDE - FLERS) for a
    subsequent advance across the R. ORNE to R. SEINE. Owing to bad
    visibility no advance was made until 0730 hrs. Bridges at
    789326 and 793326 and 782324 reported blown and approaches
    covered by fallen trees.
    Blitz Tp ordered to send patrols out VASSY and link up with
    patrols in the West end of town, which was later reported to be
    clear of the enemy.
    A bridge was found intact at 798328 which was crossed by the
    Sqn, one tp holding the bridge from positions on the main road.
    First contact reported at river crossing 828328 the approache
    to which were mined and covered by an 88mm gun.
    Enemy movement reported on the S. side of the stream at
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    811310 in the direction of LES FORGES.
    At 1930 hrs visibility had decreased to 300 yds and in
    company with infantry patrols an attack was made on enemy inf
    in area 793302.
    Sqn HQ moved to area 774380.
    16th AugIn reserve until 1900 hrs when Sqn ordered to move to concentration
    area on road CERISI-BELLE-ETOILE (8226) to CALIGNY (8427).
    17th AugSqn ordered to cross main rd FLERS - CONDE and recce East
    towards PUTANGES (0820). Sqn proceeded via AUBUSSON which was
    recce'd by a Blitz Tp and reported clear at 0730 hrs.
    RONFEUGERAI reported clear at 0845 hrs. Tps advancing towards
    FLERS reported rd junc 872208 mined and local inhabitants
    reported enemy post at 884209. These tps were then ordered
    to move N.E. and rejoin the BRIOUZE rd at 893214. Some enemy
    opposition encountered and several positions taken.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    ATHIS reported clear.
    Bridge at 979260 reported blown and a detailed report on
    the approaches rendered which enabled a new bridge to be built
    during the night.
    Crossings over R. ROUVE in area East of LA CARNEILLE could
    not be approached owing to strong enemy inf. formations.
    18th AugSqn ordered to move at 1130 hrs to conc. area 2 miles West
    of PUTANGES but enemy shelling caused the Sqn to divert down
    the S. road from BRIOUZE - ECOUCHE.
    19th AugLight tps observed river line ECOUCHE - PUTANGES but no
    enemy movement was seen and patrols were recalled at 1045 hrs
    and at 1230 hrs Sqn moved East through ECOUCHE, ST CRISTOPHE
    LE JAJOLET then North to area East of ARGENTAN concentrating
    20th AugIn Reserve.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    21st Aug.Sqn ordered to recce 3 main roads (1) CHAMBOIS - GACE -
    (3) roads to the S.E. All tps moved successfully and an
    alternative route was found for 159 Inf Bde from BOURG ST
    LEONARD to the Northern route at AVENELLES as the Brigade could
    not proceed via CHAMBOIS.
    22/25th Aug.In reserve at LE SAP-ANDRE.
    25/26th Aug.Regt moved to area East of ST EVROULT through LAIGLE - RUGLES
    to CONCHES.
    27th Aug.In reserve.
    28th Aug.Sqn concentrated in VERNON at 1230 hrs R. SEINE crossed at
    1430 hrs.
    29th Aug.Sqn ordered to reconnoitre N.E. on Guards Armd Div and 11
    Armd Div axis of advance. Considerable enemy opposition
    reported area FOURGES. Villages of TOURNY & LES ANDELYS
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Reported clear, but large numbers of enemy observed in area.
    Relieved by D Sqn at 1700 hrs.
    30/31 AugSqn moved to area ST GERMER. Considerable enemy activity
    and demolished enemy tpt observed.
    Sqn moved on through AMIENS to PLACHY. Collecting 190
    prisoners en route.

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